
SirBlackKnight #crackpot #ufo abovetopsecret.com

Mushrooms could be extraterrestrial

"The real task with extraterrestrial intelligence will be to recognize it": This is a quote from Terence McKenna. He used it to explain what has been overlooked in almost all discussions of extraterrestrial contact, namely how strange the extraterrestrial is likely to be.

Mushrooms are quite odd if you think about it. They are at the very bottom of the food chain, yet they are everywhere. We don't think of mushrooms as an intelligent species, but mushrooms are a very connected species. Their roots act like an information superhighway that speeds up interactions between a large, diverse population of individuals. It allows individuals who may be widely separated to communicate and help each other out.

Lately, humans have found the key to the blueprints of life namely DNA. Could it be that mushrooms are from outer space and engineered themselves the be able to travel through space and colonize other planets? Their spores are small and light enough to escape the gravity of a planet and be swept by space currents. The casing shell of spores is the hardest organic compound that exists in nature and protects against radiation of all kinds, also radiation in the vacuum of space. If you put all these facts together, it's possible to conclude that the mushroom could be a visitor from outer space.

kuraijanai2013 #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Is Stephen Hawkings really an Imposter?

Okay, first off I mean no offence to Stephen Hawkings, his family or sufferers of ALS. This is merely a conspiracy put forward by others and one which tweaked my interest too.

I want you to look at the two photos of him below. The one on the left is from 1970 and the one on the right from 1990 - twenty years apart...

Now what got me intrigued was the notion put forward that, given he has a degenerative disease like ALS of who the longest other survivor lived only for a further twenty years, how is it he does not appear to have aged that dramatically, but even appears to have fuller cheeks and differently coloured hair/ eyebrows?

I hope that this thread can be taken as an attempt at conspirital discussion and not an attack or slur on Stephen and other sufferers.

GmAndre #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

The Three Pillers of NWO

I will make a quick few statements.

NWO is already manifested to big extent, it is about a world that lives through the Light, the Light of Lucifer.

Lucifer is the software architect of the Universum(Unus Mundus), as you might guess Satan is the harware architect. The light of Lucifer is the binary code model.

Life we experience is just amzing computer game in the engine of the universal computer, created by and for God himself.

Thus, realize, Satan and Lucifer are part of God himself.

Yet evry part serves a certain idea, but by itself it is a incomplete part of the system.

Thus, the only problem arises when we close our perception of the majesty of the whole Universum and proclaim one of its parts as a supreme to the other, or even as the only one, and start bow to it, in our madness.

Thus is said in the bible to "Create no images in my name", as it is impossible to create a full image of the Universum. You can create only a partial image, thus you will be in ill blasphemous activity of prtial realization. The Universom is in constant motion, thus you cannot catch him, pin him, or immobalize him, so to observe all his glory.

This was the introductionary part, now we proceed to the realization of the topic which woild not be taking too much of your time.

1) individuation, 2) autonomy and 3) creativity.

These three pillars are the Luciferian "holy" trinity. However they all belong and are creation of the same master - Lucifer. The guy with the binary code. This thread is with initianatory purposes, thus I do not aim to proove my statement here, as it will take a whole book to do so. Decide as, and comment upon if you could trust to my statements directly. Actually, every Martial Arts GrandMaster, will tell you that the proper schooling goes exactly this way.

Thus said, we continue with the reliqushing of the idea of NWO. NWO is glorious idea, as glorious is Lucifer. In Kabbalah he is named exactly like this - Glory. Thus he not only is commander of all binary codes, and logistics(including your mind) but ideas, based on the archeotype of Glory. Ideas as:

1) individuation, 2) autonomy and 3) creativity.

And few more. But we will stop our eyes at these. They are the premium-mobile of our mass-culture worldwide. Why? Simply because humanity is experiencing a very close natural relation with the Devil, due to its natural evolutionary state. We get obsessed by what we see. And as we are in the domain of the Devil, the devil we see, yet sandly the devil we worship.

Can this lead to a problem? Usualy not. It is all normal phenomenon, yet if some force, starts to hold this idea of Lucifer as the holy of hollies, and cospire to hold all humanity it its chains this could be a trouble. And this is what NWO is. It is not only a New World of Light. It is the Order of the World of Light. It is The Prison of the World of Light. I would be very neutral to NW of Light if it was a thing that had not the desire to hold humanity in "itself" forever. Alas we will be blind not to see its desires. It wants to eat humanity and keep it in its belly for eternity.

Are we able to stop it?
Would we be able to brake the chains one day, even if it overtakes us fully?
Does this change your views of the word? Do you see how simple things are?
Do ask, and I will eleborate on certain matters from this post.

pupetmaster #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Paranormal Phenomena controls us into accepting reality as perceived so our dreams can be farmed !

As above so below
Our DNA, mitochondria, our internal bacteria cultures, our cells, even our very minds
might just be as infinitely complex in nature as we perceive the universe to be
Part of a more complex system of fractal causality, fate, and quantum probabilities of a vibrational holofractographic universe.
Even if you don’t believe the RH type blood evidence for a divergence, a gap in the natural evolution of the human species, all native lifeforms on earth emerged from the primordial ‘black goo’. The ooze of plasma state consciousness that can be programmed into shaping its matter into divided parts to experience itself. The laws of nature, our genetic codes, and nature’s use of mathematics and hyper dimensional ‘sacred geometry’ come from this black goo. It imbeds a code for life, and a perception management matrix.
Is the world a dream? Is it an altered version of reality or perhaps a collective paradigm model that keeps transforming and is already unrecognizable from the real reality? The simulation argument talks about the human existence as a computational matrix of virtual dimensionality. Some argue that what defines the human existence pre-dates our birth, will outlive us yet it seems mostly affected by deterministic institutions. Our system of society appears immutable by individuals unless they attain the 15min fame focus window where the public’s attention can lead to positive change.
Forget UFOs & ALIENS.
If we are in the matrix, the Aliens are agents of the system. Drones, clones & programmable lifeforms.
Messengers of deception. Masters of illusion and misdirection.

What is the matrix?
That’s really the wrong question—
Better questions would be;

What are the goals behind the industrial-scale abduction phenomena? What sentient cognizant intelligence(s) are behind the veil and making interventions into our linear space-time frame of reference?
The abduction phenomena almost alludes to that we are livestock in some sort of computer generated reality as the movies “The Matrix” or ‘Jupiter Ascending’ advance. Our captors make sure we reproduce, don’t use nuclear weapons, and don’t venture too far out in space. They make sure we are cared-for, employed and lodged. They must be getting something out of this.

Could our captors be farming some element of reality; perhaps while we sleep in dream state?
Our dreams are the manifestation of the creativity of the human spirit. We think they are limited by our imagination and probably don’t understand all of the links to the unconscious. Could our dreams, some hormones, protein, or DNA light particle be key to creating reality at the quantum level.
This makes me ponder:

What resources would inter-dimensional beings be coveting? Contrary to the resource coveted by Extra-terrestrials. Would it be physical things like Hormones, DNA, organic, tissues, our water, air, gold, oil or rather would they be after immaterial things like Energy, vibrations, emotions or thought forms?

Maybe they came here and even after all our barbaric wars they discovered hope, honor, generosity and the tenacity of the human spirit. There are incredible everyday people on this world.
People the Catholic Church could consider ‘saints’. I’m not advancing any specific theories, just thinking out loud.
This world has a tremendous duality of everything.
Good vs bad, white vs black, presence vs absence, matter vs anti-matter, happy vs sad, day vs night. It’s like there is no middle ground. To transcend this paradigm and move into the next octave of perception, we have to evolve. We have to mutate, into the next stage of evolution.
I’m not talking about Alien-Human-hybrids, Mutants or superhuman specifically.
I’m also not necessarily referring to evolving spiritually although that is also needed.
What I’m referring to is more about evolving our morality & values ruleset. A majority of humans on earth have to become freakin SAINTS. So that the less honorable ones amongst us will still be decent individuals. Would a billionaire leap in front a car to save a child about to be hit? What about a homeless person. Why not? Most people who answered that question probably said no.

I think we are born decently good, but then we are shaped by the system and the ‘code’ of life.
It teaches us different things. Differently. But when this code isn’t working and us cogs become un-hinged from the machine we are supposed to be a part of, when we become a ghost in the shell, thinking for ourselves instead of absorbing the feed like the rest of the herd.

That’s when I think the ‘system’ puts us back in line with phenomena’s, coincidences & deja-vus.
Call it karmic laws, call it destiny or synchronicity but it’s there. I agree when Jacques Vallee calls this a control system, in this sense.

Ask every fervent religious person, when they became convinced of the existence of the divine and they will tell you a story about an event. A phenomena, they can’t explain, but appeared to them in a time a distress and set them on the right path. Provided them with a solution, when they thought all hope was lost. Plato said; Coincidences are god’s way of being anonymous.
So the main thesis is this;
something is off with reality at the fundamental level. We are cogs in a machine.
We are the resources of the state. The state and man-made laws feel unnatural. Like a primordial code that we are bound by. If time is a river whose flow cannot be altered, we are fish eggs, getting carried along.

I invite you to respond to the 3 bolded questions with your own opinions.

Salam Alaikum– Shalom – May peace be with you all

wisvol #fundie abovetopsecret.com

God is above people's lives and deaths, he created the concept of both.

Since you're so keen on your gnostic "yhwh is the devil" goggles, start with the flood, or Sodom: more death.
Even in the Moses story, all the firstborns of Egypt? Some were surely good kids!

God's making of humanity is certainly mysterious, at least as mysterious as if he were an explosion and monkeys.

Makes sense that he would be serious about the ten commandments though.
People who don't take regular breaks from their daily jobs become turbo insane workoholics and if the hebrews had done that, the world would be way way worse than it is now for that guy's death.

Imagine the kind of man it takes to see the creator of the world part the sea, destroy the biggest empire on earth in a day, hear him say "take the day off" and decide "eh what ever I'll just not take the day off, just to show him who's in charge"
Not the best kind of man for sure, and frankly I'm glad he didn't become a nation.

As for the deaths of all those killed by god's actions or exhortations, you have to see something here:

we can play a video game in which, in order to make the game unfold the way we want it, much video game "death" occurs.
This is not actual murder, even though we didn't create the computer (and in most cases didn't even program the game).

To God, we're not all that: he can make an entire new world like you'd make a pie, and if it doesn't taste or look like the pie you want, you can throw it in the bin and make a better one.
If you kill some guy you'd be insane scumbag & c, but if you throw your #ty pie in the bin, or a small part of an apple on it that looks like it may be unfit for the pie? Basic pie-making

Judging god isn't even as smart as denying god: if you think there is a creator, what ever he does is his prerogative entirely and you have no more right to judge it than the pawn on your chessboard can tell you to move the queen to b6 or you're a scumbag.
So the gnostic workaround is to say "oh but "yhwh" isn't the creator."
You either receive the story or you don't: yhwh is the god of Moses who is the god of Jacob four generations earlier, and is the god of Abraham who is the god of Adam who is the creator.

human emotions do not apply to god in any way, not taking his guidelines seriously results in much unnecessary grief, believing the serpent is what made Adam's kids go through all this nonsense to begin with.

"yeah let's believe the serpent again, surely this time he's on our side"

well.. nope

Didn't work when he said science of good and evil would make us gods
won't work when he says he's god and god is the serpent, either

windword #fundie abovetopsecret.com

Sorry it took so long to get back to you with an answer. I wanted to make sure that I was not straying from the theme of the Essenes and their revile of the temple, believing that the Hebrew were following the wrong law, worshiping the wrong god and following the wrong calender.

Do I understand correctly that, because of the "atrocities," you believe that there were at least two gods? Yahweh and the "good" one? Because if the only god was evil, the game's over, one can't overcome a god, at least the way we define a god. (Unless you think a "good god" was created sometime after the "evil god." But can an evil god create good? I'm starting to get lost.)

Yahweh was not the only god and he wasn't even the greatest of the gods, but he wanted his people to think that.

The Song of Moses: Deuteronomy 32:

7 Remember the days of old;
consider the years of many generations;
ask your father, and he will show you,
your elders, and they will tell you.

8 When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance,
when he divided mankind,
he fixed the borders of the peoples
according to the number of the sons of God.
9 But the LORD's portion is his people,
Jacob his allotted heritage.

According to the Dead Sea Scrolls "Most High" translates "El Elyon," the sons of God translates "Beni Elohim", literally "sons of god" and "LORD" translates "YHVH", "Yahweh". So what we see here is that the author of Deuteronomy considered El-Elyon to be a different god than YHVH, and that also that YHVH was just one of many gods. Perhaps he called "dibs" on Israel when nations were being handed out, or maybe he wasn't happy with his assignment.

The chapter follows with Yahweh finding "him" in the desert and caring for and nursing "him" until he got fat and spoiled. Then we see Yahweh devolve into frustration, rage, vengence and back to frustration.

10 “He found him in a desert land,
and in the howling waste of the wilderness;
he encircled him, he cared for him,
he kept him as the apple of his eye.

15 “But Jeshurun grew fat, and kicked;
you grew fat, stout, and sleek;
then he forsook God who made him
and scoffed at the Rock of his salvation.

23 “‘And I will heap disasters upon them;
I will spend my arrows on them;
24 they shall be wasted with hunger,
and devoured by plague
and poisonous pestilence;
I will send the teeth of beasts against them,
with the venom of things that crawl in the dust.
25 Outdoors the sword shall bereave,
and indoors terror,
for young man and woman alike,
the nursing child with the man of gray hairs.

26 I would have said, “I will cut them to pieces;
I will wipe them from human memory,”
27 had I not feared provocation by the enemy,
lest their adversaries should misunderstand,
lest they should say, “Our hand is triumphant,
it was not the Lord who did all this.”’

Here we see Yahweh set back in frustration. If he carries out is vengeful plan of wrath his enemies will think that they have done it, that they have won, and won't believe that his people's destruction was his (Yahweh's) plan, and they will claim victory over him.

Who are Yahweh's enemies? The other sons of God and their nations, IMHO.

freedom7 #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

I've heard various theories on the " gangstalking " theme . One such theory that could answer your question as to how to accomplish such an elaborate scheme on targeted individuals is the belief that it is all run through a supercomputer , and the spirit realms essentially use agents ( who are in human form) who are connected to them via mind control , nano chips , spells etc ... it sounds bizarre, but some people really believe this . I will attach a link to a website I read on this topic soon.

Another theory is that instead of remote control killing the targeted individual . They are keeping them alive for a certain purpose they may have not revealed yet . Some have speculated the reasons range from A-Z and almost anything you can think of . I've heard that they keep some alive and constantly harass them because their victims are a part of a giant "game show" if you will , some say that it all boils down to money and some very sick elitist individuals actually pay top dollar to have this individual watched , harassed and surveilled 24/7.

I've also heard theories that the victims of this either come from very unique bloodlines , have very unique genetic makeup , high IQ's, and have very unique creative, intuitive or psychic abilities .. and thus can be kept alive and harassed until they break and can be turned and used as a government asset .

And there could just be a sadistic reason of wanting to make someone's life agonizing before they are killed for some sick form of pleasure.
I've heard many theories and though they sound bizarre I am convinced " gangstalking" is a real thing that happens daily . With the technology to spy on people now , it makes sense that top notch targets or persons of interest would be watched by those who seek to turn them , extort them , harass them , or murder them .

Metallicus #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Yes, I realize I will get slammed for posting this article disputing the climate agenda data, but I wanted to take the opportunity to post my view of what climate change is really about and that is control of the population by the elite.

I have always contended that the source data and subsequent conclusions drawn from it was altered or at the very least manipulated to support the globalist NWO agenda. I don't expect that anyone will change their mind on climate change, but with all the threads lately on global warming I wanted to start at least one thread with a counter argument.

People, this is about control and manipulation of us by globalists and nothing more. I realize you think science supports climate change, but it has been manipulated to show what they want you to see.

There are lies, damn lies and then there are statistics. At least ask yourself if you will be ceding your power and individual liberties to a global organization that supersedes political boundaries and sovereign nations. Maybe I see it because my freedom is so important to me or maybe I simply am willing to keep and open mind, but at least consider the possibility that you are being used by TPTB to promote their agenda of control.

Please don't give away your rights and sovereignty out of fear.

Okay, I'm finished...you may now begin bashing me.

Skeptical Ed #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

UFOs Disguising As Stars!

Another thread was started discussing UFOs disguised as airplanes. My experience deals with UFOs disguised as stars.

It happened in the early 1980s when I was living in the Great San Fernando Valley, north of Los Angeles proper. Our 2-story apartment building had an outdoor pool which was lit at night but the deck was dark. We had chaise lounges and chairs all around the pool. One night I went down to the pool and reclined on a chaise lounge. I had my 7-15X zoom binoculars and I started scanning the sky when I noticed 3 bright stars in a vertical row, widely spaced. But there were other such rows although at greater distances and so I started to look away.

The moment I started to move my head I saw the top "star" haul off towards the south. A second or two later the middle "star" took off in the same direction. Then the third "star." I went upstairs right away and told my wife and eventually told some of my neighbors. Life went on and I eventually relegated the event to a back burner. I didn't return to the pool on the following nights as I was working at the Burbank NBC studios at night. I didn't hear of similar sightings until the '90s on emerging UFO forums such as PARANET and others.

Have you had a similar experience?

Elementalist #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

It's true, we need to rethink about time rather concluding that it's a constant passing by, and we can calculate it with numbers.

If we have a stop watch, and time it for 1 minute. Every 1 second, for 60 seconds we wait until "1 minute of time has passed by".

Now let's look at that same scenario with a universal outlook.

If we have a human with a stop watch, and set that watch for 1 minute, that human will watch these numbers change until they match their expectations "60" symbol/digit.

The entire time that individual is staring at their stop watch; he is breathing at a different pace then his 1 second counts. His cells, organs, fluids, bacterias, and biological systems are reproducing, transiting, changing while he is observing.

The planet he is standing on is still in its constant motion in relation to its gravity lock with the sun and neighboring planets, whilst the star is in motion within its galaxy in relation to the other stars.

Where they galaxy is in motion in relation to their other galaxies, which are most probably orbiting their actual center or birth place of the universe itself.

So back to mister watching his watch.

So much actually was happening within each second that he was counting to 60. Including that which is most dominant in his reality, the planets, moons, stars, galaxies.

Now to not lose you; each constant that is simultaneously taking place, the stars, planets, galaxies, humans, weather, animals, insects.. everything that has motion...

Their indivudal constants, can be calculated at different "times". Thus, the universe does not operate as one constant clock, rather all these individual vessels (animals, humans, planets, moons, stars, galaxies etc) can be calculated in their own constants in relation to each other.

This proves time is an illusion. One consciousness trying to calculate motion in relation to itself and that other vessel or constant.

What is actually happening is more like matter moving through a fluidic field we coined as "space". All these vessels of matter are in in motion related to their size, gravity, and external influences like the other vessels of matter (other bodies, planets stars, galaxies).

To just conclude "yea this is time, the universe operates like that" is utterly ignorance at the most highest level when the topic is universal structure.

Time is the illusion given by matter within space, in constant motion in relation to its origin (center of universe, the cosmic womb) where it's moving away from. . .

And let's not forget the paradox of this reality we call life.

We are conscious entities living inside of a vessel that inside of a another body coined universe.

We are existing inside of something (biological vessel) that lives inside of something else (the universal body), while we perceive and experience outside of the vessel (our consciousness is internal, using 5 senses to experience external)

As if we have been birthed twice. Our species, then our individual bodies and identities.

This is a paradox and why our current understanding of time makes no sense to this Elementalist.

I feel 1000% positive that the rulers of this planet don't perceive or live time like watches and clocks, but have everyone else on that outdated structure.

Sublimecraft #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Even blind Freddy knows that information regarding the most secretive, enigmatic and greatest topic concerning mankind does not simply get "lost" - it gets "deliberately deleted" from public databases because the contents thereof have the potential to bring governments and global elite bloodlines to their knees when the citizens of the world finally realize we have been deliberately lied to by psychopathic megalomaniacs controlling the planet whom may have actually made a deal with some of the controllers of the "UFO's" to keep humanity dumbed-down to the reality of our existence on this god forsaken rock.

"And remember Carol, the last card is the alien card. We are going to have to build space-based weapons against aliens and all of it is a lie." - Dr Carol Rosin, Disclosure Project.

The DIA should ask the FBI if they can get a copy of the lost files from Hillarys "private" server or just have the NSA hack into it like they do to other US citizens private stuff to see if she's got a copy.

ImmortalLegend527 #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

The triangle flying alien space ship has never and was never a flying vehicle driven by aliens in a reverse engineering sophisticate UFO that fly’s beyond the speed of light.


Every Real sighting of the real Triangle shape entity, is the ‘all Seeing Eye of God’


I, this mystery woman, and maybe this video can help bring to light what the world is actually seeing. I will be the first to tell you, what is in the middle of the three energies that form the triangle shape—is nothing but another Universe.

In the middle of the triangle is nothing but billions of stars, all you can see is space. A ship has nothing to do with it, aliens do not ride inside, it has no reverse engineering there are not light, AND they are not engines and cloaking has nothing to do with this.

If I am right, every one on earth has actually at some point in their life, witnessed the all ‘Seeing Eye of God’ and if I am wrong well, floating around on earth is a REAL ‘Portable Portal that leads to another universe’ iml527

—Maybe that’s why the Bermuda triangle came into play in this world ?

AlienView #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Aliens are taking over the Planet Earth

The following is posted as a theoretical possibility.

Here is the hypothetical theory. As Man thinks he is building more advanced computers through AI [artificial intelligence] and is relying more and more on what he believes to be his creation - He is in fact being deluded by an advanced Alien race who is actually taking full control of the inferior humanoid and training humans like the proverbial Pavlov Dog to respond to mechanical stimulus of machines [ie. computers, smart phones, etc.]. More and more people are interacting and responding to these machines without question and believe they are responding to the human will advanced through the machine; But in fact the intelligence that is actually creating the devices is not human and by the time man realizes this it will be too late - he will be completely controlled by an advanced Alien race.

Think it can't happen? Think you can turn off your computer or cell phone anytime you want? For now you can. But already much of the world's commerce and communication is controlled by computers. And if a subliminal programming was broadcast through coded computer code and was influencing the computers and your mind, are you sure you would be aware of it?

The Aliens don't need the type of physical hardware to conquer Man - They will do it through control of computers, the internet and a species [Man] not intelligent enough to realize he is being now manipulated and eventually enslaved. The New World Order may not be controlled by the humans you think are pulling the strings but rather by an advanced Alien race whose agendas you can only guess.

Profusion #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Does Bernie Sanders have enough royal blood to be POTUS?

I would imagine everyone on this site is aware of the Most royal candidate theory.

It looks like if you're a Trump or a Clinton fan, you're in the clear:

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton revealed to be distant cousins as family trees show they share same set of royal ancestors

Could that be why they're the leaders after all?

The following article sums up something I've never seen discussed in detail about Sanders...his race:

As Bernie Sanders Makes History, Jews Wonder What It Means

Does Bernie Sanders have enough royal blood to be POTUS?

I've spent time researching it and I can't find any information about the royal blood of Bernie Sanders. As a proponent of the Most royal candidate theory I believe that may preclude him from having a chance at the White House. History does seem to indicate that after all.

Anyone have information on the royal blood of Bernie Sanders?

As a side note, Sanders seems to be acutely aware of the above:

1. He is not running against Hillary Clinton

“I’m not running against Hillary Clinton,” he said. “She’s a candidate, I’m a candidate, and I suspect that there will be other candidates. The people in this country will make their choice.” His socialist platform is “one that resonates” with the American people, and he believes he can effectively appeal to them no matter who his opponent is, or how large her war chest is. But, as he’s said, he’s engaged in “a real struggle against the billionaire class.”
6 Things You Need to Know About Bernie Sanders

Is the above a reference to how he is an outsider to the royal bloodline from which every POTUS has come? If so, he truly is attempting a revolution.

Starfoxxx #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

[Re. Scalia's death]

It is obvious to EVERYONE not just the conspiracy 'nuts' something is not right.. What that pertains is Obama Cronie and friends had this guy off'ed. Their last challenge, or obstacle in the way... The family was either paid off, or they were threatened with their own lives.. No autopsy, pillow over the face, guy was healthy for a 79 year old.. Him saying he did not feel well points to some type of poison to pass him out, then the final blow, a 20ml injection of h2o introduced into his veins. Obama is evil so is Hillary, anyone that can not see that he was killed off is blind or have an iq below 60 these #ing politicians are SOCIOPATHS!!!

Azureblue #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

I think enabling the little people like you and me, put stuff on the cloud will simply eventually lead to no other choice but cloud storage and all the while make surveillance by the state and or the corporate state, that much easier. Already we see corporates like Google become private regulators.

How long before someone like google gets prosecutory powers because you got some porn in your cloud strorage or you criticized a public figure on a forum like ATS?

The combined power cloud and copyright will certainly lead a loss of property ownership for the masses.

Do you reader, realise you soon won't own the shirt on your back because you don't own the copyright to it?
You will soon not own the TV you paid for because you don't own the copyright on the TV. John Deere tractors are activity considering this approach with farm tractors I have read on ATS.

Motor vehicle "owners" no longer own their cars because they are registered with govt and the 'owner' is now only noted on the paperwork as the keeper of the vehicle. Notice they do no use the word 'custodian' or 'posessor.'

onequestion #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Is the Cloud another step towards removing private ownership?

So you use to spend say $900 dollars on photoshop and you got s copy of it on a disc that's a complete program and now we have the creative cloud.

It seems like this is the continuation of moves towards removing private property in the United States. Look at what's happening by the BLM.

Putting us on a basic standard of living income will move us in that same direction. Does it seem like there is a major plan being executed with a goal of removing private property right?

222mockingbirdlane #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

-I posted something similar in the past, but it was drowned in off topic posts supporting illegal immigrants. That isn't the point of the thread, it was intended to be about a government conspiracy regarding illegals. It seems relevant right now, with Trump showing up, wanting to deport them all. -

Why the U.S. rolls out the red carpet for illegal immigrants has been a mystery for years. It has brought down the economy and our school system. 60% of government subsidized housing is occupied by illegals and their anchor babies, but we practically usher them in. Just recently Obama told U.S. Customs and Border Patrol Agents to release illegal immigrants. Why would he say that?

America acts like we just want to help those in need, once they are here, we just can't turn them away. That makes no sense when we are In horrible debt, spending billions more on this issue... Including freeway expansions to make room for millions more people.

It has always been a mystery to me, why the government taxes us to death, but suddenly when it comes to illegals, they are all about charity and goodwill. I don't buy it. It seems with our government there has to be a greedy, alterior motive. With the amount of destruction it is taking on this country, just getting more democratic votes doesn't seem like a good enough reason.


Here is one more possibility:
The Microchip identification implant has been on the table for a long time and is an ultimate goal for our government. They have been ready implement it on us for 15 yrs. Needless to say, any mention of it to 90% of our average well informed, intelligent American citizen has been met with the reaction "No way, no one is injecting anything in me". The govt. realizes they will be met with great opposition if they try to force the implant on us, but they can't just let their plan go down the drain; absolute control and domination depend on it.

So... They began ushering in a ton of Guinea pigs from Mexico. The piggies are the most helpless, desperate members of our society, they will do ANYTHING to stay here and keep getting all their special treatment. They are fooled into believing they are sneaking in, and it is very important for the American citizens to also believe they are sneaking in. In reality, the cage door has been intentionally left open, and they are being lured in, just like the Hansel & Gretel story.

Now in comes outsider Trump, NOT with the agenda at all! Wants to send home all of the illegals we have collected, not to mention the Syrian refugees Obama is adding to the mix. It's scary to think what lengths they will go to to keep Trump from screwing up their plans, but in this "stranger than fiction" reality we live in, nothing would be shocking at this point.

theyknowwhoyouare #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

[Re. the Planned Parenthood massacre]

The writing is on the wall, do you see it? Negative connotation is a strong tool in the war against dissent. They want your friends and family to stop trusting you. To be afraid of you. They want the general population to fear you.

I was curious about this article in many ways, the first time I read it they said he "avoided eye contact and had a cabin in the woods." Now that statement has changed to "he stashed food in the woods, avoided eye contact and warned neighbors about government spying.".

Obviously if you are concerned about government spying you are hiding something, right?

Why are we not talking about the other motivations involved? Why not talk about his religion? His political affiliations? etc?

Big brother is winning the war on our/general populations minds. We will soon be considered the next ISIS and re-educated. If you see something say something right?

I also find it funny that statements like these are spread out through incidents over time until it is something everyone starts to believe. They start amping the narrative up after the general population normalizes these behaviors with mass shootings. After the GP believes that we are all ticking time bombs we will be forced into mental health/evaluation programs. Those that cant be rehabilitated will be "fixed" or put on a registry. It will be sad to give up freedoms, but think of the children!

Our days are coming very soon, Big Brother is coming for us. They are going to use those we are trying to warn and protect against us. If you speak out against government you will be subjugated.

The war on information is being won.

Skyfloating #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Is Westboro Baptist Chruch a Mind Control Psy-Op?

After watching the 8-part series The most hated family in America I am wondering whether "Westboro Baptist Church" under the Phelps family is a covert psy-op or a secret mind-control / MKUltra cult. We know that there have been mind control experiments with other religious cults, most notoriously Jim Jones mass-suicide cult or, more recently, Heavens Gate. In the video series itself there are various hints that something is amiss. Here are a few:

* In one of the videos Fred Phelps claims that his church is "the ONLY church that teaches Gods word". Similar is claimed in a later video buy one of the members. This blanket insult at millions of other Christian churches should give you a hint that these people are either mentally ill or under some remote influence. I mean, we know that many ultra-fundamentalist Christians think that Christianity is the only true Religion, but to think that ones church is the only true church is more than just a little extreme.

* All phelps family members seem to have a lot of money, including those who are no longer members of the Church.This is odd since ultras and extremists normally dont have that much money. On the fringe of society nobody wants to give you money. It looked as if every family member sports their own SUV.

* The media are lashing on to these far-out-fringe loons as if they were representative of anything. In the movie its Louis Thereoux, but also other notables such as Michael Moore take "Westboro Baptist Church" as representative of what Religion is all about. Clearly walking around with Pickets saying "God Hates Fags" and "Fags eat Poop" is not what Religion is about. So what is the medias agenda with zooming in on these utter loons as if they were what the majority of religious people are like? If this is a Psy-Op then the goal here would be to increase the divide between the two already extremely conflicted ideological groups (left-wing/right-wing) in America.

* While it is true that there are parts of the Bible that forbid a Christian from having homosexual relationships, emphasizing and exaggerating this particular aspect of the Bible is a sign of either - again - mental illness, or some kind of unsound agenda. Most Christians I know would hold pickets saying "Jesus Loves You", not "God Hates Fags". In fact, quite a number of Christians are tolerant of Homosexuality. But their voices dont get heard in the media. In fact, the Westboro Baptist Church looks more like it was dreamed up as a caricature of an atheists biggest nightmare than anything resembling the normal decency and respect we know from Christians.

Of course I have no evidence that WBC is a secret psy-operation by some agency or rogue agency. Im only seeing the ripples of a stone cast long ago. Im only wondering who cast the stone. Im wondering if we, working together, can research and find evidence for strange ongoings in Westboro. Because there are a number of things seriously wrong with this case. How does a church get this insane? And why do all kinds of well-known journalists zoom in on it as if it represents anything? Its because of the medias cameras that these loons became known in the first place. Without the media they would be nothing. This is indeed how the mass-media manufactures controversy. Its so easy. You just point your camera at the most deranged idiot around and make it into something big.

I will be looking around for any further evidence that might point to what the thread title says and post it here as I find it.

3n19m470 #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

[Referring to former Prime Minister of Grenada Eric Gairy and his alleged encounter with a dead alien]

Looks like another case of someone with Some clout experienced something crazy, but he wasn't part of the inner circle, so like any normal person, wanted to get this exposed and investigated, wouldn't keep his mouth shut, and so they had to engineer a "coup" to get him out of power. He was surely replaced by a more agenda friendly leader.

trifecta #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Not even close. My vision is 20-10, I can see at great distances and down to a spot of dust on an ant's thorax. What extra sensory I see, I can turn on and off at will. No headaches, sickness, or disability in any shape or form since I've achieved full activation. I even cleared up a hernia, minor tooth decay, and seasonal allergies to name a few for over two years now, without special diet or medical treatment.

Something tells me it's not a Retinal Migraine. If you noticed in an earlier post in this thread, I am far too familiar with eye conditions. I confess when I inadvertently started this gradual transformation, my first reaction was that of a hypochondriac, coupled with psychosomatic paranoia. My first life pursuit was that of an Electrical engineer. Acedemia trained this monkey strict adherence to the scientific method. What a twist of fate, right? With all this ostentatious and gaudy new age metaphysical garble spewing from my gullet.

SPECULUM #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Unwittingly Fingerprinted by Touch Screen Devices

With the Super Advancements in Touch Screen Technology, Software and their Applications, its really not out of the question that our Unscrupulous Spying Government, Hasn't forced or were even offered/Given Fingerprinting application for all Touch Screen Devices, to help in completing their Database Profiling Collections. And like Idiot's, we Unwittingly and Freely give them Greater Trespass of our Right To Privacy and Anonymity Via our Favorite Communication Devices.

They Already have Access to our Video, Audio, Tracking and Fantasies. Why not our Fingerprints, DNA, plus Retinal Scan Via our Personal Devices

constant_thought #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Theory about what is happening during these slurred speech "Mind Control Weapon" incidents

So we are seeing a lot of these incidents recently involving news reporters or talk show hosts having sudden bouts of slurred speech and complete confusion. Now let's suppose that this isn't a medical reason and it is indeed a targeted individual for some new advanced weaponry; how could it work?

After seeing this compilation of these "mind control" episodes, it is startlingly close to how people react when they hear their own voice played back to them with a second delay. It has the effect of confusing the brain into not being able to process information correctly and often causes the slurred speech which is a running theme of these "Mind Control" videos.

Take for instance Speech Jammer. Here is someone trying to read Dr. Seuss while using Speech Jammer

I know there is not a lot to go on here, but considering they have the technology to direct sound to an individual (LRAD Sound Cannon - A type of Sonic Weapon) I think it could be highly possible to use Live television to record and send a presenter's own voice back to them if they wanted. Why they would do this i am not so sure, perhaps it is still in testing.

nOraKat #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Most of us know how tightly controlled the media is - to the point that it is controlled word for word.

Many of us here have seen the videos where news anchor people from tens of different TV stations are saying the same script word for word.

So now when you see the major media broadcasting something which is the 'headline' - you can be sure there is an agenda.


In the recent drama unfolding between Russia, the USA and NATO, I take notice of some things. Like how conspicuous they make certain events.

The initial bombings of Iraq were never aired on TV. Nor did anyone hear about them. You know why? - Because they did not want anyone to hear about them, so nobody did. There was a media blackout on it. If you see something on TV, you can be sure - it's because they want you to know about it.

Now the recent events unfolding between Russia and the West (USA and NATO), first Crimea, then Syria..

Each event is announced and made conspicuous - made the center of attention in the media.

On TV, the video of the recent launching of the cruise missiles by the USSR into Syria were aired..

Now why in the world would Russian military provide a video for that? Ask yourselves that..

"We are now launching cruise missiles into Syria! We are the Russians!" .. here is the video.


..NATO announces on television - "Hey Russia, we do not want you launching missiles!"

... ooh conflict.

I guess they (NATO) could not just have communicated with Russia privately.. they had to announce it on television.

..and Russia could not just have launched the missiles without providing a video for the TV stations to air.


It reminds me of ideas from Buckminster Fuller's, book - Critical Path, which is that world power structures puppet what appear to be sovereign nations, to achieve particular goals.

Some events in the past reveal such realities. For example - link to The Cold War was a Fraud

It reminds me of president Eisenhower's speech warning us of the Military Industrial Complex.

You think they have gone away?

I think not..

It is only the biggest and most LUCRATIVE scam in history.

What is the scam? - You create a war and governments have to spend big on armaments. Then the governments borrow money from the banks to buy armaments. The banks earn interest on trillion dollar loans and the Military Industrial complex makes trillions on armaments. I would not be be surprised if the same people make money on both sides of the fence (Banking & Military Industry). There is nothing else on this planet that can compare to this magnitude of capital creation.

And simultaneously, they can cull some humans. Its a win, win!

John_Rodger_Cornman #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Couldn't TLunaticsTB just add in a gene altering retrovirus to common vaccines?

I mean it would make for the perfect cover. You think your body is reacting to the vaccine when its really reacting viral vector changing your DNA.
I don't know someone could easily piggyback a viral vector inside a normal vaccine without anyone noticing. We all know of the preservatives and the mercury in the vaccines but what about other things that can be loaded in them without them telling you.

We know the new world order has population control as a planned goal. Could they create a retrovirus that could when triggered cause the target to be totally sterile or sick?

This type of bio-weapon could be a truly insidious geopolitical coercion tool. Just prevent the enemy from reproducing and wait them out.

LeeAndrewCox #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Reptilians would only dominate using brute force if the information on alien lifeforms is to be correct, I have always considered the Greys as the dominant species as they are said to have superior intellect to many other known species including telepathy, including yours truly, so I assumed it would take more than brute force and bombs to control other species if we are talking about extremely advanced extraterrestrial species, unlike mankind's earth where all you need is the will to do what the other person will not and be in the possession of a weapon, besides I have always associated Greys with the disk shaped UFO's many people see in our skies anyway, if anybody can name the X-File episode where that couple In the car see the greys come over to check em out and then the red looking alien creature comes out of another ship, in that scene it's the greys that are the mischievous and the red reptilian looking alien is the benevolent one

Willtell #ufo abovetopsecret.com

I read where many UFOligist say there are basically 3 types of aliens beyond the hybrids: the grays, soldier worker bee types, reptile types and insectoids usually on board these UFOS.

They state that the insectoids and reptiles, usually much taller that the grays, are basically the bosses in the alien kingdom.

I always wondered what they based this conclusion on.

The way the UFO is run?

I wonder would an alien civilization decide what human group runs the world based on the configuration of who runs the space shuttle flights, or any other human space travel mission?

Isn’t it somewhat stupid to determine the hierarchy of alien civilizations based on who is in charge on a UFO—does that make any sense?

Isn’t it reasonably to conclude that if these aliens are so advanced then they could have sent robots on board these UFO’s to interface with earthlings and these grays, insectoids, and reptile like beings, who are described as very mechanical and in-human like beings, are basically a robot race of drones rather than the real powers behind this alien phenomenon.

Do we send presidents, generals, and powerful people on flights of our own space travel?


What makes us think that aliens would do any different and send to earth on these UFO’S important and powerful beings in their civilization hierarchy?

CB328 #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

One of the most compelling conspiracies to me is the Apollo Moon Missions. I have seen a lot of information on different theories of how or why they could be fake and here is my take on it. Granted some of these are circumstantial or opinonated, but as they say where there's smoke there's fire and with this much smoke there has to be a fire somewhere.

1. Moon landing tapes got erased, NASA admits

Lost and then recreated. Sorry, that's suspicious to me.

2. NASA Has Lost Hundreds of Its Moon Rocks, New Report Says

3. Why would they lose moon rocks? Maybe because they're fake?

Moon rock' given to Holland by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin is fake

4. Nasa didn't provide a feed of moon landing video, the news media had to film it from a TV screen! This is very suspicious to me, very controlling.

5. There are no flaws in the moon pictures. Going through radiation, heat and subzero temperatures yet the film all made it back in pristine condition? There aren't even some blurry pictures that you might expect. Extremely suspicious.


6. Dangerous stunts on the moon. Golfing, running, jumping on the moon? If you traveled to one of the deadliest places in the universe and the only thing keeping you alive was some layers of cloth and a helmet would you risk instant death by cavorting around like a 12 year old? Or a slower death by using up your oxygen? Not to mention most of the astronauts were ex military people who would be more serious and methodical than acting like buffoons.

7. Astronauts differing accounts of viewing stars from the moon.


8. Strange moon pictures. I am not a photographic expert, but it sure looks to me like the background and foreground on many of the pictures are two different pictures spliced together, or made with a backdrop, like Stanley Kubric is famous for using in 2001 a Space Odessey. In this picture you have the foreground, then you have a mountain in the background that looks like it was filmed from 50 or 100 miles away. Maybe it was, filmed from a probe and then that photo used as a backdrop in a studio?

www.google.com... korea.co.kr%2Farticle%2F2295%2Fspace-exploration-korean-government-aiming-launch-its-own-space-vehicles-2020&ei=td28Ve33INC2ogSQw7qYBQ&bvm=bv.99261572 ,d.cGU&psig=AFQjCNERhRjC09ETpFNfWigoV14p4z0W3w&ust=1438527290960423

9. Disney has a giant moon surface set that the descent could have been filmed with. The capsule descent footage sure looks like a model to me. I can't find a link to this but I saw a video once of the huge moonscape with a camera boom in front of it for filming moon footage.

10. How did they travel at thousands of miles an hour to reach the moon, then slow down enough so that they could descend and land without flipping over, then after redocking speed back up to get back to earth in the same amount of time as the trip out when they had a giant Saturn rocket to get the up to speed?

thinline #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Was the whole Bernie Sanders and the Black Lives Matter person jumping on stage a conspiracy? while not all political candidates have secret service protection, one would think that there would have been some security to stop someone from going on stage or to pull them off the stage. After seeing this, one would imagine that Sanders would have better security going forward, if this was a real event

Illumina233 #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Alex Jones is deliberately neurotic on air to discredit his followers

At one point Alex Jones could dissemble himself as an outspoken critic of globalism with good intentions. But now his erratic demeanor seems calculated to deter fair-minded people from taking him seriously. The level of credulity you would have to maintain throughout his half-witted ramblings seems insuperable for the average fair-minded person to subject themselves to. His alarmist proclamations and frequently botched predictions all undermine his legitimacy as a counter-cultural crusader. I suspect Alex Jones himself is either entirely neurotic without control of his mannerisms or a deliberate fraud foisted on unsuspecting lemmings to inculcate them with paranoiac ideations and acquiescence-inducing statements that seem to imply the elite are unassailable and intractable and that all action against them will be abortive and redound in failure. I cringe when I think that people like Ron Paul actually debase themselves enough to endure his maniacal ramblings and consent to interview such a deliberate henchman.

He is controlled media just as CNN or Fox News are controlled....and he poorly disguises himself as a real advocate against the new world order. He is impotent in his position...people should resort to more fair-minded commentary disabused of the paranoiac inculcations that make Alex Jones a staple.

iamcreation #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Malasian Airline MH370, Captain America: Winter Soldier Connection

I was going to post this a year ago but never got around to it but now since they might have found a piece of the plane it is relevant and might show where the rest of the plane is located. MH370 disappeared March 8, 2014 and The Winter Soldier opened April 4, 2014, so the plane was fresh in my mind. At 3:32 into the movie, bottom right corner words appear, Indian Ocean with co_ordinates Lat 16N 55'12.06" Long 72N 56'7.09". You have to change Lat From N to S and Long N to E.

I opened Google Earth and entered in co-ordinates Lat 16 55' 12.06" S Long 72 56' 7.09" E and got this:

It showed just East of the Maldives and Reunion Island. I did some Measurements from where the Australian search was, roughly 2200-2300 miles, and the co-ordinates from the movie are roughly the same distance from Kuala Lumpur.
So I bet they will find the plane close to those co-ordinates and one has to ask the question: How did the coordinates in the movie match where the plane might be found? Insider information or something else. Remember the Dark Knight and Sandy Hook......

SONOFTHEMORNING #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

MAS370 was faked. If they found a plane, they were meant to find it.

Reasons why MAS370 never existed:

The model number for MAS370 doesn't exit. Boeing never built one. And it could not be a reconfiguration of a base model, as that would have to be issued by Boeing under aviation safety. According to Boeing's site. This model WAS NEVER BUILT!!!

If we were to assume that the plane configuration for MAS370, was a base model that IS listed on the Boeing website, then that model NEVER CAME OUT with the engines they claim were on MAS370.

So we have a plane that was never built, with engines that never came out on the base model for that plane.

Good so far.

Next, the flight (route) number designation for that plane was only created 2 days before the flight. The flight route does not exist. There is no official flight data for that flight number prior to days before the flight.

So a plane that was never build, with engines that never came out on the closest model that was built, flying on a flight number and route created days earlier especially for the crash!!!

Lastly, no mention of the fact that if you trace the serial number for this plane back, that it was actually one of two planes involved in an incident where it 'clipped the wing' of another Malaysian Airlines flight whilst taxing on the tarmac at an airport.

Anyone remember this???

Good luck finding anything about it on Google!!! They've all but made it 'vanish'.

They don't want anyone to realise that this is actually one of those two planes that clipped wings.

Why??? Besides it being a different model, with different engines, and different flight number designation and history???

Why indeed???

Why also, was the designation of the plane altered by the media at the time of the incident???

The first initial reports in the media about the plane were about MAS370. (M)ALAYSIAN (A)IRLINES (S)ERVICE, though this has been written up as SYSTEM. *Sigh*

MAS370, was then changed in the way it was written by the media to become MAS/MH370. And they used both for a little bit .. until ...

They then dropped the MAS to being only MH370. What does the H stand for? MH makes absolutely no sense as an acronym. The fact this was altered and adopted, is for the most ridiculous reasons you could ever believe.

MAS/SAM became MH/HM. To try convert SAM (The hidden name of God. Seriously, look up the meaning of the name SAM), to HER MAJESTY.

For one particular bitch, to try 'clip wings' with SAM to make MAS(SAM) ... they LOVE their reflections) into MH (HM).

The really stupid, and amusing thing about them trying to play this perception game, is that HM can also mean HIS MAJESTY, and therefore STILL REFERS TO SAMUEL/SAMAEL.

This was all faked. It never happened.

And any plane they find, was planted to be found or from another plane.

I had a remote viewing of this a week before it happened. There was nobody on-board the plane which flew a decoy flight pattern, and I could see a military jet escort off its left wing. Guess what sort of 'Coalition' jet it looked like???

MerkabaMeditation #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Tomorrow it is four years since the Utoya shootings where 69 people were killed by allegedly one shooter, Anders Breivik. No one has questioned this story in the MSM, even though eyewitness accounts describe two or even three shooters. In addition, many eyewitness claim that the shooter(s) videotaped the event, but Breivik has denied this and no camera was found on him or at Utoya.

Many of the eyewitnesses has sworn before a judge that they encountered a dark haired (Breivik is blond) shooter with nordic looks that may have spoken a Trondheim dialect (Breivik has a Oslo dialect), and that did not wear a police uniform like Breivik did. The second or third shooter also had a video camera, no camera was found on Breivik or on the island. Other eyewitnesses spoke of encountering the shooter while they at the same time hearing shots being fired from other places at the island.

Interview with witness that talks about three shooters:

Truck driver that claimed he heard several shots being fired at the same time from Utoya:

Transcript from local TV-station TV8 Buskerud above
Interviewer: What did you say? On Utoya there where?...
Truck driver: There were many people firing—More than one.
Interviewer: And you where at Vik? (On the mainland)
Truck driver: I was standing on the truck stop on the mainland. I heard more than one weapon at the same time.
Interviewer: That means that there were more than one shooter?
Truck driver: There had to be more than one shooter since I heard shots coming from different places on the island at the same time – it was very loud as the truck stop is just 300-400 meters (about 1000 feet) from the island.
Interviewer: If you had to guess, then how many shooters were there?
Truck driver: Two or three shooters, at least two.

Will we ever know the entire truth of what happened that day? Why would the MSM not talk about the second/three shooters? Where did the camera go, did one of the other shooters take it?

Getsmart #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Regarding the relationship between Cloned Royal Bloodlines into Movie Stars and Celebrities and the Alien Satanic Agenda for our planet, this news might help bring some insight to the subject.

There is a personality who is infamous among researchers into the Illuminati bloodlines and Satanic cults and black magic witchcraft covens. This name is improbable because it evokes the false and fabricated Hollywood image of a fragile and sensitive little girl, the girl next door.

Those in the know are not mistaken, and many witnesses place her at the very top of the Satanic Hierarchy in the United States, officiating as High Priestess in the national occult ritual ceremonies.

Some of you may have already guessed, but for others here it will come as a surprise: Shirley MacLaine.

She grew up in Arlington Virginia, the administrative capital of the American branch of the Illuminati. Their 'spiritual' capital is Pittsburgh where logically the last G20 conference was hosted, but the general public missed the Satanic worship ceremonies which no doubt took place after hours.

This highlights the origins of the extensive integration of the Illuminati Agenda into the NSA and CIA where there is considerable consanguinity between these organizations and their dedication to bringing forth Alien controlled Satanic rule of our planet.

Since we know that the Illuminati have been engaged in cloning Royal Bloodlines for Alien occupation purposes, we will not be surprised that she was cloned from such stock in such a prime predestined location. Her chosen bloodline was not anodyne. Her DNA donor was from the German stock of the Saxe-Coburg Saalfeld connected to most European Royal families.

Her bloodline was also of interesting importance because her elder sister Princess Juliane von Saxe Coburg Saalfeld married into the Romanov bloodline becoming becoming Grand Duchess Anna Feodorovna of Russia.

What is also significant is that by the token of her genetic heritage, Shirley MacLaine is the genetic ancestor of every current British Royal alive. For her predecessor's daughter was none other than Queen Victoria. Here we can see Shirley next to the Duchess of Kent with her daughter, a very young future Queen Victoria.

This grants Shirley MacLaine an innate predisposition to being demon possessed, as she attests herself to doing willfully for her acting roles and which she obviously also does on command when she incarnated the Devil during their Satanic rituals as acting High Priestess.

A demon possessed royal bloodline clone mind controlled by the Illuminati conditioning with CIA and NSA handlers, she has nonetheless come to grips with the higher agenda which she has loyally served over the years, pointing out from the safety of her Occult Authority status the Alien Identity of another actress during a ceremony.

Shirley MacLaine squeals on Meryl Streep's Alien possessed cloned impersonator

Many here in and the doppelgangers forum know that Meryl Streep was "disposed of" and replaced some time back. Now we know who did it and what purpose her replacement body is serving. You can ask about her here where folks are in the know about many many more celebrity replacements that you'd care to know about.

Skyfloating #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Throughout History, most scholars have agreed that the use of 666 in the Bible is the use of Gematria. This ancient way of communicating uses numbers to symbolize letters. The number 6 represents the letter v or w in Hebrew:

Without any interpretation or distortion whatsoever, 666 simply and clearly spells out www. Its no wonder that theologians, historians and researchers had no clue what www is supposed to refer to before the rise of the Internet in the 1990s. WWW stands for world wide web, for the Internet itself, for that medium by which the whole world has been entranced and hypnotized beyond redemption.

Lets read the biblical passage once more, now with the numbers spelled out:

It causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is WWW. - The Book of Revelation 13: 16-18

There is no reason whatsoever that every web-address need contain "www" or that the internet need be called "www". The Internet could have very simply be set up with any other combination of letters, such as mmm or xxx or aaa or abc or none of them at all. Why, of all possible options, choose "666"?

RectusNine #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

I've noticed a bunch of timeline shifts recently, including the Australia/New Zealand thing. One shift I've noticed, that is a very small, but noticeable change is that I remember the sun being much yellower and more mellow when I was younger. One day, in about the mid-nineties, when I was at the outdoor pool I noticed that the sun seemed very bright and much whiter than usual. I've heard of some people having similar experiences. So, does anybody else remember the sun being more yellow and less bright? And maybe even slightly larger than it is now?

PlanetXisHERE #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Just a couple of quick points on my own take on cattle mutilations......

1. Forget about these as being from predators. Most of the stories/investigations/research in fact almost all begins with farmers and ranchers. I'm am not one but count many friends and relatives who are. They have seen many carcasses caused by all variations of coyotes, wild dogs, wolves, bears, cougars and occasionally people. They are used to these incidents and recognize them. They get freaked out when carcasses appear to be far from the norm, with things like small precision laser-like cuts, all blood drained from the body, no blood at all on the ground, only specific organs/glands removed, no tracks of any kind apart from the herd around the carcass, and others MM mentioned above.

2. There is evidence of these mutilations going back many decades, even before 1900.

3. It appears army equipment has been deliberately left behind at some sites to confuse the issue.

4. At most times cows can be bought fairly cheaply, so for the army or some corporation to divert personnel and obtain specialized equipment such as medium lift helicopters and partake in illegal activity just to steal and especially RETURN cows just does not make sense in any way. There can be no logical sense in any economic or any other way for it. If they want to test for mad cow they can just go to any ranch any time and take samples, practically, if they have some decent cause for suspicion. Anyway, many of these cases happened in the 1960's and 1970's before anyone had heard of mad cow or at least before people started worrying about it. The only reason the army would have to do it would be to discredit genuine ET mutilations, thus I believe both have happened, but probably more of the latter.

CrazyRaccoon #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

According to all those videos on youtube and Michio Kaku.... anti gravity is easier to manufacture than previously thought...for christ sake if people can explain with a very well presentation why couldn't NASA or some other source create an anti-gravity generator which can be used as a propulsion system?

I think that's what they are hiding at Area 51 or some other secret base that no has ever heard and also that would probably explain the UFO sightings...

Aliensun #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

About twenty others and I witnessed a triangle in 1998 moving over Laramie, Wyoming, at night. It was a huge craft, bigger and thicker than a 747, moving slow and silently at about 2 thousand feet with immense strobe lights flashing in random sequence. It was videoed with a 8mm camcorder and in view for a full 20 minutes as it move toward cheyenne.

Many of us believe that the triangles are secret devices--don't call them aircraft--that have been back-engineered from genuine alien UFOs. I've said elsewhere on ATS as recently as yesterday, they are the greatest development in transportation since the invention of the wheel. Not to mention that they would be a prime war weapon and space vehicle all rolled into one. They are the prime reason why there never was a serious replacement for the space shuttle.

Their development undoubtedly has taken billions and billions if not a trillion of dollars secretly from the US taxpayer via black funds. And yet we press on with spending on conventional aircraft and aerospace projects. The Russians and the Chinese intelligence agencies surely know about the triangles after their being in use for over two decades. So why are they kept secret? Because the triangles are a direct link to the physics of the alien UFOs long denied, and the public is ill-prepared for such revelations at this time and must be protected from making that obvious connection. So they remain secret.

rkingpin #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

The sun is a black hole

Here is a theory which may or may not hold any truth.

Most things have an opposit or pair in nature, which creates a balance, which nature seems to like.

So light has dark, left has right,

The sun can be opposite end of a blackhole, so all the energy that is sucked into a black hole is then fed into the sun that then pours the energy out via, light, heat, radiation etc..

Now if the universe has another universe as a pair (parallel universe) a bright sun in our universe will present as a blackhole in the other universe. The other theory is that a sun and black black hole can be seperated by millions of miles but be conected via a breach in space/time so you can travel into a black hole in one solar system and then pop out of a sun in another solar system. Obv the craft would need sufficient speed and protection to do this if possible at all.

soficrow #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Much effort has gone into the naming of names of the secret cabal - here on ATS and thoughout history. The list usually starts with the Rothschilds and moving on, ends with the Kochs, Buffet and Soros.

Even conspiracy noobs know the ancient Pharoahs, Kings and Emperors weren’t the real rulers, and that our Presidents and Prime Ministers are just puppets. There always were, and are, bankers behind the thrones. The scheme is as simple as it is ancient: bankers finance the public rulers through famines and floods, get them into wars and profit by lending to both sides. And the bankers always come out ahead. And the wealth builds through the generations.

Many (if not most) of the banker families kept their money and power in the family through the ages, but they had a big problem. Their bloodlines didn’t always “breed true.” Every so often some idiot son would inherit and lose the family fortune. The lesson was not lost.

Billions were spent on the search for immortality, to no avail. Finally, some genius figured it out - they needed to create an immortal systemto preserve their wealth while they searched for the elusive “elixir of life.” Enter the corporation.

It took a while, but it worked. Corporations now are legal persons throughout the world - they have economic and political power equaling or surpassing that of nations, but with neither the weaknesses of living persons, nor the constraints of governments. Even better, corporations have no allegiances, and no responsibilities to the people of the world. Their only commitment, under international law, is to profit - and they are best described as “psychopaths.” Meanwhile, people are no longer people. We are just “consumers.” Done.

10 COMPANIES that CONTROL the WORLDS FOOD SUPPLY - These Mega Corporations Control What You Eat

BELIEVERpriest #fundie abovetopsecret.com

I just recieved an email from a fellow Christian who is blessed with the gift of prophetic dreams and visions. For some reason, I have a unique ability to interpret those dreams/visions, and they have corroborated my conclusion that the Rapture will happen 1,365 days (5x273 see Num 3:50) after 12/21/2012. Know that when Jesus said "no man knows the day or hour...", He was talking about His return to shorten the Tribulation, not the Rapture.

The vision in the email involved trees burning in a fire, and it was delivered on 1/30/2015. In the OT, trees represent Nations and fire represents conflict and consumption. The next day, a vision was given that indicated more blood will be spilt as global conflicts worsen.

Starting from 12/21/2012, counting every 273 days for 5 cycles, the dates I have been and will be watching are:
1) 9/20/2013
2) 6/20/2015
3) 3/20/2015 (Moon blacks out the sun on Vernal Equinox)
4) 12/18/2015
5) 9/16/2016 (Rapture)

To put it simply, the vision of the burning trees was given on 1/30/2015. Then, 49 days later, it is the last day of the Hebrew year (not the first) on 3/20/2015. Then, one day later (49+1 as in Jubilee), is the first day of the Hebrew year on 3/21/2015. Will this be world war? Will it simply be an increase in conflict and blood spilling? Will the USA get further involved in one or more wars? I simply dont know, but it does appear that we are heading that way.

I dont subscribe to the "Lunar tetrad theory", but the Solar Eclipse of 3/20/2015 does cross paths with my calculations, so what does it signify. If the Sun represents Christ as the Groom, and the Moon reflects the glory of Sun (as the bride reflects the grooms glory), then the up coming violence will be a result of the Church's failure to glorify Christ. Rather than glorifying Christ, the Church has fallen asleep and is obsuring the glory of the groom, as the moon blocks out the sun.

Bluesma #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

I'll admit to it. I have been in contact with other "abductees" that had the same visions shown to them.

Not saying I believe anything like that will happen....... but I was told to move to higher ground and be capable of sustaining myself (and my family). My husband saw similar things, but didn't tell me right away. This influenced our decision to move and buy a home at a high altitude, and we both became closet survivalists (the day we revealed this to each other was humorous! We'd been separately stocking different caves)

borntowatch #fundie abovetopsecret.com

Who is funding IS, did you say Christians are?
I cant find the link or report.
I would be interested to see it.

Also as an atheist , they have no hope in an afterlife, Christians have every hope in God there is a difference.
Christians dont value their lives like atheists do, our hope is not here, its not this life.

and yes we do welcome the apocalypse, the return of Jesus, justice, redemption and peace. Its sad some haven't chosen a relationship with God but thats a choice.

The cloud doesnt have a silver lining, it has the promise of God, just because this life is all you have that doesnt mean we all have to be like you.

kiwasabi #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Hey everyone. I hope it's OK if I post this in this sub-forum, the ancient civilizations one may not like me posting about alien stuff in there.

I've been trying to find out more about the man Quetzalcoatl. According to history, the man Quetzalcoatl lived from 843 AD to 895 AD, dying at 52 years old. But according to Billy Meier's Contact 55 (see below), Quetzalcoatl fled America to return to Egypt (where he came from originally) after having his people turned against him.

Does anyone have any idea what names Quetzalcoatl might have had in Egypt when he lived (843-895 AD)? According to Billy, Quetzalcoatl was an extraterrestrial from Egypt who was given the mission to stop human sacrifice in Central and South America. It was also said that he fled back to Egypt later on. One of the legends of Quetzalcoatl is that he set sail out onto the sea heading East, and that he ignited himself into a large ball of fire and Venus lit up from it. What if this was just their interpretation of him flying away in his spaceship?

I'm also curious what is known about the ETs that operated and controlled ancient Egypt? What races/factions did they belong to? Any idea which one Quetzalcoatl might have belonged to? Some people have made connections to the Sumerian God Ningishzidda (son of Enki) and the Egyptian God Thoth, but this would have to be linked to the deity of Quetzalcoatl, not the man since those people existed around 3000 BC. I found 1 or 2 Egyptian Goddesses linked to the feathered serpent, one being Nefertari, who was a wife of Ramesses II. But again that is much too early, 1200-1300 BC. Really I'm just trying to figure out what happened to Quetzalcoatl really, if he actually died in America, if he left and died in Egypt, or if he actually left Earth entirely.

You'll notice in the question below that Semjase never actually said that Quetzalcoatl wasn't a Plejaran, he just said he wasn't directly related to Quetzal (one of Billy's contacts). This may be careful wording to not reveal sensitive information about other Plejaran missions on Earth. In a separate question below, it is said that the Plejarans had face-to-face contact with Quetzalcoatl at one point. Based on the legends, Quetzalcoatl was a white man with blonde or golden hair, with a beard, blue eyes, and was tall. Does this not match the Plejarans almost perfectly? What other ETs were on Earth around that time that match his description?

AnuTyr #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

[Was there really an advanced race living before the ice age?]

Your not gunna get a straight answer because no one really knows. Based on my experience if the aliens i saw created us then after society fell people would of been to terrorfied to reintergrate into the system. They can shapeshift into different animals, But the purpose of these animal shapeshifting like rituals held by many civilizations in my theory all stem back to that power humanity wants back.

My theory on this is that humans were made in order to replenish a species that cannot reproduce because they are made of energy and do not have organs. So they have to create a precurser. A species identical or similar to what they looked like before. My best guess is why the references of energy beings in the bible connected with God As well as God himself who is an energy being. In the bible it says spirit instead of Energy. Similar to how heavens is meant to mean space. However the term space was not developed back then. The same as Dinosaurs, They called all dinosaur bones dragon bones.

Anyways, That's my best guess lol. We were attacked because the species that created us colonizes intergalatically. And some other species that is dwelling in the milkyway took notice and tried to wipe us out.
But the species that created us prevented it. And they destroyed many ships. It will and has taken the other species a while to rebuilt their fleets but my belief is that they are back and we should anticipate another attack soon. This is why humanity is having it's technology boosted dramatically and why Nichola Testlas was born in the specific time he was in order to dawn this age we are in today.

I think all the mass abductions going on are the E.T trying to clone us and prob our weaknesses. Like in the movie independance day.

I think the media reveals quite a bit. But again those are all just assumptions. I do know however the shapeshifting creatures have been here for quite some time. And they are distinct because they are phantom like.

jtiest #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

There are several levels of alien mind control - parasitic, control, voyeuristic, creative/manipulative, integrative. All of these elements combine and manifest NOT through universal conduits, but through these transdimensional biological clone entities [structurally speaking, although they do not "exist" biologically"]. Imagine instead a giant leech attached to your head, but genetically designed and transdimensional, or the way a tree is rooted into rich soil.

MKMoniker #conspiracy abovetopsecret.com

Did Team Obama order three nukes detonated in the U.S. last year, to "create" a disaster/catastrophe so TO could start implementing their many Executive Orders? All of which added up to martial law of the whole country? Thankfully, some very brave military officers disobeyed Obama's illegal orders, and ditched/detonated the nukes safely away from people.

Obama ordered 3 nukes be transported in a major breach of protocol and safety regulations, with the intent to set off the three nukes to devastate all computer systems in the continental U.S., and throw America into total chaos.

2 Army Generals and 1 Navy Admiral reportedly took it upon themselves to stop the plan. The Admiral took one nuke several hundred miles off South Carolina and detonated it deep in the ocean. The 2 Army Generals made the other couple nukes disappear harmlessly too. All three have been fired.

Could these be the recently-fired officers?

Major General Michael Carey and Vice Admiral Tim Giardina were fired within days of each other.

Same story, with more obscure details. Fired for "alleged personal misbehavior"?

There were also media stories about how Major General Michael Carey was really fired because he'd been a "drunken boor" in Moscow last summer. And that he's not really fired from the Air Force Space Command, but is now an assistant to who ever's running the AFSC.

Problem is, this story came out of Associated Press - and there is nothing on the AFSC's website about this story! OR about his retention as an "assistant."


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