
Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.com

Some facts about Darwin and Lyell that most evolutionists don't want you to know:

1) Neither Darwin or Lyell had "any" degrees in science.
2) Darwin's only degree was in theology. He was going to be a preacher before he boarded the Beagle (ship).
3) Lyell had a degree in being a lawyer. But he wrote the book that made Darwin question God.
4) In the day that Darwin earned his degree in theology, what they taught was Bible literalism. Which also means that Darwin was taught and believed in the literal six day creation. Which would make him a YEC before he rejected God to write his theory.
5) Lyell was basically a Bible scoffer who hated God, and used a type of intelligent peer pressure technique to convince people to his way of thinking. Which basically told people that unless they believed the way he did, they would be deemed as ignorant and uneducated. And as you probably know this same technique is used by evolutionists even today.

So if you ever wondered why evolution seemed so well put together to conflict with YEC. You have to remember that the person who wrote it turned against YEC because of the peer pressure Lyell wrote in his book. And if you wonder where the actual idea came from for man coming from animals. It was from part of Darwins teachings where he had to learn about other pagan religions while earning that theology degree. So the idea that man came from animals can be traced back to the time of Moses. Where Egyptian religion believed this, and their gods were half man half animal. So evolution actually has it's roots in Pagan religion, and Darwin was not the originator of that idea. He just made it popular, and introduced it to science as a way to replace God and the Bible that he had rejected.

Isaac #fundie yecheadquarters.com

Is the earth really 4.3 billion years old?
Yes. In a sense that God added this age to it so that it would work in a time line formation of how things would have been if the actual time had passed.

Does this explain why everything dates so differently?
Yes. If every object had come from the Big Bang, the dates for each would be much closer together then what we see. You would not have the same matter material on one side of space dating 18 billion years old. While the same matter on the other side only dates 4.3 billion years old. That's a "BIG" difference when it "all" comes from one source of matter. If your were to write out the numbers talked about on a sheet of paper. You would get a better idea of how much time a billion years really is. Science just throws these numbers around like they are nothing. But the magnitude of difference between 4.3 and 18 billion is just two much to comprehend as far as the actual passage of time goes.

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.com

Why do we have wisdom teeth? Wisdom teeth are a throw back from the giants that used to exist in Biblical times.
Genesis 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

These giants also had double row teeth. And is why some are still born with double row teeth.

Giants had bigger jaw bones, which means they held more teeth. We have smaller jaw bones which means these extra teeth have to come in as wisdom teeth. Also, this would explain why wisdom teeth come in, in later years. For even the giants jaw, as children, was not big enough yet to take them. So coming in the later years (teen to adult years) was encoded into the DNA instead of coming in when all the other teeth did. Which would have caused problems for children and many would have died from infections of the abscessed wisdom teeth in times when medical help was not available.

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.com

Why is their so much violence in the old testament? In the old testament, when people die, they did not go to heaven or hell. They did what the Bible terms as: slept with his fathers. Which basically means that your soul stayed with your body. Being that there was no punishment for sin after a person died in the OT, that punishment was carried out on earth instead. And the reason children were included in this punishment was because the sins of the father affected the whole family, This is why the Bible warned fathers about this. But people don't listen, so the suffering will be their fault. Christ making a new covenant where everyone went to where they are supposed to (no more slept with the fathers) changed all that. The punishment for sin is now "after death" instead of before it. Just do a bible search in the OT on the words: "Slept father". And you will see several verses on this.

Y.E.C #fundie yecheadquarters.com

Giant Oysters- More than 500 fossilized giant oysters were found nearly two miles above sea level in the Andes mountain range of Peru. The discovery of the oysters. some of which are 11.5 feet wide and weigh 660 pounds, reinforces the scientific theory that 200 million years ago the Andes mountains were covered by the sea.
Comment: Or the world wide flood pushed them up the mountain and then covered them.

What does all this prove for creation? Part of the YEC belief is that the pre-flood conditions allowed everything (man and animals) to live longer and grow bigger. So all pre-flood evidence would be huge compared to what what we have today. And from the picture, the evidence supports that claim.

The pre-flood conditions consists of these things:

1) Double the atmospheric pressure.
2) About twice the magnetic field.
3) About twice the oxygen.
4) And a canopy in place of the ozone layer to protect all life from the sun's harmful rays.
5) All animals totally vegetarian.

Now science could have easily disproved this by simulated these exact conditions in a lab to test how they work on life. How hard would it be to obtain a HBOT chamber like the one below? Then apply 2 atmospheres, increase oxygen by two times. Put a pinkish light colored pink 64-65 magenta. Not a hard experiment really.

But because science always refuses to test creation theories, creationists have to do it themselves. As seen in the picture below. Why? Because then they can say that the tests were rigged. If the evolutionist does it they cannot say that.

{Photo of Pirhana}

This Pirhana grew to 4 times it's normal size when these 5 pre-flood conditions were applied to it. And it also only eats plants and vegetation just like the pre-flood theory says. Will evolutionists conduct the same tests? Nope. Most are not interested in truth, only that their theory remains correct, factual (in their minds), and never be challenged.