It has become very apparent that with the elimination of one of the driving forces that generated traffic in the past (specifically, having a muslim-loving nigger in the White House), comes a lesser infuriation centered on the nigger. Instead, most of those who believe as we do are now focusing their rage more on the new "Antifa/Resistance Movements", and others who enable the typical felonious nigger.
Because of this, and the illogical and subhuman-like behaviors of these "Snowflakes and Millennials", we've decided to allow a looser interpretation of the human bashing rules, to include these scum bag nigger-loving progressive losers. Additionally, bashing "Fake News" organizations, and those who promote "Fake News" are now fair game too.
Do not report or link fake news, but bash those who do. In most cases, those who are looking for a place to voice their discontent with these "sub-nigger Humans" are most likely on the same page as we are with niggers. Please do not take this editing of the rules to provide a blanket approval for all human bashing. Those specifically noted above as off-limits REMAIN off-limits. No gay or Jew bashing. Focus. Always FOCUS.