"Has anyone stopped to think about the other series of books that are going like wildfire? The Left Behind Series."
Well, considering how the only specialist Christian bookshop in my locale closed several years ago, yet there being two specialist Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Comic/Manga bookshops still in existence here, despite the impact of, say, Amazon et al...
Oh well, guess that's what comes of living in Hull, one of the Top 5 least religious cities in the UK.
I remember the queues outside WH Smith's, Brown's, and Waterstones - especially of kids with their parents - which opened late (usually at midnight) for them to be amongst the first, whenever the newest "Harry Potter" novel was released for sale.
Big queues they were too. To say nothing of those at the cinemas:
Harry Potter films:
Budget Total (8 films):
Box office Total (8 films):
Yet, I've never seen hide nor hair of, say, "Left Behind: The Movie":
Budget $4,000,000
Box office $4,224,065
I think you can do the maths, RC(IQ)4JC. JK Rowling certainly did. From being a single mother on welfare, who had a story idea about wizards & witches fighting against evil, right up to becoming one of the richest authors on the planet, she could buy out God himself, never mind Satan.