(Group Files Suit Over 'I Believe' License Plates)
More proof that it's okay to discriminate against Christians but nobody else. I'm glad God is a God of justice and that revenge will be His because idiots like these should be.... well, I'll leave that part to God.
On the one hand, I don't give a shit who has "i believe in whatever" on their license plate. On the other hand, no one is actually "SILENCING CHRISTIANS" because you are more than free to slap a "I LOVE JESUS AND JESUS HATES YOU" bumpersticker on your car without any government assistance. Please, please STFU and quit yer fuckin bitching.
"it's okay to discriminate against Christians but nobody else."
Except for Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Zooroastrians, Satanists, Wiccans, Unitarians, atheists, agnostics, deists, and any other group who are never even offered the chance to plaster their religious views on their license plates.
I think this may be about Florida. Does anyone know if anything has happened in South Carinina yet? I saw a car from that state parked on a Boston street recently, the plate said, "In God we trust." I think both are court cases waiting to happen.
If someone wants 'I believe' on their license plates, I really don't see the problem in it, as long as it isn't mandatory. Aside from the persecution complex, I'd probably agree with simple living, unless I'm missing something?
More proof that it's okay to discriminate against Christians but nobody else.
Really? Because it sounds to me like YOU'RE the only ones who have license plates that can proclaim your religion. Does the state offer "I Don't Believe" license plates? No? Then who is being discriminated against?
The problem is the de facto state endorsement of Christianity by making the plates. I did some checking, and the plates include a cross on them, meaning Christianity is the ONLY religion to have this. If there were plates available for other denominations, as well as an "I Don't Believe" plate for us, there would be no problem. The state-sponsored exclusivity is the problem.
You know, I really don't have a problem with this. If a state is smart enough to make money off of dumbfucks who are willing to fork over the 300% markup on a license plate just so they can feel like they are evangelizing through traffic jams, and turn around and use that money to fund quality education and other things that piss off those same dumbfucks...
I'm all for it!
Yeah, this is sad on both spectrums, God knows why they are bitching about him having a personalised plate. But he's got a strange idea of Oppression being Christian only.
Maybe the state should branch out? Offer other forms of personalised plates
Stop assuming that Christians are the only ones who believe in a God.
While you're at it, stop assuming God exists, and stop being an asshole.
I think the only reason politicians keep bringing up dombfuck shit like Jesus license plates is to prompt the ACLU and others to file "anti-God" lawsuits, thus perpetuating the myth that liberals hate God and Christians.
I don't think the plates are worth suing over, even though I think a smart legislature would recognize the state-sponsored exclusivity is inherently unfair.
But now that the fundy fucktards have started that "See? We're the only ones in this country who are persecuted" bullshit all over again, a say we go ahead and drop a two-ton block of overpass on any car with a Christian plate. Fuck these fucking people.
If a government were ever to enforce atheism, I would oppose that too. However, no such thing ever happens.
You are the only group making the constant effort to push your beliefs to t
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Well, it's one thing to pay for it, but here in good 'ol Alabama, we have a tag with the American flag as the background and the words "God Bless America" at the bottom. The tag is free if you want one in lieu of the standard tag. No 'Buddha Bless America' or any other religion offered. All other personalized tags I'm aware of do cost $50 extra.
More proof that it's okay to discriminate against Christians but nobody else.
So the good Christians of SC would be OK with a plate saying "I Believe, Too" and an Islamic crescent?
First, the people who are suing over the plates consist of 3 Christian ministers and some Hindus.
Second, in SC, you can not have a plate with more than 7 characters, and only the DMV can authorize plates that have slogans or sayings on them. These plates get around those 2 limitations because the actions of the gov't. Since they do not offer similar plates for other faiths, they have created a law that favors 1 religion over the others, and thus, they have violated the Constitution.
Unlikely Scenario
Look at that license plate right ahead of us there, Betty.
Yes, I see it, George. It says, I believe.
Well, that's just the point, Betty. They believe. And we don't. It's just got me to thinking, is all.
Now George, don't get yourself upset over a license plate.
No, Betty, I think we should drive straight home and do some serious thinking. I mean if those good people believe, maybe we should, too.
Maybe you're right, George. Why that license plate could change our lives.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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