
Alfred W. Clark #fundie occamsrazormag.wordpress.com

Mainstream Christianity today is not only weird, it’s crazy. And it’s not only left-wing Christianity, it’s supposed “conservative” mainstream Christianity as well. The entire vessel seems to be on a course of collective suicide.

When surveying the insanity of contemporary Christianity among white people, it’s hard exactly to label it. There seems to be no precise label. “Cuckoldy” is probably the best label, but since others already call it “Christian Cultural Marxism,” I’ll stick with that term.

What’s the Holy Trinity of this new form of Christianity – Christian Cultural Marxism?

The Holy Trinity of Christian Cultural Marxism

1. You must support open-borders. White people must commit collective suicide and turn over their nations to the invading hordes of the third world.
2. White should avoid having too many white babies and adopt babies of color instead.
3. Fighting racism is one of the main priorities of Christians.

If you think I’m exaggerating, just look around.

Immigration. The entire Catholic leadership and a significant portion of Protestant leadership support the third world invasion of the West. The Catholic Church is the worst in this respect, but you have many Protestants (like Russell Moore and others) who also support the invasion.

Adoption. You literally have Catholic priests and Protestant pastors telling whites it’s their duty to adopt the unwanted garbage of the third world. This is not only maladaptive in a sociobiological sense, it’s also literal cuckoldry. Resources are finite. By adopting the third world, these whites are forgoing their own reproductive inclusive fitness.

Fighting Racism. Both Catholics and the Southern Baptist Convention recently held conferences saying that churches need to devote more of their resources to “fighting racism.”

So, basically, in short, Christianity today, even “conservative” Christianity, is basically a form of SJW-ism—

How did this happen?

Christianity 200 years ago certainly wasn’t this way. But was the momentum there? By being too universalist, is Christianity doomed to become eventually a suicide cult?

If you want to see something sad — actually look at these cuckolds adopting the third world. They’re pathetic. They’re barely even men.

Which raises another question of why masculine men aren’t drawn to Christianity today, although this tendency has been there for the past 300 years. Indeed, even 200 years ago, more women attended church than men. But today it’s even worse. Could part of it be that nearly all the pastors and priests today are cucked, effeminate weaklings that alienate any man with even the slightest bit of testosterone in his testicles?

You decide.

Alfred W. Clarke #racist occamsrazormag.wordpress.com

What are characteristics of the Dark Enlightenment?
Regarding the recent conversations on the Dark Enlightenment (here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here), I’d like to offer a few comments. (If you’re unfamiliar with the Dark Enlightenment, read British philosopher Nick Land’s series “The Dark Enlightenment“.)

As I’ve noted previously, the Dark Enlightenment, largely an American phenomenon notwithstanding Land, has much in common with the European archeofuturist or identitarian movement, although the later is less influenced by libertarianism (perhaps for the better).

But what are these underlying characteristics?

Here are some:

– A rejection of sociological universalism, and a preference for particularism.

– An acceptance of human biodiversity.

– An acceptance of Darwinian evolution, shunning egalitarian political correctness both from the left and from the Trotskyite right.

– On religion, if not agnostic or atheistic, then a preference for ancestral neopaganism or a form of Christianity that is ethnocentric and particularist.

– An acceptance of science and futurism as a means to improve at least some peoples’ lives while not rejecting one’s ancestral folkways (i.e. archeofuturism). And a recognition that ‘progress’ will be available only to some, and not the entire human population.

– A rejection of The Cathedral (or whatever other names it goes by, such as Universalism or Political Correctness).

– The recognition that there is no single best political order. As Aristotle notes in the Politics, some ethnies are better suited for monarchy; others, for aristocracy; others, for a limited form of politea.

– Skepticism about mass Third World immigration and the realization that human populations are not fungible but unique.

– A realization that liberty is incompatible with democracy, and that democracy leads to mediocrity.

– A realization that terms like ‘liberal’ and ‘conservative’ and ‘feminist’ are beyond their expiration date.

– A concern with bio-politics, oriented to a particular people’s biological and demographic imperatives.

– A rejection of egalitarianism.

Alfred W. Clark #fundie occamsrazormag.wordpress.com

The Left wants to use Christianity to police the Alt-Right

Left-wing, Jewish journalist Peter Beinart has a telling piece up at The Atlantic, “Breaking Faith: The culture war over religious morality has faded; in its place is something much worse,” about how the decline of Christianity has lead to an increase in racial identity, especially among many younger whites affiliated with the alt-right. He writes:

“Secularism is indeed correlated with greater tolerance of gay marriage and pot legalization. But it’s also making America’s partisan clashes more brutal. And it has contributed to the rise of both Donald Trump and the so-called alt-right movement, whose members see themselves as proponents of white nationalism. As Americans have left organized religion, they haven’t stopped viewing politics as a struggle between “us” and “them.” Many have come to define us and them in even more primal and irreconcilable ways.”

As if there is something wrong with whites supporting and promoting their own interests. Beinart then discusses Richard Spencer, Milo, and how secularization has lead to an increase in racial identity among both younger blacks and whites. He concludes:

“Maybe it’s the values of hierarchy, authority, and tradition that churches instill. Maybe religion builds habits and networks that help people better weather national traumas, and thus retain their faith that the system works. For whatever reason, secularization isn’t easing political conflict. It’s making American politics even more convulsive and zero-sum.

For years, political commentators dreamed that the culture war over religious morality that began in the 1960s and ’70s would fade. It has. And the more secular, more ferociously national and racial culture war that has followed is worse.”

Beinart is basically correct but there is more to this story. The two most basic forms of identity are racial / ethnic identity and religious identity. When the two intersect and form an ethno-religion, which is basically what Judaism is, the religion of Beinart’s co-ethnics, one probably has the strongest identity possible. (Most early pagan religions were also racial ethno-religions, and arguably some forms of Christianity are too.)

The problem, however, is that Beinart can’t just wave his magic wand and resurrect Christianity to police white people — as much as he may wish it. The irony is that mainstream Christianity today is on a universalist trajectory that would repel the very people that Beinart wants to police. As I noted in a previous post, “Is Contemporary Christianity a Suicide Cult?,” contemporary Christianity is becoming more and more effeminate and seems to repulse more manly men. For example, regarding the recent controversy to expel open-borders Russell Moore from his leadership of the ERLC, just take a look on Twitter at some of Moore’s most ardent defenders: Nearly all of them literal cuckolds or Christian SJWs.

In short, Beinart fails to recognize that Christianity had a greater hold on young white men when it was in fact more like the alt-right, when it wasn’t as extremely universalistic as it is today and didn’t eschew racial identity for whites.

A.B. Prosper #fundie occamsrazormag.wordpress.com

As for public blasphemy laws. I am starting to think we should bring them back . To use an old case,back from 1987 a piece of trash art by Andrea Cerrano called P*ss Chr*st which was a crucifix soaked in urine

Now if he wanted this filth in his private home, its not my business nor yours but it was in a publicly funded museum

Anyone with any morals would know better and the proper response to people who undermine and subvert the social fabric that way is jail time and lots of it for public display of such things. Repeat offenders get the gallows

Otherwise you will be subverted and undermined at every opportunity and I’d rather live in authoritarian Christian state than what the Left will bring any time.

Alfred W. Clarke #racist occamsrazormag.wordpress.com

David A. French of National Review recently published a piece criticizing the alt-right and Ann Coulter (he even quoted at length this piece from Occam’s Razor). And as can be expected, there was an enormous uproar on social media, with many people criticizing David as a cuckservative since he decided to adopt an African child instead of birthing more of his own children. David French responds here, employing the usual cliches of cuckservatism.

For instance: “We defend a culture, not a race.”

David should really read up on human biodiveristy. Race and culture are inseparable, as I recently pointed out in this reply to Rod Dreher. Race is the root, culture the flower. As Cochran & Harpending argue in the 10,000 Year Explosion (free PDF), race and culture have co-evolved. It’s what others are now calling gene-culture co-evolution. Culture is not some abstract cloud living apart from humans; it’s a part of humans and reflects genetic dispositions. (Some interesting charts mapping the genetic distances between human races are here.)

On to transracial adoption. Take this for what it’s worth, but I’ve heard rumors that Nancy French, the wife, was the one who really pushed for the African adoption. Apparently, she was heavily influenced by cuckservative Russell Moore, a noted “conservative” Southern Baptist leader. Russell Moore has for years been trying to cajole whites into not having white babies but to adopt children of color instead. (Moore also is pro-Third World immigration and criticizes churches that are “too white”). This general trend among mainstream Christianity (which is equally pronounced among Catholics, such as Cardinal Dolan and Pope Francis supporting the Third World invasion of the West) is a maladaptive, suicidal ideology. You essentially have Christian leaders telling their white parishioners that they want them extinguished.

If I were David French and the rumors are true, I’d seriously consider divorce. Even if one is morally opposed to divorce, traditionalist societies have allowed for divorce in cases of infidelity and failure to issue offspring. This would fall under the latter case, since David’s wife is essentially saying she would rather raise the spawn of some random African than David’s own seed. While she may no longer be able to have children, I assume that David is. He could find a fertile younger white wife and further his genetic line. Let Nancy raise the dindu by herself.

But I assume this will never happen and David will remain cucked for the rest of his life.