
Rapture Ready #fundie raptureready.com

Where did Cain get his wife?

Adam was the first man (1 Cor. 15:45) and Eve is the mother of all living (Gen. 3:20). Genesis 5:4 tells us that Adam and Eve had both sons and daughters besides Cain, Abel and Seth. So Cain married one of his sisters.

"Now wait a minute," someone might say, "doesn't the Bible forbid brothers and sisters to marry?" Yes it does, but that law came many, many years later (in Lev. 18-20). During the time of Cain it was okay to marry siblings. Here's why:

Our genes have mistakes in them. When people who aren't related have children, their offspring inherit different bad genes. But when relatives have children, there is a much greater chance that the children will inherit the same bad genes, resulting in an increased likelihood that they will have birth defects.

But before the fall of man, Adam and Eve had no bad genes (Gen. 1:31). After the fall, Cain and his brothers and sisters had bad genes, but not many. As time went on, the amount of bad genes humans were carrying had increased to the point at which God had to forbid relatives from marrying and having children.

Terry #fundie raptureready.com

Are there strange things happening in earth’s weather? Yes, and in the earth as well, with increased seismic activity that spawns eruptions of volcanoes and earthquakes. Does man cause these through global warming? No. Does man cause these things otherwise? Yes, in my view at least. Man creates them through rebellion against the Creator of all things. The globalists are doing so today through worship of Planet Earth.

Todd Strandberg #fundie raptureready.com

The second law of thermodynamics is frequently cited by Christians as a manifestation of the sin nature. God originally created everything in a perfect state; when Adam and Eve disobeyed and fell from grace, the structure of all things was transformed to a flawed state.

We are all born captives of a disintegration process. Since the fall, everything has been affixed with an expiration date. Some material items may have a longer shelf-life than others, but in the end they all fall victim to decay. The next time your water heater goes on the fritz, you can blame Adam for your aggravation.

"Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men"(Rom. 5:12).

Todd Strandberg #fundie raptureready.com

The Church has a proven history of using faith to triumph over science. When Christians switched to battling with the weapon of science, they began suffering one defeat after another. Evolutionists have good reason to crow about their victories in public schools and in institutes of higher learning. Over the years, they have mopped the floor up with creationists, having won virtually every major contest. With creation science having such a dismal record, I think it's time to look for a better strategy

Rapture Ready #fundie raptureready.com

It is a noble cause to try to use genetic research to find cures for various illnesses that plague mankind. Unfortunately, the cause of disease can't be found by looking under a microscope.

Because cancer and other forms of deformities are the results of the curse of sin, I believe that scientists are probably wasting their time in trying find cures. In the end, their efforts will either amount to nothing or they will invoke God's wrath.

Raptureready #fundie #homophobia raptureready.com

When God gave the Law to Moses, He was very clear about the fact that if two (of the same sex) lie together, or "know" each other as man knows a woman, then those two were to be put to death, because "it is an abomination to God." God also destroyed the cities of the plains (Sodom and Gomorrah and a couple of others) because of their proclivity to homosexual behavior.


Now this does NOT mean that God doesn't love homosexuals.

Rapture Ready #fundie raptureready.com

Do animals have souls?

Animals clearly do not have souls. This question is sparked over thoughts of what will happen to pets like dogs and cats when their lives end or when we're raptured. Over the years there have been trillions of animals on the earth, and heaven would be a very crowded place if each one of had a soul.

The fact that animals don't have a soul is, in a way, an advantage to them. I've lost several pets over the years, and I firmly believe that in Heaven I can ask God to bring each one back to life. With humans this outcome is not possible. I've had several relatives die in what I feared was a lost state. If I should make Heaven my home, I know I'll never see them again.

If I were a dog, I'd want a Christian as my master.

Todd Strandberg #fundie raptureready.com

I'm very keen to read ever-negative email sent to Rapture Ready. Reading all the letters that disagree with the site helps me better understand why people have trouble with the end-time message. I use this information to help me refine the advice we offer to the public.

At the heart of many emails is content I identify as the "Sucker's Bet." These people view us "Doomsday Christians" as wasting our lives by endlessly waiting for a Lord who is never coming. They base their view on the idea that Jesus hasn't come in 2000 years, so this complete lack of activity should prove that He is not coming at all.

Some of these people bet they will have the satisfaction of watching me squander my life on a meaningless quest. But I'm not sure where they see the payoff. If I outlive them, there is no payoff. The only wager I see is their hope that Jesus doesn't come back and bring their carefree existence to a premature end.


When I respond to people, I reply to the real issue they are secretly addressing. People normally write me because they are bothered by events that confirm Bible prophecy. I point out to them that prophetic fulfillment is the real reason they're mad at me, and I warn them by saying, "If my luck with the end-time signs doesn’t run out soon, yours will.

Todd Strandberg #fundie raptureready.com

The Bible very clearly predicts that all of man's utopian dreams will end in complete failure. The technology we thought would lift us to a higher plain of existence will ultimately be used for man’s destruction.

Once I realized the hopeless nature of our fallen state, I knew it was a lost cause to rely on science as any means of achieving eternal bliss. I eventually turn to an old-fashioned but highly proven means of redemption.

When believers in Christ arrive in heaven, I doubt there will be any need for flying cars. Jesus said we would be like Him, with an ability that is not subject to the physical laws here on earth. We may be able to just think of being in a distant location, and be instantly transported to that destination.

Todd #fundie raptureready.com

I was flabbergasted that the liberal media had not checked into this matter. It is unthinkable to have someone running for the U.S. presidency that may have been taught as a youth that America is "The Great Satan" and the Jews are source of the world's ills.

There is no smoking gun linking Obama to radical Islam, but there are several troubling signs of deceptive behavior. In both of his best-selling autobiographies, Obama plays down his Muslim heritage. Obama was given the name Hussein by his Muslim father, which the Illinois Democrat rarely uses in public. Mr. Obama is said to be a member of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago ’s South Side, but he rarely attends services.

When conservative news outlets began covering the story, the liberal media went into damage-control mode. The Chicago-Sun Times ran the story that said, "Crazies doing best to smear Obama." ABC's "Nightline" blamed Fox News for giving credence to the story.

The only thing holding this nation together is our relationship with Israel. God said to Abraham, "I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee" (Gen 12:3). There is a natural enmity between the followers of Mohammad and the Jewish state, which is mostly spiritual in nature. I truly believe it be would suicide for our nation to have a leader who is even remotely connected to Islam.

Rapture Ready #fundie raptureready.com

The Bible tells us the God of this world is the devil. The influence of Satan is the reason 90 percent of the press and Hollywood elite are liberals who vote exclusively for the Democratic Party. The one-minded eagerness of the left to influence the electoral process should act as a warning sign to the conservative base of this nation.

Todd #fundie raptureready.com

I've come to believe that God may be using America's massive debt as part of His end-time plan. The Bible tells us that during the tribulation, Europe will be the main actor on the world stage. An economic meltdown in the U.S. would explain our nation's absence from prophecy.

The rapture could be what triggers this collapse. America has the highest percentage of Christians than any other nation on earth. The loss of such a large portion of the population during the rapture would cause this nation to collapse into chaos.

Exodus Design Studios #fundie raptureready.com

The Rapture Index has two functions: one is to factor together a number of related end time components into a cohesive indicator, and the other is to standardize those components to eliminate the wide variance that currently exists with prophecy reporting.

The Rapture Index is by no means meant to predict the rapture, however, the index is designed to measure the type of activity that could act as a precursor to the rapture.

You could say the Rapture index is a Dow Jones Industrial Average of end time activity, but I think it would be better if you viewed it as prophetic speedometer. The higher the number, the faster we're moving towards the occurrence of pre-tribulation rapture.

Todd #fundie raptureready.com

Right now, even the people who design computers may have a hard time conceiving the need for computation power anywhere near the one TeraHertz range. I have one event in mind that would thoroughly tax the capability of such a machine. When the rapture takes place, any server hosting Rapture Ready will be inundated with traffic.

Terry #fundie raptureready.com

The physical plane is beginning to reflect that loathing for all of God’s creation, while the devil turns up the heat. We are seeing this begin to manifest itself, I believe, in the great increase in sightings of the UFOs, and strange goings-on in matters assigned by those who don’t know the truth, to stigmata, ghostly hauntings, or other phenomena intruding into our dimension of existence. At the same time, the astrophysical elements surrounding our small planet –including our own sun—seem to be increasingly affected. One story of late presents interesting fodder for speculation of where it might fit within Jesus’ forewarnings of “signs in the sun, stars, and moon.”

Todd #fundie raptureready.com

I firmly believe the devil is the reason Islamic pilgrims are trampled to death with such strange regularity.

Because Satan is the true god of the Hajj, one would think he would want the pilgrimage to be a smoothly run operation. The ironic twist of having people die during the stoning ritual apparently is just too tempting for Satan and his host of fallen angels to pass up.

Todd #fundie raptureready.com

The prophetic birth pangs have reached the point where you can almost predict their regularity. A week ago, I was thinking that it must be about time for another big earthquake. Of course, most of you know about the big tremor that struck Pakistan and India, killing over 30,000 people.

Tracy Miller #fundie raptureready.com

I write this as a message to believers and unbelievers alike. God has been trying to get our attention for centuries. His efforts just keep getting bigger and bigger. Do we really want to think about what He will send our way next? To the believers, I challenge you to ramp up YOUR witness for Jesus, to show unbelievers the love that Jesus offers us and to help them understand why God is taking such measures to wake up people to His truth. The Good News of Jesus is something each of us should want to share with as many as we possibly can.

To the unbelievers, I challenge you to think. Put science aside and think from your hearts. If you think there is a God out there who created this world we live in, would it not follow that He would want our love and devotion? And that He might be taking final steps to get us to choose Him over selfish pleasures and life in THIS world so that we may have an eternity of joy, peace and love?

Katrina: a sign? No, I think a warning. [Emphasis added]

Terry #fundie raptureready.com

I am always irritated when something good happens –like a bountiful crop occurs due to perfect weather conditions, or there is a miraculous rescue of a submarine crew, or when a child wedged at the bottom of a tiny shaft is plucked from certain death, to see the media praise the ingenuity of humanistic endeavor, yet hear the same media call a disaster an “act of God” any time something bad happens, like a tornado, earthquake, or hurricane.

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