
Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Now because your earthsuit acts so alive and cognizant, it’s hard to keep a grip on the fact that it’s just a machine with no eternal future. Most Christians do not realize that their earthsuits and their souls are two entirely separate things, and this leads to all sorts of discernment problems. We need to learn to think more like a pilot in a plane who knows the difference between flying the plane himself and turning on the autopilot program. When the autopilot program is on, the pilot can take his hands off of the controls. The controls will still move, but the pilot won’t be the one moving them. In the same way, your earthsuit is constantly doing things which your soul has no control over. Your earthsuit has a long list of autopilot programs which it is constantly running. It has one for breathing, one for digesting, one for circulation, one for your immune system–the list goes on and on. Suppose your earthsuit is sitting in a chair. Your soul is like the pilot inside the suit. Your soul decides it wants your earthsuit to get up and walk across the room. There is no panel of controls inside your suit that your soul can grab on to. The most your soul can do is send a command to your brain. Your brain runs your suit. Your soul tells your brain “Get up and walk across the room.” Your brain then sets a whole series of complex programs into motion. You see, walking is a very complex activity for an earthsuit. Taking a single step requires the precise coordination of many muscles and ligaments. The nerves on the soles of your feet report information to your brain which it uses to keep your body balanced in an upright position. Your eyes, ears, and nose keep on the lookout for obstacles in your path. Your soul doesn’t have the first clue about how your earthsuit actually functions—all of that wisdom is stored away in that miraculous supercomputer which we call your brain.

Most of what your earthsuit does in life, it does on its own without any input from your soul. When you sleep, your brain is running all kinds of maintenance programs which your soul has no say in. As far as your brain is concerned, your soul is pretty useless when it comes to managing your earthsuit. Your soul makes some really stupid choices, like steering your suit too close to a heat source or making unreasonable demands on the system. Your brain’s top priority is protecting and pleasing your earthsuit. It doesn’t care about what’s good for your soul and it doesn’t care about God. Your brain and your soul get in frequent conflicts with each other because they are working on conflicting agendas.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Our Gods are not doormats. They start off loving us with indescribable intensity, but if we refuse to respond to that love in the way that They want us to, that intense love morphs into a terrifying wrath. In the Old Testament, Yahweh described Himself as divorcing His adulterous wife—all of those people who He had given so much spiritual illumination to only to have them utterly reject Him. Our Gods are not codependent. They don’t need us to like Them. They delight in taking care of us, but They can just as easily delight in torturing us if we refuse to submit to Them. These are not human beings we’re dealing with, They are alien Beings who operate from a very different perspective than we do. The whole idea of eternal torment seems utterly extreme and unreasonable to us, but that’s hardly surprising considering how little we understand about the way our Gods love. While we struggle to forgive a single person for just one malicious act, our Gods delight in showering mercy down on the heads of countless vile sinners. Before we start beefing about the unfairness of God’s wrath, we need to acknowledge how unreasonable His mercy and love are. No way do we deserve as many chances as our Gods give us. If we’re going to please Them, we can’t pick and choose what aspects of Them we’re going to acknowledge and accept. Our Creators are boundless love and boundless wrath. They delight in both mercy and revenge. It’s on us to decide what kind of thrill we’re going to be to Them. If we submit to Them and embrace our place as Their dearly loved creatures, we will experience Their wonderful side. They’ll put us through tough stuff, but always with the end goal of improving the quality of our existence. But if we defy Them and reject the wonderful invitations They extend to us, then we’ll end up trapped on Their terrifying side for all of eternity. It’s so incredibly foolish to war against Beings who control every aspect of your existence. We didn’t choose to start existing, and we can’t choose to uncreate ourselves. We will be as long as our Creators want us to be.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

To try to get our minds around how our Gods view us, we have to start at the very beginning and realize how extremely personal our existence is to Them. We are each Their intentional choice. We are each Their unique creation. To say “we belong to God” doesn’t come anywhere close to describing how completely owned we are by our Creators. We aren’t just creatures who They stumbled across one day and decided to take over. We only exist because They brought us into being. We’re more than just Their possessions, we’re like extensions of Them. Just as a human writer can invent a character in her mind, write a story about him, then delete that file and cause that character to unexist, our Gods control every aspect of our beings. We are being literally sustained by Them every moment. They could uncreate us all with a single thought and we wouldn’t even be aware that we no longer were. That goes way beyond simply owning someone.

The more we understand the unique position that our Creators are in with us, the more rational Their extreme reaction to us becomes. Yahweh explodes with jealous fury as we soak in the glory for the things He has done. Well, of course He does—how obnoxious is it for creatures who can’t even sustain their own existence to act like they accomplished anything on their own? Jesus demands that we submit to Him as our God and Master. Well, yes, considering that Jesus is holding our molecules together, it’s more than a little obnoxious for us to downplay His supremacy over us. The Holy Spirit is outraged when we pray to beings other than our three glorious Creators. Well, yes, considering that They are the Ones holding all things together, it’s a bit much for us to be icing Them while we credit other creatures and figments of our imagination for taking care of us in life.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Normally demons aren’t going to speak to you in the second person because they don’t want you to realize an outside source is talking to you unless they feel very secure in their domination of you. But in cases of extreme demonic harassment, such as physical possession or some types of schizophrenia, demons intentionally switch to using second person pronouns because they want to add to your terror by flaunting the fact that your mind is being invaded by some outside force. Because our internal thought life feels like such an intimate part of us, we really panic at the thought of some creepy creature invading our minds. In these situations, demons may try to tell you they are aliens from outer space, or some kind of monsters, or they will admit their real identity as demons—whatever image freaks you out the most. 

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

God is the One who brings demons into your life, and He does so for specific purposes. His purposes fall into two categories: discipline and refinement. Discipline is about God spanking your rebellious behind back into alignment with Him. Refinement is about pushing obedient souls on to the next level of spiritual maturity. Either way, God is focused on improving His personal relationship with you. He is doing this to you for positive reasons—that is an essential point to keep in mind.

So how do you know if God is disciplining you or refining you? This is actually easy to sort out once you understand a few things about how God communicates. You see, when God is upset with you about something, He tells you exactly what the problem is and He also tells you what you can do to fix it. This is something you can absolutely count on God for. Contrary to what you may have been taught, God is extremely easy to succeed with and He never expects you to read His mind and figure out why He’s mad at you while He sulks in a corner.

Nothing is going to wipe you out faster than thinking God is angry with you when He really isn’t. This is why it is essential that you understand how to sort out real conviction from God from the false conviction that demons pump out. Whenever possible, demons try to impersonate God’s Voice in your mind and get you to think He’s saying things to you that He really isn’t saying. Since demons are such clever little liars, can you really learn how to see through their games? Absolutely. It’s surprisingly easy to sort out true conviction from false conviction, and we break this down for you in three simple steps in this post: Identifying False Conviction: Three Easy Tests. Also read Conviction Q&A. A proper understanding of how to recognize God’s conviction will take a lot of stress out of your life. Read through the conviction posts and determine if there is anything specific that God is convicting you about. 

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

God teaches that He is our Master and the Supreme Ruler over all things. God teaches that He is an autonomous Being who does not depend on anyone or anything. God says that He created us to be utterly dependent on Him in every way. Sure we have choice, but that choice is always limited to choosing between options which God has preselected for us. Heaven or Hell—these are the options God gives us in eternity. There is no other choice. We don’t have the option of making choices up just because we don’t like the ones God has put on the table. The next time someone tells you that you have free will, think about the whole Heaven and Hell issue. How free are you when all of your choices are being defined by Someone else? We are not autonomous beings. We are dependent creatures who are incapable of existing apart from God willfully sustaining us. Demons are the same—they also depend on God to sustain their existence. Like you, demons can fantasize about what they’d like to do, but the only things they’ll ever get to do are the things that God approves of. This means that whenever demons interact with you, it is an interaction that God wants to have happen. He is the One controlling what kinds of options demons have when it comes to messing with you. He controls when they can mess with you, how they can mess with you, and how long they can mess with you. Be very clear about this: demons want you dead. So the very fact that you’re reading this post demonstrates that God is continuously blocking demons from having their total way with you. Maybe the things He is allowing them to do are pretty bad. But no matter how bad they are, they’d be doing a whole lot worse if God weren’t intervening.

Understanding that God is intimately involved in every aspect of your life and that He is with you at all times is a vital step in learning how to deal with persistent demon problems. Whether or not you are a Christian, God is always with you. This theory that non-Christians are free game to demons is utter hooey. No one can touch you in this world without God’s permission—that includes both demons and other humans. You have to get this, because as long as you aren’t acknowledging God’s involvement in your life and His supremacy over all things, you are not going to learn the lessons He wants to teach you through this experience. What happens when we don’t learn our lessons? We have to keep going over and over the same ground until we choose to submit to our Teacher.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Demons are scary. Maybe when you first met yours, they put on their friendly act in order to lure you in. But at some point, they started showing their nasty side and now you’re in serious torment. Maybe demons are attacking your body. Maybe they’re attacking your mind. Maybe they’re attacking your surroundings. Whatever their methodology is, we can teach you how to deal with these persistent pests in a way that will help your soul.

When it comes to addressing persistent demon problems (PDPs), the Church can be counted on to point you in the wrong direction. Instead of teaching you how to grow through the experience, she teaches you to view the whole thing like a power struggle between God and angelic beings. The Church encourages you to be afraid, and then to imitate dark magic techniques by casting spells, wielding the power of magic charms, and calling upon powerful, more experienced sorcerers to come cast spells on your behalf. Don’t believe it? That’s because you’ve been blinded by the way the Church has dolled up her forms of sorcery. Rebuking in Jesus’ Name and shouting out Bible verses—that’s just basic spell casting. Holding up the Bibles and the crosses while you fling around the holy water—that’s just playing with magic charms. Calling the priest to come perform an exorcism ritual—that’s just networking among sorcerers. Fasting—that’s just you trying to coerce God into doing what you want. All of these theatrics are based on the same flawed assumptions that what’s happening to you isn’t supposed to be happening to you. In other words, God has dropped the ball. You simply can’t justify going through a bunch of hoopla in order to get God’s attention unless you first accept the lie that God isn’t already in control of the situation.

Thanks to the Church’s idiocy and the human lust for power, most Christians have bought into the theory that their God is some impotent ninny who has had His own creation run amuck on Him. He’s now up in Heaven feeling totally overwhelmed by the chaos that is currently happening in this world of ours, which is why it is so critical that we constantly bombard Him with instructions on how to run His own universe. “Do this. Stop that. Fix him. Save her.” How can we sincerely admire a Being who is so stupid that He takes our shortsighted foolishness for wisdom? What kind of weird trip are Christians on when they stand around singing about how God is in control when they don’t really think He’s in control at all?

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

The worm mentality is a highly addictive mentality because it is driven by a very ego-pleasing assumption that we are supreme at something—in this case, supreme at being hideous. All humans want to think they are good at something. In the worm mentality, we claim to excel in being heinous. Of course having humans reject us is just stage one. The ultimate victory is to believe that we have succeeded in overwhelming God Himself. For the unsaved soul, the ultimate accomplishment is to believe that God has eternally rejected us because even with all of His God powers, He simply can’t bear to be in our ultra-evil presence. For the Christian, the ultimate victory is to believe that we have succeeded in getting God to turn away from us—even to revoke our salvation. Again, the logic stream is that we’re so awesome at being hideous that even God finds Himself hopelessly trumped.

Now in real life, God is never threatened by His own creations, nor is He impressed by our delusions of grandeur. When God does not shut down on us and give us that ultimate form of rejection which our egos are craving, we often try to help Him along by rejecting Him first. We like to go about this in a grand, boastful way, saying things like, “I know that God finds me unbearable, so I’m going to ask Him to please throw me into Hell. After all, I wouldn’t want to corrupt His perfect Heaven with my vile self.” Notice how such thinking exalts you as the ultimate giver—the one who is voluntarily sacrificing yourself in order to protect God from further distress. This is nothing more than ego run amuck. God doesn’t need your protection, and what you’re trying to protect Him from is a threat which only exists in your own mind. You have decided that because you are so supremely vile, even your own Creator feels personally threatened by you. You tell yourself that you actually possess the power to obstruct God’s plans, wreck His Heaven, or halt His universe. My, what a powerful little thing you are. And if you weren’t so altruistic in nature—so willing to crucify yourself in order to save us all from your toxic presence, well, we’d all be lost. Once you set yourself up in this kind of ultimate savior role, you are naturally going to be opposed to truth, because truth is going to be a major pride buster and your pride is out of control.

The worm mentality is a self-destructive mentality in which you are the only one who suffers. By the time you’re done cutting yourself off from other people and from God, you end up alone, bitter, and empty. You see, the truth is that you have deep core needs which only God can satisfy. The whole notion that you can ever cut ties with Him is as absurd as claiming you can get through a day without breathing. You really don’t get to call how the universe runs because you are not in control. You will never be in control, and God will never be impressed with your vileness. To God, you’re not worse than anyone else, you’re just caught up in a superiority complex that is driven by an intense fear of being average and forgettable. Well, God offers you something better than being ultra-vile. He says that you are very special to Him and that you matter to Him. He doesn’t say you’re ultimate—He says that He is ultimate, and you are an insignificant speck by comparison. But you’re His speck, and He made you for the purpose of forming a positive, personal relationship with you. In order for that relationship to get off the ground, you’re going to need to stop trying to dominate Him and you’re going to have to open yourself up to accepting a different value system. Right now you’re defining your worth by how hideous you are. It’s your great vileness that makes you have value in your eyes. When we fear that we don’t have a chance at competing in positive areas, we turn to negative ones. At bottom, we just want to excel at something. Well, God makes succeeding with Him very easy because He isn’t comparing you to other people. You don’t have to be super scum or super good to hold onto His love. He loves you because He wants to—it has nothing to do with you impressing Him. God says that if you will submit to His Authority in your life and ask Him to make you all that He wants you to be, He will break you out of this self-destructive path you’re on and teach you a much better way to live. But first you have to decide that you want to be healed, because it’s not God’s usual style to force cures on people. He gives us the option of wallowing in egotistical delusions and deciding that we are having a far greater impact on Him than we really are. How anticlimactic would it be to live your life thinking you’re ultra evil, only to get to Heaven and have God say, “Why didn’t you ever listen to Me on earth? We could be a lot closer than we are right now.” God doesn’t find you threatening in the slightest. He sees you more like a little child who is refusing to pay attention in school, therefore you’re not learning the basics of reading and writing. Certainly immaturity has its appeal, because growing up requires a lot of work and some pride grinding adjustments. But choosing to grow up is the far more rewarding choice in the long run, and the only one that will truly satisfy your soul.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

In China, some hornet victims hide in their houses, too terrified to go outside and risk another attack. If we lived in China, God would not want us to act this way. It is hardly honoring to Him when we put more trust in our front door than we do in His love for us. God has said that He will protect us from everything that isn’t good for us. If He decides that getting stung by a hornet and coming within inches of death is what we need to get to the next level of growth, then why would we resist?

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

You don’t need to prove the existence of God to unbelievers. That is so not your job. If God wants to confirm His reality to some snarky little soul, He’s more than capable. It is an utter waste of time to get uptight over what God haters say. These folks are just lashing out in anger as a response to God not being who they want Him to be. They are caught in a classic battle of wills: they want to define the terms of the relationship, God is refusing to let them, and now they are trying to find some new way to manipulate Him by publicly defying Him. It’s like the pesky brother who wants his sister’s attention. Since she isn’t giving him any, he starts poking her with a stick until she lashes out at him. To the brother, negative attention is better than no attention. He just wants to be focused on.

Vocal atheists come in two basic varieties: those who scoff that there is no real evidence for God, and those who claim to have once been Christians, yet now they realize the whole thing was a sham. And while they claim to not be trying to shove their beliefs on anyone else, they are so very bothered by those who do believe. Why? If we’re all going to die like dogs and that’s the end of it, what does it matter if we spend our lives caught up in delusions? Don’t these people read their children bedtime stories? Don’t they watch movies and read books? Fantasy can uplift and inspire. If they really believe Christianity is a delusion, they ought to appreciate the fact that it instills a sense of morals in people. What’s the alternative? If we all decide that this life is it, then there is no justification for practicing any degree of self-restraint. We should all be robbing and ravaging each other every day because all that matters is right now.

Atheists like to promote themselves as freedom fighters who are trying to unburden the rest of us from unhealthy delusions. But what do they have to offer us instead? A brief, pointless existence? That doesn’t sound like an upper. Believing that one’s existence is devoid of all meaning will drive us into suicide. If human life is nothing more than the result of some freak collisions of random molecules, then how can it be said to have any value?

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Atheists pride themselves on being logical, and yet there is nothing logical about trying to denounce God’s existence at the same time as you cherish His values. After all, the atheist doesn’t want you to come to their home and gun down their loved ones. But why not? God is the One who tells us murder is wrong. If God isn’t real, then His entire moral code must be thrown aside as a complete joke. If God isn’t real, then there is no real purpose in humans trying to organize themselves into lawful societies. We’re all selfish beasts at bottom, so we ought to just go with that. Why should any of us show any concern for the other fellow? If God isn’t real, then we ought to be defaulting to that old “survival of the fittest” mindset and start tearing each other to shreds. Let the man with the most guns and the largest supply of bullets win. It is only fear of Divine judgment that motivates us to respect God’s moral code. If there really isn’t going to be any day of reckoning, then we should all be letting our lusts rule over us.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Fears are very useful tools for driving rebellious souls back into submission. But they are equally useful in pushing the obedient on to deeper levels of communion with God. When God boxes you in with fear, it’s like He’s pulling you into a small dark closet with Him and saying, “There are some important things that I want to discuss with you.” Intense fears act like the limiting space of that closet: they sharpen our focus on God and motivate us to really listen to what He has to say. Often what God wants to teach us are deeper concepts which will take years for us to get a firm grip on. Not because the concepts are complicated, but because fully absorbing them requires a radical change in how we think. God will go over and over the same principles with us and use the pressure of fear to help us stay focused. Once the fears have served their purpose and God has moved us on to a deeper level of communion with Him, He will take them out of our lives. Eventually we’ll be able to look back and see radical shifts in our thought patterns—shifts which seem almost impossible to explain. Concepts which positively terrified us before simply don’t threaten us anymore. We have become free, and we know that it was God who freed us—a God who we now know much better than we did before.

Fears make total sense to us when we are caught in the midst of them, yet they keep us in a state of misery that we eventually get tired of enduring. Fears start off as oppressive burdens, but they morph into golden opportunities for us to develop deeper communion with God. Every negative element that God brings into our lives is like a priceless gift that’s wrapped in very ugly paper. Instead of pushing these things away from us, we need to ask God to unwrap them for us and show us the good gift that He has hidden away inside. It’s all starts with submitting to Him as the Supreme Authority in our lives and being willing to believe that He really is as good as He claims to be.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Revelation has a very important and chilling lesson to teach us modern day believers. Forget about the end times—we’ll get no help about that topic in this book because Yahweh is playing games with these New Testament believers. He’s telling them what they want to hear instead of telling them the truth. When we really stop to think about this, it’s a terrifying thought, for where are we going to end up if God Himself begins to purposely deceive us? What hope do we have of ever discovering truth if God hides that truth from us? True wisdom is something which only God can reveal to us. The soul attitudes which will really lead to our true happiness are ones that only He can teach us. Those attitudes are the antithesis of the egotistical rot that permeates Revelation.

In the Old Testament, Yahweh describes Himself as intentionally withholding spiritual illumination from scores of people so that those people will be unable to progress in their relationship with Him (see Cancelled Invitation). In the Gospels, Jesus does the same thing: He claims to be intentionally blocking His audience from understanding the spiritual truths He is setting right in front of them (seeJesus: the Bewildering Teacher). What happens when God blinds your eyes? You are blind, and yet you think you can see. You turn into an absolute fool and yet you honestly think you are wise. Look around the Church today at all of these false prophets and pompous preachers who dispense utter baloney from the pulpit with absolute confidence. Many of these people honestly think that they are correct in their thinking. These false prophets really think their visions are from God. The pompous preachers really think they are brimming with insight. Then there are all of these Bible scholars who go waving their degrees in your face while emphatically denying principles of Scripture that are clearly spelled out right in front of them. Though Yahweh claims to be the ultimate Source of all the good and evil in this world, our “scholars” emphatically deny this to be true. Though both Yahweh and Jesus tell blatant lies and completely reverse promises and laws that They have laid down, teachers in the Church today insist that Paul is correct when he says that God can’t lie and that James is correct when he says that God has nothing to do with evil. Who are we choosing to listen to: foolish humans or our Gods? We’ve chosen the humans. Modern Church theology is a mirror image of New Testament foolishness.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Look around this planet and you’ll notice that this place wasn’t constructed to accommodate us. It was constructed for God. So much of this earth we can’t even survive in: scorching deserts, deep oceans, freezing mountain peaks. In the Bible, God boasts of making flowers bloom in the desert where no human eyes will see them. Why does He bother? Because this world isn’t about us. It’s about Him. Everything that God creates is for His benefit. So when we thumb our noses at Him, tune Him out, redefine Him, boss Him about, and actually tell ourselves we’ve triumphed over Him because He isn’t instantly roaring back, we’re so blind. We’re such fools. He’s lured us so effectively into His trap that we didn’t even notice when we crossed the line of no return. It is so dangerous to try and dominate the Almighty Creator. To insist that He revolve around us as ancient Israel does all throughout the Bible—how insane we are to think God would ever really agree to such an agenda. Yahweh says over and over in the Old Testament that He will not share His glory with anyone. As we soak in His glory on a daily basis without seeing any lightning strike, we decide His warnings are nothing but air. But just wait. This world is far too limited to provide satisfying means of revenge for a God whose Name is Jealous. It simply doesn’t bother God to let us rebel our little hearts out while we’re here, because He’s got Hell waiting for us—a place with torments that we can’t even begin to fathom. It won’t be anything like these descriptions we find in the Bible—those are all earthly metaphors which are only meant to teach general concepts. The real place in eternity where God’s enemies will end up is going to be one of torments which our tiny minds can’t even conceive of. God solemnly warns us not to mess with Him or He will make us sorry. He warns us that we’ll pay for our defiance on the other side. He says that even if we end up in Heaven, there will be consequences to pay. We think He’s exaggerating. How wrong we are (see The Eternal Cost of Defying God: A Warning for Christians).

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

In the Old Testament, when He was predicting the future fall of some nation or empire, Yahweh did what we find Him doing here in Revelation.  He would predict the same fall over and over again using a lot of imaginative metaphors.  Then He’d throw in some mourning songs that were really meant to serve as mockery.  To understand this let’s use a modern day analogy.

Suppose there are two women named Amy and Heather.  Amy thinks Heather is her best friend until the day she finds out that Heather is having an affair with Amy’s husband.  Amy reacts to this whole situation very immaturely: she flips out and makes up her mind that she’s going to kill Heather.  She’s going to kill her in the cruelest way she can think of, because she really wants Heather to suffer terribly.  But before she actually kills Heather, Amy goes over to Heather’s house and tells her, “One day I’m going to kill you, Heather.  And when I do, it’s going to be horrible for you.”  You see, Amy is so consumed with hate that she no longer has any fear of being caught.  She is in such a rush to see Heather upset, that she flaunts her future plans to murder Heather, not even worrying about the possibility that Heather might try to get help.  Now let’s say that after Amy freaks Heather out with her murderous plans, Amy then launches into a long mocking speech about how other people will react to Heather’s death.  Amy says stuff like:

“On the day you die, when your mom finds out, she’s going to be like, ‘Oh no!  Not my baby girl!  Not my precious daughter!’  But it will be too bad for her, won’t it?  Because you’ll be dead and there’s nothing anyone will be able to do about it!  And when my adulterous husband finds out, he’ll be like, ‘Oh no, not Heather!  You mean I dumped my wife for nothing?  Gee, maybe I should have thought before cheating on the woman that I vowed to be faithful to!'” 

As Amy mockingly puts words in other people’s mouths, she’s talking like Yahweh often talks in His prophecies against other nations. 

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

To love God for who He really is—that is the greatest gift we can ever bring Him. To cherish Him as our greatest Treasure after all the delusions have been stripped away—to love the God who kills and the God who heals with equal fervor. We should be seeking to base our love for God not on all the glorious things He can do for us, but on the real truth about who He is. The mere fact that He created us demands a loyalty and devotion which far surpass what we would offer to any created being.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Christian doctors have a thrilling task before them. Each new patient presents them with a new challenge. It’s not just a question of science, it’s also a question of God’s will. The wise Christian knows that every physical trial represents a spiritual goal that God wants to accomplish in that person’s life. When He guides patients into our office, we have no idea where they are at in their personal journey with Him. Are they resisting Him or are they being eager learners? Has their physical trial run its course or does God still want them to suffer a while longer? We don’t know, and God isn’t going to share such personal information with us in every case. Ours is just to look to Him to guide us in the role He wants us to play as He carries out His perfect will in another human life. We listen to their story, examine their symptoms, and go with whatever solution the Holy Spirit brings to our minds. Whether it works or not is beside the point—the important part is that we are looking to God to guide us.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

This is some pretty disturbing stuff, isn’t it? Well, those Holocaust concentration camps were very disturbing as well. When we see millions of people starving to death in a nationwide famine or dropping over with flu-like symptoms, it’s disturbing. When we see whole cities being bombed off the map and men massacring each other on the battlefield, it’s disturbing. In the Bible, God tells us that He’s the One responsible for all of it. So now we get to that million dollar question: What’s His point?

There are two ways that Christians act utterly absurd when it comes to discussing God’s role in mass killings. First, they try to deny that He is even involved—that is the height of lunacy. But once they finally do acknowledge that He’s involved, they act like the whole affair can be simply explained with some trite statement like, “He must have been mad at the people who died.” Here is more lunacy. You can’t be sure of God’s reasons for one soul dying, let alone millions. God has a long list of reasons for why He kills souls when He does. You can be familiar with some of the items on that list, but you can’t ever pinpoint which reason was motivating God’s actions in a specific event unless you receive explicit direction from Him. For the most part, God just isn’t going to tell you why He’s doing what He’s doing with another soul, because He considers it none of your business. God doesn’t even sit down and fully explain why He does what He does with you, so it’s more than a little absurd to stand around declaring that you know exactly why certain souls were gassed to death in Nazi concentration camps while others were not. The reality is that you don’t have the first clue. What you do know is that there is never any “one size fits all” answer in these scenarios. The best we can do is talk about probabilities.

The vast majority of souls in this world will never submit to God’s Authority while they are here, therefore they will end up in Hell. This is a reality that has been true since the very beginning: most humans reject God. Now once we die in a state of spiritual rebellion, God’s feelings towards us become intensely negative. “Unconditional love” is an utter delusion that we’ve invented to please our egos. God has always taught that His love is extremely conditional. We all start off being loved for free—we’ve done nothing to earn it. God chooses to love us just because He wants to. But He then says that this period of generosity will come to an end if we don’t treat Him with a certain level of respect. He also promises that our time on this planet will be extremely brief, yet none of us will know exactly how much time we have. Some of us will only be here a matter of days or hours. Others a few years, others will live to a ripe old age. But from the eternal perspective, even living to be a 110 is a mere flash in the pan. These facts put all of us in a rather urgent situation. If we defy God for too long, we might suddenly find ourselves struck down by Him and out of chances to repent. How does God feel when He is killing off defiant rebels? Angry, disgusted, vengeful—it’s a very negative combination of passions. How does God feel when He is killing off souls who sincerely care about pleasing Him? He’s very delighted with them and eager to bring them to their reward. What are the chances that every soul who got gassed in Nazi concentration camps was sincerely seeking God? Zilch. The far more likely scenario was that there was a blend of defiant rebels, hardcore believers, and carnal slackers. We could say the same for all the casualties of both World Wars and for all of the groups that we listed previously. Once you start dealing in massive casualties, it is quite unrealistic to suggest that everyone had the same spiritual attitude towards God, therefore it is ridiculous to paint God as having one emotion towards the whole group. God never loses track of individuals in a crowd. If you scoop up some sand on a beach, you see a handful of sand, but God sees a mass of uniquely shaped sand crystals which are each interesting in their own way. In the same way, when you read about mass casualties in the news, you start lumping all the souls together under some irrelevant label like “the Jews” or “the plane crash victims” or “the soldiers.” But God sees individual souls and His feelings towards each of those souls vary widely depending on how each soul is currently responding to Him.

Understanding that God always views us as unique individuals helps you to understand how personal His actions in each life are. It simply doesn’t work to say “all the Jews in that town were dragged off to the Holocaust,” because in real life certain Jews were hidden away in basements by people who were trying to take the high moral ground. How do we explain these anomalies? How do we explain why some survived the concentration camps and others did not? How do we explain why some were able to forgive and move on, while others were permanently crippled? The answer is that God’s care of each of us is extremely personal and strategic.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

So then, how should we be viewing events in this world that result in large numbers of human casualties? We should be viewing them as yet more evidence of God’s awesome power and brilliance. We should be marveling at His intimate involvement in every human life and finding comfort in knowing that He is in absolute control of all things at all times. There are no accidents. There are no mistakes. Nothing that God does in this world is pointless. The more people any one action affects, the more lessons there are to be learned. As an individual soul, you need to be asking the Holy Spirit to help you learn the lessons that He wants to teach you through these kinds of events. If God has involved you, then it is partly about you. The more emotionally impacted you are by an event—perhaps because you were personally injured, or you knew some of the victims who died—the more important it is that you choose to be receptive to the Holy Spirit’s guidance in your life. God uses shocking events all the time to drive us closer to Him. It’s when we refuse to see His involvement in these affairs that we start stagnating and circulating ridiculous rumors about Satan ruling the world or God taking some passive role in world events. God is never kicking back watching humans run amuck. He doesn’t sit around fretting over how evil we are and hoping that one day we’ll learn how to play nice. God is always in control and He doesn’t share that control with any created being.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

In the Bible, we find God using a wide variety of methods to kill people. He bludgeons them with hailstones, He throws them into a crack in the earth, He drowns them in water, He has them mauled by wild animals, He torches them in fire, He chops off their heads—and that’s just for starters. In the Bible, God’s victims range from the elderly to the infant. He orders women to be raped and men to be castrated. He has pregnant women’s stomachs ripped open with swords. He drives people into cannibalism by starving them to death. He has babies heads bashed open on rocks. He oversees the barbecuing of countless infants, children, and young adults who are ritually sacrificed to demonic idols. Don’t like it? Of course you don’t. This is the side of God that we like to pretend doesn’t exist. But it does exist, and trying to ignore God’s brutal side only erodes our reverence of Him to dangerously low levels. You really don’t want to have a God with this kind of power mad at you. He doesn’t flinch at how gruesome and violent His methods are. Instead, He brags about it.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Christians say they want a God of Truth—meaning One who never lies in any way shape or form. But what would it really be like to talk to a God who tells you the absolute truth all the time? Let’s consider how this would change your conversations with God:

You: “God, how much do You love me?”

God: “It depends on how you look at it. I love you more than other people do, but I don’t love you anywhere near as much as I love Myself. When it comes right down to it, I think you’re totally expendable. You aren’t essential to Me in anyway. I made you for My own benefit, not yours. You see, it’s all about Me. You’re like a background detail.”

Total honesty isn’t all that pleasant, is it? What you really want God to say is, “Yes, child, I love you very much.” This is what He does say to you today, but it is a very incomplete answer. Intentionally leaving out information and thereby creating a false impression of reality is just another form of lying, and God does this with us all the time.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Jesus sounds rather two-faced, doesn’t He? Well, that’s because He is.

It’s not hard to find God contradicting Himself in the Bible. Those who are looking for excuses not to submit to God like to compile lists of these contradictions and say, “See! God is a hypocrite! Who needs Him?!” The problem with this argument is that what they’re really saying is, “I shouldn’t have to believe in God until I approve of how He operates.” Well, no, this isn’t how it works. No one will escape the torments of Hell by pulling out the “but I didn’t approve” card. God doesn’t care if we approve of His methods or not. He simply introduces Himself to us—contradictions and all—then He DEMANDS that we submit to Him. If we defy Him, He retaliates by torturing us forever. We might think this system is unfair, but God thinks it is fabulous.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Now if you think you’re doing a perfect job at forgiving people, you’re utterly delusional. When we humans don’t want to face what misers of mercy we are, we just carefully avoid thinking about the people who really tick us off. We think that not thinking about something makes it go away. There are names for these kinds of mind games: denial, compartmentalizing, and stuffing to name a few. But the point is that you really don’t feel good will towards every person on the planet. In fact, you hate people who you don’t even know. What kinds of feelings come to mind when you hear the termsmolesters, murderers, pimps, and drug lords. How about Nazis, genocide, and terrorists? Can you honestly say that there’s no hardness of heart happening when you read over the daily news and learn about man’s cruelty to man? We humans are constantly passing judgement on each other and condemning each other. We’re constantly defining ourselves as better than someone else. The guy who cuts you off on the freeway and nearly causes an accident—did you forgive him to the degree that you want God to forgive you? Or did you just flash him a hostile hand signal and eventually forget about him?

Ignoring someone does not constitute forgiving them. Forgiveness is when we fully acknowledge the scope of the violation, take an honest assessment of the damage that has been done, and say “I’m choosing to be merciful about this and have justice withheld from me for your sake.” True forgiveness is very difficult for us humans to pull off. That’s why we’d all end up in Hell if Yahweh took us seriously when we prayed The Lord’s Prayer at Him. As serious Christians, we need to stop rattling off these religious mantras and start being a lot more thoughtful about what we say to our Gods.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

People have been preaching that the end times are just around the corner for thousands of years. The New Testament Christians all thought that they were living in the last days. If they had been right, you never would have been born. But here you are, and of all people, God has chosen your time in history to start His global shutdown. This is a thrilling time to be alive. Cultivating reverence for God is an essential part of acquiring a closer relationship with Him, and nothing spikes your level of reverence faster than having God flex His awesome power in your face. Excelling in the end times is not a matter of learning to survive nasty torture and persecution from a bunch of Christian haters. It’s simply a matter of knowing where you personally stand with God and keeping a firm grip on a few essential truths. God is in control. God is always with you. God delights in souls who sincerely desire to please Him. You can do this. The Holy Spirit will help you.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

When tracing ancestry, whoever you stop at is usually the person you want to emphasize your relationship with. Matthew stops his list with Abraham, who is often called “the father of the Jews”. Luke stops his list with God Himself. But no matter how far back these men go, they are only proving biological facts about Joseph, not his illegitimate Son. Yet because no one in the Jewish community was about to take the miraculous conception story seriously, everyone assumed Jesus was Joseph’s blood relation. And based on this erroneous assumption, Jesus was considered a descendant of Judah because that’s what Joseph was. Therefore the prophecies of Jesus’ bloodlines were fulfilled—from a certain point of view. From another point of view, they were a bunch of baloney, for Jesus had no biological human father, therefore His only earthly bloodlines were through Mary, and we get the strong feeling that she wasn’t from Judah. So if we’re going to be technically correct, Jesus was probably the Lion of some other tribe.  But no one likes that idea so our Gospel writers conspicuously avoid the topic of Jesus’ maternal bloodlines and at the same time say, “Wow, look how Yahweh fulfilled His prophecies.”  And Yahweh smiles and says, “Yep, I sure did.”  Such is the wildness of our God.

As uncomfortable as these observations make us, the day comes when we need to stop avoiding the subject of how squirrely God can be. Whenever He predicts that something specific is going to happen in the future, there’s no way to know what form that fulfillment will take unless He provides extra clarification. Many is the time some Christian has heard God promise, “I will be with you,” only to end up devastated when that promise wasn’t fulfilled the way they expected. Sometimes God fulfills His promises to us in technical truths only—He doesn’t physically abandon us, therefore He can say “I was with you.” But while He was technically by our side, emotionally, spiritually, and psychologically, He left us feeling like He was a million miles away. Other times, God will make a promise that He never technically fulfills—He only seems to fulfill it based on false assumptions that people make, like this business of the Messiah being a blood descendant of David. God is wild.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Suppose God told you to step off the edge of a high cliff and just keep going. In other words, He told you to walk on air. But wait a second—humans can’t walk on air. They can’t walk on water, either, but Peter did for at least a few seconds. What do you do when God calls you to do what is humanly impossible? What do you do when He assigns you a mission which thousands have attempted before you only to fall flat on their faces? How many corpses can you step over on a battlefield before you panic and run away, convinced that you’ll be the next one to fall if you keep pressing onward?

When God calls us to do something impossible in the distant future, how do we prepare? The more we think about what’s coming, the more clearly we see the limits of our own abilities. Human beings are extremely fragile creatures—easily frightened, overwhelmed, and wounded. The more we contemplate our own frailty, the more threatened we feel by what is coming. Early on it’s easy to be deluded by the assumption that we’re some special brand of human—the exception to many common rules. But the truth is that we’re not. As the future rushes towards us, the differences between us and all of those who failed before us shrink away until there are no differences at all. We are just like them, and they failed to do what God is now calling us to do. They didn’t fail due to a lack of effort—they failed because they were humans, and humans are fragile, weak, and limited.  We need God. We need Him desperately in every area. It is this revelation that truly prepares us to succeed in the face of overwhelming opposition. If God does not make us stand, then there is no question that we will fall.

What is it that runs through your mind as you stand on the edge of that cliff, trying to work up the courage to step out onto nothingness? In such a moment, the great fear that seizes hold of you causes your vast limitations to suddenly become crystal clear. You realize how utterly ludicrous it is to expect particles of air to hold your weight. This just simply isn’t how the world works. When you step over an edge, you fall downwards. You will always fall downwards unless God has decided to miraculously intervene. So has He?

Before attempting the impossible, we must be certain in our souls of what God has commanded us to do. There’s no room for “name it and claim it” foolishness. Divine empowerment is not something we can greedily grab at whenever we choose. It is not what we want that drives the activity in this world, it is what God wants. If we are charging ahead without His explicit authorization, then we have no right to expect His support in the midst of it. But if we know that we are marching out on His orders and that our motivation is to please Him, then we can indeed find the courage to step off of that cliff. We can climb out of the boat and attempt to walk on water. We can face down the heat of the fiery furnace. When we know that we are acting on God’s command, we know that He will be with us, no matter what the outcome. When we have God’s approval, it really doesn’t matter if we live or die. We do not need every moment to look and feel victorious in order to know that we are on the winning side. Preparing to do the impossible for God is a matter of discarding every ounce of confidence that you still have in yourself and putting all of your confidence in God alone. The impossible will never become possible for humans, yet it is a very simple matter for God. It is God who can do all things, not us. When He announces that He wants to do the impossible through us, He is merely calling us to be His vessels. He wants our willingness, not our strength. He wants us to follow His orders because of who He is to us.

If you know that God has called you to do the impossible, and you feel completely unequipped, good. Confidence in your own abilities is the last thing you want at a time like this.  Stop searching for some secret reservoir of strength within yourself because there isn’t one.  Focus on God instead, and on His endless resources.  When you know that He is with you, that is all you need to know.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

There’s a ridiculous rumor in the Church today that Jesus is humble. What a laugh. Jesus is anything but humble, and He is clearly demonstrating His love of glory by the way He basks in Self-exaltation. The Holy One, the True One—these fancy titles are lofty compliments that Jesus is paying to Himself. He keeps reminding everyone that He is Mr. Awesome. Well, of course He is—He’s God Almighty, and our Gods have no use for downplaying Their own magnificence. They have extremely high opinions of Themselves and They broadcast those opinions without hesitation.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Addictions are a perfect modern day example of how God forces us into sin. If temptation was always possible to resist, there would be no such thing as an addiction. Addicts are people who find themselves tormented by temptations which completely overwhelm them. Why is it one man can take or leave a glass of wine, while another man becomes chained to the bottle? Why is one man able to push a pornographic image out of his mind while another man can’t rest until he sees more? The answer is God. Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit and each one of us experiences a different level of it in each situation that we’re in. I might successfully resist 1,000 temptations only to find myself totally conquered by the next one that comes along. It’s so easy to judge those who get hooked on things we’re not personally tempted by, but the reality is that God is the only reason any of us can avoid sinning.

If you honestly examine your own life, you’ll find copious examples of God shoving you into sin by refusing to give you what you needed to resist it. And let’s remember it was God who cursed the world in the first place and He was the One who decided how sin would affect us. It was God who saddled each of us with this carnal shell which constantly lusts after evil. We can’t deny His responsibility in this for we didn’t create ourselves, He did. Babies don’t choose evil—they are born into it. Evil is what comes naturally to us, not righteousness. No one has to teach us how to lie or steal or be selfish and demanding. But we must be disciplined in order to learn how to be kind, patient, and polite. Righteousness is a struggle while evil is automatic—this is God’s doing, not ours. This is how He wants it to be.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

In the Bible, who is it that God is using to stomp all over His rebellious people? Bloodthirsty creeps like the Assyrians and Babylonians. These were merciless men who got off on torturing people, degrading women, and killing children while they violently took over the territory of less powerful nations. Sound familiar? Who do you think is really behind all this ISIS activity that we’re constantly hearing about in the news? The Church tells you it’s demons. God says it’s Him. God says that NOTHING happens in this world that He doesn’t WANT to happen. Yet when we read about people being forced to dig their own mass graves, women being raped and children being forced to play the role of suicide bombers, are we willing to see God at work? No, we’re not. We run screaming into denial, gladly exalting Satan as the “ruler of this world” so that we can avoid acknowledging what God Himself says about His own sovereignty. And while we hide out in a web of comforting lies, how is God responding to us? He’s getting angrier and angrier. What is it that ignites God’s wrath against us? Soul rebellion. What are we doing when we blatantly deny God’s sovereignty over all things, His involvement with evil, and His supremacy over demons? We’re rebelling. What are we doing when we intentionally avoid reading the Old Testament because we don’t want to be confronted with records of how Yahweh has done THESE SAME THINGS to people many times in the past? We’re rebelling. What are we doing when we try avoid the prophetic books in which Yahweh announces that HE is the true Source of all misery in this world? We’re rebelling. What makes God mad at us? Rebellion. See the problem? Christians are in for a major spanking during the end times. It’s not going to be some human antichrist with his hordes of brainwashed soldiers that we’re going to be up against. It’s going to be our own God doling out the discipline, and He’s going to be choosing many Christian targets to nail with His destructive power. He is going to be mad at US because WE are the ones who are WILLFULLY DEFYING Him today, and we’ve been defying Him for decades by refusing to believe what He says about the way things really work.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

The truth is that every human on the planet is equipped with the core perversity needed to get off on degrading others. We’re all flaunting our dark natures every day by the things we choose to create and the things we choose to feast on. While you enjoy hours of beating up others in a video game, or you cheer for the man who is beating another man to a bloody pulp on television, or you delight in the movie that is filled with graphic carnage, or you enjoy reading a book about man’s cruelty to man, you put yourself in an entirely different camp than the terrorist who beats and bombs his enemies in real life. Yet are you so different? You’re both feeding the same cravings and you’re both focusing on the same sick subject matter. The only difference is that your methods are currently considered socially acceptable while his are not.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Since the creation of man, many species have come and gone on this planet. It isn’t because of evolution or evil man, it’s part of God’s plan. He likes variety—a fact we will quickly learn if we just look around a bit. God has been intentionally driving certain animals into extinction and coming up with new ones long before we ever published their sad little faces on endangered species calendars. God isn’t up in Heaven stressing over the fact that the giant panda is running short on bamboo. He made the bear a picky eater on purpose. We have observed many species adapting and expanding their diets in times of shortages, while other species will choose starvation over new flavors. Who gives animals all their smarts and instincts in the first place? God does. Who teaches one carnivore to range far and wide for food while another (like the African lion) will starve to death before it crosses the boundaries of its territory? God. Who is ultimately controlling the temperature of this planet? God, not greenhouse gases. The ice up north is thinning out because He wants it to. The polar bear is crashing through because He wants him to. This isn’t some incredible tragedy that we should all weep over, this is God running His creation in a seasonal, cyclical pattern of life and death.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

In this world, we struggle to forgive and we struggle to love. God understands this and He has compassion on us. Maybe you’ve been horrifically abused by someone and just the sound of that person’s name makes you feel like you’re going to throw up. God understands the effect being ravaged has on us. He understands how pain and suffering can warp us on very deep levels. He has great compassion on the victims of abusers. But He also loves the abusers, and here is where most of us part ways with God and feel justified in hating those who have hurt us. Here is where we feel justified in viewing other souls as the sum of their sins and hating both with equal fervor. The molester becomes completely defined by his acts of molestation. Any act of kindness the man might have done before or after abusing someone is tossed aside as irrelevant and we talk as though his entire life, person, and character can be summarized by a few sordid activities. We do the same with the murderer, the pedophile, the terrorist, and the rapist. Humans become defined by their worst moments and then we refuse to ever give them a chance at redemption. Once a molester, always a molester. It’s all fine and well for you to repent and reform and finally make something of yourself, but once someone gets his name on that public list of sex offenders, that’s all we see him as: an offender. A walking threat. A scourge on the face of the earth.

Be honest: if you had the choice of being a molester or his victim, which would you choose? The answer is obvious: we’d all rather be the victims of abusers than try to deal with the internal torment that they are lugging around. When you cry about the terrible suffering you endured, people come out of the woodwork to express their sympathy. But when your memories of degrading another human being have you so full of self-loathing that you finally decide to blow your brains out, people get in line to hand you guns and bullets. There is no sympathy for the molester—no one wants to hear about the horrors he went through that caused him to become as warped as he is.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

You see, life is all about God.  He made you for HIS own pleasure.  You exist to serve HIM.  You exist to revolve around HIM.  What HE wants, what HE thinks, and what HE likes is all that matters.  What you want only matters in that it will affect how God responds to you.  If you want to please God, then He will be pleased with you.  If you want God to please you, then you’re going to be displeasing to God.  

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

So what about God?  He’s the One who designed us to be so self-serving.  Is our selfishness part of our God stamp?  Yes, it is, for God is an extremely selfish Being and everything that He does has a Self-benefiting reason behind it (see The Gift of Ego).  But unlike us, God isn’t plagued by needs which only external parties can satisfy.  We humans have a desperate need to be liked by at least some of our fellow creatures.  We need to have friends, we need emotional connection, we need mental stimulation and physical touch.  We have a long list of needs that we can’t satisfy without the help of others.  When other humans treat us badly, we try to find ways to live without them, but those ways never work out.  Our imaginary friends just aren’t as satisfying as real ones.  We try to drown out the needs of our souls by obsessing over material things, but when we come across a stranger who gives us his undivided attention, we suddenly realize how empty and unsatisfied we feel.  We need relationships with other humans.  We need a relationship with God even more, but does He need us?  No, He doesn’t.

God wants us, but He doesn’t need us, and this makes us feel very insecure in our relationships with Him.  After all, if we can’t identify some way that we’re enticing God to stay with us, what’s preventing Him from leaving us?  The truth is that nothing is keeping God from leaving us.  Because God doesn’t depend on us in anyway, He could uncreate us all at anytime and not be bothered in the slightest.  We only exist because God is choosing for us to exist, and He is only choosing for us to exist because it pleases Him to do so.  His pleasure isn’t based on the fact that He feels some desperate need to be with us.  But at the same time, His lack of need doesn’t mean His love for us is some shallow, fickle thing.

How tenacious can love be if it is not based on need?  Isn’t it our need to avoid some overwhelming sense of loss that motivates us to persevere in the midst of miserable relationships?  Whenever you see humans hanging on in the face of some intense misery, it’s because they’ve found some prize within that misery that they’ve decided they cannot live without.  Maybe he does smack her around, but at least he puts a roof over her head and provides for her material needs.  Maybe she does nag him to death, but it’s better than being alone.  Yet when we look at how God treats us, we don’t find this kind of doormat tolerance anywhere in the mix.  To God, our lives on earth are a mere blip on the eternal timeline.  That one little blip is all the time He gives us to submit to Him, and if we don’t rush to align with His demands, He hurls us into Hell (see The Illusion of God’s Long-Suffering Patience).  God’s utter lack of dependency on us is clearly communicated by the high He gets off of eternally tormenting those who defy Him (see Why God Loves Hell).  If God needed us to like Him or worship Him, as some imply that He does, Hell would not exist.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Asking God to have His total way with us is the greatest offering we humans can bring Him. Nothing pleases God more than when His creatures come to Him in desperate longing, fully acknowledging that they are totally incapable of doing anything of value on their own. We serve a God who delights in dependency. He wants creatures who are frail and helpless. Maturity has nothing to do with learning how to do more for God—instead it is about embracing our desperate need for Him, and growing past the fear that He finds our total dependency to be some kind of burden.

God is not human, and the kind of relationship He wants with us is completely dysfunctional by human standards. If we were to approach other people the way that God wants us to approach Him, we would completely suffocate them. But God is a limitless Being with infinite resources, and the more souls He has depending on Him, the happier He is. Notice that God didn’t just stop with Adam and Eve. He has made zillions of high maintenance humans, and every day He is creating thousands more. Human parents burn out just trying to keep up with the physical needs of a single infant, yet God has all of our needs weighing on Him and He finds it exhilarating. What frustrates Him is when we refuse to acknowledge just what a delightful burden we are to Him. When we try to pretend that we can take care of ourselves without Him, He feels miffed and unappreciated. While Satan tries to convince us that God wishes we could contribute more to our own spiritual development, God is eager for us to see that we can’t contribute anything at all. We can pray and ask for Him to do everything for us, and then we’re fresh out of options. Wanting God is the beginning and end of what we have to offer Him, and He loves it.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

In Isaiah 44:8, Yahweh says:

“Is there any God besides Me, or is there any other Rock? I know of none.”

Of course there’s another God—there are two others, in fact: Jesus and the Holy Spirit. But because Yahweh kept insisting that He was the only God in existence, it made it more than a little hard for the Jews to accept the Divinity of Christ when He showed up in human form and announced He was another God who was equal to Yahweh in every way. Talk about Yahweh contradicting Himself with His absurd “I know of none” claim. Clearly God intentionally leads us astray about certain facts to suit His own pleasure.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Today the Theory of Evolution is very popular.  That theory says that you weren’t created, you’re just the random product of countless meaningless coincidences.  Evolution teaches that everything that exists only exists as a freak accident.  Evolutionists look around at the vast complexity of the universe and insist that there is no evidence that God exists.  Yet if you take those same Evolutionists into your house, show them the simple design of walls and a roof and ask them how it got there, the Evolutionists will say it’s obvious that someone with purpose and intelligence constructed the house.  This is the irony of Evolutionists: they can find two rocks stacked on top of each other in a field and observe certain details about the rocks that make it clear to them that someone intentionally placed one rock on another a very long time ago.  Then they get super excited about their finding and right a bunch of books about it.  Yet when they look around at the vast complexity of the universe, they say the whole thing exists by random chance and they adamantly insist that it is impossible to ever prove the existence of an intelligent Creator.  How can people talk so stupidly and not even hear how ridiculous they are being?  Well, without the illumination of the Holy Spirit, we are all stupid, and even when we’re surrounded by a ton of evidence for something, we can’t recognize it.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

When God prophesies to us, He speaks using words that we can understand and we attach our normal definitions to those words. But in real life, God is constantly playing with us in prophecy and it’s a rare day that we see any of His prophecies literally fulfilled. Jesus didn’t “come from” Bethlehem—not in the human meaning of that term. He didn’t literally sprinkle the nations with His Blood, either (Isa. 52). He didn’t ever park Himself on a literal throne in earthly Jerusalem or restore the Davidic line of Jewish kings (Isa. 9). In fact, He wasn’t even a true descendant of David (see Jesus: The Illegitimate Lion of Judah). He was born of a virgin, but ironically the virgin prophecy wasn’t even talking about Jesus, but about a son of the prophet Isaiah (see The Real Immanuel). He wasn’t totally silent before His executioners (Isa. 53). He didn’t establish justice on earth (Isa. 42). He didn’t slay the wicked (Isa. 42). According to Yahweh’s sacrificial laws, He didn’t even qualify as a guilt offering for sins (Isa. 52; seeHow the Cross Broke the Law). Before you can claim that Jesus fulfilled the prophecies that Yahweh gave about Him, you have to play a lot of games with metaphors, exaggeration, and figurative speech. All things that we call “stretching the truth”. Does it bother us that our Gods are so intentionally vague and misleading? Of course it does. But there’s no getting around the fact that this is how They operate. If there’s anything we learn from studying biblical prophecy, it’s that we need to keep a wide open mind. It doesn’t matter how straightforward some prophecy of God sounds to us today—He’s got a very long track record of fulfilling such promises in ways that don’t feel right at all.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

The definition of godly humility is a sincere revulsion for anyone other than God to be glorified. Humility is for humans. Glory hogging, boasting, and soaking up the admiration of others are for Gods. Our Creators are all about exalting Themselves, and Jesus wasn’t shy about flaunting His flawless devotion to Yahweh or showcasing His own awesomeness as a second God. For every time we find Jesus saying that He’s acting under Yahweh’s Authority, we find plenty of other times where He leaves Yahweh out of it and just exalts Himself. When speaking of eternal judgment, Jesus often only describes Himself as the One deciding who gets to come into Heaven and who will be thrown into Hell. When Jesus rolls out the visions in Revelation to John, He is the main Star of that show and He soaks up all kinds of accolades as He dazzles John in several different supernatural forms. So let’s not buy into these ridiculous theories that Jesus was some sweet talking pushover who just sat around blessing little children. In reality there are hardly any accounts of Jesus interacting with children in the Gospels. If our artwork about Jesus was more accurate, we’d have a lot less paintings of Him holding children in His lap and a lot more paintings of Him telling off some crowd of fuming Pharisees.

Jesus was a sharp tongued Rebel who modeled for us that serving our Gods will sometimes have nothing to do with “speaking the truth in love”. It is submission that Jesus demands from us—the kind of submission that puts no limits on how we are willing to serve our Kings. Sometimes we’ll be called on to eat abuse as Jesus did in the hands of His captors. But other times we’ll be told to go in and start fights. When Isaiah and Jeremiah stood on street corners shouting out offensive messages, they were being peace destroyers, not peacemakers. Before we can properly imitate Christ, we need to take an honest look at the model that Christ gave us. He modeled unconditional obedience and total submission to Yahweh. 

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

In our post Voices in Your Mind, we explained that many of the thoughts in your mind don’t originate from you. We also explained that the thoughts that do actually come from you are your brain’s attempt to translate portions of what your soul has already said. Because your soul doesn’t use a verbal language to communicate, much of what it says simply can’t be put into words. For this reason, and because your soul is simply too hard to keep up with, your brain only translates a small portion of your soul’s thoughts into verbal words in your mind.

Now for those of you who want to delve deeper into this concept of sorting out soul from brain, there’s a handy little exercise we can run through to help you learn how to identify the voice of your soul. As we say continuously throughout this site, your soul and your earthsuit each have a will of their own, and those wills often conflict with each other. Your brain is part of your earthsuit, so when you listen to the thoughts in your head, it’s like you’re hearing a delayed broadcast of yourself.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. (1 Cor. 13:4-7)

In other words, love is a spineless doormat. Love is when you help people destroy themselves by encouraging them to give in to all of their carnal instincts to use and abuse you. No, this isn’t love at all, it is unhealthy dysfunction. Godly love has boundaries. Godly love says no, it dishes out painful spankings to curb bratty behavior. Godly love doesn’t pretend the past never happened. If you rob your father blind, what should he do: pretend it never happened or change the locks? Don’t fall for the lie that godly love has to live in some land of delusions. When you learn that your husband is doing it with his secretary, godly love announces that he’ll be sleeping on the couch until he shows some sign of sincere repentance. When your headstrong teenager is getting high off of cussing you out and destroying your property, real love takes his toys away and tells him if he can’t scrape up some respect for your authority, he’d better find somewhere else to live. God is not some pansy who lays down in the dirt and invites us to walk all over Him. It isn’t loving to not tell your wife to step off when she’s being obnoxious. Those who promote this rot about “speaking the truth in love” in the Church today would do well to read through the prophetic books and see how the epitome of love spoke to those who were defying His Authority (see Speaking the Truth in Love). Real love most certainly is rude when rude is what is called for. Real love’s patience and kindness are limited. And if we’re talking about how God loves us, love is extremely jealous.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Dependency and submission go hand in hand. When God refuses to give us what we want, we are forced to recognize our dependency on Him. Whatever that thing is, we’re unable to get it on our own. Chronic infertility is a classic example of this. We desperately want children, yet nothing we do resolves our inability to procreate. When all logical options are exhausted and everyone around us is giving birth to their third and fourth child, we’re forced to face the fact that new life comes from God and until He’s willing to give it to us, there is no way we can force it from His hand. To find peace in this situation we must embrace our dependency on Him and then try to submit to His will for our lives. It isn’t easy. It’s gut-wrenching. You don’t have the core of your being overhauled without some degree of pain. But is it worth it? ABSOLUTELY. The more we acknowledge that we can do NOTHING apart from God, and the more we submit to HIS choices for us, the freer and more joyful we become. 

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Soon you really will be living in the end times, because those times are going to begin very shortly. Does this mean you shouldn’t get married or have babies? Well, why would you avoid such things? Do we really think we can get out of trials that God wants us to have by avoiding marriage and pregnancy? Getting married and having kids are issues you should be seeking God’s advice on in your own life. Pondering your place in human history is not an acceptable stand in for seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit. Maybe God wants you to be running for your life in a pregnant state. Maybe He wants you to go into the end times with a bunch of kids weighing on you. Is it going to be tougher to go into the end times with a baby in tow? Sure, but maybe that’s the kind of tough God feels you need in order for you to grow as fast as He wants you to. 

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Trust and dependency are two essential factors in developing an intimate bond with God. As a Christian, you need to pursue these concepts, not try to avoid them. Whenever you find yourself having to decide about insurance, check with the Holy Spirit before you act. Listen for His leading in your soul. Most of the time, He’s going to steer you away from trying to use money to protect yourself. God wants your trust to be in Him—not in money, certificates, and human logic. But because God is wild, we must always leave room for Him to guide us in any direction. Perhaps He knows He is planning to flatten your house with a tornado next year and He wants you to be prepared so He’ll tap you to get insurance. Or perhaps He’s planning to flatten your house and He doesn’t want you to be prepared, so He’ll lead you not to bother with insurance. Whenever you feel God prompting you to do or not do something, you should obey His convictions. 

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Now to encourage us to respect His moral code, God has fixed it so that we end up suffering consequences when we go beyond the limits He has set for us. God says that our legal spouse is the only one we should be having sex with. He then fixes it so that if we sleep around, we end up suffering all kinds of negative consequences. Not only has God invented a whole crop of nasty diseases which can only be spread through intercourse, but He’s also come up with psychological and emotional consequences for sleeping around. Why do we get that “used rag” feeling as we build up a history of one night stands? Why does sex become less and less pleasurable the more partners we have? These are all ways that God motivates us to get back in alignment with Him. We don’t get to just do whatever we want down here. God tells us what we ought to be doing, and if we blow Him off, He makes us sorry.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Now as nice as this theory sounds, it’s not based on reality. Prior to His arrest, trial, and crucifixion, Jesus was anything but submissive. He was constantly slandering the preachers and teachers of His day. He was constantly going out of His way to start fights and scandalize the Jews. He intentionally provoked Old Covenant believers into wanting to kill Him. Peter knows this better than most, since he was up close to Jesus for three years. So it’s utterly absurd for Peter to make Jesus out like some passive lay down who never made waves. If we really want to imitate Jesus, we’d march into church on Sunday mornings and start railing about what idiots our preachers are and what an idolatrous yuck the Church is today. This is what Jesus did in His day. He ripped on the highly respected preachers of His time and He was constantly taking potshots at Yahweh’s chosen people. He’d march into synagogues and the Temple in Jerusalem and start firing off offensive zingers. He’d seek out the company of unclean people, touch them, then refuse to go present the sacrifices that Yahweh required to fix His unclean state. Jesus was an obnoxious, alpha personality who had no use for diplomacy and basic social manners. So when Peter says “be like Christ”, he is really telling women to “be like the Christ I just invented, because if you act like the real Christ, obviously that’s going to create problems.”

To try and define Jesus by how He behaved during His crucifixion ordeal is ridiculous. We can’t just ignore three years of obnoxious scene-making and say, “Look, Jesus didn’t talk back when they were whipping Him. What a docile Fellow He was.” Yet this is what Peter and many Christians today try to do. For some reason we have this burning need to tone Jesus down and completely misrepresent Him as “sweet, meek and mild.” What’s sweet, meek and mild about Jesus showcasing Himself as ultra-awesome in the book of Revelation? What’s humble about Jesus creating scenes of all of Heaven constantly falling down before Him and shouting out endless praise about how magnificent He is? Humility is for humans, not Gods. Our Creators are not humble, and They are certainly not mild. They can be very sweet when They want to be, but They can also rain down terror and wrath. We need to call Peter out on the game he’s playing here because it’s one that leads us into all kinds of messes. When we make up lies about who Christ really is and how He behaves, we start trying to imitate a God who doesn’t exist.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

If your friend smashes your cell phone with a bat, you’re going to be very upset. But if your friend smashes his own cell phone with a bat, fine. As far as you are concerned, your friend gets to do what he wants with his own stuff. Well, we are all the property of God. He didn’t just buy us, He created us. This is why He gets to set limits on us, but we can’t set any limits on Him. God gives us rules that we must abide by but no one can give God rules. Is this unreasonable? Not at all. When you find a way to create an entire universe from nothing, then perhaps God will agree that you ought to have some special allowances. But until then, it’s pretty ridiculous for you to argue that you and He are on the same level.

It’s often our pride that gets all miffed when we observe God breaking His own rules. He tells us not to murder, yet every day He’s murdering us by the thousands. He tells us not to lie, but He lies to us whenever He feels like it. He tells us not to be jealous, while He says His Name is Jealous. He says we should be humble as we praise His Name forever. How come it’s not a sin when God hogs all the glory? How come it’s not wrong for Him to bask in the praises of others? Because He’s God. Gods and humans are completely different beings. Gods don’t have rules.

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