@Mister Spak
"the question then becomes Either: How to isloate these people from inflicting undue influence or should the system continue at all in a current shape? "
The 30% rule because they are so much more motivated to vote than the normal people, so their candidates are elected.
My understanding of the problem is the 30% are willing to be flaming assholes to anyone they confront as long as necessary to make the other back down. The normal person doesn't like this constant neverending confrontation so they back down and the 30% wins.
I've done experiments. I use what I learn here about dealing with fundies and use it on the 30% in real life. Most of the time they don't know how to deal with it, they shut up or even run away from me.*
So, how do we make the great mass of normal people treat the 30% this way?
After thinking about it for over 10 years I have no ideas.
*A few of these people are actual psychopaths. They are not afraid of you or of being arrested for punching you in the face. Keep this in mind if you want to confron a fundie like this.
"All you have to do is promise to outlaw abortion and force people to pray and these clowns will allow ANYTHING else."
This has been the Republic partys model since Reagan. The rich right get the religious right leaders to tell their 30 million idiots to vote Republic, in turn they tolerate the loons looning about baby murder and gay agenda. The Republics get elected, they pass the tax cut laws the rich right want them to, and the loons remain in a state of frenzy because babies are still being murdered and gays are still running around like they have rights.
It went a little wrong last time because Trump took control of the monster they created to get elected, which the rich right did not want at all.
Trump is the Russian cocksucker, seeing how much he sucks a particular Russians cock.