Women having abortions due to rape is a myth because the body creates a psychological response that physically blocks the sperm from fertilizing the egg. Your full of fucking lies and I'm tired of your shit
"Women having abortions due to rape is a myth because the body creates a psychological response that physically blocks the sperm from fertilizing the egg."
You interested in buying this bridge I have for sale in Manhattan? Dirt cheap, as bridges go!
"...a psychological response that physically blocks..."
We should have a monthly Stupid Contest. Then at the end of the year have a massive run-off of the 12 monthly winners for the Andy Schafly trophy.
Andy of course would be ineligible.
Todd Akin essentially said the same thing.
Look what happened to him.
He was so fucking full of lies, so many of the electorate proved how tired of his shit they were in the best way possible.
Misogyny destroys lives. Of the mysogynists themselves.
I'm too classy and decent to ever wish rape on other people, so I'll simply wish you develop sense enough to know better as well as the conscience and shame needed to feel like a massive ass for this.
Troll or not, you're a vile person.
Citation from a credible medical journal seriously needed.
I don't know much about physiology, so it may be possible in rare cases for a woman to not get pregnant due to psychological stress. If this does happen it would be an extremely uncommon occurrence and probably not differentiable from a woman not getting pregnant for other reasons.
That still doesn't mean abortion should be outlawed
As a conservative I prefer to keep things as they are, or if changes are needed, make the changes incremental so the full impact can be understood. Roe v. Wade means abortion in the USA has been legal since the 1970s, and it should be kept that way. I also support limited government, which means keeping the government out of what women and men want to do with their bodies.
AFAIK, women who don't get pregnant due to stress are suffering from long-term stress that negatively affects their ovulation and therefore their fertility. A rape, being an isolated, relatively short situation, would not cause the amount of bodily changes necessary to avoid pregnancy. Plus, once the woman's ovulated (which she would have to be already doing or be about to do within a day or two since sperm don't live long), it's kind of a done deal. Her stress doesn't enter into it.
Note: I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on tv. I do own a uterus, though.
And we're back to the magical vagina powers again.
Listen up, republicans, misogynists, rape apologists and everyone else - my lady parts are not Sailor Moon, they do not, and cannot prevent rape, cure disease or fight evil by moonlight. I'm sorry that vaginas are such a mystical thing to you, I suggest you find a nice textbook and have a good long look at some anatomical drawings if you're so curious, or speak to a doctor, just whatever you do stop making shit up.
(my autocorrect tried to change rape to Marie...)
As someone who has pissed in a cup at a sexual health clinic after being raped... I feel comfortable telling the OP to shut up.
No medical professional (no doctor, no nurse, no one with a scintilla of medical training) would tell me that rape somehow doesn't count. You do still have to worry about pregnancy and STDs.
Go sit in the corner with Todd Akin.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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