For those of you who feel that creation is unscientific,you should know that TRUE science does in fact agree with creation.In fact,some scientists have actually come to believe in God BECAUSE of science.
[citation needed]
I've yet to meet ANYONE who has actually JOINED a religion because of Science. In fact, I've never met anyone who was actually an Atheist become a Theist.
However, I have met a few Christians who claim to have recently been Atheist, but their clumsy lies are simple to expose, usually by their own ignorant bullshit claims ("all atheists are fags/satanists/nazis/etc") or just by talking to someone else who has known them for a while.
Science works independently of the existence of a deity. Whether you believe in a God or not, scientists don't allow that to influence their work.
CSM, Hovind, Ham, Behe and others fail miserably at this criteria, therefore do not qualify to be scientists in any regard.
dpareja already said it,
there is a big difference between belief in a god and belief in the literal truth of the bible. One doesn´t even have to be a christian to believe in some form of god ;)
As for the bible:
Nothing has turned more people away from belief in the correctness of the bible than actually reading the bible (especially the old testament) ;)
Science fiction is your "TRUE science" because it's fun to imagine. People who write science fiction are not necessarily scientists, although it is vital to you that you think so. Those bozos who wrote your dead and stinking scripture were the science-fiction hack writers of the bronze age, but they didn't have access to the brainwashing equipment that Hubbard had.
That didn't stop them though.
Scientists who come to disbelieve in God because of science > scientists who come to believe in God because of science.
So even if this is true, we can produce more counter examples than he can, and all of this does not prove creationism is a science or God exists
Yet most don't. unlike plate tectonics, etc. whereby the non-believers were all converted. Because of compelling evidence, which your mob used to have but doesn't any more.
God sends lightning, but we've noted he sends lightning to high Church Steeples more than low brothels.
He sends illness as divine punishment- but now we've seen bacteria.
He sends children to women- but now we know about sperm, eggs, and conception.
Which is why so many more scientists have turned away from religion than ever turned to it.
Scientist slides plate under microscope, looks. "Larry, come over here quick. Take a look at this, it's unbelievable."
Second scientist peers into microscope: "Oh my gosh, little teeny-tiny wriggly thingies, and they've formed the word God."
Name five.
Please note that Kent Hovind, Ken Ham, Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron are not scientists, in spite of what they may claim.
OK, explain to me WHAT science. And where is their proof published? I'll wait. Unless, of course, you got that from AiG, and are really just a parrot instead of a sentient human being.
Wanna cracker?
“For those of you who feel that creation is unscientific,you should know that TRUE science does in fact agree with creation.”
Science is by definition naturalistic. Creationism is by definition a supernatural product. TRUE science absolutely CANNOT square with creationism. The best you can claim is that there are sciences that do not contradict creationism.
“In fact,some scientists have actually come to believe in God BECAUSE of science.”
I’ve known a couple of engineers that are overimpressed by complexity, and feel complex systems need a designer. Of course, a few million generations of mindless trial and error with a mindless filtering system, like death, works as a design process. They gained nothing by converting.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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