Oh geez, no wonder he just might be a self-hating-closet-homo:
"I started shaving my pits several years ago, because they were itchy, and I suspected the hair along with the anti-persperant was the culprit. Apparently, I was right. I found I really liked having clean shaven underarms (hairy pits really do look gross, even on a man, if they can be seen).
More recently, I started to shave my legs, and my chest. I did my chest primarily because, not being as young as I once was, the hair was getting gray, and there seemed to be more of it than I used to have. I didn't like the way I looked, so I took it off. I really like the clean shaven look, and for an old guy, I think it helps my appearance (of course most people don't see my bare chest, unless I'm shirtless).
As far as my legs go, I shaved them because I wear pantyhose (they make them for men too) in order to help keep warm in the winter with the heat turned down. Unshaved legs and pantyhose seemed totally ridiculous, so off with it! Besides, as with my chest, my leg hair wasn't the fine blond hair that I once had. I'm finding I really love my legs shaved too. They feel awsome! And with the pantyhose, they feel twice as awesome!
I'm totally with you ladies that like a clean shaven guy."