
Gumby #fundie acne.org

Why would a fish need to develop the capacity to breathe on land if it is a sea-bound organism? If this theory were put in reverse, then human sailors would spontaneously begin to develop gills in their multi-millenial preparation to become fish... The theory of evolution cannot explain these problems so it conviniently overlooks and ignores them. I have read lot's of literature both for and against evolution and my opinion is that Life on Earth is just too amazing and creative to be the product of random, chaotic natural selection. Cheers.

Aysia #fundie acne.org

Piso, do the world (and yourself) a big favour and read these books: [insert long, long list of creationist rags]... Also, though his work is mildly 'intriguing' and 'breath-taking,' R. Dawkins suffered being an agressive atheist and was a keen proponent of bullshit - hence, one should be wary of the personal influences of such a scientifical nut on the conceited wool-over-eyes, world-wide propaganda of the despicable evolution theory...

Aysia #fundie acne.org

If anyone remembers the case of the Piltdown Man, and how the entire lower mandible was actually the jaw of an orang-utan, they'd think twice about the credibility of Darwin.

Gumby #fundie acne.org

Of course I've heard of R. Dawkins and his books, I've often visited his web-site, <a href="http://www.world-of-dawkins.com" target="_blank">www.world-of-dawkins.com</a> [which has a large disclaimer at the top that it's not by Dawkins...] <u>The book doesn't really explain stuff well in my opinion</u>... if complex emotions are also the products of evolution, how come random natural selection gave them only to us humans, just one species out of tens of millions?

Aysia #fundie acne.org

If you're going to play the character of some obnoxious, boastful cunt with a thorn up his ass when it's obvious you don't have any personal opinions of a given subject, except the lucky logical cushioning of various links all established by evolutionist frootloopers, then it's fucking retarded to play the sympathy card and expect people to come and hand you tissues when you start crying because your answers suck.

Aysia #fundie acne.org

Volant is one of those people who thinks he knows-it-all merely because he's sweat a brow by reading a few books written by mainstream logically-challenged evolutionists who think aliens are the missing link in green neon-glo booger monsters. He can't really explain anything without having to resort to pompuous heretics (and books spewn forth by scientists who have a personal vendetta against the possibility of God) who's historical achievement in science is as landmarked as a highly trafficked pile of horse-shit... I have nothing but respect for Gumby. At least he gives precise, well thought out and concise arguments reflecting that his knowledge isn't contrived as a result of visiting a few websites and acting smart. Gumby should inspire the 'neutral' section to really decide who's living in a fairytale world.

Gumby #fundie acne.org

I see that for all the attempted rebuttals, nobody has been able to refute my claim: What keeps an evolving organism/animal with a semi-evolved i.e. non-functional i.e. practically useless heart, brain, respiratory/reproductive system alive and breeding for millions of years? Any takers?

Gumby #fundie acne.org

If what Piso says is true than if a 4 month old foetus was pulled put of it's mother's womb, it wouldn't die but 'adapt' and grow up to be healthy and productive member of society because the brain, heart and lungs aren't really THAT vital... quit acting like a moronplease.

Aysia #fundie acne.org

Credibility is what you want it to be. If your narrow-minded prejudice prevents you from accepting that unfortunately, your ancestors probably didn't jump around vines with harems of beautiful semi-woman chimps while extracting dirty lice from each other's cooch, then it's a fault on your part - not mine.

Aysia #fundie acne.org

[After that nonsense was debunked]You've no doubt fallen for the same boring easy common trap of taking things at face value. Dig deeper, I mean really deep, deeper than the cholesterol-induced, sludgy slow stream of crap suffocating your neural pathways which is responsible for allowing your fingers to type such a croc of shit. Now grab hold of that one little piece of common sense that you have (no, don't eat it) and tack it to your disgusting forehead. Feel any better?It's no wonder the youth of today are so misguided.

Gumby #fundie acne.org

How can a population evolve if an organism's reproductive system don't work??? If you cannot see the paradox's me and Aysia have raised, well that's your problem, I really couldn't be bothered explaining the painfully logical to you.

Gumby #fundie acne.org

What was it half way through it's evolution then? How did the organism or animal reproduce with it being fully operational? You cnnot ignore this paradox. At what point did reproductive systems switch from asexual to sexual? Did this mean that some organisms or animals had both a functional asexual reproductive system and an evolving sexual one?

Gumby #fundie acne.org

Sorry Piso, read all three links and NONE OF THEM explain any of the questions I raised. They go on about an organ functioning even though it's not fully developed. I didn't ask about ANY organ I asked about VITAL ORGANS i.e. brain, heart, lungs, kidneys and what kept the animal alive while they were evolving them. You can't seriously be suggesting that a half formed, unbeating heart is going to keep someone alive nor can you be suggesting that half-formed, uninflated lungs will do the same. Back to the drawing board for you!!

Gumby #fundie acne.org

That little link of up there offers no answers to the question I raised earlier: How do evolving organisms with evolving i.e. semi-formed i.e. non-functional i.e. temporarily useless vital organs live and survive? If the heart is vital for a mammal to live, what kept it alive while it was evolving that heart?

Gumby #fundie acne.org

Just so you know, I've spoken to biologists and evolutionary scientists in both Europe and Australia and NONE of them could explain to me the points I and Aysia just raised, they just say 'Oh, that field of research hasn't been fully explored yet.' Shitheads, if something hasn't been fully explored or explained, you can't declare it to be true!!!

Aysia #fundie acne.org

I've practically been terrorised for proclaiming that Darwin has more holes in his theory than a leaking boat, but the only reason morons negate me is because their concepts are flawed and outdated and they know it... obviously the only way to make scientists understand this is by throwing bricks at them.

LAET #fundie acne.org

There are some who would argue this point with you. Some study where it was determined spirits or the supernatural were somehow weighed and the result was somewhere in ounces. 1 to 4 or something like that.

Aysia #fundie acne.org

The propensity to alike negro men to gorillas obviously devalues the scientific merit and achievements of Darwin - a fallen man, in my opinion. You might also like to know that Darwin had never undergone a formal education in biology - so long for diploma mills.

Aysia #fundie acne.org

There is no fossil evidence to prove that bird feathers once evolved from reptile scales. Au contraire, feathers appeared 'suddenly' in the fossil record as a complete, distinguished species of their own... I think it's my turn to pervasively screech, 'DO YOU PEOPLE READ ANY SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE AT ALL?!'

Gumby #fundie acne.org

You havn't been able to rebutt a single one of my arguements using proven and specific scientific evidence and research, only postulations and ridiculous statements ('When it did, PREHAPS sexual reproduction had not yet evolved, that is the beauty of evolution,' ect.). According to you, vital organs are not really necessary, even though they evolved and non-functional reproductive systems are actually very functional, only in a 'sort of' way... Ladies and gentlemen, I rest my case (and my overheated brain)

Gumby #fundie acne.org

We are not discussing the evolution of organs, we are discussing what keeps an organism alive while it is evolving this vital organ, since it isn't evolving this organ just for the hell of it. You see my point?

Gumby #fundie acne.org

[The following series of utterly amazing posts from the Acne.org forum is of such unprecedented quality that it's all but impossible to nominate just one. Thus, the entire collection is recipient of this never-before-seen prize.]Evolutionists say that man originally evolved millions of years ago from a fish that crawled onto land and liked the scenery so much that it decided to stay. Now, if, as evolution dictates, organisms evolve certain mechanisms in order to survive in their particular surroundings, how the fuck did this fish, who had up to then spent all its life underwater breathing through it's gills, survive it's stay on dry land? I mean if you pull a fish out of the water, it is out of it's habitat and it writhers around and soon dies cos it doesn't have lungs. But this fuckin fish species was evidently so smart that it decided millions of years earlier to evolve lungs so that sometime in the future, you know, if things got boring in the drink, they could crawl onto land and evolve into squirrels, monkeys, apes and then man. And people think fish are clueless!!

Aysia #fundie acne.org

The Second Law of Thermodynamics... clearly shows that a system's entropy is increased as it moves towards a more disorientated and unplanned state... evolution thus totally overthrows this basic physic law. Systems should decay over time, giving less not more order. The fundamental order of the heart should be less organised over time. This total contradiction of laws has been noted by Roger Lewin1, who also seems to agree with me that evolutionists are indeed cushion-headed pillocks who should have have been dissected like poisonous, shit-eating rodents and left to die... But, I'm sure Pisshead will contradict this by cowering under the mangling futility that the Second Law of Thermodynamics only holds true for closed systems, and that 'open' systems are beyond the scope of this law.

Aysia #fundie acne.org

If my kid ever talks like that I'd scoop his eyes out, throw it in a jar full of Indian spices mixed with dog urine, and shove it up his ass with broken glass ornaments while slitting his throat with the best razor blade I can find at the dollar store. Then I'd strip off his filthy skin, and use it as a gift wrapper. I'd use my feet to stomp and squash his fucking bones, and sprinkle the dust and remains of the bones around his daddy's Mercedes.

Gumby #fundie acne.org

Another thing to consider is this: since evolution is ongoing, where are all the transitional life forms with evolving and currently-useless organs and limbs TODAY??????????? Are there any organisms today with semi-formed organs and limbs, ones that are, in lehman's terms 'under construction', due to become functional sometime in the next few millions of years?? The answer so far is a big fat NOPE!!!!.. These and other questions are routinely ignored by scientists who think their PhD in biology makes them Gods, er sorry, evolution's all-knowing gift to mankind!!

Gumby #fundie acne.org

And since we're on the subject of God, you might want to check out one of my older posts where I proved using the laws of physics and nature that God does indeed exist and that without Him truly nothing could exist. I'd provide a link to the original thread but I can't remember it so you'll have to look for it yourselves.

Aysia #fundie #conspiracy acne.org

The controvery surrounding evolution is a hype which marxists and materialists feed off like the disappointing rot of decayed meat. Most poor, thick-headed sods are denied the comfort of knowing the truth because they have this innate belief that every fucking scientist is a genius. Well they're not. Scientists: they shit just like you and me, except that they have the priviledge to spout dogmatic political agendas and label it 'logic.'

Aysia #fundie acne.org

Now that I bothered to read through <a href="http://www.talkorigins.org" target="_blank">www.talkorigins.org</a>, it only strengthens my resolve that certain evolutionary theories, are indeed, ridiculous ponce. The unfortunate thing is, I can hardly give Piso credit when he's simply cut and pasted all his ingenious rebuttals and sources off a website which actively promotes a cookie-cut guide to overpowering basic creationist claims in order to procure an evolutionist 'victory' - though mega props to him for trying to get away with it.

Gumby #fundie acne.org

This laughing stock put forth his case forcefully and with legitimate arguments and questions to which Mr. Messiah Complex responded with say-nothing links, dubious book recommendations and no CONCRETE, thematically-specific rebuttals. Ah well...................... *laughing stock hangs withered head in shame and stumbles off wondering whether pearl divers will someday evolve gills to assist them with their humanitarian work for the bourgeoisie*

Aysia #fundie acne.org

This [that Darwin's personal 19th century views don't affect the validity of evolution] is the height of mediocrity - it is a poor attempt to dilute racial stigma. If I had a personal vendetta against a given subject, there would be more than a likely probability that I would assimilate and throw this negativity into the groundwork - even refraining from being proactive in this instance, would change the foundation of my subject to some extent. Considering this is a man who fathered evolution, and also the fact that his work was an evidence of at least some racial prejudice, it is a disgusting reveal into the much hyped-up bullshit perpetuated by many evolutionists, under the sickening guise of reason.

Gumby #fundie acne.org


Aysia #fundie acne.org

The theory of evolution claims that all matter was formed by chance. By some extraordinary feat of magic, inorganic and unconcious matter 'developed' the ability to come together and form life. If this holds true than the ability for me to suddenly evolutionise (if circumstance permits) into a giant spiky eyeball also becomes a likely reality... "T Hence, it flies in the face of an evolutionary possibility... the probability of a protein being formed by chance is zero, therefore the probability of me turning into a deviant bodysnatcher to devour his guts (though unfortunate), is also zero. Also, homology, is a myth.

Aysia #fundie acne.org

The same scientists which you so cleverly admire... are now the ones who are apologetically licking Creationist ass, and confessing they were indeed wrong. Also, you and volant didn't answer any of the questions thus posed by Gumby or I - giving only meaningless links which is about as helpful as a broken condom... You merely read a few words out of a well-thumbed and outdated, pro-evolution GCSE textbook and carefully tacked it where you thought it was necessary, and actually thought this was good enough to validate your piss-poor argument.

Gumby #fundie acne.org

You know, this getting really fucking old really fucking fast!!!! Volant keeps on asking me to provide certain scientific evidence to back up my claims while I am all the time appealing for him to use his common sense and logic!!!!!..So the question must be asked (for like the 100th fucking time!!): What life support system did these evolving i.e. developing organisms have? What kept them alive while their hearts, brains, lungs, ect. were still being constructed? These organisms didn't have the benefit of a nice cozy womb, no, they lived out there in a cruel dog rape cat world. Do you see what I'm getting at? No? Let me explain. Evolutionists want you to believe that evolving organisms with effectively no brain, no heart, no lungs, no kidneys i.e. no vital organs lived healthy and productive lives. Have you ever seen a guy with no brain, no heart, no lungs walking around, pinching woman's asses? NO! WHY? BECAUSE IT'S PHUCKING PHYSICALLY AND BIOLOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Understand?????? So until evolutionary scientists come up with a feasable explanation as to to how evolving life forms with non-functional vital organs managed to keep themselves alive and healthy for all those tens of millions of years, I will continue to say'You guys are full of shit!!!!!' Is common sense good enough Volant or will you still be requiring scientific evidence on what I've just said?

Gumby #fundie acne.org

Bateria's ability to become resistant to antibiotics is not evolution, it's minor mutation, an immune reaction. Mutated bacteria are still bacteria, not fluffy rabbits. BTW, when I say that I have spoken to biologists and the like, I mean in a social capacity, since my elder sister is a biologist and she gets lots of visitors form colleagues abroad(probably cos she's a babe!!). She too doesn't believe in evolution, interestingly enough, and a lot of the arguements I have used here were first brought to my attention by her. So, for those who think me and Aysia are narrow-minded and blabbering on incoherently, go out and answer the very real and valid points we have raised and prove us wrong. My old favorite is: what keeps evolving organisms alive since they have no functional vital organs?

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