
swperson678 #fundie beliefnet.org

it is called a hyperbaric chamber, NASA uses them as well as the gov't. It is chamber with the air sucked out, giving it the ability to have 0 gravity. "You mock what you do not know." - Dan Akroyd, Spies Like Us. "

"Another good argument is dessertaion. Mathematicians, can study the desserts and determine the function at which it grows by turning the forrest into dessert as a natural event. If evolution is right how come the world is not completely overrun with dessert. Global warming and o-zone holes are modern, so how evolutionist explain the desserts which expand at a constant function? The mathematicians agree that the Sahara dessert is about 4000 years old, the same time Christians trace back the geneology of Adam.

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Ramblin #fundie beliefnet.org

Evolution is a theory that has absolutely no proof or any hope whatsoever. It is a deceptive theory invented by Satan, the "father of lies". Evolution teaches that mankind is no different and nothing other than a piece of dirt or rust, a slug, or a spider.
It is a theory that has become a religion that has denied the truth of God. It has falsely taught that there is no God that the human race has to be accountable before. It teaches you to live for yourself because there is no judgment. Not all teach this but some do.

con-oo #fundie beliefnet.org

hEY HEY BIGBOSS, REMEMBER THAT bUDDHIST KWINTERS WHO ALWAYS GAVE US A HARD TIME OVER ON THE C&C board??She still is a thorn in my side.I got a real good christian book at a christian book store, and it tells all about false religions and cults.Yep, that's right Buddhism is a cult. I got some good ammo now, The game is over and she will lose!! You and I know Gods people always win!! And bigboss the next time people give you that crap about you not being politicaly correct,HA! Just tell them, You'd rather be biblicaly correct than politically correct. Praise the Lord , my brother. In the awesome & mighty name of Jesus, Connie.E-mail me soon boss!!!

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