Why didn't God to it in a nanosecond, or even instantly? The only reason I can come up with is because he wanted a standard for us! Where do you think the 7-day week came from?
Arbitrary is such a useful word, you silly fundie idiot. May I also remind you that the 24 hour day is arbitrary? The 60 second minute? The length of the second? The length of our months? The dates of holidays? The basis of your religion? Life, and, the universe, and everything? Many, MANY things are arbitrary. The 7-day week is the least important of them.
That'd be sooooo cool being omnipotent.
Yep. Create it in an instant. Goof off for the other 6.999999999999999recurring days.
Still wondering why he didn't make the lunar cycle 28 days.
It'd also be cool to rearrange the stars every second to make a digital clock in the sky reading out the numbers - of course they'd have to be arranged north-south per time zone blah blah blah. Be a doddle for an omnipotent God.
Like infinite, everything is null in comparison. If you are omnipotent, everything is effortless.
The silly limpdick can't even prove he exists - doesn't sound omnipotent to me.
Life, and, the universe, and everything isn't arbitrary, it's 42.
And most of the standard time units we use are standards set long before christianity showed up in Europe. Let alone the scientific exchange with Jews during the year 2000 BC.
>>Still wondering why he didn't make the lunar cycle 28 days.
>>It'd also be cool to rearrange the stars every second to make a digital clock in the sky reading out the numbers - of course they'd have to be arranged north-south per time zone blah blah blah. Be a doddle for an omnipotent God.
Don't you know? It was like that, until the Fall messed everything up. ;)
NotMe: that is the ANSWER to life the universe and everything. Life, the universe, and everthing, are, of themselves, arbitrary.
I can't remember the exact source, but the seven day week was from the seven objects in the sky that did not move around with the other stars, ie the sun (Sunday), moon (Monday), Mercury, Venus, Mars (Thor's day or Thursday), Jupiter (Oden's day or Wednesday) and Saturn (Saturday). The sun, moon and planets were associated with the many Greek/Roman and Norse gods later in civilization. Just like the epic of Gilamesh, the early Bible writers borrowed much from the civilizations surrounding it.
The 24 hour day, 60 minutes per hour, etc, were from one of the civilizations in the Mesopotamian area. It seems they chose a religious numbering system on either base 12 or base 60 (it must have been a religious reason since people back then probably did not have 12 fingers).
The 8 day week lost.
Obviously the Beatles never got the message. Eight Days A Week, and all that.
No wonder John Lennon got shot, the heretic.
A day or a year are defined by earth's rotation and the time earth takes to go around the sun. The "24 hours" thing is just an arbitrary division of that time into bite-sized pieces. But a week? That's just as arbitrary as can be, and doesn't correspond to anything. We could just as easily have a nine day week.
He created the world and everything in 6 days, you FoxIdiot.
On the seventh he rested
and apparently did Fuck all but play mind games with Adam for awhile.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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