
Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

It outrages God when we humans refuse to give Him the glory that He rightly deserves and God deserves the glory for everything. So when we start taking the bows and applauding each other for things which only God can do, His fierce jealousy explodes, and rightly so. When God talks about being jealous for our worship, He’s not talking about needing us to prop up His low self-esteem. He’s talking about how outraged He feels when creatures who depend on Him for every breath actually have the audacity to credit some other being, object, or delusion for playing the role of God in their lives. The Holy Spirit drops some fascinating new insight in your brain and instead of praising Him, you go gushing over your pastor. You actually give some idiot human the glory for supplying you with the wisdom of God and you refuse to recognize that God Himself has just communicated directly to you. And then you actually complain that God never talks to you. You go to sleep in your warm bed every night, you have food on your table which you never even say thank you for, but when your new car gets in a wreck, you complain that God doesn’t provide for you. You gush over some worship pastor and thank him for bringing you “into the throne room of God” every week with his great music while you act like the Holy Spirit’s constant Presence with you and perpetual care of you is non-existent. You pray to saints who were totally fabricated by the Church and you have more faith in their protection of you than you do in the Gods who are guiding your every step and constantly shielding you from harm. You barely say two words to God in a day, but you pour out your heart to your stupid dog every night and thank her for being such a good “kid.” You want Brother Braggart to lay his hands on you Sunday morning because you think his emotional prayer for you is more valuable than the love of a God who died on a cross for your sake. These are the kinds of things that ignite the jealous fury of our Gods: when we refuse to give Them the glory, honor, credit, praise, and love that They rightfully deserve.

Divine jealousy is a response to being cheated, insulted, ignored and minimized by creatures who depend on their Creators for absolutely everything. We have nothing that our Gods haven’t given us. We can do nothing apart from Them. We are ignorant, incapable lumps and if we were to praise our Gods all day every day with every breath that we have, we would be giving Them only the very least that They deserve. So do They get mad when we stand right in front of Them acting like They are irrelevant? Oh, yes.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Philosophically speaking, God is the only true reality—He is the only thing that exists without being created by someone else. Once we discover this fact, it is ludicrous for us to go on behaving as if this world and the people in it are more important than He is. Nothing can even come close to competing with His great significance. As the Creator of all things, His opinion is obviously of supreme importance, His judgment is clearly the final say on any matter, and what He wants should be the central focus of our lives.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

The end times are at the door, and when they begin, we are going to see God do something that He’s never done before. He’s going to raise up a human prophet to perform many terrifying miracles. This prophet will become a global figure. We’ve never seen God do this sort of thing before. Certainly Moses was big stuff in his day, but Moses’ realm of influence was extremely limited. Jesus was certainly an epic Figure, but He didn’t range beyond the borders of Israel, and that is a very tiny patch of land. Jesus has become world famous now, but He wasn’t even close to getting global coverage when He was walking about in human form. Yet God’s end time prophet will be unique in that the entire globe will be talking about, filming, watching, and obsessing over this person. Will the prophet be a man or a woman? We’ll have to wait to find out. A man would be expected, but then again, God loves to surprise us and the end times will be packed with surprises. For now, let’s assume it will be a man. The question now becomes, why on earth would a God who is so jealous for glory want to work through a prophet instead of just doing things directly? Hasn’t God noticed by now that we humans are quick to worship anyone who we associate with supernatural powers? As God’s end time prophet goes around toppling skyscrapers, leveling cities, killing people, and altering the weather, how is he not going to end up having the whole world falling down at his feet? Surely God wants to be exalted, not replaced, so what’s with all this drama about a prophet?

To put God’s end time prophet in perspective, we need to start by owning up to the fact that both the saved and the unsaved spend far too much time trying to downplay God’s involvement in our lives. What we’re calling the end times is a period of global chaos which will drag out for many years. The point of this period is to drive souls to God. To aid that process, God has come up with a way to force us to start fixating on the question of who.

Right now when a storm ravages a coastline, we’re content to just talk about pressure systems and focus on various satellite images while we act like the whole event is just physical mechanics. But what if we could all see footage of some guy who appeared to be manipulating the elements? What if clouds moved in when he waved them on and stopped when he halted them? What if lightning struck the moment he snapped his fingers and it hit the ground exactly where he was pointing? Suddenly our discussion of the storm would acquire a very different focus, wouldn’t it? Suddenly we’d be acutely interested in the subject of who. Who is this stranger with the hostile look on his face who seems to be able to control the weather? Why is he causing the storm? What does he want? Where did he get such power? Can he be stopped? Can he be contained? Before the human stepped into view, God was creating the storm, and we were totally blowing off the concept that there was a purposeful will at work behind those driving winds. But now that God has set a human down in the midst of His storm, suddenly we’re all forced to recognize that this storm is more than just a series of random phenomena. Well of course it is, because nothing happens at random in this world. But we refuse to acknowledge this until God forces us to recognize some being at work. This is the main purpose of God’s end time prophet: to break us all out of our ridiculous denial about God’s involvement in our lives. Will it work? Of course it will.

Now the idea of a human with supernatural powers is utterly absurd. Even the most rebellious among us will reject the notion that this end time prophet is acting entirely on his own. After all, he’s just another one of us, and we know that we are very limited beings. So obviously this prophet has managed to get connected with some kind of supernatural being. Once again, we will obsess over the question of who. See how effective God’s methods are?

But what about the problem of idolatry? Surely God doesn’t want His prophet becoming some kind of glory hog. He certainly does not, but He also knows how to prevent this from happening. Naturally some people will try to suck up to the prophet at first, but when they receive a brutal response, they’ll quickly abandon all hopes of trying to win this person’s favor. God’s prophet will not be globally admired, but globally hated. Even though he will be serving God faithfully, the Church will go to war against him, and be just as hostile to him as the Pharisees were towards Jesus. The important point for you in all of this is to understand that God knows how to get His agenda done without compromising His standards. God is not about to encourage us all to idolize some mere mortal, and it’s important that you keep a grip on the fact that God’s end time prophet is not going to be controlling God in any way. God does not take orders from us—ever. Happily, God’s prophet is going to be sincerely devoted to God in his own heart, which means he’s not going to be some pompous windbag who goes around flaunting his Divine connections. While we will see God miraculously protecting this person, we’ll also see God arranging for His prophet to get publicly pounded. The prophet will not be untouchable, but he will be unstoppable. Though the world will try to kill this person time and again, they won’t be able to succeed. Even when it seems certain that the prophet has died, he will only show up again somewhere else.

So why is God telling us about this person in advance? Because it’s new. It’s different. And a little heads up gives us all time to seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance on this issue. If we’re wise, we’ll be asking God to help us honor Him during the end times. Since this period is rapidly approaching, now is the time to give serious thought as to what kinds of attitudes please God. We don’t want to be stupid about this prophet business by confusing the instrument with God Himself. Moses didn’t part the Red Sea with a wooden stick. Yahweh parted the sea. The only purpose in having Moses hold his hands in the air was to make it very clear to the Israelites that a purposeful will was at work. Did Yahweh really need Moses to toss a handful of ashes into the air before He could begin the plague of boils on Egypt? Did Jesus really need to put His hands on people in order to heal them? Not hardly. Our Gods are infinitely powerful, so let’s not insult Them by suggesting that They ever need our help to get things done. Our Gods do not share Their power with anyone, so when we see Them performing miracles through someone, we need to realize that the human is nothing more than an attention getting device.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

God wants us to develop our skills, exercise our minds, and grow into physical adults. But He is not going to let us live our lives our own way. He insists on micromanaging the entire process and there will be many times when He forces us to go down roads we don’t like in order to push us closer to His agenda for us.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

It blesses God when we express sincere fury over seeing Him treated with dishonor. But when we sit around asking Him to forgive souls who are spitting in His face, we are only siding with those souls against Him, and this is never acceptable.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Event: You remember to stop at a gas station on the way home from work.
Note: “God reminded me to get gas on the way home.”

Event: You wake up in the morning without your alarm going off.
Note: “Forgot to set my alarm—God woke me up in time for work.”

Event: You feel encouraged by a song on the radio.
Note: “Was feeling depressed—God had my favorite song come on the radio.”

Event: You feel inspired by a sermon you hear.
Note: “Online sermon talking about faith—God encouraged me to keep waiting on Him.”

Event: You figure out a great way to rearrange your furniture to make more room in your house.
Note: “God showed me how to rearrange the living room today. He knew exactly what was bothering me and now it works so much better.”

Event: You find a great bargain on an item you’ve been wanting to buy.
Note: “God led me to the store right when He knew what I wanted was on sale.”

Event: Your car breaks down by the side of the road and you realize you forgot your phone.
Note: “God had me forget my phone at home today so He could show me how He’s always taking care of me. He had my friend drive by and see me, and she pulled over to help. Feeling really encouraged that God is always with me.”

Event: You remember an encouraging saying that your dead grandmother used to say.
Note: “God brought grandma’s words to mind today to remind me not to worry about the future.”

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

The reason our Gods make us start our lives on this earth (instead of just creating us all in Heaven) is to test our submission to Them. We are creatures who have been given a small measure of choice when it comes to how much we want to submit to our Creators. They have intentionally created an environment which makes rebelling against Them feel like the easier, more attractive choice. This is Their way of sifting out the truly committed souls. When believing in multiple Gods felt like the natural, easy thing to do for the Jews, Yahweh made polytheism a terrible crime. When believing in multiple Gods became extremely repulsive to the Jews, He suddenly changed His program and demanded that they convert to polytheism. In both situations, Yahweh was saying, “You can’t please both Me and the world. You will have to choose one over the other.” Both situations were about ensuring that obeying God was a costly affair.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Now that Yahweh has made it clear that He intentionally lied for centuries about how many Gods there are, the New Covenant becomes extremely threatening to all humans everywhere. The number of Gods is no longer the main issue–today we resent the idea of having to submit to Gods who would intentionally deceive us. Yahweh has come up with a brilliant way of making submission to Him a costly affair no matter what culture we grow up in. It shouldn’t matter to us if there is one God or ten–what matters is that we are connecting with the real Gods and not putting our faith in deceptions. Yet today Christians resist the idea of multiple Gods because they resent the idea of our Gods not being forthcoming with us. Our pride hates the idea of our Gods living above Their own Laws. They say that lying is a sin for us, yet when They lie to us, They say it’s just fine. In the same way, if we take a life, They say we have committed the sin of murder, but if They kill us, that’s just fine. This is how it works when you are dealing with three All-Powerful Gods. They are accountable to no one while we are accountable to Them. There are no rules which They have to abide by. There is absolutely no way that we can restrain or control Them. What we can know for certain is that They are withholding a ton of information from us even now about how things really work. They have no intention of telling us the complete truth about all the things They are up to as Creators. We will only ever know what They want us to know. We are not in control of this situation–They are. It’s Their game, Their rules. They will run Their game anyway that They want, and if we don’t keep up, we’ll be the ones suffering terrible consequences.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Consider this: people are told that God says that if we seek Him with all their hearts, we will find Him. So if you’re searching for Him, and you want to find Him, isn’t it possible that your mind will simply imagine that you’ve found Him? If we humans are so capable of deceiving ourselves, how can we tell the real God from our own wishful thinking? Wouldn’t it be more logical to try and search for God without expectations or faith as a safeguard against self-deception? Isn’t the whole idea of having to have faith to please God a bit of a set up? These are the questions we will address in this post.Certainly there is a very real principle that we can find evidence for anything that we want to believe, and it’s important to think seriously about this issue. All we have to do is look around the world and we’ll find scores of people who are all convinced that their religion is right, even though those religions all conflict with each other. And then within the Christian Church, you will find scores of Christians who adamantly disagree about various attributes of God. Is He really all-powerful or can His will be thwarted by His own creations? Is He the One inflicting pain on us or is He always looking away while some other party has their way with us? Some Christians say God is incapable of lying, others say He lies a lot. Most Christians say that Yahweh (God the Father), Jesus & the Holy Spirit are three expressions of a single Deity (the three-in-one Trinity theory). On this site, we teach that They are three separate Deities and that the Trinity theory is a bunch of baloney. Much of what we teach on this site counters the teaching of the mainstream Christian Church, and with so many Christian denominations bickering with each other, clearly Christians are rather confused about who their own God is.

So where does this leave you? You certainly don’t want to put your faith in a delusion. And you don’t want to believe in some warped version of God because you’re listening to folks who are in denial about certain aspects of Him. You want to know God as He really is, or forget it. Delusions take us nowhere. To pray to a God who isn’t really there is a complete waste of time. To try to serve Someone who only exists in your mind is ridiculous.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

The atheist looks up at the stars and says “random chance.” The Christian looks up at the same stars and says “the work of God.” The Muslim looks up and says “the work of Allah.” As an outside observer, these three look the same to you. But the soul experience of these three is radically different. Because the atheist and the Muslim are convinced that their fantasies are real, they will sound every bit as confident as the Christian when they defend their beliefs. Soul realities simply can’t be conveyed through words. The crazy man’s delusions are real to him, yet they aren’t real to anyone else. Allah is “real” to Muslims, but he isn’t real in actuality. Yahweh, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the only Gods who are truly real–real regardless of who does or doesn’t believe in Them. You want to find the real Gods, not just buy into delusions. So how do you do this? And how do you have faith when you are not even consciously aware of your soul as a separate entity from your physical body? It’s very simple. Ask God to help you find Him and to know beyond all doubt who He is and what He wants from you.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

While science shuns religion, it is utterly religious itself. It insists that God cannot be–a theory which could be worth discussing if any sound argument could be developed to support it. But the truth is that the existence of God is the only rational explanation there is for all that we see around us, and a proper application of the scientific method–which invites us to put forth any hypothesis and then seek supporting evidence for it through logical proofs–would drive us to conclude that there is an intelligent Creator every time. Scientists say “prove that God is real” while refusing to acknowledge the evidence right in front of their faces. We would say to science “prove that God isn’t real.”

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Now it’s not fair to label all science as anti-God religion–science has been turned into that today, but true science is merely the search for knowledge, and there’s no reason God has to be written out of the equation. So if we were doing science right–meaning that we weren’t going into it utterly closed to certain concepts while claiming to be so open minded–then science and creationism would get along just fine. But the reality is that trying to study the world around us isn’t the real issue at hand. We like to bicker about the origins of this universe and pretend we’re all in some noble search for truth, but in reality what we’re really trying to do is find some way to prove that God can’t be real. We want to get out of being accountable to and controlled by a Being who we can’t control–that’s the real issue. It has nothing to do with understanding where human life came from. At the end of the day, who even cares whether your ancestors emerged from slime or not? The far more important issue is why are you here now and is there any other Being in existence who is controlling your existence? Are you really an autonomous being or are you being manipulated by Someone else? Is death really the end of you or is there some other chapter that you ought to be preparing for? Discussing the present is far more useful than endless debates about origins.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

We’d be much better off peppering cemeteries with statues of people screaming in anguish and demons snarling with glee instead of a bunch of kind faced angels standing about on guard. Angels have nothing to do with where we spend eternity. They can’t prevent human souls from going to Hell, nor would they try to, for angels are loyal to God and they agree with Him that those who defy Him deserve eternal torment.

According to Jesus, most souls go to Hell. We could really use to be reminded of this when we go to visit the graves of the dead. If we could look about and see images of pain and anguish, then we’d be reminded of where most souls end up, and we’d be more motivated to think about the future of our own souls. But instead Satan makes sure we’re surrounded with stonework that promotes a very deceiving view what eternity will be like.

Can you imagine how offended people would be if we decorated cemeteries with some more accurate depictions of the afterlife? Can you imagine the uproar if we carved flames of torment onto gravestones in place of “RIP”? We won’t ever do it, of course, because Satan has taught us to beautify death as much as possible, decorating the memory of a soul’s wasted life with flowers and cards instead of learning from their mistakes. To die in rebellion against God—there is no more horrible end. Such souls are lost forever and any good they did on earth is completely discounted. We should be horrified by the thought of where these souls ended up—instead we put flowers on their graves and fantasize that their souls are resting in peace. “R.I.P.” has certainly proven to be one of Satan’s most effective deceptions.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

From God’s perspective, all the souls in this world can be divided into two camps: white as snow, and covered in filth. Every Christian is seen as white as snow, no matter what kind of evil they are currently up to. Every unbeliever is equally filthy, from the nice moral man to the serial killer. There are no degrees of sin to God in either camp. Sin is a black and white issue with absolutely no grey area.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Matthew’s grasp of the Old Testament isn’t all that sharp, and he tends to see Messianic prophecies where none exist, so you can’t just believe him whenever he claims Jesus is fulfilling some ancient promise. But in this case, Matthew is correct: there is a portion of Zechariah 9 that does apply to Jesus. The problem is that the language in that passage is very misleading.

“Rejoice, O people of Zion! Shout in triumph, O people of Jerusalem! Look, your king is coming to you. He is righteous and victorious, yet he is humble, riding on a donkey—riding on a donkey’s colt.

I will remove the battle chariots from Israel and the warhorses from Jerusalem. I will destroy all the weapons used in battle, and your king will bring peace to the nations. His realm will stretch from sea to sea and from the Euphrates River to the ends of the earth.” (Zech. 9:9-10)

Is Jesus really humble? No, He loves to exalt Himself. This donkey stunt is not at all His way of saying “I’m nobody special.” On the contrary, He knows that this passage from Zechariah is considered a Messianic prophecy, and He’s intentionally using it to ignite a bunch of fanfare in which He will be showered with praise, cheers, and applause. It’s highly ironic that while Zechariah 9 paints a picture of a king meekly riding into Jerusalem on a young donkey, Jesus is going to find a way to fulfill the technical actions while turning the whole moment into a glory fest. And what about this bit where Yahweh promises to remove all threats of war from Israel and Jerusalem? Is this really going to happen? Not hardly. And is Jesus going to bring peace to the nations? Not the kind of peace Yahweh is talking about in this passage. Yahweh is describing a king who ends up taking over the whole world and abolishing all war. Now there’s a laugh.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

So let’s consider what we have here. Jesus is using theatrics with a donkey to make everyone think He’s going to be the political savior of Israel. Yahweh has made the epic deception of this moment possible by putting out a bunch of empty promises centuries before. And now as Jesus looks upon Jerusalem, He suddenly bursts into tears and prophesies what is actually going to happen in her future—and it’s a message which totally counters what Yahweh has said.

But as He came closer to Jerusalem and saw the city ahead, He began to weep. “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes. Before long your enemies will build ramparts against your walls and encircle you and close in on you from every side. They will crush you into the ground, and your children with you. Your enemies will not leave a single stone in place, because you did not recognize it when God visited you.” (Lk. 19:41-44)

Where was the conditional language in Zechariah 9? When did Yahweh say, “But all these great things will only happen to you Jews if you pass a spiritual test I’m going to throw at you centuries from now”? He doesn’t say anything like this. When Yahweh prophesied about Israel’s golden age, He made it sound so final—so written in stone. Now Jesus shows up and says, “Nope, forget it. You people could have had a great life, but you refused to listen to Me, so now you’re going to get trampled.” This new prophecy about Jerusalem totally counters what Yahweh says. Hello, since when do our Gods contradict Each Other? Hey, They’re Gods. They will lie, contradict, and cancel any promise They want to any time They want.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

God designed us to be clingy, high-maintenance little creatures who depend on Him for absolutely everything. The more clingy we are, the more pleased He becomes. The more we act like we can do life without Him, the more annoyed He becomes. As Christians who care about pleasing God, we need to learn to love the role of dependent, powerless wimps, because that is the only role that God offers us in life.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

I recently read in the news a story of a four-year-old boy who accidentally shot his six-year-old playmate in the head. Though both sets of parents claimed to be watching over their children at the time, the four-year-old managed to wander into the house, find a loaded .22 caliber gun, come out and nail his friend in the head. Now a .22 has enough kickback to jolt my adult arms. In the hands of a six-year-old, such a weapon would be even more unsteady. Where was God in this moment? Did He not accompany the boy as he wandered into the house, help him locate the gun, and prevent watchful eyes from looking over until the deed was done? Was it not God who ensured ahead of time that the gun would be left loaded in that drawer instead of stored in a harmless state? Was it not God making sure that the drawer was unlocked and within reach of the boy? Was it not God guiding the bullet right into the skull of the six-year-old with the same precision as He guided David’s stone into the skull of Goliath? Where do we get off denying the power of God just because we don’t like how He uses it? How dare we accuse our loving God of being so slack in His reign by pretending He didn’t know anything bad was happening until His holy ears heard a gun fire? If you want to see Satan in that house instead of God, and if you want to see Satan aiming that bullet, you still cannot escape the presence of that leash. Satan can do NOTHING without God’s direction. It is GOD, not Satan who appoints the numbers of our days on earth before we are even born (Ps. 139). According to God’s instruction to us, that six-year-old boy’s life was not cut short, he was only ever intended to live down here for six years. Why do we buck this obvious truth with such anger? Why do we find it more comforting to blame the whole affair on Satan, claiming that for at least brief moments in time, Satan overrules God? Why do we insist on our King being so limited that one of His own creatures can sneak behind His back and get away with nasty things?

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

So what is there to look forward to during the end times? Is it going to be all hardship and strife? No. For those who are honoring God, there will be times of blessing and joy just as there are today. But be wise about this: devoted Christians will be among the casualties that God creates. God is not going to shield His elect from experiencing any violence from His hand, but this is where we need to remember that God considers death to be a great reward for His faithful ones. Death is the beginning of our eternal joy in Heaven. Death is not something we need to be afraid of.

It is vital that you understand how to discern where you are at in your own relationship with God. Then no matter what happens, you can feel secure (see Does God love us all the same?). God is extremely easy to please. Once you know that you are pleasing Him—and this is a very simple thing to determine—then you can know that no matter how much violence He does around you, to those you care about, or to you personally, He is not punishing you in anger, but rather creating opportunities for you to draw nearer to Him. Remember that this final phase of violence and chaos is going to drag on for years. As a Christian, you need to see it as an exciting opportunity to draw closer to God.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

In the Bible, we find many examples of the specific forms God’s wrath takes in this world, such as:

Killing individuals through supernatural means.
(ex: the fire that consumed Nadab & Abihu; the fire that consumed soldiers who tried to arrest Elijah; God suddenly striking Herod down and causing him to be eaten by maggots; God striking dead the man who touched His Ark)
The mass slaughter of people through supernatural means
(ex: the Red Sea collapsing on the Egyptian army; God raining hailstones down on a fleeing army; God massacring Israelites after King David’s census)
The sudden onset of widespread diseases.
(ex: the plague of boils; the plague that swept through the Israelite camp after they ate quail; the plague of tumors on the Philistines after they stole the Ark)
Supernaturally inflicting humans with dramatic diseases.
(ex: God turning Miriam’s skin white and necrotic; God turning Elisha’s servant Gehazi into a leper)
Terrifying geological events.
(ex: the plague of hail; the ground opening and swallowing Korah)
Causing nature to run amuck.
(ex: the plagues of frogs, locusts, & gnats; the attack of deadly serpents in Israel’s camp; wild lions devouring people in Samaria; the plague of rats on the Philistines after they stole the Ark)
Causing animals to attack individuals.
(ex: the lion that killed a disobedient prophet but left his donkey unharmed)
The sudden destruction of large manmade structures.
(ex: the fall of Jericho; the collapse of the Philistine temple; the fall of the Philistine idol Dagon).
Using human armies to inflict shocking carnage on a massive scale
(ex: the cutting open of pregnant women, the beating of children on rocks, the mass slaughter of men during the fall of Jerusalem)
The degradation of humans.
(ex: the mass rape of women & driving the Jews to cannibalism during the final siege of Jerusalem)
The mass slaughter of children.
(ex: the plague on the firstborn)
The mass slaughter of animals.
(ex: the plague on the livestock)
Do any of these things sound familiar? We read about similar events happening in the news all the time. When scores of children get gunned down by a psychopath in their classroom, what is your first response? Do you wonder where God is and how He could have let such a terrible thing happen? Such questions flatly deny God’s sovereignty. You aren’t getting any points with God by pretending He has nothing to do with shocking and terrible events. When you read about a tree collapsing on a little girl at the exact moment she is walking under it; when you read about a plane crash killing hundreds; when you read about terrorists mass torturing and slaughtering people, don’t be asking “Where’s God?” Open your eyes and see that God is right in the middle of all of these things: causing them to happen for very good reasons.

Now there’s a widespread delusion in the Church that if God ever does something bad to someone, He must be angry at them. No, this is wrong. God wasn’t angry at the unborn children of Israel when He arranged for their pregnant mothers to be run through by swords. God wasn’t angry at men like Daniel and Ezekiel when He trashed their homeland. We have to be very careful when we are interpreting violent acts in the news. Most of the time, God isn’t going to give us specific explanations about why He does what He does. When a tornado flattens a community of people, was God trying to punish those people or was He really going after other people who He knew would be devastated by the loss of that town? Death is only a terrible punishment if we are going to end up in Hell. For Christians, it’s a reward to die—it only devastates those we leave behind. So who is God trying to reach when He causes mass destruction? There is no simple answer. God is a multitasker. He’s always working several angles at once.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

There are people in this world who are poorer than you. You should feel bad about having more than them and give your excess away. Oh, and do it out of love for God because He that’s what He commands. If you don’t do it, He’ll be mad at you for being a greedy miser. This is often how Christians are taught to view giving to the poor. It’s guilt, guilt, and more guilt. By the time we’re done preaching about how Jesus said we ought to help the poor, we’ve made the poor out to be some big mistake on the planet that we’re all trying to help God fix. But is that really what they are?

Here’s a useful insight that we rarely hear anyone admit from the pulpit: God wants economic inequality in this world. Don’t think so? Try to make it go away. Down through the ages, countless men and women who told themselves they were more moral than the average fellow have fought, cried, and died for the cause of economic equality. The rich get endlessly lectured for hoarding. The poor get endlessly exonerated as helpless victims. Yet no matter what kind of plan is exacted, that beast of economic inequality remains. Some countries have even tried radical shifts in government—bring on that communism—and still the promise of everyone getting a fair share never works out. America has become famous for being the land of free handouts. Now she’s drowning in debt with a bunch of lazy, entitled slackers living off the dole. Now let’s be clear: is every American who is getting a free ride off of others being a leech? Certainly not. But too many of them are because the system is so badly handled. Guys who shouldn’t be getting anything are rolling in gluttony and stockpiling charitable donations, while guys who are legitimately suffering are being strung out on nothing no matter how much red tape they wade through. Every time free money is being offered, corruption is quick to follow. The guys controlling the money either pocket it for themselves or they get lazy about monitoring where it goes. American parents tire of hearing about how impoverished the schools are no matter how much money is thrown at them. Somehow the money never reaches the teachers and the kids. While everyone’s frustrated and no one learns how to read and write properly, all that money is disappearing into some hole that never gets identified and taxes keep being raised. In this world, the problem has never been that there isn’t enough to go around. The problem is that we humans hate to share.

So why do we hate to share? Who designed us to be such selfish little misers in the first place? That would be God. You can preach all day long about how much God hates sin, but at some point you have to ask yourself how so many things that God supposedly hates are managing to thrive in His own Creation? God is sovereign. He creates and controls all things, not just some things. Poverty, pain, and sickness aren’t signs that God’s grip on the universe is slipping, nor does it mean that Satan has pulled off some clever coupe. Before you can get the right answers to questions about how you should respond to the poor, you need to stop viewing God as some incompetent who is counting on creatures like us to keep this place tacked together.

God is in control. We don’t make His plans rise and fall. We aren’t His indispensable assistants. A lot of really righteous sounding preaching is backed by some really bad theology, and preaching about the poor rarely steps back and looks at the bigger picture. The reality is that this world will always be plagued with inequalities of all kinds. This is how God wants it. He has no intention of abolishing all poverty, war, sickness, and sorrow. So before we Christians set out to save the poor, we need to remember that we are supposed to be operating like servants, not generals. God is our Master. We can’t know what He would want in a given moment unless we ask Him.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

When God lashes out in anger, we Christians should be the first to say, “Yes, Lord, Your wrath is beyond justified. Your discipline is long overdue. We deserve everything You do to us and a whole lot more.” We love to sing about God’s grace on Sunday morning, and we whine incessantly about our troubles in an unfair world without ever considering that those troubles are DESERVED. What have any of us done to deserve a perfect Paradise? Who can claim that they have come anywhere close to giving God the reverence, honor, glory, and obedience that He deserves? Does a single hour go by that we don’t fall down miserably in all of these areas? Human beings are WITHOUT EXCUSE when it comes to God’s wrath. God’s wrath is the righteous, reasonable reaction to God being disrespected. It is because He is so good that His rage over being defied is so correct. No one can accuse God of being unreasonably angry. Unreasonable in mercy—absolutely. Unreasonable in grace, love, compassion, and patience—very much. But God is NEVER unreasonably angry. On this earth we will never come close to experiencing the fury that our treatment of God deserves. This is what makes Hell so fabulous.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

How many of us would be willing to give up those we love the most simply because God asked us to? Sadly, most of us would not. We’re great at quoting “everything we have is a gift from God”, but when He dares to take back one of those gifts without our approval, we are nothing but nasty. Our little child is mowed down by a car and we accuse God of being an ogre. A loved one dies from a disease and our hearts are filled with hate towards the One who withheld healing. How dare we take such insolent attitudes towards the One who supplies our every breath? Just what does He owe us that we should feel authorized to treat Him as our debtor?

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

The end times are approaching fast and furiously. Of course the Holy Spirit is going to mess around with these rebellious morons by whipping up some weird clouds and other choice “signs.” What did you expect? God loves to scramble the brains of those who are refusing to listen to Him. But for those of you who are listening, you need to say no to the fear fest and keep your focus on God where it belongs. The end times will be His show, and as long as you are relying on Him to guide you through them, you’re going to be just fine.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

What’s with all of these Christian teachers who are hyping you up on fear but not giving you anything positive to focus on? The rapture isn’t coming for years yet, so hoping that you’ll get conveniently whisked away before the drama starts is a waste of time. But it’s also a waste of the time to be freaking out about the rise of an antichrist, because there isn’t going to be an antichrist. The pope is just a man, and the current pope will not be ruling the world. The American president is not Satan incarnate. He’s just another soul who’s veered off course, but since when is God so small that He doesn’t know how to course correct us? There isn’t going to be a global ruler. Revelation is one of the most misunderstood and intentionally abused books in the Bible, so as soon as someone starts trying to prove end time prophecies by quoting Revelation, you can blow off what they’re saying as irrelevant. The real end times aren’t going to be anything like what the Church is gearing up for, so stop paying her to scare you by investing in her end time preparation materials. Do you really think God is going to charge you for His truth? Since when does the Holy Spirit promote vague angst and encourage us to all suck up to a nation of folks who don’t even give a flip about Him? Hooray for the reality of Jewish Christians, but they hardly make up the majority of Israel’s population. The fact that Judaism is even alive and well today is a major insult to both Christ and Yahweh, for it is a religion that works hard to pretend Yahweh never scrapped His Old Covenant.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Did a friend just happen to call when you were down in the dumps and say just what you needed to hear to cheer you up again? Don’t credit your friend, credit God. Did a song come on the radio that uplifted your soul? That was God talking to you. Did an image of Jesus hugging you flash into your mind when you were going through your daily routine? That was God, communicating His love for you. Did some random billboard on the side of the road turn your mind in some encouraging direction? It wasn’t a coincidence, it was God talking to you. God is always talking to you. When you forget to put something on the grocery list and it suddenly pops into your mind before you checkout, that was God helping you. When you stumble across some site on the internet that helps you solve some annoying problem in life, that’s God talking to you.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Maybe you have a problem with drinking. Instead of demanding that you stop cold turkey and saying how much your behavior disgusts Him, God will point out your problem to you and urge you to be honest with Him that you have an addiction. Once you are talking to Him about it, then He might want to teach you lessons about depending on Him instead of instantly curing you. God is not a fan of giving us all instant cures and quick fixes. He brings trials into our lives for positive reasons, and He won’t remove them prematurely. So while Satan will try to impersonate God’s Voice and tell you how disappointed God is with you for being less than perfect, God is going to teach you how to use your struggle to increase your trust and dependency on Him.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Contrary to what you’ve been taught by the Church, the Holy Spirit really wasn’t sitting there dictating what He wanted these men to write. Certainly no one wrote anything apart from God’s will, but God wills for a lot of stupidity to happen in this world. The fact that something is written in the Bible doesn’t make it right or wise. We find a lot of really stupid statements made in the Bible, along with some blatant lies about how God operates.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

The Holy Spirit is an amazingly complex personality who has an insatiable appetite for glory and zero tolerance for Jesus and Yahweh being disrespected. The Holy Spirit is the last Guy you want to be screwing around with and yet He’s also the One controlling your relationship with your Gods. You see, you can’t possibly succeed with your Creators until you know what They want, and the Holy Spirit is the One who controls your access to spiritual understanding. The Holy Spirit can manipulate your soul easier than you can shape a lump of soft clay. In the blink of an eye, the Holy Spirit can wipe all spiritual wisdom and understanding from your mind and reduce you to an ignorant bumpkin who wouldn’t recognize Jesus if you tripped over Him.

The Holy Spirit is a huge fan of revenge, and He is all for the idea of eternally torturing souls who refuse to properly submit to their Creators on earth. If you get on His good side, you will find the Holy Spirit to be the most gracious, kind, gentle, encouraging, loving, and amazing Being in existence. Once you’ve spent enough time with Him, you can’t imagine life without Him. He’s simply irreplaceable—as are Jesus and Yahweh. All three of our Creators are endlessly fascinating and utterly addictive to be around. But They are zealously devoted to Each Other. If you offend One, you offend Them all. If you defy One, They all retaliate. There is no way to divide and conquer, and before you can even get to square one with any of Them, you have to deal with the Holy Spirit. He is the Gatekeeper—the One who controls your access to both salvation and spiritual maturity. If you irritate the Holy Spirit too much for too long, He will write you off as permanently damned, at which point it will be impossible for you to obtain salvation. Here’s a second major mistake people make about God: they assume that salvation will always be available to them.

Salvation is not like the automatic door to a grocery store that slides open the moment you come within view of the motion sensing camera. Salvation is more like a private party that you don’t even know is happening until you receive an invitation in the mail. Without that invitation, you don’t know when or where the party will be. The Holy Spirit is the One who sends out the invitations, but they’re a special kind of invitation. The Holy Spirit is like the captain of a ship who comes to rescue you from a desert island where you are stranded. When the Holy Spirit calls out to you to come aboard His ship, He expects you to hop to it. If you ask Him to wait until you’ve finished your lunch or to come back at at a more convenient time, He leaves, and that might be the last you ever see of Him. Don’t fall for the popular lie that your Gods are always willing to take you. They most certainly are not. The Holy Spirit will only give you a limited number of chances to come and get right with your Gods by sufficiently submitting to Them. You have no idea how many chances the Holy Spirit will give you, and you won’t get any help with this mystery by looking around at how He deals with other people.

The Holy Spirit treats us all differently. Look around at the world, and notice how everyone’s dying at different ages. While we spend enormous effort tracking causes of death, there’s only ever one real explanation for why someone died: God killed them. Death is when the Holy Spirit decides to separate your soul from your body and transfer your soul on to a different dimension. He could decide to do this with you at any time. Maybe He’ll kill you tomorrow. Maybe He’ll kill you thirty years from now. Maybe He’ll take you tonight in your sleep. You really have no idea, nor do you have any control over how and when He decides to end your tour of earth. Your diet, your health, the quality of your genes—none of these factors determine when God will decide to kill you. He’ll kill you when He’s in the mood to do so, and there’s nothing you can do to speed Him up or slow Him down. Many souls fall for the ridiculous notion that they’ll control when they die by committing suicide. Do you know how many suicide attempts God botches every day? You are not in control of the length of your life, the timing of your death, or God’s receptiveness towards you. This is why the idea of trying to manipulate God is so utterly ludicrous. You can’t manipulate Someone who controls every aspect of your existence.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

If God should announce tomorrow that we all have to eat five bananas a day to keep our salvation, that’s what we’ll have to do. If He says we all have to hop on one leg for half an hour, then that’s what we have to do. We humans have no control whatsoever over how our Creators run Their game. They call all the shots. We either keep up with Them, or we suffer extreme consequences for defying Them.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

The major blunder that many theologians and philosophers make is assuming that there is a higher authority than God Himself. If God tells you something, these folks will scoff and say that Divine revelation cannot be accepted as a valid proof of anything. They will then insist that you prove the validity of what God is saying by turning to the superior authority of human reasoning and/or human agreement. What kind of sense does this make?

If you really want to be granted access to deeper insights about God, you must first accept the fact that humans are blind, ignorant fools when it comes to spiritual matters. God is the only Authority on God, thus when God speaks, to question Him on the basis of human logic is utterly absurd.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Any nutcase can spend a night in a cave and come out claiming to have had some dramatic epiphany. Why do you put your trust in the words of mere mortals when you could ask God Himself? Have you ever bothered to even ask God if Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel were legitimate prophets? Have you ever bothered to ask Jesus if He feels the Gospel writers have quoted Him accurately? Do you know how many satanic cults have sacred texts which they cling to as fiercely as you cling to the Christian Bible? Until you have sincerely sought the wisdom of God directly, you have no basis on which you can possibly argue that the Christian Bible is more reliable than the Quran. This world is filled with conflicting theories about who the true gods are. How can you possibly say the Hindus are wrong and you are right if your faith is only based on some so-called sacred text? You claim that Jesus rose from the dead—but how do you know that? Because it says so in the Bible? The Bible is the product of men. Maybe some of them really were speaking for God, maybe none of them were, maybe all of them were. The point is that you don’t know until you ask God. You have to ask, and then you have to wait for Him to answer you before you can possibly proceed with any sense of confidence.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

"God told me” is one of the most abused statements in Christendom. But guess what? It’s the only basis on which you’re trusting in all of those biblical authors. Moses, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Paul, Peter, John—all of these folks claimed to know what they knew based on revelations from God. How do you know that they weren’t deluded? How do you know we’re not deluded? Today the Church is stuffed to the gills with prophets, preachers, and theologians who are all making the same claim: “I know what I know because God told me.” When Christians claim that the Bible is inerrant, what they’re really saying is, “None of those people who said ‘God told me’ could possibly be wrong.” Well, since when? Just because some ancient Church father decided to blindly accept the claims of Moses, Paul, and Peter, does that mean you should do the same? Paul claimed to receive direct revelations from Jesus. We could make the same claim, but we say that a lot of what Paul says was wrong. Whose “God told me” should you give higher priority to—ours or Paul’s? Should you be blindly trusting in a bunch of dead people who you never knew personally? You don’t know us any better than you know Paul, so on what basis can you trust anything that we say about God?

Everyone who is making claims about God is either saying “God told me” or they’re standing on someone else’s “God told me.” There is no other authority, for if God isn’t telling somebody something, then there is no truth to be had. God is the only Source of truth, and the Church is filled with folks who are claiming to have some special pipeline to Divine revelation. But here’s the thing: someone else’s revelations are worthless to you until God confirms them to you. You must seek God’s confirmation directly—and that means asking the Holy Spirit to show you if there is any truth to what you’re being told. If you don’t do this and you try to ride on the confidence of other people, guess what? You’re going to crash and burn. If He sees that you are refusing to trust Him as the Supreme Authority in your life, God will intentionally shipwreck your faith. How do you think all of these pompous prophets and anointed windbags got into the sorry shape they’re in today? When we defy God, He retaliates with discipline, and blinding us to truth is one of His favorite tactics to use on those who think they can find wisdom apart from Him.

There is no wisdom apart from God. Yahweh, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are the only Ones you can absolutely trust—everyone else must be viewed with suspicion. Maybe you think everything we write is spot on correct and you feel like God is confirming the truth of our messages to your soul. Does that mean you can stop seeking Him and start accepting us as stand-ins for the Holy Spirit in your life? Absolutely not. Good teachers go bad. Humans are not above error. We could write some brilliant bit of truth one day and put out a pile of irreverent rot the next. You can’t count on people. People are not perfect. Only God is perfect.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

God says that He brings trials into your life for two reasons. If you’re being a little punk, then He uses trials to discipline you. If you’re living in alignment with Him, then He uses trials to reward you. Trials can be a spanking or they can be the key that unlocks the door to the next level of spiritual maturity. They are either about dragging you back onto the right path or they are about pushing you closer to God. It’s the same with blessings. Just because God is making someone’s life go well doesn’t mean He is pleased with that person. God often uses blessings as a means of disciplining someone (see Understanding Why God Blesses Us). Often God finds heaping on the blessings to be a much more effective spanking than heaping on the trials.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

The reality is that both God and Satan use the same methods on us, and the sooner we’re honest about this the sooner we can progress in the faith. To pretend that God doesn’t toy with us by making forbidden fruits look appealing and by lacing springs of water with poison will only lead to disillusionment and hypocrisy. God’s methods are at times so similar to Satan’s that it’s impossible to tell them apart.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

God is an autonomous Being who we have no control over. You do not have to like God in order to submit to Him in your heart. But if you submit to Him, you will learn to like Him. If you try to use the fact that you dislike Him as an excuse for why you’re justified in defying His Authority as the Creator of all things, well, how do you think He is going to respond? Does your personal opinion of the current leader of your country change how much political power he or she has? We humans put far too much importance on our approval. We think that if we don’t like God, that excuses us from having to deal with Him. Some even take it so far as to pretend that God can’t literally exist until they personally believe in Him. Who are we kidding with such ridiculous thinking? You might not approve of me hitting you in the head with a hammer, but your lack of approval is not going to stop me from hitting you, nor will it make the hammer in my hand cease to exist. You didn’t create yourself. You were created by Someone Else, and that Someone Else demands that you submit to His Authority or else He’ll make your existence a continuous misery. How stupid is it to rebel against the One who is holding ALL of the power? When it comes to submitting to God, there is no room for negotiation: it’s His way or Hell.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Ever been told that God’s love is unconditional? It’s not. It’s extremely conditional. Ever been told that Jesus weeps over souls who go to Hell? He doesn’t. He celebrates. Ever been told that Satan is the ruler of Hell? He’s not. Yahweh, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are the Ones who designed all of Hell’s tortures and They’re the Ones currently sticking it to all the souls who are already there. You see, when you are lied to about who your Gods really are, you end up with a false sense of security about your standing with Them. Our Gods are love and wrath. They are mercy and revenge. They are gentle and violent. They don’t need us. They aren’t desperate to save us. While both Jesus and Yahweh complain in the Bible about how few humans ever sincerely seek Them, They are both perfectly fine with the fact that the vast majority of us will end up in Hell. You see, it’s not just three loving Gods gushing over us in Heaven. It’s three Multitaskers who are blessing one group and torturing another, and taking equal delight in both tasks.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Surf the internet and you’ll find a whole lot of people who are flaunting their rebellion towards God. They complain that the Christian God is a sadistic ogre who is unreasonably harsh. They use examples of Yahweh trashing people in the Old Testament to make the point that He’s a heartless creep. What these people are really saying is that they don’t agree with how God operates. Fine. No human alive totally agrees with everything about the way God operates. If Christians were honest, they would admit that the idea of Hell really disturbs them. Oh, sure, you can get a lot more comfortable with Hell’s existence once you believe that you personally will never end up there. But when we really stop to ponder that the same Gods who will be hanging out with us in Heaven will be simultaneously getting high on torturing Their own fragile creatures in Hell—well, that’s upsetting.

There are a lot of facts about your Creators that you are going to find very disturbing. There are lot of things about Them that you are going to strongly disapprove of and disagree with. Fine. They never said you have to approve of Them or understand Them in order to be accepted by Them. They only demand submission, and submission is well within your grasp.

Suppose you have a boss at work who you don’t like. He’s abrasive, rude, and unreasonable. He’s always finding fault with people and He never expresses any appreciation for your work. When this guy comes into view, do you feel all warm and fuzzy? No, you tense up and feel anxious about him coming in your direction. Some of us have been taught from childhood that God is a brooding volcano who is up in Heaven making tick marks on a blackboard whenever we screw up. If this is your background, are you going to be able to resonate with Yahweh’s claims to be good? Are you going to be able to emotionally connect with the idea of Him deeply loving you? No. Those words are going to bounce right off your brain. Does that mean you can’t get saved? Not at all. Salvation is a matter of submission, you can sufficiently submit to God from any starting point.

Let’s go back to that nasty human boss you have. When the man comes over and orders you to do something, you might think that what he’s asking you to do is a bad idea and an inefficient way to get things done. But because he’s the boss, you do what he’s telling you to do. This is submission. You don’t have to like someone to submit to them. You don’t have to like Jesus before you can properly submit to Him. You don’t have to think Yahweh’s New Covenant is fabulous before you can properly submit to Him. You don’t have to be able to visualize what the Holy Spirit looks like before you can submit to Him. Submission is about recognizing that you are outranked by your Makers and accepting Their assessment of things. If They say you’re some depraved sinner, then that’s how it is. You accept Their view of reality even though you might not approve of it or be able to honestly agree with it. No human who is really thinking can sincerely agree that eternal torment in Hell is a reasonable response to our defying God for some nanosecond of time.

Submission only comes up when there is some element of disagreement. As long as you and your boss agree about everything, there is no submission happening. You’re doing what you want to do. It’s when your boss makes a call that you don’t agree with that an opportunity to submit is created. That’s when you have the choice to either submit to your boss simply because he outranks you, or to defy him by acting like his equal or superior.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Now let’s say our earnest little Muslim girl doesn’t die young. Instead, she grows into an adult and somewhere along the line, the Holy Spirit begins to expose her to truth. As soon as the Holy Spirit starts talking, the woman’s soul is forced to choose between accepting or rejecting what He is saying. Let’s say she starts rejecting Him. On the outside, she remains dedicated to Islam. She’s so dedicated that when you meet her, you think, “Wow, this woman is really serious about pleasing God.” But is she? On a soul level, she is willfully rejecting the Holy Spirit. She isn’t interested in pleasing God at all. On the contrary, she’s only interested in pleasing herself. When the Holy Spirit reveals to her that her Allah is a delusion, she adamantly rejects what the Holy Spirit is saying—not because she’s so dedicated to Allah, but because she demands the right to define who god is. This woman isn’t really dedicated to any god—she’s really obsessed with control. It’s the same with Mormons, Hindus, Buddhists, New Agers, and any other religion you want to name. As soon as a soul begins to reject the true identity of God, the religious games they play are nothing more than a farce. Anyone who is truly interested in submitting to the real God would do just that. Anyone who claims to be interested in pleasing God while they stubbornly cling to gods they have just invented is proving how phony their claims are.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

God is love, but He’s also wrath. He’s justice, but He’s also grace. How does that work? How can God love human beings so intensely and at the same time not be bothered by throwing so many of us into hell? How can He be so invested and indifferent at the same time? Because none of us have ever seen the entire picture of God, we often struggle to comprehend how all of our glimpses of Him can fit together. God teaches us all in a different order. When He gives you a glimpse of His love, then He follows that with a glimpse of His mercy and grace, these three things seem to fit together nicely. But then when He gives you a glimpse of His wrath or His fierce jealousy or His delight in revenge, the positive pattern you were getting used to is suddenly proven to be invalid and you feel like you’re starting back at square one with a bunch of confusion. Feeling in doubt about knowing God at all is a common response to Christians getting exposed to some new, shocking insight about Him. Yet if we are willing to be patient and trust our Teacher, we will experience Him neatly weaving all of our insights about Him together into some new, tantalizing shape.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Your relationship with God is an extremely personal thing. Your soul’s communication with Him is as intimate and private as a man and wife cuddling each other in bed. In the Bible, God constantly likened worship and prayer to sex. He said His followers were like His wife and He was the possessive Husband who got super ticked when His wife starting doing it with other gods. In the Old Testament, most of God’s chosen people were heavy into idol worship. God took major offense at this. He called it adulterous betrayal and He put out some very crude descriptions of how He viewed souls praying to supernatural beings other than Him.

“At every street corner you built your lofty shrines and made your beauty abominable, spreading your legs to everyone who passed by with increasing promiscuity.” (Eze. 16:25)

To describe a woman as “spreading her legs” is a very crude way of saying she’s having sex with a man. Why is God being so crude here? Because He’s extremely upset about His people praying to other gods. What you do with your soul is extremely important to God. He is very jealous and possessive over you. He says that all of your spiritual “sex”—all of your soul worship and prayers—belong to Him alone. This is why it’s so important that we don’t go praying to Mary, saints, angels, dead people, planets, or anything else. Whenever your soul is reaching out to anyone or anything other than God, God says it’s like you’re having sex with that thing–it’s like you’re committing adultery and cheating on your real Husband.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Any meaningful relationship you have in this world is going to end up hurting you at some point. But if you’re willing to push through the rough patches, you’ll end up with something even better than you started with. It’s the same when it comes to pursuing a relationship with the real Gods: They’re not going to do everything that you want. They’re going to disappoint you. They’re going to hurt your feelings. They’re going to disillusion you and seriously upset you. But They’re also going to love you in a way that you never knew was possible. They’re going to give you a kind of acceptance, grace, and devotion that is far superior to anything you’ll ever get from another created being. When They satisfy your soul, you will discover a whole new quality of life. You will find great purpose and meaning in simply existing. You were designed by your Creators to feel incomplete without Them. You were designed with a desperate need which only They can satisfy.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

False gods are so easy to work with because they’re, well, false. When humans worship the inventions of their own minds, it’s like inventing a fantasy lover or a fantasy friend—it’s so phony that it’s stupid, but our egos still get hooked. Try and get a real human to behave like your fantasy friend does and it’s not going to happen. Real humans have independent wills and they aren’t going to do whatever you want just because you want it. Real Gods are even more challenging to work with because not only are They not going to be controlled by you, They’re also not going to please you by acting like humans. Yahweh, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are not human beings. They don’t communicate like humans, They don’t think like humans, and They don’t pander to humans. So when you transition from false gods to real Gods, you suddenly find yourself losing all of that nice control you had before.

The real Gods won’t take orders from you. They aren’t going to speak at your command, and They certainly aren’t going to pop in every day with some cute little serving of divination. The real Gods say that future knowledge isn’t good for humans. It tends to bring out the worst in us and it causes us to lose sight of what our priorities should be. So the real Gods are very tightlipped about telling you what shape your day is going to take. They prefer to have you go into the future blind and vulnerable and realizing that you’re totally dependent on Them to take care of you. In a relationship with the real Gods, you are reduced to a helpless child who clings to his daddy’s leg and worries about whether or not his daddy can really handle the current crisis.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

What hope is there for the committed Christian? Isn’t there some sense in which we can look forward to greater blessings on this earth than those who are rebelling against God? Indeed we can. Intimacy with God is so glorious that everything else in this world becomes meaningless by comparison. Even the best that this world has to offer fades into the background as trivial details compared to knowing God and knowing that He is pleased with us. This is why we find Christians in very miserable looking circumstances walking about with strange grins on their faces. When our souls are flooded with God, we simply aren’t so concerned with what is happening to our bodies or our bank accounts. It’s not that we stop feeling the reality of our circumstances, but our view of those circumstances drastically changes.

Suppose I were to tell you that I fixed the flat tire on your car for you. Naturally, you would be pleased not to have to deal with that chore. But then suppose you got a call and found out that you just got a huge promotion at work. You’re still glad about the car, but you’re way more excited about the promotion. The fixed tire goes from being great to being a convenient detail. Now suppose I hadn’t fixed your tire and your car was still sitting lopsided in your driveway. You’re tired and you just don’t want to deal with it. Then you get the call about the promotion. What happens to your energy level? It suddenly spikes, your mood instantly soars and pretty soon you’re out there whistling happily as you get out your spare. The tire problem never went anywhere, but your perspective of it drastically changed. It went from feeling like a major trial to a simple little chore that you could quickly take care of. God has the same kind of effect on us. The closer we get to Him, the more ALL of our trials seem like minor inconveniences in the light of the glorious soul promotion we’re experiencing with Him. We get so focused on spiritual priorities that we just aren’t very affected when earthly details go wrong.

When we align with God’s priorities for us, when we agree that drawing closer to Him is the most important thing in life, then we find ourselves in the best possible situation. Every trial we go through ends up spiritually strengthening us and over time the suffering we experience on this earth becomes less and less important to us as our joy with the Lord increases exponentially. No one has it better than sold out Christians. We are the wealthiest souls on earth. We are the ones that everyone would envy if they could see what we truly have. But they can’t, for God keeps the joy of intimacy with Him hidden away in the secret rooms of our soul. Those around us only catch a glimpse now and then—a smile on our faces, a light in our eyes, or a strange aura of peace about us that makes them wonder what it is that is so different about us. And of course we can’t totally explain, for our spiritual treasures defy description. We can only advise them to do what we did: to pursue God with all that they are and ask Him to have His total way in their lives. Then perhaps one day they’ll be as indescribably happy as we are.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Pursuing God’s favor is the wrong focus in life. You need to pursue His APPROVAL and PLEASURE instead. You want to be the kind of soul who puts a delighted smile on God’s face. Blessing the heart of your glorious King—THAT is worth something. Simply getting His favor—that is meaningless. God favors both His friends and His enemies for different reasons. Even though Yahweh despised one of the kings of ancient Babylon, He poured out great favor on the little jerk and enabled him to stomp on Israel as a form of Divine discipline. Then He talked about how much He was looking forward to tormenting the man in eternity (see Isaiah 14). Adolf Hitler is another example of a man who experienced great favor from God on earth. An unknown foreigner doesn’t succeed in brainwashing an entire country into worshiping him without a whole lot of Divine assistance. We don’t like to associate God’s favor with the Nazi concentration camps, but from the perspective of the Nazis, they were being majorly blessed as they rapidly exterminated millions of people. Did the fact that God gave Hitler such raging success mean that He was pleased with the man? Not hardly. Do you see how problematic it is when we assume that God’s favor is evidence of His approval? The two things often have NOTHING to do with each other.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Sin is sin, and we’re all guilty. You say you’re better than Mike the molester because at least you’re not hurting kids. Well, whoopee. If we took an inventory of all the sin in your life, we’d find that you’re up to plenty of shenanigans that Mike’s not presently guilty of. No one has room to pull rank on anyone else. For every sin that you’re not doing, there are plenty of others that you are doing, so you’re totally unqualified to judge.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

If you are serious about pleasing God in life, you need to discard this ridiculous notion of self-help. While people say you are a powerhouse of potential who just needs to learn how to flip on your own switch, God says you’re an impotent dot of a creature who can’t do bumpkus without Him. Self-help encourages a mentality of self-reliance and autonomy. Such a focus is going to lead you far astray from where you need to be.

The truth is that you don’t get any say about how sweet your experience of this world will be. God is the One calling the shots in your life whether you acknowledge Him or not. He is the One controlling your circumstances, health, and overall comfort. God says that the only choice you really have is in deciding how much you’re going to submit to Him in life. He doesn’t make any promises that if you submit to Him, He’ll respond by making your life one big bowl of pitted cherries. God isn’t into this tit for tat game that we humans are so fond of. He doesn’t say, “If you toss five bucks into the offering plate Sunday morning, I’ll respond by giving you $500.” He says, “I’m the King. I give commands, not suggestions. If you defy Me, I’m going to make you very sorry.”

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Submission is when we embrace God as the Supreme Authority in our lives. We decide that what He says goes simply because He is the One saying it. His claims might sound false to us, and we might not be able to emotionally connect with them, but in spite of these things, we choose to practice submission by embracing what He says.

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