Okay, biology professor, explain this: My friends' father was ill and had been given a plant during his illness, as is customary. He asked to die at his home and hospice was called in. No one had an opportunity to attend to the plant and the flowers on it died and were laying limp in the planter. During the last few seconds of Charles life, in front of family members and a Hospice worker, the plant sprung up and began to shake. No one had watered the plant. What would cause this plant to come back to life? You believe what you want, but your going to be real sorry at the end, when you find out I was right. There is a God.
Right, so even if this event happened (and I doubt it actually did), how does that prove that God exists? It would certainly be an unexplained event, but there are countless other supernatural explanations -- and supernatural Gods, for that matter -- waiting in line to take credit for it.
Yup. God sure is powerful. He brought a little plant back to life but that "charles" dude, Fuck him!
Also, why is it that god only performs minor "miracles" like helping people find their car keys and not something like feeding all of the starving people on this planet? Why must god only reveal himself to loons? Could it be that he just simply doesn't exist? Most likely.
God decided to spare Charley's life, aimed at him, missed and hit the plant instead? Hahaha, typical.
the plant sprung up and began to shake.
It put its left root in, it pulled its left root out, it put its right branch in and shook it all about, it did the Hootchy Kootchy and it turned itself around. That's what it's all about.
"Okay, biology professor, explain this: "
I've a few possible answers:
A)You're lying.
B)You're insane.
One of the hospice workers was in the pay of your pastor. Earlier, before you all arrived, she tied a piece of cotton to the plant, and when the old man died she jiggled it about. A miracle!
Result: your pastor's collection coffers were filled to overflowing the following Sunday.
Well, Shellystuff, that's as likely to be true as your stupid story. Much more so, indeed.
Do you have this on video?
So, let me get this straight. God let this man suffer and die but did a neat trick with a plant and you are convinced even though you apparently were not there. How stupid are you?
Why was everyone looking at the plant instead of the dying guy?
If everyone neglected the poor plant to take care of the dying guy no wonder the plant was dancing in celebration. It figured it would get some water soon.
"Let me get this straight: your god lets a man die from some illness, but saves a fucking plant instead? "
Maybe his aim with the revival beam is getting abit rusty.
So...rather than bringing your loved one to life, he resurrected the plant.
Near-sighted God is near-sighted...
Oh wow, a shivering plant! This is God's way of saying 'peeka-boo!'
Yes, He couldn't be clearer.
If he had the plant burning without being consumed, and started talking through it, we'd get the cameras down there, run the sort of tests that everybody would run unless they were an idiot, be convinced, and televise his message to the whole world without people getting it wrong and mucking it up.
I can see why bush-shaking makes more sense to you; why you think you're right, and why you think there's a God. It's because you're an imbecile.
Pure anecdotal fundie-porn.
There is no god, so there, and, nee-nah!, you're the one who's going to be sorry, so there, again, etc, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah, .............
"Why do people think unfounded anecdotal and obviously bullshit stories are convincing? I can only guess it's because they, themselves were convinced by it which doesn't say much for their critical thinking skills."
They know theirs no evidence whatsoever for god, and yet those pesky athiests till keep demanding that they actually back up their enormous claims with proof. And its alright to lie out your ass if its to convert somone.
"You believe what you want, but your going to be real sorry at the end..."
You just can\'t resist making physical threats, can you? The Argument from Negative Consequences is BULLSHIT and it doesn\'t scare me. So take your veiled physical threats and go jump off a cliff.
ok then as a biology PhD i will!!!!!!
plants firstly do not contain nerves and have no kind of neural process, therefore how the fuck could it begin to shake, shaking is the biological response to stimulus as pertained by nervous system which; guess what PLANTS DONT HAVE!!!!!!, and it just shows how could you god is if hed bring a plant back to life and not your mates father. so by this a plants existance is worth more than a humans...
go figure
so, to proof the existence of God, you are giving me an equally incredible story... for which you have no proof either.
Also, it sounds more like animistic stuff than christian stuff.
Well I have a few theories. Could the cat or dog have walked under the table? Or a burst of wind come into the room? Maybe little Timmy was horsing around and managed to scare the bejesus outta ya.
Or perhaps you're a lying sack of shit.
You believe what you want, but your going to be real sorry at the end, when you find out I was right. There is a God.
- with a sentence as badly mangled as that you expect me to believe anything you say? It's a display of pure ignorance.
You believe what you want, but you'RE going to be realLY sorry at the end, when you find out I was right. There is a God.
Believe ME it's fare more correct and believable than your little homespun miracle tale.
"Oh well, looks like he's dead. Hey ... has that plant moved ?? I could've sworn that leaf was a little further to the right a moment or two ago."
"Yes, it must have moved. I think I saw it moving a little. That's weird."
"I'm sorry Billy, dad's dead. A strange thing happened when he died though. A few leaves of that planet next to his bed shook a little"
"Y'know, when my dad died. The plant next to his bed started shaking."
"the plant sprung up and began to shake. No one had watered the plant."
" ... and then the planet shot up into the air, started hovering in front of everyone and shaking like crazy."
"The plant a plant appeared in mid air and started shaking while glowing with this crazy holy white light."
-2000 years later-
"and then Shelly's friend's father rose from the dead and touched the counter beside the bed, causing a huge oak tree to grow where previously there had been nothing. This is that very oak tree. Souvenirs are available in the gift shop."
Nicely done, Tomby Stone. I wonder if, at least in the case of numerical data, one could actually perfom studies to determine the amount of exaggeration/error one could expect of any piece of information as a function of the number of times it's been passed from one person to another.
Okay, so your God let your friend Charlie bite the dirt sandwich, but brought a plant back to life and gave it epilepsy? Why the cheesly shit would a plant SHAKE?
You are an asshole for using your friend's death as a sob-story. I have to wonder if you even have a friend named Charles.
*Sigh* It's not God, I can say that for sure. Besides, even if it was proof of a God, I could always take it as proof of Pan, God of the Forest.
Um, I note, sillystuff, that the plant didn't suddenly grow flowers or turn green - it shook a little. Hey, you know what could've caused that?
A breeze.
Thank you, you've been owned. Now get off my internet.
IF that were true, what exactly does it prove? How is it the work of a god? Why would it be your god and not the god of the Hospice worker?
To be nice, I wont assume your lying. Have you considered any other possibilities? Why did you automatically assume it happened to confirm your beliefs?
Also, what kind of god would think that reviving a plant while allowing someone's father to die is a good trade? Fuck the plant! Bring the father back then I might pay a little more attention.
So you were praying for the father and your god missed again?
Or else, this is going to get a lot of use.Actually I'm going to have to plant my ass at a computer and make a better one
Your fellow fundies might believe that story, but rational people are not going to take your word for it.
And if it were true, consider what message God is sending when he reckons a plant's life is worth more than Charles'.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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