
Anonymous #fundie geocities.com

I don't even want to know how much you hate yourself and your life because you're an atheist. Life must be so pointless to you. I bet you amke your family miserible. That's another thing. I read your rant diary thing and I'll tell you what: that premature baby you got? I want you to know you did it. You almost killed your own baby because you reject the One True God! The sins of the father will fall unto his flower I tell you that much! How does that make you feel to know that because you hate God that you caused this tragedy in your family? If you still have a little spark of Jesus you should feel bad right now. If not it might be too late for you becaue the Devil has eaten your heart to peaces.

Watchman Nee #fundie geocities.com

[On why women should cover their hair while at church, Emphasis Added]

As Christ accepts God as His head, so should every man accept Christ as his head. Likewise, woman should representatively accept man as her head. In covering the head, the woman signifies that she is not head, that she is as if she has no head - for it is covered....

n/a #fundie geocities.com

Here are some scientific facts declared in the Bible before discovered by man:
Atomic Fission —2 Peter 3:10
Ocean Currents — Ps. 8:8; Isaiah. 43:16
Hydrological cycle — Job 36:27 A 9:6
Jet Stream — Ecclesiastes 1:6-7
Dinosaurs —Job 40-41, Psalms 74:14
Innumerable stars — Genesis 15:5; Jeremiah 33:22

jesuselcristos #fundie geocities.com

rock music is a product of a disoriented, despairing, drug-related sex-mad generation. There’s no question about that. The first big rock singer was Elvis Presley, who killed himself with drugs and who went through women, you know, continuously. And he gave rise to the whole rock generation. He was the first, and his whole act was sexual, sensual, you know; it was terrible.

Elvis Presley, a Monarch mind-controlled slave, believed he had a twin that communicated with him spiritually. In the Angel Times magazine, (Oct. issue), a childhood friend of Elvis states that Elvis communicated with beings as a child. These being had showed Elvis a vision of dancing, and of people "dressed in white with colors all around." While it is popular to dismiss the vanishing twin phenomena with superficial medical explanations, or with alien theories, at least of some of the phenomena is the result of the Illuminati’ s massive system of abuse, where they need babies for sacrifice, experiments and programming.

Pat Robertson #fundie geocities.com

Just like what Nazi Germany did to the Jews, so liberal America is now doing to the evangelical Christians. It's no different. It is the same thing. It is happening all over again. It is the Democratic Congress, the liberal-based media and the homosexuals who want to destroy the Christians. Wholesale abuse and discrimination and the worst bigotry directed toward any group in America today. More terrible than anything suffered by any minority in history.

Pat Robertson #fundie geocities.com

You say you're supposed to be nice to the Episcopalians and the Presbyterians and the Methodists and this, that, and the other thing. Nonsense. I don't have to be nice to the spirit of the Antichrist. I can love the people who hold false opinions but I don't have to be nice to them.

Robert T Lee #fundie geocities.com

[Robert T Lee gives us a completely valid testament about atheists from a 7 year old. Ahem. No, it's true. Honest...]

Hi everyone. I am 7 years of age. I want to let you knoe what and atheist ears. And atheist iis a person who uses his brain the wrung way.. Atheist don't know trutht. no one can no truth if theu rejek it. atheists are fools. They say it is no GOD. i afraid of atheists. if my parents wood have been atheists, they probably wood have killed me when eye i was in my mama woomb. Atheist kill sic olld people. atheists are nasty. atheist put a lot bad thing on the computer. atheists are dangerous. ppeople

[The site itself may have been taken down now so the URL links to a rebuttal page, where the rest of Lee's madness is revealed]

Mark Peeters #conspiracy geocities.com

(Mark Peeters believes that, the more massive something is, the lower it's maximum possible attainable speed in vaccuum; therefore, satellites and space flight are a massive hoax)

Conclusion : US-space-travel is FAKE

Since astron(a)uts, SCUD-missiles, rocket-bombs and TV-satellites weight more than ONE kilogram..., it is all religion and fake(lore),
done with real airplanes.
Since an airplanes can only fall 1 minute, without touching the ground, astron(a)uts can only be 'weightless' during that 1 minute in that (parabolic) fall.

I will give all my money (and even my life) to the first person who knows a scientific publication, f.i. in PHYSICAL REVIEW, that contradicts the (current) 28.800km/hr-limit.

David Jay Jordan #fundie geocities.com

If you didn't know it, the Earth is the center of the Universe. It is written in the colors of the stars. The stars and their galaxies give off a red light shift away from their natural color because they are all moving away from the Earth. So no matter where a telescope looks in the uniform sky, the galaxies are all moving away from us. How could this be? Well, it's simply because the Lord created the Earth and our Sun and all the stars (other suns) using the Earth as the Center of Creation. From this central hub, the galaxies are moving away, causing a red light shift. There is no other explanation.

When you also check out the Scriptures of the Creator, you’ll note that the Earth is NOT just another planet among the billions of planets the Lord has made. It was here, and not in some far-flung galaxy, where the Lord of All Creation was born and crucified. It is here that the Lord of Lords brings down his ETERNAL CITY, New Jerusalem. There is no other Savior in the Universe--only Jesus.

We are not situated on just a planet in the sand of the seashores of all heavenly bodies; we are on the Earth which is the center of the whole Universe. This is what the WORD says and what science proves.

David Jay Jordan #fundie geocities.com

Secondly a day has always been the same as obviously the Earth's rotation hasn't changed since the Lord created it, and the plants wouldn't have survived millions and billions of years without a sun as indicated in Genesis.

Kent Hovind #fundie geocities.com

Secondly, man was hunting them [dinosaurs]. Back in those days they called them dragons. They killed the dragons for meat. There would be a lot of hamburger in one brachiosaurus. You could feed the village for a while, right? Or because they were a menace, or just to be a hero; 'I slew the dragon.'

Ben #fundie geocities.com

[Page Title : 'I met an Angel']

I noticed an older man walking up to the stop. He was dressed like a bum and walked with a slight limp that made him move slow. He walked up and sat right next to me. I sat for a minute and then looked at him and he was staring at me with a slight smile, so I moved over away from him. He then moved over again, at which point I started to get annoyed. And as I was about to say something, he asked me "What are you doing out here"? "Do you know your mother is worried about you"? I looked at him, I was angry with this old man, I felt he was judging me. I told him that he didn't know me and what I do is none of his business !! He said something about my atitude, but I didn't really pay attention to what he said because i saw my bus coming. He then said those words I have and will never forget, he said, "YOU CURSED GOD, DIDN'T YOU ?"

I was shocked, I looked at him stunned. He then said, "ASK GOD TO FORGIVE YOU DON'T DO THAT AGAIN !" My bus was there and I stood up shocked and boarded the bus, payed my fair quickly. As I turned to go to the back, the bus had began to roll away. I looked up to see the old man gone.

Anonymous coward #fundie geocities.com

When I read your site I am sickened by your bitterness and unsensored hatred. All you damned atheist think you know it all don't you? Well I got news for you: you don't!

If you don't accept Jesus in your heart now/today/this minute you'll be facing eternal punishment. You know in your heart God and Jesus are real. We all feel it deep inside and cant deny it unless we tell a lie. That's right you're lying and sinning each time you say there isn't a God. I can't help wondering how good life would be in our wonderful country if you atheists didn't infultrate the government and take away the great Christian nation that our founding fathers gave us. You people have killed this country you know that! Do you think God let 9/11 happen because of all the good Christians? My friend, you and I both know deep down why 9/11 happened. Atheists and queers and witches are turning this whole country against God, and God tried to show you some of the things to come. 9/11 was a glimpse into the future. Think! It is so obvious! What is life like over there in Iraq and all those other countries over there? Terrible that's what it's like! Know why? Because they reject Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior! You KNOW this and I know you know it. We all know it but we can't say it because it isn't politically correct--one of the worst atheist liberal inventions ever. Politically correct.

What about God and morals and the Ten Commandments? Do you want to live a life like those lost souls in those other countries? Find Jesus, if you don't youll suffer and always regret it.

I don't even want to know how much you hate yourself and your life because you're an atheist. Life must be so pointless to you. I bet you amke your family miserible. That's another thing. I read your rant diary thing and I'll tell you what: that premature baby you got? I want you to know you did it. You almost killed your own baby because you reject the One True God! The sins of the father will fall unto his flower I tell you that much! How does that make you feel to know that because you hate God that you caused this tragedy in your family? If you still have a little spark of Jesus you should feel bad right now. If not it might be too late for you becaue the Devil has eaten your heart to peaces.

Randall Terry #fundie geocities.com

I want you to just let a wave of intolerance wash over you. I want you to let a wave of hatred wash over you. Yes, hate is good...Our goal is a Christian nation. We have a Biblical duty, we are called by God, to conquer this country. We don't want equal time. We don't want pluralism.

Robert Burns #fundie geocities.com

(Fundie, CSTDT, and racist!)

Between our own modern advances in science and technology and the most
recent discoveries in archeology, shedding new light on antiquity, we know
"God" was a colonizing race of extraterrestrials who came to earth further
back in time than most can imagine.

Everything is high-tech and biology. As solid and real as it gets. Not a
matter of "believe it or not," but a question of follow certain immutable
laws or die.

The implications in the Bible are plain enough. God fathered a race of people
on earth far more, "in his image," than all the rest. The Bible deals and
concerns itself strictly with these people and no other. The Hebrews, names
for Heber or Eber, meaning "colonizer". Later, Israel, or "A Prince ruling
With God." Who and what these people were is important to understand: They
were the final wave of Aryans to fall back onto the geographical safety of
Europe, joining their racial brethren already there.

Levelwater #fundie geocities.com

Many people around the world worship the e=mc[^]2 formula and worship Einstein for that formula which says that the energy produced by an amount of gold is the same energy produced by the same amount of lead: Al last, the lead become gold, the old dream of the Alchemists!. With 1 gram of sand one can produce the energy that produce 1 gram of Uranium!. Isn't that marvelous?

In his letter to President Roosevelt - August 1939, Einstein clearly shows that the above formula is just a fraud, he didn't encouraged Roosevelt to use water, sand, garbage or paper, but just the very specific element URANIUM:

n/a #fundie geocities.com

Do you remember hearing about a volcanic eruption in Washington State in 1980 called Mt. Saint Helens? After the eruption, scientists went into the area to measure the date of rocks thrown from the volcano. Guess what they found? When the rocks, formed from the magma thrown out by the volcano, were dated with carbon 14 dating, they were told that the rocks were millions of years old. The only problem was that the rocks had only formed just 20 years before. So how could they be extremely old when they just became rocks a few years before?

The problem is that carbon 14 dating does not take into account the thousands and thousands of catastrophes that happen year in and year out. Catastrophes like volcanoes, hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons, tsunamis, fires, lightning, etc, all change the amount of carbon in material when that material encounters those catastrophes. Carbon is not released uniformly. So radio carbon dating is only good for a very few types of material and it never shows those materials to be more than thousands of years old.

author anonymous #fundie geocities.com

"I think that anyone who would choose to believe in the religion of evolution is totally ignorant. You can believe you came from a monkey if you want, but I didn't! Dr. Kent Hovind is a genius and you are just mad because he proves you are stupid and wrong. I think you should grow up and stop posting sites that merely defame someone else. Try to do something positive for a change, or you may just evolve into a toad!"

Anonymous #fundie geocities.com

The "educated american" is one of the greatest enemies of the Truth!!! I believe in revelation, not education which is but speculation!!! Why can't you see, "you don't know anything as you ought to know"!!! Your so-called "learning centers", are but a breeding ground for delusion and deception!!! The "father of all lies" is the 'head' of them all!!! When you realize that Truth is not temporal, that The Truth Is Eternal, then you will cease your quest for the "foolishness that is the wisdom(knowledge) of this world"!!!

Sis. Ophelia Sue #fundie geocities.com

1. Do you believe in the Saving Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ? Yes
2. How many years have you been saved? 13, but I say 12 years 12 months because 13 is a unlucky number
3. What is your favorite thing about the KMB Flea Market Ministry? There are new experiences and challenges everyday!
4. If you could wish for anything, what would it be? For Jesus to come back and begin the assault on the unbelievers and the lukewarm churches
5. Pepsi or Coke? Neither, because Coke is owned by the Mormon Church and Pepsi has the Ying and Yang symbol on it and Deut. 7:26 says I am not allowed to bring it into my house
6. What is your favorite color? Dark purple
7. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Pistachio
8. What is your sign? Capricorn, just like Jesus
9. If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be? Donald Trump (without the eyebrows & hairdo)
10. What are your hobbies? Bowhunting, gun-smithing, welding, wood working, & a one year old son!

n/a #fundie geocities.com

(A response from a reader to Beth Fenimore's account of her raising by parents who followed Roy Lessin's teachings)

Refusing to accept reprecussions (sic) of one's action's (sic) would cause the punishment to go on longer, well indeed. Someone commits a crime goes to jail, breaks out, is on the run, once found term for imprisonment is lengthened, it's the way the world works. Parenting is no different, only we have the oppurtunity (sic) to make that scenario not play out, and the resolution is spanking.

Now the woman speaks of her parents, the people who put clothes on her back and food in her stomach as though they are evil in carnate (sic), the spanking obviously diddn't (sic) last long enough!! And she speaks of how she only prayed because she was scared she would get a spanking if she did not, Poppy-cock, this is now turning into a letter of sympathy, as I have none for the apparent brat, it sounds as though she wasn't spanked nearly enough, and that she focused on her relationship with her parents on only the bad situations and she is feeding off of them, not the good things they did for her and not the happy times they shared but the times she was punished for her wrong doings.

(The rest of the troglodyte's response is equally appalling)

David Jay Jordan #fundie geocities.com

Once you realize that Jesus himself created sex, then your whole attitude
about the most pleasurable experience in life should change. For it is not evil
but good. Sex didn’t come about by accident or evolutionary mutationsbut by
design. Evolution didn’t create sex, nor did the Devil who tries to take the credit
for it, but theKing of Kings, Jesus created Sex.

Ben #fundie geocities.com

[Christian as a vision from God] I was in a desert walking with someone else, I thought it might be my sister or woman I am not sure I never really looked. Besides what caught my attention was I saw a LARGE BLACK SERPENT glossy black with a big red diamond on it's head. It was coiled up and it was at a great distance away. I got the impression it was 30 miles away that is how large it was, it looked right at me and I was terrified it stared at me for a moment, and then dropped below the horizon and I knew it was coming for me. The earth began to shake and I started to run, although I could not see it. I knew it was gaining on me when I willed myself somehow to fly. As I did I gained great speed and I noticed I was in the "MIDDLE EAST"

Christian Furry Mission #fundie geocities.com

"I think you fear death and haven't come to terms with it. By telling yourself that there is another life to go, you don't feel so bad about the `I can never get that time back' part of this life."

And I think you fear hell and haven't come to terms with it. By telling yourself that `there is no hell,' you don't feel so bad about the `If God exists, then I'm probably going to hell' part of the afterlife.

"IMHO, pretending to be happy while being an atheist beats your present act. What? Yes. Can you honestly tell me religion isnt a similar type of act?"

"My happy religion, atheism, is better than your fearful religion, Christianity."

You're making the false assumption that I'm actually that afraid of God. For those who have accepted Christ into their hearts, they have nothing to fear from God. And your happiness is totally plastic. I've had friends who are people pleasers and they put on the same kind of show, but you can kinda tell it's fake. And how happy is it to believe you're going to be plant food? Besides, who wrote this line? "Positive proof that there really IS an afterlife and judgement would drive me insane. No way for you to understand this, but it is true. Not even to joke about. There could be nothing more terrifying."

If it's an act, it's not a very good one. I mostly pray while I'm by myself, and if I were so bent on acting like the rest of my congregation, I'd jump up and dance to those children's gospel songs like the rest of my congregation does, even though it's low on the maturity scale, and we have few kids in the congregation to begin with

Kathy G. #fundie geocities.com

The first thing I want you to know is this: I am not dead! I am in Heaven, yes, but I did not die to go up there. That's right, my soul and spirit are still firmly attached to my body, which is now made of a material that can live in both Heaven and on earth! (It's the same material that Jesus' body is made of.) I am just as alive and well as I was before I left earth, and maybe more so. So please don’t grieve.

William Dembski #fundie geocities.com

Evolution theory on last legs, says seminary teacher
By Dylan T. Lovan, ASSOCIATED PRESS, 5/2/06

LOUISVILLE - To William Dembski, all the debate in this country over evolution won't matter in a decade.
By then, he says, the theory of evolution put forth by Charles Darwin 150 years ago will be dead.

The mathematician turned Darwin critic says there is much to be learned about how life evolved on this planet. And he thinks the model of evolution accepted by the scientific community won't be able to supply the answers.

"I see this all disintegrating very quickly," he said.

Dembski is one of the country's leading proponents of intelligent design, which asserts that certain features of living organisms are best explained by an intelligent cause. The ideas put forth by Dembski's movement have piqued the interest of some school boards, churches and politicians -- including Kentucky's governor and President Bush.

But biologists call Dembski's statements on the death of evolution absurd. They say intelligent design, or ID, has failed as a science, so its supporters are trying to foster interest in a receptive public.

Dembski, who holds a Ph.D. in mathematics and philosophy, teaches a course on intelligent design at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville. He calls Darwinian evolution "viscerally unacceptable" to most Americans.

"It is a reasonable question to ask if there are patterns in biological systems that point us to intelligence," he said in an interview. "It is a reasonable question to ask what are the limits to evolutionary mechanisms."

Kentucky Gov. Ernie Fletcher called design by an intelligent source a "self-evident truth" in his annual State of the Commonwealth address in January. Fletcher has said he would encourage schools to teach the concept.

That is despite a December ruling by a federal judge in Pennsylvania that intelligent design should not be taught as science in Dover, Pa., schools.

U.S. District Judge John E. Jones wrote that "overwhelming evidence at trial established that ID is a religious view, a mere relabeling of creationism, and not a scientific theory." Jones found intelligent design failed as a scientific theory because it can't be tested.

"He pretty much pegged it for what it was," said James Krupa, an associate biology professor at the University of Kentucky. "It really should just be called God theory."

Krupa said evolution science is not dying.

"It's the driving force, it's the foundation of all biology," said Krupa, who teaches evolution courses at UK. "Natural selection and evolution theory are getting stronger and stronger."

For the American public, opinions on evolution vary.

According to a 2004 Gallup poll, about 35 percent of Americans think Darwin's theory is well-supported by evidence, another 35 percent said it is not, and 29 percent said they didn't know enough about it.

Several state legislatures are considering bills critical of the traditional teaching of evolution in the classroom. Legislators in Oklahoma and Missouri have introduced measures to change science teaching standards. In Nevada, a masonry contractor has introduced a constitutional amendment that says there are many questions about evolution.

"It's an ongoing debate; I'm not surprised that the public tends to be somewhat interested in it," said Rob Crowther, a spokesman for the Seattle-based Discovery Institute, which funds intelligent design research.

That debate is fueled by a belief that Darwinian evolution is linked to atheism, said Eugenie Scott, director of the National Center for Science Education and a former UK professor.

"This is actually, I think, key to understanding this whole controversy in this country: people think that because science restricts itself to a natural cause, it's therefore saying that God had nothing to do with it," Scott said.

Dembski and other proponents say intelligent design is in its infancy and not yet ready to be taught alongside evolution in the science classroom. Crowther said the Discovery Institute actually opposed the actions by the Pennsylvania school board that brought the federal court case.

"People assume that we must be actively and aggressively seeking for intelligent design to be put in the classroom, and that's not our position," he said. "What should be required in a classroom is more about evolution, and by that we mean students should be able to learn not only the evidence that supports it but also some of the criticisms of the theory."

That is enough for now, Dembski said.

"I guess I would say that even though intelligent design has a long way to go, it seems to me evolutionary theory is so problematic that just about any alternative that's scientific, or has the possibility (of being scientific) should be allowed on the table," he said.