[Regarding the punishment for the man who confessed to raping a 7 year old girl repeatedly until she was 10. Paragraph breaks added.]
honestly, what makes you all any better than the man who raped a girl for four years?
i know this sounds like a simply question...but is it really? odds are you're goin to pull out many defense mechanisms, dehumanize the man only to make yourself feel more worthy than that man. don't say becuase i didn't rape a girl for four years. God has a way to heal and fix problems that occur, so don't say her life is ruined...nothing is impossible...try praying instead of speaking. the girl will be fine if she has Christ in her life.
is a sinner not a sinner? so what then gives you the seat to make judgements? should you not then worry about your own faults and your own problems in life? you have way to many to count, and there's plenty there to keep you busy, so what then makes you righteous enough to say that man is guilty when you yourself are guilty of sin as well?
i beleive you should be humbled and live in humility, honoring one another above yourself...we are all very similar in how we work, act, and function...the mind is a very maleable thing..it can be tainted from the slightest thing...you too could become a rapist...humans...given the right circumstances, are capable of anything!
if you could realize that, you might have a little more fear of what you could be and understanding for what that man has done. i'm in no way defending him by any means, but you seem to put yourselves up on a pedastool...as if you are so much greater than he...deciding what is right and proper punishment for him.