Tim Brown and Brigitte Gabriel #conspiracy barbwire.com
Brigitte Gabriel spoke earlier this year at First Conservative Baptist Church and informed the people there that the Muslim Brotherhood is in the process of infiltrating American public schools, just as they have the United States federal government.
[T]he Muslim Brotherhood was established to begin the new Islamic Caliphate. As part of that goal (referred to in counter terrorist circles as “The Project”), the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the United States in order to neuter it on the world stage and ultimately to destroy it. This is right in line with the aspirations of one Barack Hussein Obama as well.
Gabriel went on to talk about the “behind the scenes” efforts by the Muslim Brotherhood to maintain an appearance of “moderation” with the goal of destroying Western society and establishing the Islamic State in America. This includes, but isn’t limited to: Using our liberties against us, using “buzzwords,” establishing non-profit and human rights organizations.