
ArcherX #fundie myspace.com

I don't really care anymore. This group is tainted and spiritually dead. The Atheists run the show in here and the mockery of Jesus is abound and out of control.

No wonder they win most of the time. They keep up with learning, they keep up with knowing how to argue and they know their stuff, unlike most Christians. Then when brother in Christ tries to defend Christ and the Atheists attack him or her, no other Christians comes to aid the other. And then people like you are there to point fingers at the ones who may have lost control and condemn them.

This is why these groups suck.

ArcherX #fundie myspace.com

I choose not to debate with a weak minded blind person, that has to argue with Ad Hominems and personal attacks.

You can't prove Evolution and it makes no sense, because it is garbage and that is all I need to know, period!!!!!!

Nick X #fundie myspace.com

if god told me to kill my kids (if i have them), then without hesitating I will....especially after I look at the bills....lol jk....murdering kids is wrong unless God really tells you to do it.

i want to be *your* everything #fundie myspace.com

That's what most people don't understand, that sex is a way of saying 'i love you and i offer my all to you'. But by using birth control you're saying 'Yeah, I love you, but not enough to have children with you and I don't want you to have all of me because sure i love you, but I lust for you more."

Ryan #fundie myspace.com

If I never new Christ and just became Christian, I would have normally sworn at you and berated you with every insult I know. But now I just smile when I read ignorant comments by you or any other person who needs to inflate their ego through MySpace because they aren't popular in the real world. You do know what the real world is, right? It's that place you see when you turn off your moniter and all your 'powers' go away. But don't get scared. For the Lord walks with you always.

ArcherX #fundie myspace.com

No, 99.998% scientists don't believe in Evolution, quit posting bias crap.

[Can you show that they don't?]

Pretty "Frickin" simple, prove that they do!!!!!!. Sorry, I don't buy the bias bullshit. Some may say they believe, but how many do it just to keep there job and belief seperate. How many say they believe to keep their jobs?.

Numbers are crap. Especially secular numbers that try to prove crap with lists and numbers.

ArcherX #fundie myspace.com

As to Creation and ID, the fact that God created us "is easier" to believe than that rubbish you have faith in, because it is garbage and just ridiculous.

Actually studies lead to a deeper faith in God and science is proving God everyday and the more complex science gets, the more Evolution gets the hammer. If you're a Atheist and you are totally blind spiritually, no matter the facts and evidence before you, you will no doubt refuse to acknowledge it. [...]

Prove me wrong, "MR. Blue collar Simpleton Wanna-be play scientist". Oh, you can't. Wow, I knew that would happen.

David #racist myspace.com

[Have we achieved MLK's dream?]
well if you asked racial equality, id say no...

mexicans, indians, and black people get more benefits than a true american white person could ever dream of in their own country.

want to know how it should be? we should all live in europe, native americans should have america, and black people should be in africa. everyone where they were from, racial crap wouldnt be an issue then

DLott #fundie myspace.com

HAHAHAHA....most people here do not understand what science is even revealing today.....today's science is revealing the universe has "design", in the science circles you are considered an idiot if you dont believe in some higher power. It is just people who dont want to let go of "Darwin" and his overrated research.

Jango Fett #fundie myspace.com

Correct me if I am wrong (no flogging) But on some things God doesn't intervene. Sometimes he lets stuff happen. For example, WWII. A lot of lives were lost during that conflict, namely his own people, but WWII was nessicary because Hitler was a horrid person that planned to take over the world. If God hadn't let that happen then can you imagine the consequences to this day?

*unlike you* #fundie myspace.com

Look at this....... In the world..... look at all the sickness, Look at all the badness,
Even in here! Look at all the people that come in here and try to yell at us, and ask us things that we answer with the great book [Watchtower JW Society]! And still Satankeeps at it! Never giving up on trying to get ride of us!

The Zoot #fundie myspace.com

['The watchtower bible and tract society ruined my family and my childhood .. it stole my childhood from me']

oooooooooooo stole your childhood from you, lets see, the pagan holidays, birthday parties, having sex at 9 years old, etc etc. Looks like your making up for all that now though. If your making an attempt to say you believe in the bible but not JWs, then tell us what exactly was stolen from you that would be acceptable in the bible. But from the sound of it, its not JWs you don't believe in, its the bible itself.

ambassador for Jesus Christ #fundie myspace.com

The most common objection do the doctrine of predestination is that it is unfair. Why would God chose certain individuals and not others? The important thing to remember is that no one deserves to be saved. We have all sinned (Romans 3:23) and are all worthy of eternal punishment (Romans 6:23). As a result, God would be perfectly just in allowing all of us to spend eternity in hell. However, God chooses to save some of us. He is not being unfair to those who are not chosen because they are receiving what they deserve. God choosing to be gracious to some is not unfair to the others. No one deserves anything from God – therefore no one can object if they do not receive anything from God.

Mike AKA Bboy Holy Fire AKA Lee Hyun Woo #fundie myspace.com

There is only ONE TRUE GOD, the God of the Bible. No other "god" in this world is real. When the Bible calls things like idols "god" it only means that the humans made them out to worship them before God thus they in their minds make those things "god." God, One God, ONLY ONE. No other

And yes, I didn't put a planned out argument with proofs and all of that behind it, because you know what, I rather just let you know just straight out as a pure statement of TRUTH, yes the TRUE TRUTH, only ONE GOD. Oh yes the fun people we'll have to take this apart, that's fine, that's good, doesn't matter, still only ONE GOD

therese #fundie myspace.com

[On abortion]

and rape/insest/moslestation, you would be worse than the person who did it to ou, its not your fault you got raped so why blame some one else who had to say in the matter

Malorie #fundie myspace.com

I see the evolution theory as just being a bit lucky that it falls under a class that is regularly taught in schools. Whether or not it's correct, it can continue to be taught because it's "science" and in this great country of ours I'd say most if not all schools have science class. Any other theories are screwed because we're so focused on being PC.

Chad Aka "the sting of truth" #fundie myspace.com

do not dAte a non christian if you Are a christian because the non christiAn cAres more About something else than they do god- probably their job, boyfriend, girlfriend, car, or most commonly themselves. we are the light of the world And should be the opposite of darkness. we should alwAys put god first wich is an act of having fAith. how mAny non christiAns put god first And foremost. none. not one. even religionists put there sacrements [church traditions] first, and foremost, before god..
i hAd non christian friends who tried to kill me when i stopped living the sinful lifestyle completely. so trust me don't be set together, yoked, matched, or Any other way you want to put it with unbelievers cAuse it could cost you your life, family, or something you just don't want to lose.

Chad Aka #fundie myspace.com

[After saying that only Christians put God first, and being asked, 'Muslims don't?']

and as fAr as the muslim religion goes do some research they put the religion first. for they do not believe in god they believe in allAh.there is A big difference there. And they don't even put him first. otherwise they would worship jesus as god because jesus is there prophet and they won't accept anything he said As truth
i.e. when he wAs worshipped As god by a man heAled, or when he sAid he wAs god.

Shells #fundie myspace.com

You decide to live by actual facts (the here and now, and what the scientists say because they are always right, right???) instead of getting to know our personal God.......Which if you ask me is selfish........You do what you want to when you want and how you want without consequences in your mind.......I think it is because the scientists don't tell you that you should live by God's word......They don't tell you what to do at all......This is safe for you..........Remember I am only warning you......I am in no way making you believe.......

Paul says that "on the day of wrath when God's righteous judgment will be revealed, "He will render to every man according to his works........for those who are factious and do not obey the truth, but obey wickedness, there will be wrath and fury." (Romans2:5-7)

EmilyNichole #fundie myspace.com

[Blissfully unaware of Ecclesiastes 8:15 - "...a man hath no better thing under the sun, than to eat, and to drink, and to be merry:"]

They simply do not care anymore and want to live this meaningless life with as much meaning and fun as they can. Why would you not do that if you simply are going to die in the long run anyway. “Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die” is the motto chanted by many unbelievers.

Malorie #fundie myspace.com

So it [bacteria] gradually grew a penis over time?

[Bacteria don't have penises!]

But why are there penises (peni? what's the plural?) all over the place today? The bacteria didn't need the penis so why did it work towards an organism that would develop one if it was uneeded to reproduce?

Tyler #fundie myspace.com

How did an asexual bacterium turn into us? It obviously had a both a sperm and egg at one point between bacterium and human, right? How do you explain that away? [...]

Explain to me this process of a bacterium that reproduces through mitosis growing both sexual organs and evolving into a human, would you?

Michelle #fundie myspace.com

It is interesting stuff. It's funny when discoveries like "The Neanderthal is proven to be a hoax" doesn't even make any kind of news or anything because it takes away from the proof that they want. Interesting what you find out when you do your own research instead of just relying on what you have been told.

Malorie #fundie myspace.com

Where along the line in evolution did organisms start to "care" about anything. If we are purely science, then how did emotions come about? Along the same lines, when did the guilt of being naked arise, thus causing us to wear clothes?

.:.Rawker_Chic[k].:. #fundie myspace.com

If someone held a gun up to me and asked if Ibelieved in God, I would say yes to pull the trigger. I know He's real. I know He's there. God's my only hope. He's my lifeline. He's my comforter. He's my creator. He's my...oh, here I go crying again. I'm crying for you. I can't believe that you've been so deceived. Oh, I'm so so sorry. I can't believe that someone could be so deceived.

Tyler #fundie myspace.com

[After demanding to know why bacteria decided to grow penises, and being told that a question referring to bacteria genitals is absurd.]

Yes. It is absurd.

Yes, I understand how evolution "works". You obviously dont know what you're talking about if you are denying, from the evolutionists perspective, that we came from a single organism.

But you believe that we came from it an asexual bacterium, so I asked you to explain yourself.

But seriously. Everything was asexual at one point if the only living organism was a bacterium that reproduced via mitosis.

It's a flaw in the whole naturalist perspective and it will not be explained away.

Michael the Indefinable #fundie myspace.com

My friend, gullible is the LAST thing I am. You think my faith is something I do on the side, unbased, unchecked, unchallenged? Believe me I checked it inside our and found it to be the infallable, stable based truth. [...]

And yes, evolution is the biggest lie ever. Did you watch the seminar I spoke of? There are also debates of 3 evolutionists debating one creationist about SCIENCE. Watch that one. And no, they are not fake- they are well known people.


With love in Christ, Michael.

jp #fundie myspace.com

[Regarding the punishment for the man who confessed to raping a 7 year old girl repeatedly until she was 10. Paragraph breaks added.]

honestly, what makes you all any better than the man who raped a girl for four years?

i know this sounds like a simply question...but is it really? odds are you're goin to pull out many defense mechanisms, dehumanize the man only to make yourself feel more worthy than that man. don't say becuase i didn't rape a girl for four years. God has a way to heal and fix problems that occur, so don't say her life is ruined...nothing is impossible...try praying instead of speaking. the girl will be fine if she has Christ in her life.

is a sinner not a sinner? so what then gives you the seat to make judgements? should you not then worry about your own faults and your own problems in life? you have way to many to count, and there's plenty there to keep you busy, so what then makes you righteous enough to say that man is guilty when you yourself are guilty of sin as well?

i beleive you should be humbled and live in humility, honoring one another above yourself...we are all very similar in how we work, act, and function...the mind is a very maleable thing..it can be tainted from the slightest thing...you too could become a rapist...humans...given the right circumstances, are capable of anything!

if you could realize that, you might have a little more fear of what you could be and understanding for what that man has done. i'm in no way defending him by any means, but you seem to put yourselves up on a pedastool...as if you are so much greater than he...deciding what is right and proper punishment for him.

James #fundie myspace.com

[Defending the sentence of the <a href="http://www.wcax.com/Global/story.asp?S=4319605&nav=4QcT" target="_blank">child rapist</a> who got 60 days in prison]

Lol, a day in that hole is a year for him. Plus, you really think hes stupid enough to rape more little girls once he gets out? If he does then hes not a rapist, he's mentally challenged and belongs in the Mental Institution. But I guarantee once out of jail that lasts longer then atleast 10 years, he wouldn't even look at a little girl anymore.

[You wouldn't use that logic on serial killers. Why use it on rapists?]

Actually, its easier on a Serial killer. A serial killer has a motive, a rapist doesn't. But, thats just me, I think that every second is a chance to change, you put that rapist in jail for 20, and I'll put my money on him, knowing that he wouldn't even get near a girl thats 200 feet away once he gets out of prison.

Tim #fundie myspace.com

Take nine marbles in your hand and pretent that they are the planets earth mars jupiter etc. throw them in the air and watch where they land or throw them on the ground. As you can see the marbles have no arrangement and maybe even hit one another. But the planets revolve around the sun and do not collide with each other and keeps on staying in there right and pattern and the sun gives the correct gravitation pull on each planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT CONCEPT ALONE IS MATHAMATICS!!!!!!!!! that means that it was design to run that way!!!!!!!!! That means a creator. Which to me =GOD The most supreme tech out being just to make that work and that is only one thing out of infinity that GOD can do. What do you think?

Tyler #fundie myspace.com

[Best Freudian slip ever.]

So... with less than 1% of all the knowledge in the universe (which is still quite a bit), you claim to know our God is even real.

What a presumptious claim, my friend. Maybe you should re-examine your beliefs and approach the truth with an open mind. It's is pretty well known that you can chose to not believe something because you dont want to.

April #fundie myspace.com

although, everything exists for a cause. if we were here just living to die and that was that...there would be no reason for jesus or any other type of religion for that matter. i would have no desire to become closer to God. that 100 year old tree that helped make a house for the needy would have never grown.
you would have never been born which made your mother smile which inspired your father to take a picture and become a photographer and become a renowned artist. (i made that up obviously, it was just an example)

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