Bill Muehlenberg #fundie
More Christian Atheists
Yep, you read that right: Christian atheists. Believe it or not, there are folks out there who claim to be Christians - even Christian leaders - who also proudly inform us that they don't believe in God. Yep, makes perfect sense to me too. But hey, who am I to judge?
Hmm, now that I think about it, I am to judge - we all are. When false prophets and false shepherds come along, we are obligated to call them out. To allow them to keep doing their thing, damaging the church and leading people astray is just not an option.
["Even though I hold those beliefs, I am still a proud minister. But I don't appreciate being told that I'm not a Christian."]
Yeah right. He is a proud minister alright - a proud minister of Satan. And we have the full authority of the Word of God (the book he no longer believes in) to make this claim. He is a part of the Synagogue of Satan. He is certainly not part of the Body of Christ.
He might as well claim to be a meat-eating vegetarian, or a KKK-loving Black, or a Jew who works for the Nazis. All he is doing is making things up as he goes along. He is a legend in his own mind. Indeed, he has set up his mind, and himself, as god. He will decide what is true and false, right and wrong.
He is simply another arrogant idolater, shaking his fist at God in ugly rebellion and defiance. He is no better than any other atheist and misotheist. Indeed, he is worse, because he once claimed to be a Christian. He clearly is not any longer. He is deceived, and is quite happy to drag as many other deceived folks down into the pit with him as he can.
Obviously we can pray for such apostates. And a good prayer to pray is that God would either improve or remove the guy.