[in response to a news story about a Wiccan winning the lottery]
To be honest, it annoys me when people who are teaching the tenets of evil and wickedness, win the lottery, and absolutely prosper, while people of faith who are working their fingers to the bone in many cases, are grovelling and trying to rub two nickels together.
A bit jealous are we? I know many hardworking pagans who don't win the lottery, and you don't hear them bitching like you did.
Also, who knows, maybe it's YOUR faith that is wrong, not theirs.
I thought you were supposed to expect to grovel in the dirt your whole lives and end up big winners in hebben.
To me, it just shows that your gawd is as unreal as their goddesses/gods.
God clearly hates you fundies because you are bigoted, narrow-minded, narcissitic idiots who is perverting the message bible to feel superior to others.
It's amazing how many fundies have the many of the traits of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. See:
You know what's really sad, though? The Wiccan gent who won the lottery and is using the money to keep his metaphysical shop in business will probably catch more shit from the religious right because of all the exposure. Wanna gamble? Let's take bets to see just how many harassing phone calls and death threats this man receives now that he's been nationally exposed as a Wiccan. And, of course, it will be fundies doing it.
Christians win the lotto all the time. What's the big fucking deal? Ohhhh, that's right. Because the money is going to "further the cause of Satan".
People of faith, praying their fingers to the bone, yes...groveling, yes...
You can't win the lottery if you don't buy tickets. People of true faith don't gamble, right?
sour grapes.
"To be honest, it annoys me when people who are teaching the tenets of evil and wickedness, win the lottery, and absolutely prosper, while people of faith who are working their fingers to the bone in many cases, are grovelling and trying to rub two nickels together."
Maybe your deity is trying to tell you something, bucko. Maybe you're backing the wrong horse.
No, I know, it's Satan! He doesn't seem to be such a bad guy then, does he? I mean, he gave us all of our knowledge (the apple and all) when your deity wanted us to remain ignorant for eternity. He doesn't seem to make strange demands such as your deity (i.e. Leviticus). Satan seems to spread the wealth around too, unlike your deity who people worship and still live in poverty and starve to death. Hell, Satan doesn't even ask for worship, let alone demand it. Satan seems like an ok guy to me.
It's occurred to me that maybe this whole Christian religion thing is backwards. Maybe your god is the evil one and Satan is our redeemer and your god released his book of lies (e.g. the Babble) in order to thwart his rival Satan by tricking all of use poor bastards. I believe Christianity would probably make a hell of a lot more sense if you look at it like that.
Yeah it sucks that their religion was right and yours obviously wasn't.
however, some of you Good Christians do 'win the lottery'
Steves lovely profile
Location: At work---but not working!
maybe your boss should fire you, then you can become a homeless bum. That'll learn ya.
That should have told you many things, none of which was "Satan pays well."
Also, those comments were more ignorant than all of Rapture Ready, mens-rights, Yahoo Answer, WoW offline, and AQF combined.
If it had been YOU that won, it would be "God answered my prayers"
Like all christians, you are a sanctimonious hypocrite who is totally ignorant of other faiths, yet seem to be a expert on them.
To be honest, it annoys me when people touting a bunch of hokey myths get all the tax breaks, while the rest of us who are working their fingers to the bone in many cases, see one of every two nickels they rub together disappear into the tax man's pocket so that it can be spent by retards like Bush, Palin, Inhofe, Santorum and the rest on government programs inspired by those same hokey myths and lobbied for by those same tax-exempt hypocritical touts.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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