Abu Kamel and snow flakes #fundie ummah.com
A fundie asks, does martial arts inner power come from jinn? Answers follow . . .
Abu Kamel says
Before I was Muslim, I studied one martial art many years ago and in the advanced stages, the sensei invoked pagan shirk beliefs of elementalism which I later identified with Buddhism and Confucianism.
I did not consider the roll of jinn at that time, but in retrospect, I would not put it past some of the mushrikeen practitioners.
But as for enhancing or channelling "inner power, chi", through certain techniques, it could possibly include invocation to jinn. One would need to study and analyze this deeper though.
In terms of exerting power, one can train one's body to do so without committing shirk. The human body can increase and decrease in strength by extensive training.
Superhuman strength is another matter though. Many martial art legends and myths include strories of superhuman events. These are usually mythical stories.
snow flakes says
There was a story of a muslim revert who used to practice in shaolin temple for chi and the stuff when he was not muslim...he had suffered multiple possesions.Ultimately those jinns were removed...in many sessions.He told that its the last step before beinv called as master...that they used to sit infront of idols and channrl demons through body...He was lucky to be saved by grace of Allah ..many arent.
Abu Kamel again . .
Today, the Muslim should be wary of involvement in any traditional martial arts school in the event that occult shirk practices are enshrined. It is known that shayateen jinn colloborate and mislead mushrikeen of all kinds, including martial artists such that a "master" could be fooled into thinking he has special powers until the shayateen trick him and his students into shirk akbar.
One should also note the mythology surrounding an art, such as the concept of "chi" as superhuman power, is really a means of drawing in naive and unknowing students, and the martial bluster against competitors and competing arts.
On the flip side, the utilitarian trend of measuring all martial arts based on MMA effectiveness does not accurately measure the lethality of an art form. There is always at least three variables: the practitioner, the art form, the circumstances.