
Omzig Online #sexist feministcurrent.com

According to the CDC, male violence is one of the leading causes of death for women and children, along with heart disease, cancer, and strokes. Limiting our interactions with men is not "segregation", it is controlling a known risk factor for death and injury. It is a pragmatic approach to maintaining our health, along with avoiding tobacco products, engaging in regular exercise, and drinking in moderation.

If you don't like that this limits your access to women, perhaps you should examine your own behavior and the behaviors of the men around you. Do your part to end male violence instead of leaving pointless comments on an anonymous internet.

Also, when you make arguments that involve words like “always”, “never”, “everyone”, “nobody”, etc., you are committing a logical fallacy called reductio ad absurdom. This is rarely a good way to express reasonable talking points. In the future, you may want to avoid appealing to extremes if you want to make valid points.

Hekate Jayne #sexist feministcurrent.com

Sisters. I am worn out.

I cannot escape males. A few days ago, I was at the store, bagging my groceries, only to have a white male let me know how entitled to my attention he was by telling me how "plastic bags are tricky". He said that plastic bags are tricky for him!

And he could help little, feminine, silly girl me with my groceries, because if *he* has trouble with plastic bags, then it is a given that inept ladies will, too! He even offered to follow me to my car! How helpful!

I literally cannot escape them. And NOPE, sorry dudes, you can't be a feminist. I don't care what Jordan grommet beaty tells you. It isn't up to him.

Hekate Jayne #sexist feministcurrent.com

Your comment, especially the last half, needs to be shared with women everywhere.

We are trying to work with males.

We ask, we explain, we beg, we protest, we work, and all we get is dudes playing at confusion, or expecting us to wait until they get around to it.

This system is working exactly as males want it to. They get to keep the status quo, which greatly favors them, and we just keep on asking and waiting.

And in the meantime, we get dragged backwards.

Feminism is not about waiting on getting enough male support in hopes that if we can rally enough males, then maybe we can change things.

How long have we been doing that, anyway? It doesn't work, and that's because males don't want it to.

Hekate Jayne #sexist feministcurrent.com

I don't take male interruption well. Every time I go to any public place, a white male invents a reason to jabber at me. I don't know if it's flirting, or what, but it feels like dudes look at me and say to themselves "there is a smallish female all alone! Let me share the manly beacon that is me! Surely, she will enjoy.....nay.....ADORE my showering her in my male attentions!! The female nurturing nature simply thrives on male approval and attention. Yep. Imma make little ladies day".

My standard response is to literally bark WHAT? Their little male faces fall, and I can clearly see that they are just so fucking confused that I don't preen and bask in the unique and special male light that they are attempting to gift to me.

But I totally believe that little fella was perplexed by plastic bags. I mean, this is a group of people that bumble around, either being destructive or controlling and crying. They aren't known for intellect.

Djdj Jdjd #sexist feministcurrent.com

Yeah... Justin is definitely not the man for the job, in fact I doubt there's a man alive that would ever do more than the basic minimum when it comes to fighting for women's rights and liberation. After all, the patriarchy makes it very comfortable and is very beneficial to the male sex. Not many are actually all that interested in dismantling it no matter how they act like they are.

I really wish women would stop trying to include men in feminism, and that means the guys who pretend they want to be included too. We've tried for centuries to change them, to teach them how to be decent towards the other half of the world's population, but there's so few who want to change and our time and efforts just end up wasted.

We need to put all our focus on women, build up their strength so that they are strong enough to put up a fight against the patriarchy on at least an individual basis which in turn will eventually snowball into a more collective organizing of women around the world. Feminism is not for teaching men how to be human, it's to stop their dehumanization of women.

Hekate Jayne #sexist feministcurrent.com

They are entitled to our time and attention. Just like babies.

I used to want males to be active in feminism. Back when I believed that some males could be trusted.

But now? I don't want them involved. And that is for a couple of reasons, but the main one is that I just don't want them there. Because their presence brings 1 of only 2 outcomes I have seen.

The first is that they know better than we do and they take over. The second is that they make everything all about them. Just like dudes at the store, the bank, while walking your dogs, etc.

The world is a malefest. I should be allowed to speak to women outside of a male presence every once in a fucking while.

Hearth Moon Rising #sexist feministcurrent.com

When men call themselves "feminist," it serves as a disclaimer that keeps them (and other people) from scrutinizing these men's actions and attitudes.

It can work that way for women, too, but women are socialized to question themselves (not a bad thing), and people of both sexes are super-eager to criticize and condemn women.

People are only too willing to give men credit with nothing to back it up, so a man claiming to be a feminist is a man claiming his male supremacy.

Djdj Jdjd #sexist feministcurrent.com

Men shouldn't be labeled feminists because they're not women, it's as simple as that. The majority of them, especially extremely privileged ones like Justin Trudeau, only reap the benefits of patriarchy and could never even begin to comprehend what it's like to live as a woman in a world that considers you inferior and second class just because of the biology you were born with, biology, I might add, that is essential to nurturing and bringing life into the world.

Men can help out behind the scenes, be allies, but they can be as much a feminist as a white person can be a Black Lives Matter activist. Like men with feminism, white people can only be allies and support BLM's message and speak out against racism in any and every way possible. True allies for both causes wouldn't expect a pat on the head from the groups they're supporting, nor would they claim themselves members of these groups just because they support them.

I agree with the rest of the points you've made in your post.

cinderchild #sexist feministcurrent.com

This is a really great article about how "terf" has become not only a slur but hate speech but you left out a huge part of the problem that TRAs have with women: lesbians. Lesbians are one of the most vulnerable groups of women already and the vitriol hurled at them for being lesbians is disgusting. Lesbians who acknowledge that a lesbian is a female homosexual, and only attracted to females, is automatically branded a "terf" because TRAs have decided that lesbians are attracted to gender, not sex.

This happens to lesbians who aren't radfems or even gender critical; they're lesbians who seek out females and they are punished for that. There are so few lesbian spaces anymore, having been invaded by TIMs who say they are lesbians and therefore lesbians must consider them viable partners. Lesbians are called bigots for exercising their right to be a female homosexual who is not attracted to males and simply saying that they are not attracted to TIMs brands them "terfs". See Riley J Dennis. While this article was great, leaving out lesbians is a huge disservice to them.

Lesbians endure more than their share of hate piled on them simply because they don't see TIMs as viable dating or sex partners because lesbians are not attracted to males. The transactivist movement is not only incredibly misogynist but also incredibly homophobic by telling lesbians that if they don't see TIMs as women they are disgusting bigoted terfs, and they must consider TIMs as partners because "trans women are women". It's quite akin to corrective rape. I realise this is kind of rambly and out of order, I'm extremely tired right now but wanted to get these thoughts down before I forgot.

Sabine #sexist feministcurrent.com

(This person is talking about Go Topless Day, a day where women go topless)

Heterosexual men are incapable of seeing breasts as merely body parts like their own as they have long been fetishized sex objects to lust and wank over. Therefore any bloke advocating for women to be able to go topless is going to be getting his rocks off at the prospect, not earnestly hoping for women's equality. This is why women getting their tits out "like men" merely achieves hard-ons and hysteria in the male species, nothing else.

There is no female "empowerment" in having men with their dicks in one hand, camera in the other, leering at a spectacle of "women's lib" that is basically fulfilling every straight teenaged boy's porny-fantasy. Women with their tits out! Everywhere! And the fact the guy (guy: that should have set off alarm bells to any sane woman anyway) who started this is a recognized pervert and pedophile comes as no great surprise.....

Kamilla Vaski #sexist feministcurrent.com

Nothing is being done about this, because transgender ideology is now mainstream liberal doctrine. Masses of people have been successfully confused, and those who won't give in to this mass delusion are intimidated into silence. And articulate transsexual and gender-nonconforming persons who are critical of gender doctrine have faced abuse and threats.

Snork Maiden #sexist feministcurrent.com

I think anything which limits pornography is a step in the right direction, especially enforcing age restrictions. But this bill doesn't nearly go far enough. People who defend pornography while decrying misogyny and racism are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

Hierophant2 #sexist feministcurrent.com

Replace "TERF" with Jew, "trans" with German, and "deplatform" with "kick out of their homes," and frankly, the translation is perfect... I have thought that for a while now. If the trans cult ever comes to power, the first thing they will do is isolate and persecute feminists and lesbians...

susannunes #sexist feministcurrent.com

Porn involves the dehumanization of others, mainly women, solely so men can masturbate. This is what it is in a nutshell, and it should not exist. It requires the exploitation of others, often trafficked women, just so men can masturbate to the images. It is poison and has no place in any society. It is not "free speech" but a human rights violation.

Lori Day #fundie feministcurrent.com

There are not enough baby elephant videos in the world to soothe and distract me from all of the pain and suffering I see daily in the news. At the moment, I am obsessed with the Zika virus, which has just been declared a global emergency by the World Health Organization. As more and more babies are born with microcephaly, male politicians in Latin American countries are requesting that women not get pregnant for the next two years, while simultaneously denying them access to contraception and abortion.

I’m sure that men will wait patiently until 2018 to have sex with their wives and girlfriends, and I’m equally certain the extraordinary number of rapists in those regions will stop raping women during the same time period. But in case the menfolk don’t cooperate, there are always coat hangers, and women’s lives will be at risk along with the risks that the virus poses to their children. Men, however, don’t seem to have much skin in the game (even though they are refereeing it along with the mosquitos.)

And I notice this is a recurring theme. Too many men coasting ahead of their own wake.

Often men do suffer along with women, though. For example, men breathe the same poisoned air and drink the same polluted water women do. They die in wars alongside raped and murdered female civilians. They are among the poor and the homeless. American men perpetrate — but are also killed by — gun violence. When the human race begins to go extinct due to climate change, men will not yet have left the planet— I think. But here’s the thing: Men are experiencing karma. Women, on the other hand, are experiencing toxic masculinity — something that has been actively destroying the world since our first human ancestors, standing upon two legs, started walking around Africa three million years ago. If only “Lucy” were available for comment. I think of her as Patient Zero.

Here’s a list of various domestic and international male-made problems, in no particular order:

Climate change

Domestic violence



Sex trafficking

Wealth gap

Pay gap

Air and water pollution

Gun violence

Under-education of girls

Degrading porn

Religious oppression of women





Gender discrimination



Extinction of species



Sexual harassment


Political corruption


Restricted reproductive rights

Exploitation of fossil fuels

Strip mining

Clubbing of baby seals

I’m sorry I didn’t have time to add many things to the list. Feel free to add more in the comments.

What can be done? Well, I’ve decided the Earth needs a Mandemic. The human herd must be culled, and it’s time for buck season.

I know what you’re thinking— Cool! How could this work?

I happened to be watching an episode of Star Trek: Voyager last night when the idea came to me. There could be a virus that causes gene mutations in men that rewrites their DNA. Then, when men have sex with women, they are drained of their DNA, “where it is then implanted into females, causing the death of the males. As a result, new males are constantly created and harvested” by women, as suits their needs. You should have seen the desiccated corpses on the Taresian planet!

But perhaps this is too harsh implausible. It is science fiction, after all.

Look, I’m not an infectious disease specialist. I’m not exactly sure how this could work. I just know that there are 200 million missing females in the world because of patriarchy, so Mother Nature needs to put her finger on the scales, and if She would kindly oblige, just push down a little extra hard.

“But I love men.”

Ok. You probably do love men. Most women have some men in their lives that they dearly love. There are tons of wonderful men! So sure, it will be sad and tragic when the Mandemic rages with the fire of a thousand suns and randomly selects enough male victims to disrupt the current power structure around the world. This will be necessary to create an opening for women to become equal — maybe even dominant.

But isn’t our only hope the removal of excessive male humans from the continents? If women don’t take the reins of this doomed planet and get cracking on resolving those few items listed above, we don’t stand a chance.

Just Passing Through #sexist feministcurrent.com

Men seriously suck. I fkn hate 'em... There I've come right out and finally said it. I fucking hate men with a level of hate I never knew I had in me. They terrorize women across the planet and have throughout all of history and the "good ones" stand by and watch it happen and do NOTHING... I want a new world without men. Seriously, a new planet...I just read a story about a disgusting man with half a head try to rape a woman then burn down her house, (I guess the half head part of him is what made him fail at the rape, but it almost happened)....the picture of him just made me want to throw up, even without the majority of his brain, he still has the need to kill, maim, rape etc...it's what they do, it's what they are...they're animals...they are fkng mutants, I'm so convinced...I want a male free planet. NOW. Nuclear war wouldn't even be a threat if it weren't for men. The world and all life on earth will probably end because men need to assert their dominance over all living things and everyone in the world. It's the ultimate dick wag! At least one guy "gets it" about how fucked men are: George Carlin with his "Male Disease" act....but that's about it. I seriously hate men.

jose #sexist feministcurrent.com

I'm sorry but if I see a man who says he's a feminist, or even worse, an "intersectional feminist", I can only roll my eyes, smile and nod. Chances are good they just sit on twitter telling everyone to legalize prostitution.

I'm positive 99% of the men who actually do shit are too busy helping to build altars to their ego like that.

Chaia #fundie feministcurrent.com

Women need to know that men are predatory toward women, that the penis is a weapon men use to control us and we're living in a rape culture. They walk around with a "gun" in their pocket that can be used against us at any time. The further away I stay from them the better. Just self preservation. Separatism forever, we MUST protect ourselves from men. Put your fists up.

Jennifer Adams #fundie feministcurrent.com

[Trans women face many of the same issues and more as cis women. We have the same pay inequality with the added bonus of our employers having the right to fire us in 33 states for just being trans. We are judged to the same beauty standards as cis women. The same body image issues. I'd love to have a thigh gap, I'm envious of the women that do, but I'd have to just about kill myself to get it. Women are often their own worst enemies, trans women are not immune to this. I'm sure there are other issues that I can't think of off the top of my head. We are in the same boat, whether you like it or not.]

Being a woman isn't about knowing the history of the woman's movement or having a set of tits. You will never experience what it is truly like to be a woman. You never grew up with the misogyny, being excluded simply for the fact that you were a girl, you never had to prove yourself, you never had to tone down being too smart, you never grew up on the short end of double standards between men and women. You never had to smile and act lady like when the dirty uncle was making crude remarks, you never had to worry about getting raped your whole life and being extra careful who you hung around, you didn't have to worry your whole life about saying the wrong thing to your boyfriend who could beat you up, you never had to feel the vulnerability I have, you never had to keep your opinions to yourself or were forced to keep quite because that's how ladies act, or men never take you seriously because you were too pretty or men who never wanted to genuinely be your friend because they only wanted to fuck you. You didn't have a lifetime of being held to some high, unobtainable beauty standard. You didn't spend a lifetime being objectified. You never suffered through the embarrassment of bleeding through your panties and not being able to go the pool with all the other kids. You never had to brush off sexist, stupid remarks guys make your whole life. You never have to worry about getting pregnant or the anxiety of waiting on pregnancy test. You never have to worry if having a kid will ruin your whole life or what it will do to your already imperfect, un-model like body. You never had to worry about looking like Barbie. You never had adult men "accidentally" touch your boobs or your butt when you were 12. Or that optometrist that gives you a breast exam. You never had to worry about raising a child on your own. You never had to make a "security risk analysis" in every interaction with the opposite sex because they could potentially hurt you or rape you. You never had to count the days between periods. You've never had to ruin countless clothing because you've bled through. You've never had to worry about having a mental breakdown every 30 days since you were 12, you never grew up thinking that you could be president, an astronaut, a rockstar, a baseball player...because women usually aren't. You were never expected to forego an education for a family...and if you didn't, you would make less anyways. You never had to worry about getting shunned in an engineering class bc you were the only woman, you haven't had the lifelong experience of men dismissing your emotions because you're "on the rag", you didn't have a lifetime of getting forced in the kitchen with your mom while your brothers played ball with your dad, you never grew up thinking that you could be anything, only important people were men...You were never expected to be a full time worker, housekeeper, mother, and slave while some guy just drinks beer and sits on the couch and watches NFL.

All of these things and more, most women can relate to. You're a man-made woman, a sexist byproduct of what a man thinks a woman is.

Bronwyn Williams #fundie feministcurrent.com

Whether we like it or not, those of us born female - with XX chromosomes and female genitalia - are socialised to be pretty and passive and deferential, if not by our families, then by a broader society that increasingly demands such attributes of women and girls. When puberty arrives it brings with it the joy of monthly menstrual cramps and the beginnings of a 30 to 40 year battle to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

Our physical capacities and our personal freedoms are diminished by womanhood. But at the same time we see our male counterparts growing bigger and stronger, with fun dangly things between their legs and an unfettered capacity for adventure.

??Most of us understand what it's like to have dreams and aspirations beyond what society expects of us. Because of our 'female' socialisation, we do our best to understand and empathise with the distress and pain felt by others, including transgender persons. We know we cannot live their experience, but we do our best.?

Sadly, as has been demonstrated in innumerable public forums, many transgender persons – particularly male to female transgender persons – are unwilling to afford biological women the same consideration.

Somehow, their suffering must be acknowledged to be greater, their needs must be prioritised, and they must be permitted to insult, label and ridicule biological women who argue against their superior entitlement.

We female-born women are trained to be endlessly accommodating, but the current trans agenda is really testing our patience, particularly when we are set upon by other female-born trans ‘allies’.

In fact, our overtly patriarchal society is working overtime to put women back ‘where they belong’. Women and girls are being sexually assaulted, killed and injured in domestic violence and exploited in pornography and in the sex trade in record numbers. The latter exploitation is promoted by many, including leading human rights organisations, as being ‘empowering’ for women.

And now, we are expected to cede the feminist agenda to male-born persons who identify as female, and accept the blame for male violence against transgender women.

It’s so absurd I’d be laughing, if it weren’t for the tears of anger and frustration and the despair I feel when I look at my two-year old grand-daughter and wonder what life will hold for her.

And, yes, I’ve been called a TERF – before I even knew what it meant.

C.K. Egbert #fundie feministcurrent.com

ANSWERING OBJECTIONS [to her kink-shaming]

“You can’t shame people for their sexual preferences or sexual orientation.”

First, I have already noted that preferences are (often) socially conditioned. Second, the mere fact of having a preference, orientation, or identity carries no weight. We can, and should, make judgments about the content of that preference or identity. Some people strongly identify as white supremacists and neo-Nazis. Some people may consider their sexual orientation to involve pedophilia or rape or murder; the fact that it is their sexual orientation does not make pedophilia or rape or serial murder acceptable.

“You don’t speak for all women. These women don’t see it as a harm.”

I do not deny that a woman may genuinely feel that pain and subjugation is sexy. This is precisely why consciousness-raising is a necessary component to the feminist political project. As a feminist, I can validate a woman’s experience without endorsing the content, which has been shaped by conditions of inequality. For example, I do not deny that women are ashamed of their bodies and feel the need to be impossibly thin, but I do not endorse that they should be ashamed of their bodies or that they should starve themselves.

Harm is not subjective and cannot merely be a product of someone’s feelings. First, because we know that people, due to socialization, invalidation, and inequality, are not always aware of the harm as harm. Second, because we would not say, for example, that men are “harmed” if they cannot have sex with any woman they want or that Christians are “harmed” by homosexuality — even though many clearly feel that way.

“You are denying women their agency and not valuing their individual choice.”

There is never a question of a woman’s agency. At a trivial and metaphysical level, we are always free to choose what we do unless we are unconscious, under the influence of hallucinogens, or physically disabled. I am not judging or arguing against what women are choosing when they “consent” but what men (and some women) choose to do to them. What is important is the social norms, practices, and conditions that make that choice possible. Prostitution could not be a choice if there were no demand and if we did not think that people were things to be bought and sold.

“What if we make pornography with men in the submissive role?”

Equalizing violence does not create equal conditions. We do not solve the problem of racial inequality by having the police arrest and violate the civil liberties of an equal number of white males; we eradicate inequality by eradicating the conditions of subordination and creating positive, material change that truly values all people as free and equal.

C.K. Egbert #fundie feministcurrent.com


Recently, feminists have been critiqued for attempting to make women-only spaces. Inclusion of “minority genders,” including transgender women, into what have been traditionally all-female colleges is now protected under Title IX and hailed as a progressive development. Restricting space to people who have been born women and continue to experience the world as women is considered discriminatory at best and biologically determinist at worst.

People often fail to recognize that “woman” is not a personal identity but a political identity based upon a shared experience of oppression. The purpose of certain women-only spaces is not about excluding those with or without a particular genitalia (we didn’t decide that having vaginas and uteruses made one subordinate; men did) or excluding those with a particular gender identity. This isn’t about how strongly one identifies as a woman, whether one might subsequently be seen and treated as a woman, or whether one is marginalized and disadvantaged by gender hierarchy (for example, gay men are marginalized by patriarchy even though they are men). It is about controlling for the experience of male privilege. In my white-to-Latina example [at the top of the linked post], it would be legitimate to exclude me from certain spaces or even definitions of “Latina” not because I believe in biological determinism but because I understand the power of socialization. This doesn’t mean I identify less with being Latina than others who were “born that way,” or that I may not subsequently experience racial subordination. It means I recognize that what I am is not determined solely by what I want to be, and the fact that I’ve experienced white privilege is not and never has been up to me.

Of course there is an important dis-analogy between race and gender in my white-to-Latina story: transgendered women cannot experience all forms of subordination that women as women face. Most female-born women are capable of becoming pregnant at some point in their lives. For those who cannot, infertility is often considered a “problem” that needs to be “fixed.” Transgendered women do not experience disadvantage by virtue of their reproductive role (they don’t need abortions, for instance), and neither are they considered somehow “defective” by virtue of not being able to fulfill a particular reproductive role (although they might be considered pathological, etc. by virtue of not identifying with their imposed gender).

I’m not denying that transgendered people are subject to social, emotional, and physical violence at absurdly high rates, and that this violence is a product of sexism. I’m also not denying that transgender people feel deeply alienated from their imposed gender identity. Many of us are, because gender, and the accompanying deformation of our bodies — from pornographied genitalia to what is considered beautiful — is a profound and perverse imposition of identity. It does not reflect our individuality or even some positive notion of social relatedness. It is a function of a deeply pathological and violent social structure.

But this seems to be where some recent developments in “feminist” theory and activism have diverged from their feminist roots. The feminist struggle against heterosexism and gender conformity was not because any self-professed sexual orientation, identity, or gender should be considered equally valid: it was because the disadvantage and violence non-gender conforming and non-heterosexual people experience are the result of patriarchy in which men and the masculine are socially constructed as (sexually) dominant and women and the feminine are socially constructed as the (sexually) subordinate. Feminism does not seek to marginalize or exclude the experience of people not born as women, but to situate these within a systemic and systematic understanding of the functions, mechanisms, and structure of sexual subordination.

Imagining and advocating for a post-racial world is easier for us than advocating for a post-gender world. Perhaps because gender has been with us longer, it cuts deeper, it invades our most intimate relationships and experiences. Unlike with racial subordination, there is no “remainder”: ethnicity (identification with a particular cultural or linguistic tradition) can exist without race (the social construction of an identity based upon one’s racial subordination or privilege), but there is no gender without sexual subordination.

gxm17 #fundie feministcurrent.com

I’ve started to realize that transcultists are really just MRAs who like to perform femininity. These folks are cut from the same cloth. The misogyny of people who claim to “feel” like a woman is staggering. It’s weird. It’s as if they think their version of “woman” is more authentic then those of us who were born women. Well, that’s male privilege for ya!

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