I dont wonder why for anything.
How sad.
I know why you guys disbelieve and hate the teachings of God. Its all the same thing over and over again- Self Worship and Rebellion.
Many are outdated, like the dietary prohibitions. Some only make sense in some situations, like the so-called Gold Rule. Some are strange, like not wearing mixed fibres. And some are just inhumane, like killing people for certain types of consensual sex.
I do love myself, and there’re some things that I prefer not to submit to, but I don’t see how exactly this makes me hateful of disbelieving.
Some of what you said is true- i think most atheist reasons are really stupid for not believing the bible-
That is tragic. Do you believe in dragons, unicorns, and talking donkeys? Do you believe that the Earth rests on pillars? Do you believe that the Earth is shaped like a disc? That man was made from dust and then woman from a man’s rib? I’m sorry, but reality doesn’t conform to these.
"I prayed to God in this relationship with my ex and things didnt work and didnt see anything", or heres another one i heard from a former business partner "my wifes parents kicked her out because she was sleeping around because of their christian values". So the girl used to be a whore and she blames her parents for responding the way they did.
If prayer did not save their relationship, then the prayer was totally inutile.
And kicking somebody out for being a whore’ is excessive and harsh. It’s just sex. Her parents, I presume, selected their values because they agree with them, so they don’t need to be blameless.
It really does blow my mind the brainless excuses people have for not beleiving in God.
These aren’t terrible excuses, in my opinion. Some people believe in God for silly reasons, such as minor conveniences.
But anyway, your other point was way off, i dont wonder or have any confusion about it, i know exactly why i get the resistance i get. The same reason Jesus got resistance when he preached and performed miracles infront of people.
I’m not sure what you do, but not everybody wants to hear preaching, especially when it’s very depressing or intimidating.