NicholasMarks #fundie

Well don't deny that the Holy Bible exists do you?

So point one is that it does exist and it is filled with wonderful messages, with wonderful promises to those who can gently see through all the brain washing and misinformation of those who choose not to believe in it. It's all that sacred writing plus many other wonderful claims.

Among those claims is the one where God says...through Isaiah, that all the stars are made from a wonderful dynamic energy or God's Mighty, 4000 years later, we find that scientists are saying everything is energy and it is blatantly obvious that all the stars are electric furnaces performing electrical manoeuvres that are yet not fully understood.

I can help...but I will do it in my own time...or rather, as I feel inspired to tell you.

Science says that all the fundamental forces in the universe must unify into one set of reasoning...well there it is, in black and white...Almighty God is the pivot point from where all this complex stuff has unification...but Jesus Christ showed us more than just science...he taught the mechanics behind resurrection and I am afraid you will have to humble yourself a little to come even close. So here are 3 very good reasons why you should believe in Jesus Christ and Almighty God...the 4th is Wormwood.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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