
J. D. Heyes #conspiracy naturalnews.com

Is the vaccine industry more like Harvey Weinstein or Jared Fogle?

Long-time Natural News readers know that the vaccine industry is more than just a scandal, it represents a direct health threat to all of us, thanks in large part to behind-the-scenes shenanigans between Big Pharma and the federal government’s healthcare approval agencies.

But perhaps the most sinister thing about the industry is the harm it does to those we seek to protect most: Mothers and our children.

And that begs the question — is the industry more like habitual sexual predator Harvey Weinstein, the Hollywood mogul accused of multiple unwanted sexual advances and activities against women, or disgraced Subway spokesman Jared Fogle, who was busted in 2015 for paying to have sex with minors and possessing child pornography?

k3nw74 #conspiracy naturalnews.com

(This person is referring to the Las Vegas Shooting)

This was an obvious attack on the people of the U.S.A., like many other false flag operations. How can the people tolerate this? It's clear the FBI is involved in some aspect of this.

John Mackerel #conspiracy naturalnews.com

The commonality that false flag have is the rush of information that comes out immediately where typical investigations takes days or weeks to uncover. Within hours you have an elaborate history of this guy linking him to everything.

The other is how the story doesn't line up or change. If this is how they conduct investigations then it's no wonder why Hillary was not prosecuted...

I'm not denying the event was staged, just saying the events didn't happen as you're being told or untold since they have officially changed their story because of someone accidentally coming forward after the fact.

This kind of puts stories of "heroics" in question that came from the 32nd floor... Conveniently enough, the heroes of Vegas seem to focus mainly on military members which means they are looking to drive up registration which means our country is looking to go to war soon.

Jayson Veley #wingnut naturalnews.com

Once upon a time, cartoons were about coyotes that blew themselves up with sticks of dynamite and cats that would always be outsmarted by mice. But we live in a much different time now, and cartoons, much like virtually everything else in American society, have been infected by the cancer that is progressivism.

The Magic School Bus is a cartoon from the mid-1990s about a class of students and their teacher who go on all sorts of crazy adventures — from exploring the Milky Way to navigating through the human body — in their shape-shifting school bus. Although the show officially ended in 1997, it has been shown for educational purposes in classrooms across the country for years thereafter. Now, the popular video streaming service Netflix has launched a reboot of the series called The Magic School Bus Rides Again, and as you probably could have guessed, it is not without its fair share of liberal indoctrination.

Episode 10 of the series reboot is called “The Tales Glaciers Tell,” and if you think that an episode with a title like that is completely free from political bias or indoctrination, then you are sadly mistaken. In it, the teacher takes her class to a glacier and informs them that man’s inventions are causing pollution that is destroying the planet, and unless we do something about it, Earth will continue spiraling into a slow, miserable death. As a solution, the students in the episode are instructed to ride their bikes instead of riding in cars and to decrease the amount of electricity they use on a daily basis.

It doesn’t stop there, however. Two episodes later in episode 12, which is titled “Monster Power,” the students become terrified when they learn that they might be eaten by a pollution monster unless they use clean energy. Because everybody knows that the first thing kids want to see when they sit down for Saturday morning cartoons is a pollution monster threatening to come after a bunch of school kids unless they adopt an environmentally-friendly lifestyle.

But The Magic School Bus isn’t the only kids show that is working relentlessly to brainwash young people with far left rhetoric. Earlier this year, Netflix launched a reboot of the popular 90s show Bill Nye the Science Guy called Bill Nye Saves the World. In the very first episode of the reboot, viewers are warned about the dangers of climate change, and that unless we take immediate action, cute and innocent pandas will die off. (Related: Bill Nye has been slammed by real scientists for blaming hurricanes on climate change.)

Of course, those who understand the left and the games that they play know that the messages conveyed in both The Magic School Bus reboot and the Bill Nye the Science Guy reboot are just scare tactics, but to young, unsuspecting children, the threat of manmade climate change is very scary and very real. They don’t have any experience in politics, they don’t know that there are people out there who will lie to them for political gain, and chances are they can’t even pronounce the word propaganda let alone understand what it is. (Related: Climate change science implodes as the IPCC climate models are found to be totally wrong.)

The sad truth is that the liberals know full well that young people are easy targets, and that with just a few political messages injected into TV shows and cartoons, they can create an entire generation of left leaning, tree hugging leftists. Aside from potentially boycotting programs like The Magic School Bus and Bill Nye the Science Guy, the only real solution to this relentless liberal indoctrination is for parents to step in and teach their children the truth. The future of our country is on the line, and it is our responsibility to make sure that our children grow up knowing the difference between fact and political fiction.

Mike Adams #fundie naturalnews.com

Yet more evidence emerges that our universe is a grand simulation created by an intelligent designer

(NaturalNews) There's a lot of buzz in the news about a new scientific study that statistically supports the idea that our known universe is actually a grand computer simulation. This is mainstream science, and the idea isn't a whacky as you might first suppose. I've actually written about this several times in articles about consciousness and the nature of reality. This news, by the way, also supports the idea of a Creator who brought this universe -- and everything in it -- into existence by design.

A new scientific paper published in arXiv and co-authored by Silas Beane from the University of Bonn reveals strong statistical evidence that our reality is, indeed, a grand computer simulation. The title of the paper is Constraints on the Universe as a Numerical Simulation.

Here's what it means in layman's terms
Here's the super easy way to understand all this. Your computer display screen has a finite number of pixels available, and this is called the "screen resolution" such as 1920 x 1440. This means there are 1920 pixels across and 1440 pixels vertically.

Everything you see on your computer screen must be drawn and depicted using these pixels, and nothing can be displayed that's only half a pixel. For example, you can't draw a vertical line on the screen that exists between the pixels that are hard-wired into the screen resolution. Everything you view on the monitor -- a computer game, a website, even a video -- is essentially transposed onto the "lattice" of pixels that exist in your hardware.

Your hardware, in effect, has a hard-wired "resolution limit" which defines the smallest size of any object that can be depicted on the screen.

Now, zoom out to the "real" world in which we live. Here in the real world, we think that there are no pixels and that we can move fluidly to any location we wish. We are not digitized being, we think; we're analog beings living in a fluid world without the pixelation of a computer screen, right?

Not so fast. As it turns out, our "reality" is also pixelated, just at a very fine resolution. This study out of Bonn revealed that the energy level of cosmic rays "snaps to" the "resolution" of the universe in which we live. The very laws of electromagnetic radiation, in other words, are confined by the resolution of the three-dimensional simulation we call a "universe."

The existence of this construct, if proven, also proves intelligent design by a conscious Creator who built the universe to begin with. This is the upshot of this scientific discovery that most scientists refuse to acknowledge. But the conclusion is inescapable: If our universe is a carefully-constructed simulation, then by definition there must have been a purpose behind its construction as well as a Creator who built it.

For the record, my personal belief is that the Creator set all the physical constants in the universe and then initiated the so-called "Big Bang" and let things play out from there. I do not believe our Creator "tinkers" with the universe at a micro level on a day-to-day basis. But I do believe there very well may have been individuals throughout history who found ways to "bend the rules" of the Matrix ever so slightly and thereby perform the very kind of miracles we see described in ancient texts.

"The structure of the underlying lattice"
The authors of this new paper describe their conclusion as following: "The numerical simulation scenario could reveal itself in the distributions of the highest energy cosmic rays exhibiting a degree of rotational symmetry breaking that reflects the structure of the underlying lattice."

This "underlying lattice" is what I'm describing as a "resolution" of our physical simulation.

There's other evidence of this, too: Plank's Constant, for example, is by itself yet more evidence that the physical universe in which we live is quantized to a particular resolution. In fact, even light behaves in a quantized manner, which is why "light packets" are called quanta.

Our universe, it turns out, is digital, not analog. Heck, even your DNA is digital, not analog. You are a digitized physical being imbued with a non-material consciousness that transcends this physical simulation. Realizing this is a lot like taking the red pill in The Matrix and being shown that the universe you thought was real is actually just a grand computer simulation.

Of course, once you grasp that we are living in a grand simulation, the next obvious question is: Who built it?

Intelligent Design
One obvious answer is that we built it! Not "we" the humans here on Earth, but rather the "we" which is a highly advanced civilization of seemingly supernatural beings with incomprehensibly powerful technology. We collectively built the simulation, the theory goes, and then agreed to selectively insert our consciousness into the simulation in order to have a "human life experience" on this planet. But that's only one possibility from all this.

Another possible answer is that HE built it. Who is He? He is God, our Creator. He is a consciousness with literal God-like powers who is omnipresent and all-powerful. He created our universe (i.e. designed and then launched the simulation) while providing a mechanism for free will consciousness to "wake up" inside the simulation in the bodies of newly-born beings. Upon death in the simulation, your consciousness leaves the simulation and returns to its source, which is the actual reality that transcends this one. This is possibly why people who have survived near-death experiences consistently report their experience as being a "hyper reality" that feels like it is "a thousand times more real than life on Earth."

For the record, I have always believed in a supernatural Creator of our universe; our God. I also believe -- and have good evidence -- that God is an all-loving being and that the overriding purpose of our existence in this universe is to express our free will and thereby have a self-aware experience which advances our knowledge of who we are. More details on this below...

What would be the purpose of intelligently designing a grand computer simulation?
If our universe was consciously created, then it must have been created for a purpose. In his book Proof of Heaven, near-death survivor Dr. Eben Alexander, a neurosurgeon, describes the purpose in great detail on page 48 of his book:

Through the Orb, [God] told me that there is not one universe but many -- in fact, more than I could conceive -- but that love lay at the center of them all. Evil was present in all the other universes as well, but only in the tiniest trace amounts. Evil was necessary because without it free will was impossible, and without free will there could be no growth -- no forward movement, no chance for us to become what God longed for us to be. Horrible and all-powerful as evil sometimes seemed to be in a world like ours, in the larger picture love was overwhelmingly dominant, and it would ultimately be triumphant.

The primary purpose of life in this realm, it seems, is to experience personal growth and learn how to overcome Evil. This explains why we all seem to be surrounded by so much evil on a day-to-day basis. We are drowning in evil precisely because our souls chose to be here and learn how to defeat it.

At the end of our Earthly lives, we are then judged on our performance. As I wrote in a previous article:

Upon our death, we are judged by a higher power, and that judgment takes into account our performance in these areas. Did we achieve a measure of self-awareness? Did we work to overcome evil? Did we express love and compassion and help uplift others with knowledge and awareness?

As you've probably already figured out, the vast majority of humans fail these tests. They die as bitter, selfish, substance-addicted, greed-driven minions of evil who mistakenly thought they were winning the game of life while, in reality, they were losing the far more important test of the Creator.

Looking around at our fellow human beings, you can't help but agree with my assessment that nearly everyone is failing the test. If we are here to overcome and resist evil, very few people are scoring very many points at all.

Having your consciousness attached to a human experience in this world seems to be the universal equivalent of "being thrown in the deep end" of Good vs. Evil. Making matters even more difficult, none of us is granted any sort of memory of why we are here and what we're supposed to do. We simply wake up as a newborn, and we have to figure things out for ourselves -- a challenge that often takes a lifetime. In fact, the achievement of "enlightenment" in a human lifetime is quite a remarkable feat by any measure.

What this means for your life
So what does all this mean in terms of the way you live your life here on Earth? If you believe the universe really is a grand simulation created by a higher power, then it forces you to rethink your philosophy on the purpose of life.

Some might say this is the perfect excuse to resort to selfish hedonism and turn your entire life into one vast entertainment parade. But that seems to be the wrong conclusion from all this, precisely because it ignores the importance of personal growth. I do not believe our universe is a childish playground; I believe it is a serious test of spiritual strength. You may or may not agree with all my points, but here's my philosophy on what to do with this realization:

#1) Don't chase material things that aren't even real in the first place. You are living in a simulation that's as un-real as an old 8-bit Atari computer game. Your focus on trying to collect money and wealth in this world is about as foolish as trying to collect gold coins in a role-playing computer game.

#2) Live your life to WIN the simulation. "Winning" means persistently working to defeat evil, demonstrate love and help awaken others. Rack up your "karma" points, so to speak. Because that's how you will be judged once your earthly life comes to an end.

#3) Know that your behavior is being watched, recorded and judged. There are ultimately no secrets. You will, in time, face judgment on all your actions, and it's even possible that an entire civilization of advanced Creators will review your actions with you. (This is what is often described by those who survive NDEs.) Your actions in this simulation are recorded on your soul for eternity, so make them count. Don't do anything your soul would feel ashamed of.

#4) Know that death is not final. What matters far more than staying alive on this planet is living your life with principle. Your decisions (ethics) survive your human life! I would rather die defending principles of love and enlightenment than compromise those principles to save my own skin in this simulation. Life is fleeting, but the record of your morals and behavior lasts forever. If all this starts to sound a little Biblical, that's because the Bible is, I believe, based in part on information provided to us by the Creator of our grand simulation.

#5) Realize that your consciousness is eternal and you almost certainly "agreed" to come here and experience this life as a spiritual test. With that in mind, do your best to achieve success within the test by demonstrating behavior based in high spiritual principles.

Why I'm not afraid to tell the truth
Once you grasp all this, you realize why I am not afraid to speak my mind and report the truth here on Natural News. People often ask me, "Aren't you afraid of being killed?" While I do take tactical precautions to avoid being prematurely removed from this simulation, I simultaneously realize that there is ultimately nothing to be afraid of in this simulated world.

What's to be afraid of, really? Most of the people who claim to have power in this world will be reduced to Hellish minions after their death. If you look at truly evil people in this world, you realize that those people have already doomed their souls in the real world beyond this one. They will suffer from the Hell they have brought upon themselves by living lives of deception. We who tell the truth are spiritual giants compared to those who gain false power through deception.

That's why never selling out is an absolutely must if you hope to pass the spiritual test of life. If you sell out to corporate interests or an evil agenda that suppresses freedom or health, you quite literally sell out your own soul far beyond this one lifetime. The phrase "eternal damnation" comes to mind...

On the issue of gun rights, by the way, all this helps explain why self defense is a divine right. We all deserve the right to prevent our souls from being prematurely removed from the simulation (i.e. being killed). Guns are simply tools that can help us defend our physical bodies so that our spiritual bodies can continue with their intended experiences in this reality. This is why those of high spirituality have traditionally carried swords and other weapons of self defense. Even Jesus recommend people carry swords for protection, even as they pursue spiritual awakening.

A gun defends the body so that the spirit can do its work, in other words. But that's only true if the use of gun is reserved for self defense only. To use a gun to commit unjustified violence against innocents is obviously a terrible sin and a catastrophic spiritual failure.

Conclusion: Has science proven the existence of God?
If all this science is true, it would mean that science has proven the existence of a Creator (as well as intelligent design).

This is certainly not the intention of science, as much of modern-day science seems to be dead-set against the idea of intelligent design. Yet even if the entire universe can be traced back to the Big Bang and Inflation Theory (with Inflatons) there is still the lingering question of "Who or what initiated the Big Bang?"

If you really look deeply into the laws of physics, by the way, you will discover that the so-called universal constants that drive the underlying mechanics and energies of our universe have been intricately fine-tuned precisely to give rise to a universe that can support biological life. Change one of these constants just slightly and stars don't form. Change another constant and the universe flings itself apart before life can form on any planets. These are at least six physical constants that appear to have been delicately tuned, selected or somehow "set" sort of like a universal control panel with properties and parameters.

There's an interesting book on this subject by science writer Paul Davies, by the way. It's called The Goldilocks Enigma: Why Is the Universe Just Right for Life? I've read most of it and recommend the book to other seekers who are looking for the deepest answers about the nature of reality and how it all came to be.

If you're interested in my own views on all this, read my article on The Higgs boson "God particle".

You may also enjoy reading my other website called www.DivinityNow.com where I post articles on consciousness, cosmology and philosophy.

(Submitter's notes: Emphasis original. The article is actually only about what we may expect to find if we are living in a a relatively primitive simulation. Here is a video debunking Adams.)

Vicki Batts #conspiracy naturalnews.com

Mainstream media’s call for the mass murder of vaccine skeptics proves the vaccine industry is a terrorist organization

The editors of the Boston Herald recently made tremendous waves by publishing a hit piece on vaccine skepticism, and even going so far as to say that promoting awareness of the potential health hazards created by vaccines should be punishable by death. In the so-called land of the free, it seems that the thought police are out in full force — and they’re ready to pounce on anyone who dares to stand against the will of Big Pharma. Since when is it illegal for any citizen in this country to openly question the safety of a product that it is literally being foisted upon them by their own governments? Apparently, the people at the Boston Herald feel that the First Amendment only applies to them and opinions that they find agreeable. Under the First Amendment, these shills were able to publish their own fictitious and inflammatory statements:

“These are the facts: Vaccines don’t cause autism. Measles can kill. And lying to vulnerable people about the health and safety of their children ought to be a hanging offense,” the Herald writers state.

There are several key issues with this statement. First of all, the issue of whether or not vaccines cause autism is far from definitive, as research has shown that vaccinated children are substantially more likely to develop autism or other neuro-developmental disorders. And as Mike Adams explains, more children in the US have died from vaccines than measles in recent years.

Secondly, regardless of their absolute intent, the use of the term “hanging offense” explicitly implies that those who do not conform ought to be punished. Even if they don’t actually want to hang free-thinking individuals, the point they are getting across is that people who think differently ought to be punished. Killing or jailing people who believe differently than you — does that sound familiar? It almost echoes the Third Reich, only instead of purging society of people based on religious beliefs, the Herald wishes to rid the country of people who dare to think for themselves, instead of blindly being led by what the media tells them is “true.”

Mike Adams #conspiracy naturalnews.com

The rollout of autistic Julia is Sesame Street’s attempt to normalize vaccine injuries and depict those victimized by vaccines as happy, "amazing" children rather than admitting the truth that vaccines cause autism in some children and we should therefore make vaccines safer and less frequent to save those children from a lifetime of neurological damage.

S. D. Wells #conspiracy naturalnews.com

Here come the top 6 news subjects that CNN, Washington Post and New York Times have never, and will never publish.

#1. Anything bad about terrorists immigrating into the USA and committing acts of violence here

Since the horrific day we will all remember forever (September 11th, 2001), Americans have all but sacrificed their Constitutional rights in order to “fight terrorism” and stop terrorists from entering our country (again) to hurt us and our way of life. Yet every time illegal immigrants or terrorists are involved in domestic violence the mainstream (lamestream) media blames anything and everything else, including racism, police violence, President Donald Trump – you name it.

Case in point: Trump recently banned immigration to the US from the seven Muslim countries where dozens of known terrorists have already been caught committing horrible acts, yet the mass media acted like this was an act of racism and racial profiling rather than an intelligent strategy to protect Americans from repeat offenders. Extreme vetting of known and likely terrorists is exactly what we need, but fake-stream media tells the big government sheeple otherwise.

Mass media literally celebrated when one rogue judge who supports Black Lives Matter lifted the executive order, thus aiding and abetting the 72 known terrorists and many others from the 7 Muslim countries that are sending refugees to America like some mass exodus. So go ahead, Google “72 terrorists” and you certainly won’t see links to CNN, the Washington Post or the New York Times, because to the mass media, all immigration is wonderful, including illegal immigration of known terrorists.

#2. Anything bad about vaccines or flu shots, like how they spread disease, still contain mercury and can cause autism

What’s the easiest way to catch an infectious disease or the flu? Get several vaccines that contain weakened strains of infectious bacteria, viruses, pathogens, along with mercury, formaldehyde, MSG and aluminum. The list of side effects for any inoculation is a mile long, but who reads the vaccine insert? Certainly doctors and nurses don’t tell their patients to read the dangers printed right on the package insert as warnings and side effects. As long as you live, you will never read anything bad about vaccines in the mainstream media, mainly because their sponsors are the same companies and corporations that manufacture, market, sell and distribute the toxic jabs that make a fortune off the fools who think injecting known neurotoxins creates immunity.

#3. Anything about how GMOs cause cancer and are horrible for the environment

The main goal of genetically modified food is to insert toxic genes into seeds of crops in order to kill bugs and weeds. These same toxins cause cancer, organ failure and Alzheimer’s disease in humans, but the biotechnology corporations don’t care. In fact, those same companies are heavily vested in Pharma, so it’s a double dipping of revenue for them. These biotech giants, like Monsanto, Bayer, Dupont, Dow, Cargill and Syngenta also control the mainstream news so that Americans never think twice about eating toxic food.

#4. Anything good about President Trump

President Trump is the first person to enter the White House in decades who is calling out massive lies the government and mainstream media have engaged in for a century. You simply will not hear praise about Trump because then the sheeple might start thinking twice about all the toxic food and toxic medicine besieged upon them.

#5. Anything bad about prescription medications or chemotherapy

If the commercials and print ads are for prescription medications, you can bet your last penny that the news is fake, twisted, scripted and in favor of toxic food and toxic medicine.

#6. Anything that debunks the biggest hoax of the 21st century – Man-made global warming (climate change)

The earth is at the beginning of a long-term cooling phase. Mankind and our actions cannot change the temperature. Global warming is a huge Ponzi scheme promoted by the mass media and the globalists. Check the facts.

Thomas Dishaw #conspiracy naturalnews.com

SILENT KILLER: Smart meters are destroying your health


In the past, the data from meters was checked, or read, by a person. The information was compiled and then reported to gas and electric companies for billing purposes. Today more states are turning to smart meters to record resource usage of electricity and water over time. The smart meters automatically send usage information back to the product supplier using RF transmissions, typically based on a cell phone, pager, satellite, radio, power line, Wi-Fi, or Internet communication method. Because the new technology exposes users to EMF radiation, some people have experienced side effects such as:
– Leg cramps
– Eye problems
– Fatigue
– Ringing in ears
– Problem sleeping
– Headache
– Learning problems
– Heart problems
– Balance problems

S. D. Wells #conspiracy naturalnews.com

The 9 vaccines you NEVER need, that won't protect you from anything, especially the diseases they're labeled to prevent

Chicken pox vaccine (Varicella)

Measles vaccine (or MMR: measles, mumps, rubella)

Zika virus vaccine

Influenza vaccine (flu shot)

Swine flu vaccine (H1N1)

Bird Flu vaccine (H5N1–Avian)

Polio vaccine

HPV (human papillomavirus)

Anthrax vaccine

What the medical industrial complex doesn't want anyone to know

The real reason many children and babies have weaker immune systems than adults is because they receive over 50 toxic vaccines before age 7, as recommended by the CDC and the state department – and enforced at gunpoint in certain states, like California.

Chicken pox is a common childhood disease caused by a virus that lasts two to four days, and then most children are immune to it for life. Measles is like a cold that can include a cough, fever and a blotchy rash that fades after a few days and peels. Mumps is an acute viral infection usually accompanied by a mild fever lasting a couple of days, with a sore throat and swollen glands. What the medical industrial complex doesn't want anyone to know is that the normal human body that's not beaten down and infected by vaccine toxins and food toxins beats these infections easily. Same goes for the Zika virus, which does not cause deformations in babies; that's all a huge lie and scare tactic. The swine flu was a hoax, as was the vaccine, and those vaccine manufacturers have paid out millions in damages due directly to that toxic jab. Then there's the MMR vaccine that causes autism, as confessed by the head CDC scientist, Dr. William Thompson.

The anthrax vaccine is highly experimental and dangerous, and the polio vaccine, given by injection or through oral or nasal application, actually spreads the disease, with those children themselves becoming carriers, infecting other children and family members. It's criminal and the vaccine industry knows it, but the profits from selling the vaccine to all the paranoid parents and brainwashed, uneducated folks through fear-mongering far outweigh the damages paid out in settlements for health detriment. It's a simple formula for evil capitalistic success: sell millions of toxic vaccines and create a slush fund from about 1 percent of those profits to shut parents up who try to sue the industry when their kids and babies become crippled and maimed.

The only thing parents should be scared of is the vaccine industry. Take measures to build immunity with organic food and holistic medicine, and don't fall for all the propaganda and fear-mongering spread by the CDC in America. End of story.

D. Samuelson #conspiracy naturalnews.com

Are you secretly part of a medical experiment?


Science historian and writer Alice Dreger writes in Aeon, that ever since the response to Nazi medical experiments in World War II, the Nuremberg Code has been used as a “founding document of modern research medical ethics.” Informed consent is the rule. The U.S. doesn’t have a good track record of following that code. And, in today’s competitive and ruthless science climate, this standard is being ignored more than ever. Dreger’s work in fighting for the rights of intersex children led her to discover another heinous medical trial, where parents were again lied to.


Millions gobble down genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in their packaged food products without knowing what a GMO is, or what kind of damage could be done in their intestinal track. Millions more believe those white puffy trails coming out of jets are merely normal contrails without a clue that they are forced to inhale barium, cadmium, nano particulates of aluminum, radioactive thorium, “nickel, desiccated blood, mold spores, yellow fungal mycotoxins, ethylene dibromide, and polymer fibers,” and more, as reported by Globalresearch.ca. In both of these instances, a large percentage of the population isn’t fully informed. If the dangers were revealed, many would most assuredly withhold consent rather than be subjected to medical experiments. We are guinea pigs in broad daylight.

S. D. Wells #conspiracy naturalnews.com

What if you found out that your child’s deadly allergy to peanuts was due to the fact that many vaccines are brewed in peanut oil, then injected into muscle tissue from the day of birth? If CNN and The Washington Post lied and told you it wasn’t true, but then you saw those very ingredients listed on the CDC’s own website for vaccine ingredients, what then? What if you found out that no vaccine used in America has ever been proven safe or effective, and on top of that, the small pox vaccine contained African green monkey kidney cells? Would that freak you out?

Most Americans with any kind of food allergies whatsoever will read the ingredients list on everything they buy to eat, but those same people have never, ever in their lives read the ingredients listed on vaccine inserts because the doctor and nurse never offered, and they simply didn’t think to ask.

Would you consider eating a food product with these ingredients? So, why on earth would you have them injected into your blood?

Mike Adams #conspiracy naturalnews.com

Actor Bill Paxton died yesterday from “surgery complications.” The widely acclaimed actor was 61 years old and starred in a long list of blockbuster films including Aliens, Titanic, The Terminator, Apollo 13 and Twister.

Sadly, Bill Paxton’s death is yet another example of the failed medical system that routinely kills innocent people while reaping billions in profits from drugs and surgeries that harm far more people than they save.

So-called “iatrogenic deaths” — deaths caused by medicine — are killing a shocking 783,000 Americans each year, vastly exceeding even the nearly 600,000 annual deaths attributed to cancer. (In truth, even the 600,000 “cancer deaths” statistic is actually filled with people who died from the chemotherapy, not the cancer.) (SOURCE: Death by Medicine – PDF)

Superbug infections kill hundreds of thousands during surgery

Although details have not been released about what complications caused Bill Paxton’s death, the most likely culprit is a superbug infection. Specifically, it’s likely either c. diff or MRSA, both of which are now endemic in hospitals across the USA.

UPDATE: TMZ is now reporting Paxton died from “complications” and a “stroke.” Take it for what it’s worth.

Because hospitals refuse to use colloidal silver or copper solutions — both of which kill superbugs on contact — they are stuck in a “chemical antibiotics” paradigm that keeps killing people by the tens of thousands each year while literally generating more superbugs due to the widespread abuse of antibiotics.

Derek Henry #conspiracy naturalnews.com

The decision to add fluoride to public drinking water has had perhaps one of the most dangerous and widespread effects on our overall health, most notably the brain.

The Fluoride Action Network (FAN) reported a study that found fluoride was linked to lower IQ, even at ranges added to U.S. water supplies. One study sponsored by UNICEF found that IQ was reduced at just 0.88 mg/l of fluoride, a level that is added to U.S. drinking water systems and considered within the optimal range.

FAN also stated that 34 studies now link fluoride to lower IQ levels in humans, while other studies link it to learning and memory impairment, fetal brain damage, and altered neurobehavioral function.

Mike Adams #conspiracy naturalnews.com

RED ALERT: Fascist Google begins PURGE of pro-Trump websites as prelude to massive false flag or coup attempt


Now, Natural News has learned that the take down of NaturalNews.com is just the opening salvo of a massive free speech purge from Google to silence pro-Trump voices across the ‘net. After my announcement yesterday that described Google’s outrageous censorship of Natural News, I have been contacted by several other site owners who say they were also taken offline at about the same time.

The following graphic from IsMyWebsitePenalized.com shows that 470 websites have been penalized or banned by Google in the last month:

No doubt many of those 470 sites deserved to be taken down due to malicious code or malware infections, but as the following screen shot from the Google Search Console reveals, there are no security issues affecting the Natural News website:

Instead, Natural News has been banned via a “human decision” that has no justification whatsoever and was issued without warning or recourse. In effect, somebody at Google flat out decided they didn’t like Natural News content, and they flipped a switch to “memory hole” the entire website in an instant, much like detonating high explosives to take down building 7, come to think of it.

This is on top of the economic sabotage committed against InfoWars on Tuesday, where the Google-influenced advertising company AdRoll cut off InfoWars’ ads without warning, costing InfoWars a reported $3 million in annual revenues.

Two days before that, Breitbart News was targeted with a malicious take down of Milo Yiannopoulos, thanks to video leaks coordinated by George Soros-linked front groups.

A prelude to a massive false flag or coup attempt against President Trump?

Why would Google go to such great lengths to engage in outright censorship and economic sabotage against two of the largest independent media publishers in the world, in back-to-back censorship action that almost screams “urgency!”?

The answer is obvious. Something big is about to be initiated against Trump, and the largest pro-Trump voices are being systematically silenced, one by one, to make sure no independent media can counter the official narrative that will be pushed by the fake news media (CNN, WashPo, NYT, etc.)

This is fascism on display as corporations are now carrying out the bidding of the deep state that’s planning to cause mass mayhem or death in order to remove Trump from power before he can go public with the truth about the pedophilia links to prominent D.C. politicians.

Mike Adams #conspiracy naturalnews.com

Beyond fake news— How Google just became FAKE SEARCH by blacklisting independent journalism

You’ve already heard about FAKE NEWS, the mainstream media’s repeated fabrication of false facts portrayed as real. Who can forget the Washington Post’s ridiculous fabrication of a “Russian conspiracy theory” that claimed Natural News and 200 other independent websites were secretly run by the Kremlin?

In just the last 10 days, in fact, five major fake news stories about Russia were pushed out by the corporate-run media in the United States, only to be completely discredited by real facts.

Now, Google, which aggregates fake news via its “Google News” service, has decided to up the ante and go all in for FAKE SEARCH.

NEW: Sign this White House petition NOW to halt Google’s outrageous censorship of Natural News, InfoWars and other independent media publishers.

Earlier today, Google delisted all 140,000+ pages of NaturalNews.com from its search engine, instantly wiping out a treasure trove of truly lifesaving knowledge about disease prevention, nutritional therapies, avoidance of toxins and the dangers of chemical medications (among other topics that also include opinion pieces, political analysis, health warnings and more).

Not surprisingly, every fake news page of the Washington Post, CNN and New York Times remains prominently ranked in Google’s search index, despite the irrefutable fact that all three news organizations now routinely fabricate fake news designed to discredit or destroy President Trump.

According to the mainstream media, any news that harms Trump is REAL news, while any news that helps Trump is FAKE news:

Pharma Whistle Blower #conspiracy naturalnews.com

Bill Gates receives billion$ in kick backs from criminal Big Pharma per year, to push eugenic vaccines and telomer destroying gmo's, ge's, crisprs, to increase diseases to sell more drugs, via his tax avoidance Foundation, that has grown in net wealth from $41 billion in 2008 to $88 billion currently, and really giving away nothing.

wakeup #conspiracy naturalnews.com

Keep fighting for truth and justice. The targeting of citizens with government agencies and using government contractors and fusion centers around the country needs to be exposed and ended. There are trillions of dollars of taxpayer money wasted by the agencies who are taking down targeted individuals by discrediting them, taking away their jobs, and families. They will hack into your computers, phones, appliances, cars. They can use directed energy weapons (V2K, remote neural monitoring, microwaving, scalar, and gang stalking). They attack people and want them labeled mentally ill. The treasonous agencies and contractors need to be defunded and exposed for the criminals they are and quit running these stasi programs. All americans need to know the truth about the covert operations and psyops programs that are victimizing good citizens remotely with technology violating their computer, minds, and bodies. End the criminal use of these satellites and drones and hackers. All reporters, politicians, and law enforcement need to quit covering for these treasonous operations deceiving the public in this lying war on terror. The terrorists are in the CIA, DIA, DOD, NSA, FBI, DHS that are running these covert operations destroying good citizens. It's a war on the truth and rights of individuals and what is truly what is best for America

Jonathan Benson #fundie naturalnews.com

Representing the seventh round of cases successfully treated since 2007, 68 people were recently discharged from Gambia's Presidential Alternative Medical Treatment Programme (PAMTP) after reportedly being cured of either HIV or AIDS. Reports indicate that the confidential blend of boiled herbs developed by Gambian President Yahya Jammeh has once again proven efficacious, illustrating not only that Western medicine is greatly lacking in its ability to effectively treat these epidemic conditions, but also that nature has once again trumped the laboratory when it comes to true healing.

It was about five years ago when Jammeh first announced, to the chagrin of conventional physicians everywhere, that he had successfully developed an herbal concoction capable of not only treating, but also curing both HIV and AIDS. Since that time, PAMTP has enrolled and treated dozens upon dozens of people with the conditions, many of whom have experienced dramatic results, according to reports. And yet both the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations (UN) continue to fight against the treatment, claiming that it puts patients at risk....

In the U.S., the opposite approach is taken -- that is, if any sort of complementary approach is taken at all. At best, so-called "alternative" treatments, which usually involve the use of natural herbs and other non-patented remedies, are typically added onto an existing conventional regimen. The case of treating HIV and AIDS, conventional doctors still employ the use of antiviral drugs that merely manage disease symptoms rather than actually fight the disease.

Mike Adams #racist naturalnews.com

If you’ve ever wondered whether violent black hoodlums are targeting white people for extreme violence, hatred and felony assault, this sickening, racially motivated violence — broadcast live by Facebook — just confirmed it once and for all. In fact, black-on-white crime is now far more prevalent, violent and hate-oriented than white-on-black crime across America, as the following statistics reveal.

African-Americans are only 13% of the population but commit over 50% of the murders


Left-wing media all but blacklisting the gruesome story, hoping no one learns the truth about black-on-white hate crime in America

Not surprisingly, this “lynching” of a white special needs boy is being almost completely censored by the entire left-wing media that incited it. The dishonest “fakestream” media only reports news that fits their false narratives. Thus, if four white teens had bound, beaten and kidnapped a young black boy, it would be headline news everywhere, alongside nationwide riots in every major city.


When black people are attacked by white people, that’s headline news everywhere. But when a white boy is tortured, kidnapped, scalped and beaten by black thugs, it’s not “news” to the left-wing media. That’s how the media pretends black people commit almost no crimes at all when, in truth, they are the ones carrying out the vast majority of violent crimes across America, according to U.S. Justice Department statistics.

J. D. Heyes #conspiracy naturalnews.com

Controlling our thoughts by creating false narratives

Another technique used is subliminal messaging. This is a cornerstone of mind control, and when a person is unwittingly bombarded with cleverly concealed information, an emotion can be trigged leaving a person’s intellect and better judgment subjugated in favor of a mental process like fear or sexual desire. You may never consciously understand or realize why you begin to adopt certain behaviors, products of lifestyles, but the attraction is nonetheless real and that manifests itself through actual personal choices.

In a 2011 documentary called Programming the Nation, filmmaker, graphic artist and digital media producer Jeff Warrick, a former advertising sales rep, provided examples of how subliminal messaging and other subconscious methods are employed by ad executives and other media to create cultural ‘norms’ and social programs like consumerism, materialization of women’s bodies, health choices and the glorification of violence.

“Could such techniques really be contributing to a variety of social, political and economic problems currently present in our culture? Such as obesity, anorexia, and other eating disorders? The ongoing war on terror? And what about the ever-increasing amounts of debt, that has tightened its grip on a growing percentage of the population?” the documentary says.

Other techniques include fake news—yes, by the mainstream media—omission (not covering an issue as though it wasn’t real or important); slanting coverage through the use of biased “expert” sources; and publishing falsified data and science as though it were legitimate.

S. D. Wells #conspiracy naturalnews.com

The 7 most dangerous vaccines injected into humans and exactly why they cause more harm than good

(NaturalNews) Oh, the theory of vaccines sounds great. Inject a tiny bit of the live virus into your blood so you can build antibodies and thus immunity against the “real deal” later. If that’s all there was to it, it could actually work. Then there’s the fear mongering that’s thoroughly “inflamed” and propagated by the press, pharma, and the medical doctors of quack Western medicine. This is where the real money is made. If you get measles you could die! If you get polio you’ll surely be paralyzed for life! If you get Zika, your baby’s head will be shrunken and deformed!

Yet, what if you found out today that the worst odds you or your children have of being infected with disease, disorder, and deformity exist in getting injected repeatedly with neurotoxins, genetically modified bacteria, live experimental strains of multiple viruses and pesticides? Consider this: not one single vaccine ever produced that is recommended by the CDC today has ever been proven safe or effective. Why? They don’t have to prove it. All they have to do is scare the living hell out of everyone using propaganda, and it’s worked for 75 years.
Presenting the 7 most dangerous vaccines injected into humans without any proof of safety or efficacy

#1. Gardasil HPV – Forget for a moment the fact that many girls who get the HPV vaccine beginning at age 9 for a sexually transmitted disease (diseases they don’t have) go into immediate anaphylactic shock and some into comas and die, and let’s just talk about the insane boatload of chemicals the manufacturers put in this concoction that belong nowhere in medicine, ever, especially that which is injected directly into muscle tissue and that which can penetrate the blood/brain barrier. Plus, remember to triple the amounts of these carcinogenic, dangerous, ludicrous chemical ingredients of Gardasil, because there are 3 of these toxic jabs required.

First we have sodium borate at 35mcg. Also known as “borax,” this is the main poisonous ingredient in boric acid that’s used to kill cockroaches. Is your little girl a cockroach? Is it coincidence that the side effects listed and reported with the Gardasil vaccine match those of sodium borate poisoning? No, it’s not a coincidence. Did you know that anything imported into the European Union that contains borax must carry a warning label stating, “May damage fertility” and “May damage the unborn child.” This is what America “recommends” for preteen and teenage girls who are just reaching the age of fertility. Unbelievable!

Then, Gardasil HPV contains aluminum at 225mcg, which causes nerve cell death and helps the vaccine chemicals enter the brain. Let’s not forget that Gardasil HPV contains polysorbate 80 at 50mcg. Polysorbate 80 is used as an emulsifier in foods, but when injected into animals (such as humans), causes rapid, unnatural growth of reproductive organs, causing sterility. This is population control through vaccines, just as Bill Gates once said at a TED conference would be ideal for reducing the world’s population by a few billion. Polysorbate 80 is what causes the anaphylactic shock and also causes cancer and birth defects, while we’re on that topic. Sorry, but there’s not enough time to talk about the sodium chloride at nearly 10mcg.

#2. Anthrax vaccine (biothrax) – The dreaded anthrax jab contains aluminum hydroxide, formaldehyde (yes, embalming fluid for the dead), and benzethonium chloride. In 2009, a study published in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry stated that aluminum hydroxide could be the primary cause of Gulf War Syndrome. Aluminum hydroxide causes apoptosis of motor neurons, leading to dementia. Go figure. Thousands of US soldiers given the mandatory anthrax jab are still sick or have died. It was never approved by the FDA, yet any soldier refusing it got dishonorably discharged, fines, and possible prison time. President Clinton’s executive order 13139 gave the DoD permission to experiment on the US military with the highly dangerous anthrax concoction.

#3. MMR II – Under Appendix B, listed on the CDC website, you can find the ingredients for the MMR (MMR-II), the combination vaccines that contain recombinant human albumin, sorbitol, hydrolized gelatin, chick (egg) embryo cell culture, human diploid lung fibroblasts, and fetal bovine serum, among other certain preservatives and chemical adjuvants. In the “ProQuad” version, or MMRV (w/vericella for chicken pox), they’ve added monosodium L-glutamate, neomycin, and MRC-5 cells. And although measles is a respiratory disease accompanied by an uncomfortable rash and fever illness that anyone with a normal immune system will likely survive, the media scares the public into getting jabbed with neurotoxins.

Sorbitol is a synthetic sweetener which metabolizes very slowly and aggravates IBS and gastrointestinal issues. Fetal bovine cow serum is extracted from cow skin and when injected causes connective tissue disorders, arthritis and lupus; also shortness of breath, low blood pressure, chest pain and skin reactions. Sodium chloride raises blood pressure and inhibits muscle contraction and growth. Human albumin is the protein portion of blood from pooled human venous plasma and when injected causes fever, chills, hives, rash, headache, nausea, breathing difficulty, and rapid heart rate. Injecting “pooled blood” can result in a loss of body cell mass and cause immunodeficiency virus infection, or contain SV40, AIDS, cancer or Hepatitis B from drug addicts. Still want that MMR vaccine? Didn’t think so.

#4. Swine Flu – This loaded nightmare hoax vaccine contains inactivated H1N1 virus propagated in embryonated chicken eggs. The multi-dose vials contain over 24mcg of mercury per .5 ml dose! The jab also contains antibiotics polymyxin and neomycin that annihilate good gut bacteria, making the immune system highly vulnerable to infection. Add in some fluid from chicken eggs and you have one of the most experimental jabs ever created and a hoax perpetuated by WHO, GSK and the CDC to profit in the billions.

#5. Polio – This psycho-jab contains inactivated monkey kidney cells, newborn calf serum, embalming fluid, antibiotics, and bovine albumin. Salk didn’t invent the cure for polio–he invented new strains of it by haphazardly combining several. Get the facts!

#6. Influenza vaccine (a.k.a. the flu shot) – Specifically, the “FluLaval” flu shot contains 25 mcg of mercury in one jab. The EPA safety limit for drinking water? Just 5 mcg. Do the math, then consider that shots bypass digestion, breathing, and skin filters. Common flu jabs also contain formaldehyde and polysorbate 80.

#7. RotaTeq for Rotavirus – Three oral doses of this Merck-made horror story cost about $200 and are mandated for about four million infants every year. Rotavirus vaccine contains 5 live strains, plus some fetal bovine serum and porcine circovirus–a volatile and dangerous virus that infects pigs. Side effects of RotaTeq? Difficulty breathing, vomiting and ear infection, followed by bloody stool. Then the intestines get blocked and twisted (known as intussusception) which can be deadly and requires surgery on infant’s intestines. Be sure and call your doctor right away if your child dies from RotaTeq.

J. D. Heyes #conspiracy naturalnews.com

Consumer watchdogs say popular toys are secretly spying on your children

(NaturalNews) The Information and Technology Age is exciting for all the helpful changes it has delivered to consumers to make our lives much easier. But with it has come something terrible: The loss of privacy and the ability for Big Brother to keep an eye on all of us 24/7/365—and often in sinister ways.

Consumer watchdog groups say that increasingly sophisticated children’s toys come with the dual ability to spy on families, in essence. As CNN reports, there are a number of children’s dolls that have such capability.

The groups say that two items manufactured by Genesis Toys record conversations, further claiming that the recordings then are uploaded to Nuance Communications, a voice technology company that has as some of its clients the U.S. military, intelligence agencies and law enforcement.

The consumer watchdogs—the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC); the Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood; the Center for Digital Democracy; and the Consumers Union—have filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission in reference to two toys, the My Friend Cayla doll and the i-Que robot. The groups say that the “toys subject young children to ongoing surveillance” while violating privacy and consumer protection statutes.

The complaint adds: “Both Genesis Toys and Nuance Communications unfairly and deceptively collect, use, and disclose audio files of children’s voices without providing adequate notice or obtaining verified parental consent.”
The potential for such devices to be misused is huge

CNN reported further that the two toys are connected to the Internet and allow children to talk to and interact with them. When a child asks one of the toys a question, his or her words are recorded and then converted into text so that answers can be obtained from Google, Wikipedia and Weather Underground. Then those voice recordings are summarily uploaded to Nuance, which is a voice recognition technology.

EPIC and the other consumer groups also state that Nuance then uses the recordings it surreptitiously obtains in order to improve products that it then sells to the Pentagon, the U.S. government and law enforcement agencies. One specific product—Nuance Identifier—works like voice recognition, helping security and intelligence officials search a database of millions of recordings so they can identify criminals by their voices.

The company’s VP of corporate marketing and communications, Richard Mack, told CNN that his firm does not use or sell the voice data collected for any marketing or advertising purposes—as if that is what matters most to unsuspecting parents.

He added that he had not yet received any inquiry from the FTC but that the company would cooperate and respond should that happen.

Toys certainly are not the only products being connected to the “Internet of things” that have privacy advocates worried.
24/7 privacy abuse

As Natural News has reported, consumer groups have also expressed concern over devices like Amazon’s “Echo,” which again is always online and is always listening for the sound of the owner’s voice. Like the dolls, Echo also uses voice recognition to invade privacy, and EPIC, among others, has also been opposed to the devices because they can be so readily misused.

“We are on the trajectory of a future filled with voice-assisted apps and voice-assisted devices,” Forrester Research analyst Fatemeh Khatibloo told the AP. “This is going to require finding the fine balance between creating a really great user experience and something that’s creepy.”

Such devices—toys, ‘household products’ like Echo, and even our “Internet of Things” appliances—can all be secretly tasked by spy agencies, law enforcement or just hackers in order to eavesdrop on our conversations. Besides a blatant violation of the Constitution’s Fourth Amendment privacy protections, our inner most thoughts, secrets, passwords and other closely-held information will be at constant risk of being exposed and/or stolen.

And in the case of the two dolls, that would include abusing the privacy of our children.

Mike Adams #conspiracy #wingnut naturalnews.com

The first realization I hope you grasp is that once Trump wins, radical leftists will go "full terrorist" across the USA, setting off bombs, riots and mass mayhem on a scale we've never witnessed before.

Leftists are brain damaged, of course, which is why they all voted for Clinton. That's also why they burn down their own communities, not realizing the very shops they're torching belong to their own uncles and grandmothers.

During these riots, Clinton-supporting leftists always seem to find the nearest white person and start beating them to death. Although such acts are, of course, felony assault, the leftist political establishment excuses the acts as a form of "social justice," meaning no one will come to help you.

Thus, my first piece of advice is to stay away from the riots. But if you have to drive through any cities for any reason, you might accidentally wind up being dragged out of your car and bludgeoned to death by angry leftist radicals who can't wait to commit mass violence (and even genocide), profiling people based on their skin color to carry out leftist hate crimes against whites.

For this reason -- and I'm not joking here -- you need to own and carry a loaded firearm if it's legal for you to do so. I recommend the Glock 19 as a good starting point, but some people prefer revolvers for the simple reason that they don't leave behind any shell casings at the scene. Whatever you decide to get, you need to be locked and loaded and ready to defend your life and property if violent, radical leftists attempt to commit felony assault against you.

I'm not joking, and I qualify this by urging you to abide by local laws. If you happen to live in an area where carrying a loaded firearm for self-defense is illegal, then you are living in the wrong state and should get out while you still can. Always abide by local laws and carry a firearm responsibly.

Most people have no idea just how bad things might get after the election, and the belief that dialing 911 will magically bring police who can save you is ludicrous. (They will be too busy dealing with all the other crimes happening at the same time.)

So that's item No. 1: A firearm (where legal). As a technical note, I don't like guns with thumb safeties. It's too much effort to screw around with a thumb safety in a moment of panic. Glocks have passive trigger safeties, not thumb safeties, which is one reason why I'm a Glock fan. Also, get some good handgun safety training so you can carry your Glock safely and responsibly. Learn how to disassemble and clean your Glock, and keep it lubricated so it doesn't jam when you need it.

Item No. 2 is, predictably, ammo for the firearm.

If you don't own 1000 rounds of ammo for your firearm, you're not serious about prepping. Do you really think the radical leftist rioters trying to assault you or burn down your house are going to walk away after you've expended that sole 50-round box of ammo you've procured?

Nope, angry leftist zombies will at you come in waves, and there are millions of them. If they're assaulting you, attempting to burn down your house, trying to carjack you or dropping fire bombs on your retail establishment, you're probably going to need more than 50 rounds of ammo. Don't forget the spare magazines, either, which you'll want to have pre-loaded with hollow point ammo rounds for maximum self-defense effectiveness.

Also, I'll share this from experience: Get yourself a good set of ear protectors, or you'll emerge totally deaf after a firefight. Amazon sells this decent set of ear muffs for just $17, with 34dB of noise protection. Trust me, you'll need it when the zombies attack.

the bottom line ... #conspiracy naturalnews.com

Hitlary/Globalist's theft of the Election is an Excellent justification for Secession, which Texas will Lead either with our current leaders or over their graves. One way or another, Texas is NOT Going down any of Hitlary roads, PERIOD.

Liberty or Death ... nothing has changed since the days of Patrick Henry.

The contrived Mexican American war of 1848 was a trick to get Texas to join the Criminal Union. Santa Anna was Freemason, who was let go countless times to do the Elite's bidding.

Jack Harper #fundie naturalnews.com

Hillary Clinton needs to swing by the neck for murdering Ghaddafi. A short trial will suffice and then either hang her or take her out behind the chemical shed and shoot her. Cut her head off, pack it in dry ice and send it to Saif with a apology it was not done sooner.

snappir #conspiracy naturalnews.com

George Soros is the major force behind Clinton. Behind Clinton is Bilderberg high-crime war-mongering cartel. SOROS is probably is the CEO of this crime sect. Every crime against humanity, including support for Monsanto as the leading source for spreading deseases and contaminating crops and foods around the world, supported by CLINTON and Bilderberg. The Masses and common people are stupid. They are the ones who believe in LIES. And every single statement coming from Whitehouse is A LIE and DECEPTION. USA blames Russia for everything. USA is the biggest EVIL in the history of the mankind. ALL modern deseases are courtesy of USA. ALL terrorism around the world is courtesy of USA. USA is a supermaster of deception. Every truth, every real fact on the ground in Syria, USA turns into a LIE.

Mike Adams #fundie naturalnews.com

Until Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Bill Clinton and other corrupt democrat operatives are behind bars, America does not have a legitimate federal government

One of the very best reasons to vote for Donald Trump -- and perhaps the most important reason of all -- is because he promises to seek criminal investigations of the most lawless operatives in the Obama / Clinton regime.

Until America "drains the swamp" and wrests the criminal slag out of the halls of power in Washington D.C., we cannot move forward as a nation that claims to respect law. The outrageous lawlessness of the Clintons and the entire democrat establishment must be brought to an end by We the People. If it cannot be brought to an end at the ballot box, I have no doubt that concerned citizens will find other ways to take back their country from the criminals in Washington.

Right now, voting for Donald Trump is the last (and best) hope to prevent America from being seized by a criminal cabal of deep corruption and runaway lawlessness that has infected every institution in our nation, across every branch of government. Should this effort be thwarted by the criminal conspiracy of the Clintons, the media, the FBI, the DOJ and all the other co-conspirators involved in all this, America ceases to become a nation of law and plunges into Third World dictatorship status (with all the obvious ramifications that follow such political corruption).

Beware of the intense, destructive evil that will fester out of a powerful, centralized political establishment which realizes it is ABOVE THE LAW

As Hillary Clinton seizes the White House, the message to all the elite leftist power brokers will be obvious: We can get away with anything! They will realize they can commit any crime they want... and the media will cover up their crimes while the FBI excuses their actions with contorted legal immunities and whitewashed explanations. They will be above the law, and they will know that they control every institution in government, effectively granting themselves absolute power and absolute immunity.

When, in the history of the world, has the concentration of absolute power into the hands of the few ever turned out well for the populace?

It is a vast understatement to remind you that this is the most dangerous time in the entire history of our nation since the American Revolution. Once the democrats realize they have absolute power with zero accountability, there will be death squads to seek out and murder their political opponents. Websites critical of the Clinton regime will be seized and silenced. People who speak out against the regime will find themselves indicted by the IRS, or investigated by the FTC, or arrested by the DEA after drugs are planted in their homes. What the Obama regime has already done to Julian Assange, the Clinton regime will do to Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Alex Jones and Sean Hannity.

The prisons will be filled with the political enemies of the regime in power... and then to clear out the prisons, the mass murders will begin. Piece by piece, the corrupt democrats will become the Fourth Reich, murdering their political enemies, demanding absolute obedience (P.C. thought control), raising their rhetoric to levels of psychological insanity that haven't been witnessed since the days of Adolf Hitler.

Mike Adams #conspiracy naturalnews.com

In case you didn't already know, nearly all the support for Hillary Clinton is entirely fabricated. CNN, NBC and MSNBC are going all-out in their theatrics, desperately photoshopping, editing and contorting video footage to try to make it appear Clinton enjoys widespread support. In reality, everybody hates Hillary Clinton, including most democrats and independents. And so-called "popular support" for Hillary is no more real than Obama's multi-layered FAKED birth certificate. (Which is also hilarious, because Hillary Clinton was the original "birther" who spread the rumor during her 2008 campaign to beat Obama for the DNC nomination.)

That's why all the "official" polls are rigged, just like Hillary's nominated was rigged by the DNC as we all now know, thanks to Wikileaks. What's the point of rigging all the polls? To demoralize Trump supporters and try to "fake them out" so they don't vote for Trump (who actually enjoys a wide majority of support across America right now).

Investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson recently looked into how Bloomberg news altered its poll data to make Hillary Clinton seem to be winning. That article reveals just one of the many ways the lying leftist media fakes poll data and knowingly prints false poll numbers to boost the appearance of Hillary popularity.

It's all about rigging the polls so they can steal the election and get away with it

Rigging the polls isn't just about demoralizing Trump supporters. It's also about establishing a baseline so that they can STEAL the election and get away with it.

With Hillary Clinton's public support collapsing, it's clear that the Clinton criminal cartel (the DNC, Obama regime, left-wing corrupt media, etc.) will have to steal millions of votes in order to actually win the election. This can be accomplished, of course, with the collusion of left-wing state governors, election boards and organized George Soros "poll riggers" who commit election fraud on a routine basis (which is, of course, the key strategy of democrats in the first place).

Democrats can never win in honest debates or honest elections, by the way. All their failed ideas are rooted in pure lunacy... they don't work! They can't even run on honest promises of what they plan to do, either. To get elected, democrats have to utterly LIE about their true agendas and intentions, posing as patriotic Americans when they actually hate America at its core.

But after they steal the election and win a narrow victory, they can then point to all the rigged polls and say, "See? Hillary was always in the lead. These election results reflect that."

This is how the Clinton criminal regime -- consisting of people who should spend the rest of their lives locked away in prison -- can steal the election, occupy the White House, and unleash absolute totalitarian HELL upon America.

Ethan A. Huff #conspiracy naturalnews.com

A generation of poisoning with gender-bender chemicals has created a new class of youth who fail to recognize gender at all

The success of the globalists in perverting the minds of Western youth is evident in a new study by the Innovation Group, which found that most people between the ages of 13 and 20 – what the mainstream media and social engineers have dubbed "Generation Z" – no longer believe in strictly-defined gender identities like "male" and "female."


This lack of clarity about biological identity is a product of two things: relentless media propaganda and chemical poisoning with gender-bending chemicals found in plastics, herbicides and pesticides sprayed on our food, and environmental pollution. Chemicals like bisphenol-A (BPA), glyphosate, soy and other hormone-disruptors are altering human genes and producing next-generation "robot" humans with no gender, and thus no identity.

It's sad, really, because it could have been prevented through reforms that protect the people rather than the chemical and drug industries that produce these toxins. Food, water, air: It's all tainted with endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) that, more often than not, mimic the effects of estrogen, meaning they deplete testosterone and create hormone imbalances that not only confuse children, but also affect their growth and development.

Young girls are becoming more "masculine," while young boys are becoming more "feminine" – an alchemy of the two sexes both physically and mentally that's changing the landscape of culture and civilization.

Mike Adams #conspiracy naturalnews.com

The Trumpster is right: Ruth Bader Ginsburg's 'mind is shot' because she was brain damaged by chemotherapy in 2009... (and hasn't been able to think straight since)

Three days ago, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg went on a discombobulated verbal rampage against Donald Trump, calling him a "faker" and claiming that if he were elected president, "then everything is up for grabs."

She then went on to declare that everybody should "move to New Zealand" where, apparently, they can all wear their liberal tin foil hats together while America finally builds a wall to keep them all out.

But what almost nobody seems to remember about all this is that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was brain damaged by chemotherapy in 2009. As this NY Daily News story explains, she underwent chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer that year.

Chemotherapy is a systemic poison that damages the brains, kidneys and hearts of those who undergo the procedure. As oncologists well know, chemotherapy causes "chemo brain" -- a form of chemically induced brain damage that severely impairs cognitive ability by damaging brain cells. It's far worse than the brain damage you'd suffer from sniffing glue or consuming meth, by the way.

Chemo brain is a medically recognized side effect of chemotherapy, and even the Mayo Clinic describes chemo brain side effects as including:

* Confusion
* Difficulty concentrating
* Difficulty finding the right word
* Feeling of mental fogginess
* Short-term memory problems
* Taking longer than usual to complete routine tasks
* Trouble with verbal memory, such as remembering a conversation

Does this sound exactly like Ruth Bader Ginsburg? You bet it does!

S. D. Wells #conspiracy naturalnews.com

Remember, the majority of diseases, disorders, and syndromes popular today in America are all brought on and EXACERBATED by GMOs, antibiotics, and a slew of toxic vaccinations. Here are the top 7 aggravators and instigators of health problems for the masses:

#1. Asperger's Syndrome: Biomarkers of abnormal immune function are associated with behavior impairments–core features of Asperger syndrome, a disorder considered on the "high functioning" end of the autism spectrum, but still exhibiting restricted range of interests and usually repetitive behaviors. Flu shots are a major cause of Asperger's due to the high mercury content (50,000 parts per million).

#2. Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Stems mainly from the destruction of good gut bacteria and annihilation of enzymes by pesticides and vaccines.

#3. Autism Spectrum Disorder: Science and gene replacement studies in mice point right at synaptic dysfunction as a cause of autism spectrum disorder, specifically synaptic pathways–those associated with cell adhesion. There is strong evidence ASD arises early in development, but AFTER birth, hence the name autism spectrum "development" disorder. Many parents first become aware of autistic symptoms immediately following routine combination vaccinations with flu shots.

#4. Cancer: hardly any forms of cancer are contagious or inherited. Most cancer forms after birth and those cells multiply when fed chemicals. Period. Stop consuming chemicals and the cancer cells are destroyed by healthy cells. Look into natural remedies like turmeric, cannabis, garlic, aloe, and hemp seed oil.

#5. Auto-immune Disorder: vaccines are injected into muscle tissue, conjuring unnatural, hyper-immune responses in babies which leads directly to the immune system attacking itself.

#6. Anxiety, Depression, and Central Nervous System Disorders: Continuous chemical consumption can contribute to or worsen these conditions.

#7. Alzheimer's, Strokes, and Dementia: the three major causes of dementia and strokes are coagulating saturated fat in the blood, aluminum in the blood, and lack of oxygen to the brain. Aluminum is commonly found in antacids, vaccines and flu shots.

To suffer most chronic health problems, you not only have to consume chemicals, but you have to continually consume chemicals. There's a cumulative effect that no MDs or oncologists EVER talk about, and that's how they stay in business and make so much damn money. End the onslaught of chemical consumption and watch your health issues dissipate, dissolve, and disappear. Remember, the top 7 diseases, disorders, and syndromes are all brought on and EXACERBATED by GMOs, antibiotics, and a slew of toxic vaccinations, including flu shots. Get smart. Eat clean and research natural medicine. The rewards are endless!

Mike Adams #conspiracy naturalnews.com

According to breaking news reports, Whole Foods Market (WFM) has gone full rogue, partnering with Monsanto to kill GMO labeling across America under the guise of a new, fraudulent "GMO labeling compromise" in the U.S. Senate that's actually a fake labeling law requiring no clear labeling of GMOs whatsoever.

Food Democracy Now has issued this red alert, naming the sellout corporations (including Whole Foods) that have betrayed health-conscious consumers with a sellout deal that outlaws GMO labeling nationwide.

The deception on food labeling has never been greater. With this act of ultimate betrayal, Whole Foods cements its position as a poison-pushing distribution partner of Monsanto, the world's most evil corporation that produces poisonous, deadly crops laced with bt toxin and glyphosate, a cancer-linked herbicide.

With this betrayal of consumers, Whole Foods might as well now be called, "POISON FOODS" because that's what they're pushing.

Mike Adams #conspiracy naturalnews.com

Here at Natural News, we fully endorse the BREXIT vote to leave the European Union. (Heck, we even support #Texit for Texas independence!) Yet I predict that "remain" will be declared the winner for a simple, obvious reason: The globalist slave masters of the EU will not voluntarily allow the peasants escape to their control.

Over the next day, we are going to witness the most extraordinary voting fraud ever pulled off in history as the globalist machine makes sure BREXIT fails. After all, they already murdered a member of Parliament (Jo Cox) to try to sway the votes... do you really think they won't commit ballot box fraud, too?

Financial markets already know the vote has been rigged

The financial markets across Europe have already factored in what they believe is a near-certain win for the "remain" vote, even though most real people on the street desperately want to leave the EU. What do the financial kingpins know that gives them this confidence? They know the vote results have already been rigged.

The very last thing a dictatorial regime wants is to give the people any real chance to alter the future with their votes. Thus, the game being played in the UK and everywhere else around the world is to give the sheeple the ILLUSION of democracy while actually controlling the outcome of every election from the very start.

If you think the EU globalists are going to stand by while an honest, democratic vote by the people takes away their power, you need to have your head examined. The only way a free, open vote is ever allowed to happen is if the controllers already know the outcome in advance (and have sufficiently manipulated the minds of the voters).

Vote all you want, in other words... but the outcome is already pre-determined by the globalists in power. Who do you think runs the voting systems in the first place? Do you think they actually leave these things to chance? Not on your life.

Isabelle Z. #conspiracy naturalnews.com

The autism epidemic is rising steadily in America, thanks to these three causitive factors



As children are being subjected to more and more vaccines, the autism rates are climbing. Vaccines are a smart idea in theory, but there is nothing good to be gained from injecting children with toxic metals such as aluminum and mercury. In 1986, doctors and vaccine manufacturers were indemnified from the legal consequences of vaccine injuries, and the vaccine schedule was promptly increased. As Amy L. Lansky, PhD, of the Waking Times points out, this is also happens to be when the autism rate first really started to take off.

Big Pharma keeps coming up with more and more vaccines to push on our children and adults. They spend a lot of money getting the media and the government to promote them, and spread fears about diseases, while mocking those who refuse to get on board. Children in the late 1950s received seven doses of vaccine antigens. Children today get a whopping 69 doses of vaccine antigens! Are today's kids healthier than the generations before them? It depends on who you ask, but no one can deny that there are certainly a lot more cases of autism!

Electromagnetic radiation

Electromagnetic radiation (EMF) is everywhere these days. We are constantly surrounded by it, thanks to the prevalence of WiFi, cell phones, smart meters, cordless phones and countless other smart home devices. Even worse, some people are starting to wear these devices on their bodies. It is interesting to note that the Amish have a relatively low rate of autism. Why haven't any studies been done to see if this is related to their avoidance of high-tech gadgets?

Chemicals in the food supply

Another factor that has changed dramatically over the years is the quality of our food supply. A number of factors are at play here, but the biggest one is the widespread use of glyphosate on crops, and genetically modified food. MIT researcher Dr. Stephanie Seneff points out that the symptoms of glyphosate toxicity are almost an exact match for those of autism. This chemical is absorbed by plants and makes its way into the food system. In addition, it amplifies the toxicity of other chemicals, which means that the dangerous chemicals found in vaccines like aluminum, glutamine and mercury can do a lot more damage than they would otherwise. In addition, aerial spraying to kill mosquitoes was recently linked to a 25 percent increase in autism.

Mike Adams #conspiracy naturalnews.com

The aim of the evil that has infested our world is not merely the destruction of life, but the invocation of great suffering, especially of children. This is why vaccine mandates are being unleashed in California and elsewhere: Children must be ritualistically sacrificed, damaged, maimed and murdered to appease the dark forces of evil that now run the CDC and the vaccine industry. California Sen. Richard Pan, who fronted the mandate, is a great example of a human vessel now occupied by demonic forces.

We are not dealing with pure humans anymore, you see. Many of the people who sit at the top of the drug companies, CDC, FDA, USDA and EPA resemble dark, demonic souls occupying human bodies. It's difficult for many people to understand this at first, because they tend to judge people by the way they look on the outside. But on the inside, every shred of humanity has been evacuated from many of these people, replaced by dark apparitions that now influence their minds and bodies.

"Can a country with deep Christian roots like Mexico find itself at the mercy of demons? Some in the Church fear so," reports Patheos.com. "And as a result, they called for a nation-wide exorcism of Mexico, carried out quietly last month in the cathedral of San Luis Potosi."

Similarly, the National Catholic Register asks, "Can — or should — an exorcism be done for the United States, as was done in Mexico this past May? Cardinal Juan Sandoval Iniguez, the archbishop emeritus of Guadalajara, performed the rite, together with priests from across Mexico, at the Cathedral of San Luis Potosi in a closed-door ceremony. The purpose: to drive away the evil responsible for skyrocketing violence, abortion and drugs in that predominantly-Catholic nation."

It may sound fantastic and unbelievable, but nearly every government regulator in the United States is now headed by someone who is being influenced (or even possessed) by dark forces of evil. This is exactly why they repeatedly make decisions that knowingly harm people and maim children in particular. It's not an accident... it's all part of their plan to maximize human suffering and destruction. Why do you think the EPA, for example, allowed the children of Flint, Michigan to drink poisonous water for almost a year without telling anyone? The answer is that they wanted to poison the children. It wasn't an accident...

These government elitists do not answer to the American voters, you see. They answer to their dark lords who demand the ritualistic sacrifice of children through any means necessary. To truly understand this, you need to become familiar with the occult practices of globalists. A good starting point is this film on Bohemian Grove. From the description:

Since 1873, the Global Elite Has Held Secret Meetings in the Ancient Redwood Forest of Northern California. Members of the so-called Bohemian Club include Former Presidents Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan.

The Bush Family Maintains a Strong Involvement. Each Year at Bohemian Grove, Members of This All-Male Club Don Red, Black and Silver Robes and Conduct an Occult Ritual Wherein They Worship a Giant Stone Owl, Sacrificing a Human Being in Effigy to What They Call the Great Owl of Bohemia.

To keep learning, also visit David Icke's website, which delves into the deep, dark corners of the forces of evil that are making a final push for world domination. Or check out his book, The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy.

Mike Adams #fundie naturalnews.com

It's true. Prince is dead. The era of Purple Rain has come to a sad end with the popular music star dying at the young age of just 57. He had recently cancelled two shows due to health problems, reports TMZ, raising questions of what actually caused his death.

For those of us who grew up in the 1980s, Prince's music was a mainstay of pop culture. He was obviously an extremely talented, pioneering musician with a unique view of the world, but I lament the fact that he didn't live long enough to join the rest of the country in peeing all over the women's toilet seats at Target stores.

You see, Target has just announced the most bizarre politically correct "inclusive" policy which allows men with penises to walk right into the women's restroom and pee standing, without even raising the toilet seat. They call it a "transgender friendly" policy, but what it really means is that, as the blogosphere explains, "dudes with d##ks" can walk right into women's restrooms and pee all over the toilet seats because women's restrooms do not have urinals. (Yes, biology matters when you're eliminating urine.)

Now, any pervert, weirdo, whacko or nut job can walk into a Target store and declare, "Hey, I'm suddenly a woman!" and urinate all over the women's toilet seats. Apparently, progressive women fully approve of all this, because they want to be "inclusive" which obviously includes squatting in some dude's clammy pee puddles.

Personally, I don't care if you think you're a man or a woman, but if you have a penis, use the damn urinal in the men's restroom. But thanks to Target's P.C. insanity, I guess now the women who use the restrooms at Target can count on enjoying the inclusiveness of splatter and bad aiming skills of distracted men who are so giddy at the thought of using the women's restroom that they can't hold still.

The word "target," after all, means aim for the water, not the rim. But who cares anymore when it's all devolved into an insane society of mentally ill conformists who can no longer make any sane judgment calls on anything at all. To relate a completely absurd example, one day soon, some deranged dufus who says he self-identifies as "Greedo the Gorilla Turd-Flinger" is going to smear the walls of the women's restroom with feces, after which Target will issue a nationwide press release declaring how "inclusive" they are to accept such progressive practices, stating something like, "We embrace people who self-identify as turd-flingers to use all our restrooms to dispose of their precious feces... and even the check-out lanes, for that matter!"

Clean-up on aisle nine! Clean-up on aisle nine!

L. J. Devon #fundie naturalnews.com

Pope talks about evil disguised as good - is he referring to modern day GMOs and pharmaceuticals?

At the September 2014 feast of the archangels, Pope Francis stood up and spoke about the spiritual battle being waged in the heavenly realms, the battle between good and evil. He told all who were listening to pray to the angels, for they are there to defend mankind in times of deception. At the Vatican's Saint Martha residence chapel, the Pope warned about the enemy of man's soul and how the devil is always lurking to kill, steal and destroy mankind while disguising his intentions as good.

"He presents things as if they were good, but his intention is destruction,"said the Pope, who also offered hope, saying that "the angels defend us." Pope Francis spoke about the ongoing battle for man's soul: "[F]rom the beginning the Bible speaks to us of this: Satan's (use of) seduction to destroy."

Is this battle alive today, and does it exist within the corporate structure of the genetic engineering of food? Is the mantra, "feeding the world," just a front, a clever marketing tool to deceive people into a world of controlled monoculture, genetic pollution and chemical toxicity? Genetic engineering may look like a progressive way to feed more and save lives, but its wrought in control. (They manipulate nature's DNA and then claim ownership over it with a patent.) Not only that, but their "feeding the world" motto is laced with chemical spraying that leads to disease in the human gut biology, damaged soil bacteria and ecological repercussions (death of pollinators).

Was man ever intended to be exposed to such a wide range of chemicals, in both agriculture and medicine? Why are pharmaceutical drugs believed to be medicine, while having such long lists of side effects? When did nutrition and plant-based medicine become so overshadowed and demonized? Does the spiritual war that the Pope speaks of apply to modern-day agriculture and medicine?

How might agrochemicals and pharmaceuticals be disguised as good, feeding and touted for healing the world, but in actuality, be the very problems destroying mankind today?

What spiritual path are you on? Is your life guided by a higher power, protecting you from all the evil in the world that comes in the name of good? Are you walking in faith or following the lies of big businesses that sell toxins packaged as medicines and genetic pollution disguised as food?

J. D. Heyes #conspiracy naturalnews.com

The repeated circle of lies against Andrew Wakefield all trace back to Bill Gates, proponent of global depopulation and genocide against humanity

For years, the medical community, Big Pharma, academia and certain philanthropic foundations have repeatedly sought to discredit and ruin Dr. Andrew Wakefield, a British former gastroenterologist and medical researcher who demonstrated a link between the MMR vaccine and autism.

One of the philanthropist organizations involved in the effort to discredit Wakefield is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, run in part by the billionaire Microsoft founder, who has donated millions for vaccine research and who, in 2010, advocated for depopulating the world in a TED talk.

Many of the same lies to discredit Wakefield have long been discredited themselves, but the same old players in Big Pharma, academia and the "science" community continue to regurgitate them as though they were true.

And, as Mike Adams noted even more recently, there is more of this chicanery in play as the same players work to keep the new documentary film, VAXXED: From Cover-up to Catastrophe, which details the MMR-Autism link, from reaching the public.

As Natural News readers are aware, the film was initially to be screened at the Tribeca Film Festival, an annual event that was co-founded by actor Robert De Niro, himself the parent of a child with autism. But soon after he defended screening the film, he decided to drop it instead, "following an intense censorship effort waged by the vaccine-pushing mainstream media and pharma-funded media science trolls," Adams reported here.

But the Sloan Foundation, founded by Nazi sympathizer Alfred Sloan in the mid-1930s, is working in cahoots with the Gates Foundation to push more vaccines on the public while suppressing the truth about vaccine dangers. Sloan is currently headed by a globalist named Paul Joskow, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a global elite group with deep ties to Gates.

Mike Adams #conspiracy naturalnews.com

What abortions and vaccine mandates have in common: The destruction of LIFE

You might think that the medical establishment's positions on abortion and vaccines are contradictory. How can they protect a woman's choice in one circumstance, yet violate a woman's choice in the other?

But you're missing the bigger picture. Despite all the other debated elements of this, abortions and vaccines have one thing in common: They destroy life.

From a purely medical standpoint, abortion ends a developing life. Vaccines, in turn, destroy the lives of children already born. The end result is the same: Fewer humans being born or surviving childhood.

It's no coincidence that vaccines are aggressively pushed by depopulation advocates like Bill Gates, who think there are far too many people on the planet and we'd better get rid of some of them through vaccines. As Gates said in this recorded presentation, "The world today has 6.8 billion people... that's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent."

By "reproductive health services," he means abortions and birth control. By "vaccines," he means injecting babies with toxic poisons like mercury, aluminum, MSG and formaldehyde -- all ingredients that are still used in vaccines according to the CDC.

The message from the medical establishment on all this is simple:

TO ALL WOMEN: You are free to end the life of an unborn child via abortion. If that child ends up being born, then you have no choice but to potentially destroy that child's life with vaccines that we force upon you.

Harold Shaw #conspiracy naturalnews.com

Vaccines, cancer and autism: Could a massive Big Pharma cover-up be behind mysterious deaths of holistic doctors?

Today, the United States has one of the highest rates of infant mortality in the entire world. No less than 1 in 45 children are suffering from autism, while cancer is said to affect 1 in 3 women and 1 in 2 men. In fact, cancer is the second leading cause of death in America, but it is also a 124-billion-dollar industry. What would happen if, say, a natural cure were discovered?

The 12 doctor deaths recorded within only three months last summer suggest a sinister answer. Could it be that we already have the cure for cancer, but are denied access to this knowledge?

Sarah Landers #fundie naturalnews.com

Antibiotics can have severe lasting effects; choose raw horseradish or these natural remedies instead


A recent article by Mother Earth News states that scientific research has shown various herbs, fruits and vegetables can be used as natural antibiotics and contain health-enhancing compounds. Raw horseradish has long been used for its medicinal properties, with its healing components being thought to ease colds, coughs, kidney stones and even urinary tract infections (UTIs), according to Dr. John Christopher's Herbal Legacy.

Horseradish contains a volatile oil called sinigrin, which is broken down in the body to produce allyl isothiocyanate – a powerful natural antibiotic. There are various other extremely active healing compounds contained within this spice that help clear congestion, thin down mucus, reduce inflammation and fight infections.

Its effectiveness at treating various conditions has led to it being a commonly used natural medicine in Germany as part of a formulation called Angocin Anti-Infekt N. Several studies have shown that this medication is very effective at treating both UTIs and respiratory infections.

Mike Adams #conspiracy naturalnews.com

Vaccine industry science lies are nothing more than recycled Big Tobacco science lies

You gotta love it when arrogant science devotees defiantly claim they alone have a monopoly on the "settled facts" of our reality. Throughout much of the 20th century, it turns out, these same sort of arrogant scientists claimed smoking was awesome for your health, too.

"More doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette" was the headline of a full-page ad carried by the Journal of the American Medical Association. Doctors were paid by Big Tobacco to tout the amazing health benefits of smoking cigarettes, and any doctor who dared point out that smoking might be linked to cancer was subjected to the same industry blackballing, scientific censorship and verbal abuse that's leveled today against honest researchers questioning the safety of GMOs or mercury in vaccines.

The real truth is that science never has a monopoly on facts, and science makes enormous mistakes (such as condoning smoking cigarettes) on a regular basis. Science is also for sale and easy corrupted by corporate interests.

Mike Adams #conspiracy naturalnews.com

After months of investigation, the CDC has now reached a conclusion that provides yet more support for the likelihood that Chipotle was the victim of corporate sabotage by the biotech industry, which targeted Chipotle because of its non-GMO menu.

On December 23 of last year, I wrote about the likelihood of bioterrorism as the cause of Chipotle's E. coli problem, pointing out that corporate sabotage was 100% consistent with the actions of the biotech industry and its criminal-minded "mafia" of operatives (see MonsantoMafia.com for a list of all the "mafia" members). That article was predictably downplayed by the mainstream media, whose journalists remain absolutely clueless about the death threats, censorship, defamation and other dirty tactics routinely used by biotech industry shills to silence opposition.

But now the CDC has reached a conclusion in its investigation of Chipotle that further supports my original contention. "The E. coli outbreaks at Chipotle Mexican Grill restaurants in the United States appear to be over, but investigators have been unable to trace the cause of the sickness, federal authorities said on Monday," reports The New York Times. "nvestigators were unable to specify the food or ingredient responsible for the contamination."

Jennifer Lea Reynolds #conspiracy naturalnews.com

Many dentists and fluoride advocates tout the benefits of fluoride by saying that it's great for teeth, cavity prevention in particular. Furthermore, they often maintain that it's not harmful to your health and is naturally occurring, so no worries about the fluoride that shows up in your drinking water. In fact, the American Dental Association's (ADA) website boasts the headline, "Fluoride in Water is Safe and It Works," preceding a brief write-up about its safety.(1)

"Simply by drinking water, Americans can benefit from fluoride's cavity protection whether they are at home, work or school," the ADA site says. "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention named community water fluoridation one of 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century."(1)

Many are on board with this thought, often backing up their claims by going to the "it occurs naturally in the environment" point. Therefore, they argue, it must be perfectly safe, because anything that's naturally occurring is obviously a good thing.

If water fluoridation is fine, then why not the addition of naturally occurring arsenic, too?

Wait a minute.

Arsenic is naturally occurring too. So why doesn't the ADA and other let's-add-fluoride-to-water advocates favor adding that toxic substance to drinking water also? Might as well, right?

Of course not. This is simply to illustrate a point in which facts are getting seriously jumbled up.

Mike Adams #conspiracy naturalnews.com

The dark future of medicine: Why your human doctor will be replaced by a pill-pushing robotic toilet that's tag-teamed with a Google Terminator compliance hunter-killer drone

Before long, your pill-pushing doctor will be replaced by a pill-pushing AI toilet that's tag-teamed with a Terminator-style compliance android or drone.

Why? Because today's pharma-bribed doctors do almost nothing that can't be done by a sophisticated drug vending machine owned and operated by the pharmaceutical industry. Modern doctors, in other words, are little more than robotic pill pimps who offer absolutely nothing to patients that can't be done more cheaply and efficiently by automated systems. (And believe me, Big Pharma can't wait to take human doctors out of the loop entirely. It's one less group of people they have to bribe...)

By turning "medicine" into a pill-pushing scheme for profit, Big Pharma, the FDA and the U.S. government have all taken the art out of healing, eliminating any value of having a human being engaged in the practice of real medicine. Now, it's all just symptom diagnosis and drug prescriptions. And that process can be easily handled by automated systems.

Your chemical-sending robotic toilet will turn you into an obedient pharma slave

In fact, much of the so-called "diagnosis" of disease and the prescribing of pharmaceuticals can be accomplished by an INTELLIGENT TOILET!

Every time you urinate into the toilet, chemical sensors analyze biomarkers for "disease" (which means whatever the drug companies define as "disease" so they can sell you more drugs). The Intelligent Toilet compares your biomarkers to a database of disease markers that are approved by the corrupt, pharma-controlled government, then writes prescriptions for drugs that claim to "treat" those conditions.

Your toilet -- which has been licensed as an M.D. by your state medical board -- then uploads your prescriptions to the nearest pharmacy, which dispenses your drugs while billing Obamacare to rake in the profits. The pharmacy automatically sends an order to the drug companies to refresh the pills at a 50,000% profit because the whole industry is run by Martin Shkreli douchebags. Everybody gets rich in the new "sick care" economy, right?

Meanwhile, your COMPLIANCE with the drugs is also analyzed by your M.D. toilet, which looks for chemical markers in your urine to confirm you're consuming the drugs. If you don't comply with the drug prescription, you will have your government food stamps restricted or other government benefits reduced until you comply. Now, your toilet is not only your doctor... it's also your slave master.

All the humans who used to be actual doctors, meanwhile, are given jobs cleaning the toilets... or turned into soylent green to feed the hungry population of chemically obedient slave citizens whose only purpose is now to VOTE in elections, since nearly all their jobs have already been replaced by Google robots (that spy on everyone while carrying out all the menial labor jobs in society).

Those humans who refuse to participate in this whole system will be hunted down by Google / DARPA Terminator robots or Pentagon kamikaze drones to eliminate them "for the public good." Can't have "anti-government" people disrupting this health care system, can we?

Mike Adams #conspiracy naturalnews.com

Once you put all the pieces of this puzzle together, it becomes crystal clear: The Zika virus narrative is a massive quack science hoax that's being pushed solely to sell more chemicals, more GM mosquitoes, more vaccines and more fumigation of the Brazilian population with deadly substances.

The real cause of microcephaly is being systematically ignored, lending yet more support to the idea that this is all part of the population control agenda to poison the people of Brazil, deliberately reduce their offspring to mutants, increase abortions and demand that women no longer get pregnant.

All the signs are there, folks. This is the Bill Gates human depopulation agenda in full swing, disguised as a mosquito virus outbreak. It's no mistake that the larvicide chemicals are being sprayed in the poorest areas of Brazil, targeting those very same populations that are now being told, "Don't have any more babies!"

Mike Adams #conspiracy naturalnews.com

When you can produce your own food, you can't be easily controlled by others

The real danger of being entirely dependent on government for emergency food supplies is that you will simultaneously have to obey the government's demands. Depending on the circumstances, those demands might include giving up your tools of self defense, surrendering your personal property or even abandoning your own home and being relocated to a refugee camp of some sort.

Throughout world history, food has often been used as a weapon against the People. Even today, every dictator knows that the easiest way to control the people is to first control the food. (Just ask anyone who hasn't yet starved to death in North Korea...)

In the days of ancient Rome, raiding forces are rumored to sometimes punish a conquered land by plowing the soils with salt, destroying the ability of that land to produce food. [1] This would make the conquered region beholden to the victor for food. He who controls the food controls the people.

Growing your own food is one of the greatest expressions of freedom and liberty. This is precisely why governments across the United States frequently seek to criminalize those who engage in home gardening, small-scale farming or raw milk production. Julie Bass of Oak Park, Michigan, for example, was threatened with jail time for growing vegetables in her front yard. Read about my interview with Julie Bass at this Natural News article.

Similarly, in 2012 the government of Tulsa, Oklahoma deliberately destroyed the herbal garden of a woman named Denise Morrison. Their goal? To make sure private citizens cannot independently produce their own food and natural medicine.

Government officials in both the USA and Canada have also frequently conducted armed raids on indoor vegetable grow operations, destroying indoor cucumber farms and terrorizing innocent families. As Natural News previously reported:

...the Harte family of Leawood, Kansas, was literally held hostage at gunpoint by law enforcement goons who ravaged their house and tore apart hydroponic growing equipment that they falsely believed to be part of a nonexistent marijuana grow operation in the family's basement.

Just this year, another SWAT-style police raid on a home garden was conducted in Georgia, where law enforcement officers are too stupid to know the difference between okra and marijuana. In a televised interview, Georgia State Patrol Capt. Kermit Stoke literally said on camera: "We've not been able to identify it as of yet. But it did have quite a number of characteristics that were similar to a cannabis plant."

(Seriously? People who live in Georgia don't know what okra looks like?)

One of the red flags of knowing you're living in a police state tyranny, in fact, is when the government criminalizes home gardens and conducts armed raids on vegetable growers. That day has already arrived in America, where being arrested as a "criminal" only requires that you attempt to grow your own nutritious garden vegetables.

Talya Dagan #conspiracy naturalnews.com

The Inuit Tribe are indigenous people who live in the Canadian Arctic, Greenland, Siberia and Alaska. Their elders have written to the National Space and Aeronautics Administration (NASA) to tell them that the earth's axis has shifted. The elders do not believe that carbon emissions from humans are causing the current climate changes.

The Inuit elders note climate change in the melting glaciers, deterioration of sealskin, and burns on seals, and disappearing sea ice. The attribute these changes in climate to changes in the sky.The tribal elders claim that the sun no longer rises where it used to rise. The days heat up more quickly and last longer. The stars and moon are also in different places in the sky and this affects the temperatures. This is a population that relies on the placement of the moon and stars for their survival as they live in total darkness during part of the year.

The elders say they can no longer predict the weather, as they have been able to in the past. They observe that warmer winds are changing the snow banks, making their ability to navigate overland more difficult. Polar bear populations are increasing, which causes the bears to wander into the Inuit neighborhoods.

On April 20, 2011, CNN News reported that an earthquake moved the main island of Japan by 8 feet and shifted the Earth on its axis. They quoted Kenneth Hudnut, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey, as saying, "At this point, we know that one GPS station moved (8 feet), and we have seen a map from GSI (Geospatial Information Authority) in Japan showing the pattern of shift over a large area is consistent with about that much shift of the land mass."

Jonathan Benson #conspiracy naturalnews.com

You won't hear anything about it from the mainstream media, but the federal government's kangaroo "vaccine court" has once again conceded, albeit quietly, that the combination measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine does, indeed, cause autism. In a recently published ruling, part of which was censored from public view, a young boy was awarded hundreds of thousands of dollars after it was determined that the MMR vaccine led to a confirmed diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Ten-year-old Ryan Mojabi's parents say he first suffered an encephalopathy after being vaccinated for MMR on December 19, 2003. Known as a "table injury," encephalopathy is a recognized, compensable adverse reaction to vaccines, and one that the kangaroo vaccine court has previously linked to vaccines. According to Ryan's parents, the MMR vaccine caused their son's encephalopathy, which manifested as "neuroimmunologically mediated dysfunctions in the form of asthma and ASD."

After being bumped around from court to court, Ryan's case was eventually heard by the vaccine court's Autism Omnibus Proceedings, according to The Huffington Post. And in the end, the federal government agreed that Ryan's encephalopathy had been caused by the MMR vaccine, a landmark ruling that confirms what Dr. Andrew Wakefield found more than 15 years ago when studying gut disorders in children given the MMR vaccine.

"Ryan suffered a Table injury under the Vaccine Act -- namely, an encephalitis within five to fifteen days following receipt (of MMR)," admitted the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regarding the case. "This case is appropriate for compensation," it added, in full agreement with the court's decision.

Of particular note in the case is the fact that concession documents by the government remain under seal. While the court and the government at large openly admitted that the MMR vaccine caused Ryan's encephalitis, it did not make public its opinion on whether or not that encephalitis led to Ryan's other injuries, including those that fall into the category of ASD. But the fact that these documents remain censored shows that the government is hiding something of importance from the public, which most definitely has to do with the connection between the MMR vaccine and autism.

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