The article that this comment pertains to, in case anyone can't be bothered to look, claims that women are evil because some girl set up a blog expressing admiration for the perpetrator of the Boston Bombings.
Some other comments from the same thread:
* "Women all suffer from brain-damage this is just proof of that. I’ve used that fact most of my life to enjoy them, but not to really put any credence to anything they do or say. They are good for their bodies, but that’s about it."
* "Hard heads and even harder hearts as my proud self always saw women for what they were. Any grown man raised up in a home headed by his own father as final authority would easily see and be schooled in dealing with them well.
But to go further
Jungles from whence I originate had older women keeping all other females in line and good order. A young lass dared not step out of order, express any bestial tendency nor make a nuisance of herself if she were not to be dealt with by her seniors: Severely."
* "First, recognize, then manage *Her* true nature rather than despise it. And by manage I mean control- control your females. Anything short of that (like watching sports, drinking beer, acting tough) is less than masculine. Don’t hate the (biological) game, hate the feminist system and their agents. An obedient female is a beautiful sweet thing."
...and yet it's totally wrong for the SPLC to monitor manosphere websites, they say.