
You Quan #fundie google.sk

Chinese official says ‘sinicization’ of religion in Xinjiang must go on

You Quan, head of the ruling Communist Party’s United Front Work Department, which oversees ethnic and religious affairs, made the remark on a recent visit to Xinjiang

The “sinicization” of religion must be upheld to promote ethnic solidarity and religious harmony, a senior Chinese official has said in the troubled western region of Xinjiang, which is home to a large Muslim population.

China’s state-run Xinhua news agency on Saturday quoted You Quan, head of the ruling Communist Party’s United Front Work Department, which oversees ethnic and religious affairs, as making the remarks on a visit to Xinjiang this week.

“The Party’s leadership over religious work must be upheld,” You said, adding that “the infiltration of religious extremism must be guarded against”.

Xinhua said You expressed the hope “that people in religious circles can inherit and carry forward the fine traditions to love the motherland and their faith, lead religious believers to follow the right faith and abide by the law and contribute to the healthy development of Islam”.

You is a member of the influential secretariat of the party’s Central Committee.

sillygoddisco #sexist google.sk

WMAF is the largest interracial pairing and many asian activist are with white men. So isn't it odd to find absolutely NO white men who openly support them against anti-asian racism unless it benefits them?

Is the right for WMAF to exists more important than defending against racism that their half-asian children will face?

I challenge you to find ONE community of white men in relationships with asian women who vocally advocate for the cause of their half-asian kids.

The only time you see white men get invovled in asian issues is when they are defending the right of asian women to date them. Do they realize they will have asian looking kids? If all they care about, relating to asians, is their right to date an asian women (even putting asian men down in the process), how can we believe they will defend against racism that their half-asian sons will face?

Not all white men in WMAF are racist, but the majority are silent about the racism, and few actively defend against it. These white fathers, who will raise half-asian sons, would rather remain quiet to anti-asian racism unless it's directed at them for dating an asian women. So what does this say about WMAF? That they only care about satisfying their own selfish desires than understanding the racial complexities that their relationship will bring to their kids.

Maybe they don't have the experience growing up non-white to defend their kids, so this leads them to automatically put their interest as a white man above the interest of their own half-asian kid. (One example here). If it's out of ignorance, why aren't these asian activist who are with white men educating them about these issues? WMAF is the largest IR pairing raising half-asian kids, yet these white men often remain ignorant or indifferent to issues of asian discrimination, esp towards asian men. Shouldn't this be an important issue close to home for these asian activist dating white men? Or are they just like the white men they date, who care more about satisfying their own selfish desire than protecting their half-asian children against discrimination? These woman are WMAF activist, not asian activist.

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