Y'all illiberal make me laugh when you point out the moral failings of some republicans! You people feel you are so perfect, so morally superior, that you can call out republicans for their sins while completly ignoring the much larger sins of your own party of death members. But wait! You said "sin is a personal belief!" So by your own words you can't be judging what is sin in another person, yet you delight in doing so because you are an illiberal hypocrite creature who feels free to judge others, even while defending the most immoral acts of your political gods in your party of death!. Oh well, being blind to reality has always been a trait of the illiberal left.
It's not sin (which I don't personally hold any belief in) to engage in certain behaviors and beliefs while condemning others for them; that's called hypocrisy, my dear. The GOP and conservatives in general are overburdened with an abundance of it.
The names Ted Haggard, Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Bakker and Mark Sanford spring immediately to mind.
EDIT: Your use of an idiotic term like 'illiberal' makes you an illiterate , and a particularly stupid one at that.
It's called "live as you learn", stupid. Most Liberals aren't berating other people for their immoral ways all the time, many Republicans are. That's why Republicans are laughed at when they act less than moral.
I'm an atheist socialist. I have no gods and I realize that "to err is human"; we all make mistakes and we should all help each other minimize the result of those mistakes. But, as I said before, one is less inclined to help someone who has put himself on his high horses and accused everyone else of being at fault, while deliberately cheating, lying, stealing, committing adultery etc in secret.
Sin is a concept of Abrahamist religions. "We" don't believe in that. Most on the left aren't much for deontology but prefere consequentialism of some sort. You can see this all the time when conservative candidates argue from some text they see as holy (bible) or semi-holy (constitution), while liberals and progressives pull out massive studies and do research.
Without knowing what kind of "sin" you're talking about I'm not sure what you mean. Sure there are some things liberals put under the rug and a lot of things conservative don't want to talk about, but liberals are mostly more open to criticism (since their entire ideology is built on rationality and compromise between systems) than conservatives, who have in recent decades made an extraordinary effort to stop children from being taught critical thinking.
And how the fuck are you not a hypocrite for calling us hypocrits, for judging other people, while your entire ideology is based on roothlessly judging other people?
Y'all illiberal make me laugh when you point out the moral failings of some republicans! You people feel you are so perfect, so morally superior, that you can call out republicans for their sins while completly ignoring the much larger sins of your own party of death members.
Oh well, being blind to reality has always been a trait of the illiberal left.
It's not liberals running around trying to legislate morality and then getting caught trying to engage in some hanky-panky in an airport restroom. It's not liberals out preaching the evils of homosexuality and then getting caught with a gay prostitute and a baggy full of meth. It's not liberals who are calling for saving "traditional marriage" and "family values" when they are on their 3rd or 4th marriage.
In other words, liberals are not the ones out preaching about the decline of morality in this country while participating in the same behavior they're condemning. Conservatives, on the other hand, seem to be experts in this.
And how can you call the Democratic party the "party of death" when it's the Republicans who enjoy starting wars in other countries or telling poor sick people that they deserve to die? Looks like you're eating a bit of the hypocrite pie as well.
Sin and moral misconduct are two different things.
The names Ted Haggard, Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Bakker and Mark Sanford spring immediately to mind.
The great thing about being a fundie is you can do what you want provided you say you've sinned and that God has forgiven you. Moral myopia of this sort is not available if you are, for example, Elliot Spitzer.
You people feel you are so perfect, so morally superior, that you can call out republicans for their sins while completly ignoring the much larger sins of your own party of death members.
That's called a "tu quoque" argument - a variation of the old "so's your mother" response. A bad deed done by a Republican is still a bad deed, whether Democrats have done worse or not.
Yeah, the GOP loves people called Juan. (OK, maybe juan or two).
Do you know what to call two Mexicans playing basketball?
Juan on Juan! a hyuck hyuck *snort* I kill me sometimes.
Tappy McWidestance.
It left him with a "large taint", as I understand.
Hasan Prishtina: Touche. Poor Elliot. He has an out, though. He can claim to embrace the fundy system of belief (or do it for real, the benefits are the same) - the sheeple will fall all over themselves to forgive him.
Really. Because more often than not, it's the Republicans who slam the Bible on the table, claim absolute moral authority, and demand anyone who deviates, even the most slightly, change their ways or should be killed, incarcerated, etc. Unless of course they are Republican, too, then it's just a moral stumble and should be ignored.
Oh, and argument from tautology isn't valid.
Y'all illiberal make me laugh when you point out the moral failings of some republicans! You people feel you are so perfect, so morally superior, that you can call out republicans for their sins while completly ignoring the much larger sins of your own party of death members
It's the hypocrisy we're pointing out, stupid.
Any post on a public forum which begins with "Y'all" cannot be taken seriously. We're not all hicks from the far side of nowhere, you know.
P.S. There is no such thing as sin, in the real world.
...well, I drink cold beer, hot tea, and have always voted Labour. Therefore I'm superior to even your 'God'.
After all, I can do one ultra-easy thing that your supposedly 'omnipotent' God can't:
[/Old joke about elephants jumping higher than houses taken from Rosetta Stone] [/smartarse]
Right-Wing Belief: Those that do God-speak can be forgiven for anything, those that don't are to be accused of everything and never forgiven even if the accusation is false.
Right-Wing Belief: No right-wing leader can ever do anything as bad as legal abortions, although all sins are equal abortion is the worst.
Right-Wing Belief: Liberal is the worst thing anyone can ever be, right up there with Atheist.
You miss the point entirely Juan. I don't care that Ted Haggard likes butt sex, I don't think any of us care. What we care about is that when people like Ted use their position of power to convince others that butt sex is going to send you straight to hell, to the point that people kill themselves over their own desires. Yea, that is kind of shitty. So yes, we laugh when Ted gets caught with the dick in his ass.
Lol @ Tappy McWidestance
Hillary Clinton.
There. I've run rings round you, logically.
And now it is time for the God-Emperor Penguin on top of your television set to explode.
[/Monty Python]
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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