Captain Nemo #sexist #wingnut
[From “Why Men Must Demand Virginity From Women”]
If a woman attracts men with her looks of purity, and she is not pure, then her very flesh is a lie, a manipulation, and she is a walking lie.
Women know that, and when they want to marry they lie that they just had one or two unhappy relationships, when they might had dozens and dozens of instances of casual sex. They know that only purity is worth a man's love and protection.
Men must demand that purity, and not marry the liars.
Let's be frank, these cute girls are, more often than not, just cute little reactive animals and not complete human individuals . Or their looks are the expression of their ego and of their cunningness in attracting men. It is not the expression of their souls, or more exactly it is, but you have to know how to look and see through the first level of appearances.This you can do only if you understand how women function when not framed by patriarchy.
Without the human personality forming by patriarchy, women left to their own devices tend to regress to cute little sensual animals levels. Only with the cultural factor of patriarchy can women truly develop in the direction of integrated human individuals, not just reactive automatons.
For a Man to love a woman, he must feel that she is high value, and a girl who screwed around is of no value. What is there to love in such a woman? What is there a Man would want to protect and cherish in such a woman? What is there in such a woman he would want to be devoted to?
She degraded the sexual act to animality, and then should be respected and cherished as a human being?