1. Atheists DO NOT believe God exists.
2. If God DID NOT exist, then there would be NO atheists.
3. Therefore, God MUST exists.
See? It is simple logic! God must exist!
1. Correct
2. Fail
3. Therefore, from #2, also fail
See? It is incorrect logic. lightyears888 mut fail!
1. Christians DO believe that god exists.
2. If god DID exist, there would be no believers (christians)
3. Therefore, god doesn't exist.
SEE! This is what I call logic!
I think, therefore I am.
1. A
2. If B, then C (and not A)
3. Therefore, Not B.
Oh, I can see clearly now!
Darn edit button not working...
1. Christians DO NOT believe Santa Clause exists.
2. If Santa Clause DID NOT exists, then there would be NO Christians.
3. Therefore Santa Clause MUST exist.
See? It is simple logic! God must exist!
1) Christians do not believe ZEUS exists.
2) If Zeus DID NOT exist, then there would be NO christians.
3) Therfore, Lightning Bolts.
There, that roughly the same "logic"?
You forgot:
2.5. There are NO atheists.
To put this back together....
1. Atheists DO NOT believe God exists.
2. If God DID NOT exist, then there would be NO atheists.
3. There are NO atheists.
4. Therefore, God MUST exists.
Congrats, kid! You graduated from circular logic to figure-8 logic.
You lost me at 2. If God did not exist (I'm personally skeptical about whether or not he does to begin with) there would be atheists, and probably as many religions as there are now. Some people just need faith in something more than can currently be explained by science.
If by "God did not exist" you meant to say "no one believed in God", then you're even more incorrect than before. An atheist is, as you pointed out, a person who does not believe in God, and therefore if no one believed in God, everyone would be an atheist.
1)Christians believe there is a god.
2)If a god existed, there would be Christians
3)Therefore, there is no god.
...Nope, it still makes no sense.
True, they wouldn't be called atheists if the human construct of God/gods did not exist.
It would just be the state of things.
Don't mix up logic with our constructed labels. It looks, sounds, and is stupid.
So,if there were no atheists,god would not exist.
If everyone believed in god,god would not exist... wHaT tHe fUcK?
I think Lunalelle hits it more or less on the head in comment # 288922. The only reason there's a need for the "atheist" label is because the large majority of people are theists. If no one believed in God, we'd all be atheists, but the word and the concept wouldn't exist. So in a roundabout, haphazard way, our confused little friend is a tiny bit right in #2. Maybe. Uh... Ooh, the brain, it hurts.
Another factor worth noting in LY888's confusion, is the idea that Atheism is some sort of capital 'A' philosophy or theology, rather than simply the absence of belief in a particular thing. That there's some sort of system of Atheism that requires God to oppose itself against. This is closely related to the canard that atheists hate or are angry at God - that God is something atheists are battling, or at least trying to piss off, rather than dismissing.
I prefer this one.
1. Christians don't believe in Discordianism (in fact, i would go so far as to say some Discordians don't as well)
2. If Eris didn't exist, then there would be no Christians.
3. Therefore, Eris must exist.
1. Most existing Pastafarians do not believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
2. Were it not for His Noodly Appendage, then Pastafarians would not exist.
3. Therefore: paradox! Woo-hoo, the world is ending! Beer volcano, here I come!
1: I DO NOT beleive I have superpowers.
2: If superpowers DID NOT exist, then I would not believe I did not have superpowers.
2. If God DID NOT exist, then there would be NO atheists.
No, there would still be atheists and believers; the atheists would be right and the believers would be wrong.
"2. If God DID NOT exist, then there would be NO atheists."
Does this mean if god DID EXIST there would be no christians? Or does it mean islam is the real religion?
What the fuck does Atheists not believing in God have to do with your other two statements? It's like chicken+2+2=4.
On top of that, you are assuming that we are created from God...and what proof of that do you have?
Your logic fails on the grounds it is circular. And stoopid.
1. Atheists DO NOT believe God exists.
2. If God is a figment of our imagination, God DOES NOT exist.
3. Since God IS a figment of our imagination, Atheists are CORRECT!
See? It is simple logic! God must not exist!
Is there a Flawed Logic Award?
!Atheist don't practice any religeon dumass not just belief in gods retard!
How do youm get number 2 from anything?
Therefore consider this. God seem capable of doing the most fantastic and extrodinarily impossible things. The most fantastic and extrodinarily impossible thing that anything can do is cease to exist, as by all logic this is quite impossible. Therefore you god cannot exist because he just that amazing. I'm sure I've got that equation wrong but hey! I failed math.
1. Rational people DO NOT believe in Chocolate Coated Fairies who pee sparkling apple juice.
2. If Chocolate Coated Fairies who pee sparkling apple juice DID NOT exist, then there would be NO rational people.
No... Wait... This made sense when I woke up this morning!
Me again.
Fundie Logic Award FTW!
Here's a better one guys:
A. I'm fucking retarded
B. I'm really fucking retarded
C. I'm really, really fucking retarded
D. All of the above to the power of 100
2. If God DID NOT exist, then there would be NO atheists.
Soooo... you are saying that god only exists because there are people that don't believe in him?
Leprechauns don't exist, yet most people don't believe in them. He's assuming that if there were no God (like, the present state), there would be no belief. I think he skipped a step or two.
1. Atheists do not believe God exists.
...wait... is this a fact? From a fundie? CALL RIPLEY!
2. If God did not exist, then there would be no atheists.
....oh, wait... cancel that phone call, the guy's gone all stupid on us. Let's try an experiment. AND I'll even update
1. Christians DO NOT believe Eris exists.
2. Eris is a goddess of chaos.
3. Life is a result of chaotic processes (see: the so-called "primordial soup").
4. Without chaos (i.e.: the domain of Eris), there would be NO Christians.
5. Therefore, Eris MUST exists.
See? It's the same logic you tried to apply, with some additional support, and it still doesn't work! Darnit, and I was hoping to win some converts using your L33T l0g1xx0rz. Darnit darnit darnit.
(K) anyway.
I believe I can tidy this up a bit by splitting the logic down into two sections:
1.Atheists do not believe God exists.
2.If atheists did not exist, there would be no atheists.
3.Therefore, I am an idiot.
4.God does not believe atheists exist.
5.If God did not exist, there would be no God.
6.Therefore, I am two idiots.
I've only gone part of the way to rationality here, but I think with a little more effort, we might stumble across an entirely new branch of logic. We could perhaps call it Idiocy.
I think you guys are misunderstanding what this moron means with #2. I don't think he's saying that no one would be an atheist, as in no one would lack a belief in God. He probably thinks without God, people wouldn't exist, therefore there would be no atheists. But since there are, God must exist.
Its retarded, I know. I just think that's the logic he's using.
So by your logic, your God requires our disbelief to exist. Meaning, should you succeed in your crusade to convert all in this earth to Christianity, your God will die, that is to say, using your VERY. OWN. LOGIC. So by that logic, we sustain your gods existence. Therefore, GO AWAY! It's for your God's own good!
1.Christians DO NOT believe a power mightier than their puny god exists
2.If a power mightier than their puny god DID NOT exist, then there would be NO christians.
3.Therefore, a power mightier than god MUST exist.
Instant failure, just add water.
1.. Absolutely correct
2.. You have dared to suggest that your god doesn't exist, and are thus destined for the lake of fire.
3.. Bad syntax negates your "logic" entirely.
Until we get some compelling evidence (and the bible doesn't count) God exists much in the way that elves, leprechauns, trolls, pink unicorns, santa clause, super devil, and man-bear-pig exist. In the imaginations of people like you. Simple logic indeed.
Simple, yes. Logic, no. Simpleton comes to mind...
1. Atheists DO NOT believe Thor exists.
2. If Thor DID NOT exist, then there would be NO atheists.
3. Therefore, Thor MUST exist.
Erm, no, it still doesn't make sense.
The second premise is wrong; atheists lack belief in any and all gods, not just your god (or just Thor).
If we were presented with tangible, testable evidence for the eistence of some god or other, THEN there would be NO atheists.
Douglas Adams once wrote that if there is no definitive proof that god exists, he exists, but if there is, he can't exist. Therefore, undwer your logic, he doesn't exist.
Whoa, whoa! Don't try using logic, you incompetent puppet of religion! You could hurt someone or something, like your own credibility.
1. Atheists DO NOT believe God exists.
2. If God DID NOT exist, then there would be NO atheists.
3. Therefore, God MUST exists.
See? It is simple logic! God must exist!
Yes, this is simple logic. And superficially, this logic is even right. "God" exists. For example, I have just written the three letters G-O-D. You can find a Wikipedia page on "God". "God" is described in numerous so-called "holy" texts. And a lot more.
But what are all of these? CULTURAL phenomena.
And thats what this "God" is, after all: A man-made thing, which exists solely in our imagination. "God" exists, thats right, but he exists ONLY in our imagination.
Exactly the same as unicorns, dragons or leprechauns. As I am an Atheist, I am of course also an Aunicornist, an Adragonist and an Aleprechaunist. It's all the same: I deny that these imaginations and fictional characters have any resemblance in the real world.
1. Atheists DO NOT believe God exists.
2. If God DID NOT exist, then there would be NO atheists.
3. Therefore, God MUST exists.
See? It is simple logic! God must exist!
A simpler logic:
1. Fundies claim that a so-called 'God' exists.
2. If a 'God' existed, he could prove his existence - to the satisfaction of we Atheists - himself, without the need for fundies to spew their unjustifiable 'Turn or Burn' Biblical bullshit.
3. But he cant . Therefore 'God' doesn't exist.
4. Fundies can't justify their existence.
5. ?????
Q.E.D., bitches.
Two words: Occam's Razor.
Boy it would fuck your silly-gism up real good if we added a plural form to your "God" - bet you wouldn't come to the same conclusion then.
Not to mention what's already been said: your conclusion doesn't follow from the premise, which is wrong in any event.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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