Nationalist1776 #fundie
A Muhammadan once told me that the West is the greatest danger to civilization in the world, and I responded by saying that the West is civilization, and everything else, save a few East Asian countries, is barbarity.
I believe that this is supported by fact: every other "civilization," be it the Muhammadans, Jews, Africans, Aztecs, Incas, Aborigines or Indians are plagued with superstition, irrationality, mutilation practices, low intelligence and various forms of degeneracy.
It was the West that produced the Industrial Revolution, the West that gave women equality, the West that invented the telephone, car, internet, computers, the printing press, and antibiotics.
The only other civilization that has ever been able to compete with the West on any level was East Asian Civilization- exclusively China and Japan who invented paper, firearms and the steam engine, and who were for a brief period more advanced than us until the Industrial Revolution.
It has been a mixture of our race, culture and values that has produced this, and which has made the West worth preserving and defending.