Mr. Coulter #fundie
[Responding to an article about government funding for abstinence only education that uses misleading curriculum.]
Dick, that gibber gabber about a 2004 article written on 2001 findings proves nothing but what the fag democrat hates about abstinance. Probably tried to molest one of his interns who quoted their teachings on abstinance and he became enraged.
Anyway, my point on the "neverneverland" story was to illustrate how out of touch these fag fans are. Anyone who knows of knights, knows a knight is not going to allow himself to be pushed around by some woman.
The only thing that woman could tell a knight is what she is cooking him for dinner. Even if that woman is the king's daughter.
Because as it turns out these king's are either womanizers or queers. And neither is a proper male role model for a daughter.
She would be absent of proper discipline, because her father is absent of discipline. So she would pop off at the mouth like a spoiled brat, and any rugged knight whose very duty is to face death on any occasion WONT be pushed around by some stupid rich bitch.
He most likely would have trained from his early teens on being a knight. Being a knight would be second nature. Unlike fag democrats who would hire a knight to fill a quota, being a knight is a way of life not just a job.
[ goes on like this and it gets worse]