
Vraiblonde #fundie forums.somd.com

Faith-healing parents charged in death of infant

I do not think this is a tough call at all. Parents have a right to determine their children's medical treatment, not the government.
And there are no buts about it.
While I do not agree with the parents' decision, I also have no interest in giving the government any more control over how we raise our children than what they already have. In fact, I don't even want them to have THAT much control.

So when should the government step in? When parents starve their kids? When they break their bones and beat them? I don't really see how denying medical care is any different than murdering your child.

There is a difference between actively causing harm and merely allowing nature (or God, if you will) to take it's course. Denying medical care is very different than murdering your child.

So passively killing your child is ok but actively doing it is not?

That would be your opinion. And you are not the child's parent. You get to make decisions regarding your kids, and other parents get to make decisions regarding theirs.

My point was if it's ok for parents to raise their children as they please, why is there a Social Services? In your opinion, do you think parents should be able to do whatever they want to their child? Where is the line drawn? Is there even a line at all?

These people did not "do" anything to their child. They did not beat him. They did not refuse to feed him. They did not abandon him.
They simply took an alternate healing route - one, I might add, that many people devoutly believe works. Just because YOU do not agree with it doesn't make it wrong.

Psyops #fundie forums.somd.com

We get that think this was a serious crime. We get that you would had your child (if you had one; which it's obvious you don't) you'd have your own child thrown in prison and put your own son on (in your own words) "a sex offenders list". We get that you would have your own 14 year old son "prosecuted and ostracized".

See, most of us who are REALLY parents have a more rational way dealing with family problems; and that is to discipline, counsel, punish, and (when necessary, get our children help. You're the type that feels you have some right to inject yourself into the business of other peoples' families. You think you have some sort of ownership over peoples' lives. Most of us just want to get through our family issues, and YES, cover up our dirty laundry because, quite frankly.............. IT'S NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS. The Duggars dealt with it in their own way. How they dealt with it worked for them. The kids went on with NORMAL lives with their own families and don't need people like you coming along and trying to dictate to them how they should deal with their own problems.

You try to portray yourself as some conservative libertarian, when it's blatantly clear that you're nothing but a progressive,government-involved-in-everything, activist, busybody.

Everyone huh? By my count most have no opinion or are staying out of it and there are 4 or 5 on each side. But you can count that as 'everyone' if you want

You have made your point clear too. You would hide your son's criminal activity even when he repeats it numerous times and violates 5 different grls and you would teach him to not take personal responsibility for his actions.

Yes, I would hide my 14 year old son's 'criminal' activity because it's none of your damn business. You're a damn busybody thinking you're entitled to know what a family's 14 year old kid is doing. What happens in my house is my own business and how I deal with it is none of your business. What you fail to realize is how the Duggars dealt with Josh worked for them. They got Josh the help he needed and it worked. You'd have your kid in prison and deemed a pedophile for life. That just freaks me out that you'd be that kind of parent. I hope the hell you never have kids, because you're in for a rude awakening. But even this is a waste of time because you think you have it all figured out.

Now you go on and have the last word (because I know you just can't stand to have someone else have the last word), because I'm done with your ignorance and nonsense.

Vraiblonde #sexist forums.somd.com

Football players gang-raped girl, 11, police say
http://www.cnn.com/2006/LAW/07/10/girl.raped.ap/index.htmlyea, it sounds horrible..how could they... And I'm not saying it couldn't have happened, but something doesn't sound right.

"The rape of an 11-year-old girl may have involved as many as 10 men, ..."

"The victim, who suffered no serious physical injuries, was taken to University Medical Center for an examination.

The victim, a runaway from a group home, went to a Fresno apartment complex Saturday night to visit an acquaintance,

Yep, poor little innocent girl. It could happen to YOUR CHILD next!!

Yep. The little ho had it coming. All she had to do was stay home.

Stop that

My point is these news guys make it sound like she was just some sweet, innocent girl fast asleep at home in her bed when these football brutes broke in and kidnapped her.

They do this with these chickies who find pervs on the internet and run off with them, too.

Just because she is a runaway from a group home she is not innocent

I'm sure there are many innocent 11 year old girls who run away from their group home to go prowling for guys and end up getting raped. Happens all the time.

The article said she "visited the home of an acquaintance" where she was set upon by these football players. Was the "acquaintance" one of the rapists? Or maybe she went to the wrong house?

Hjinx #sexist forums.somd.com

Show me a boy at 16 who hasn't tried to feel up a girl and I will show you a man who has a problem with his sexual identity.
Now a sleeping girl is a little creepy, but boys engaging in a little breast feeling or fingering is pretty normal.
The jails would be full of them if prosecuted.

There is a difference between consensual petting and molestation or sexual assault[

No sh1t Sherlock. Did you figure that out all by yourself?

I believe I said creepy. I am sorry, I should have said criminal, I should have said he should be punished for it the rest if his life perhaps even spending that life in prison, for feeling up a sleeping girl, that may have satisfied you a-holes who want to crucify this man because he has made a few bucks, got on TV, and is now an upstanding citizen.

Now if he had robbed a store , had a record, and gotten shot by a police officer we would be putting a plaque in the street for him.
But all he did was turn his life around and become decent. So let's hound him, break him, crucify him.

If he had smoked Marijuana and tried Cocaine while in college we could elect him President.
But he felt up a sleeping girl.
He could stick a Cigar in a young intern and beat off in the sink and you would vote for him a-hole so don't get on your high horse with me.
He could be a woman responsible for the deaths of 4 heroes and a is a lying sack of crap and you will vote for her.

Certainly he was wrong. we all know that, but let's make a federal case of it because this guy is on the right, and not the left.

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