Angry atheists run our DARE anyone infringe on their authority to provide NO HOPE and NO COMFORT to the dying.
Well, considering how few of those there are. . . and how many angry fundamentalists there are trying to rob us atheists of our freedom to just be who we are. . . .
Believe it or not, there are a lot of us who want nothing more than to be left to ourselves, and be engaged in friendly -discussion- of our beliefs (and those of others, even O: ) instead of being pushed all the time toward something we don't accept. We don't want to rob people of things that comfort them, even if we don't understand how they're a comfort. We don't want to try to force other people to accept our views as their own.
"Dying"? Oh, you mean the ones you are killing? Of course, how dare we atheists take the hope and comfort away from you by saying the "God" you claim to be killing for is fake? How dare we the "evil" atheists strive to eventually have a world where there are no invisible magic sky-spirits that allow one group of people to comfortably inflict genocide upon another group of people with ever a hope of redemption, let alone everlasting reward? Right, right, I see your point, far too clearly alas.
Actually, I thought it was wrong that the nurse got suspended for asking if the patient wanted her to pray for her.
I'm a Christian and I certainly wuoldn't be offended if I had a Muslim/Hindu/Pagan/wiccan/Sun-worshipping/etc. nurse ask if I wanted her to pray for me.
If I didn't want her to I'd just say no thanks.
I'd only get offended if she tried to press her religion on me and there doesn't seem to be any suggestion that the nurse was doing that.
If they are angry it's probably mostly because you people are pestering them to repent and accept Jesus as their saviour. Over and over and over again...
Oh, and they are not many enough to run the whole planet. And they only want to not be forced to pretend to believe in some imaginary deity. They are not the ones who seek authority to rule others.
Yes, like the hope and comfort you give to a homosexual boy dying, telling him that because of his evil, depraved lifestyle, he will burn in hell?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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