Dale #fundie the-spearhead.com
As another poster, I would go furthur and say the divorced woman or single, promiscuous woman should get nothing. Her life as a single mother should be hard. So hard, that other people see her as an object lesson for why children without a father is foolish and very undesirable. Every time we subsidize a single parent, we show other people that single parent-hood isn’t all that bad, what with all the help you will get. Yes, the reality may be that even with government assistance, it is difficult. But other people have their perception of reality, not reality itself.
I think it is better to do what will prevent 10 new children being created for life in a deficient home than help the 1 child already there. I agree that is hard, but I do not have limitless resources.
Widows and orphans are a different case; in those cases there was a father, and he was removed by death, not selfishness.
“Simple fact is never trust a woman. — It’s a simple strategy that every man should adopt.”
Very distrustful view— and I regret to say it, but one that seems partly true, at least financially. It is interesting to me that when God set up the economic system in Israel (about 1500 B.C.), women were not permitted to inherit the family land/farm, except in the case where there were 0 sons. ALL property of the father went to his sons. If he has 1 son and 10 daughters, the 1 son gets everything. And no, the farm was not divided if his marriage ended. Farm goes to sons, ex-wife gets— well, as far as I can tell, zilch. Which brings the point that, in order to continue to receive the benefits of marriage (home, food, clothing), the female had to remain a wife. Thus, a man did not have to trust his wife to not divorce him — she had the financial, daily motivation to remain with him.
But don’t expect agreement if you ask a church woman today to agree to a pre-nup, even when it is stated that this is to strengthen the marriage bond and conform to the Bible she claims to follow.