
Mark Downey #fundie #racist kinsmanredeemer.com

This Internet outreach is dedicated to the vision of establishing a Christian foundation for the good news of the gospel of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ in the United States. The so called churches in this country, as elsewhere in the world, are corrupted with the trappings of jewish fables and false doctrines detrimental to the true Israel people of scripture; that is, the Anglo Saxon, Celtic, Scandinavian, Germanic and kindred peoples that comprise the twelve tribes, to whom the Holy Bible is exclusively about.

Kinsman Redeemer Ministries is a calling to White people to gather together and worship the one true God; to rightly divide and discern God's Word; to proclaim the righteousness of the Laws of God and His judgements; to live the truth, the way and the life according to God's will.

This ministry "will fear no evil" and will declare the realities of race, government and theology. The calling for those with ears to hear and eyes to see is physical, mental and spiritual. God Almighty is calling the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel in this hour, to gather in unity and singleness of purpose to rid our land of the antichrist enemies of God.

Pastor Mark Downey #fundie #racist kinsmanredeemer.com

Obadiah 1:21 speaks of saviors, in the plural, or guardians of God's Word, who will come to the Aryan-Israel nations and purge the jews, Esau-Edom, and establishing the government of Christ. Adolf Hitler, whether you like it or not, saved Germany from those who hated Germans, because he was a man of God. He remains an enigma to our people, wondering how one man could lead a small organization to political triumph against such incredible odds. Being outnumbered by Marxist communists, jewish-infected churches and out financed by antichrist bankers, Hitler was lawfully voted into office, not because of rigged elections like we have today, but because of the promises of II Chronicles 7:14 where we read, "If My people, which are called by My name shall humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." With the election of Hitler, Germany began to heal. The posterity of Judah repented of the jew. Germans are the true heirs from the same tribe as Christ, the tribe of Judah, to whom God gave the sceptre. But, they were lost to their identity and imposters claimed what didn't belong to them. The jews fulfilled the prophecy of killing the heir and confiscating His property. They war against Christ and Christians and continue their ambitions for global control.

Pastor Mark Downey #racist kinsmanredeemer.com

"For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth."Deuteronomy 7:6 As the word identity implies, it is the condition of being the same as something described or asserted. Christian Identity establishes who the true Israel is today according to the Holy Bible and world history. There is more than adequate and convincing proof that the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Scandinavian, Germanic and kindred peoples are the racial descendents of the tribes of Israel. It becomes readily apparent that there has been a case of mistaken identity when associating Jews with the claim of being the "chosen people".

The Jew has an identity, but it is that of a thief who has stolen the history and nomenclature of the really true Hebrews and Semites. For the sake of understanding it is necessary to clearly distinguish between the terms Israel, Judah and Jewry, because of the careless, thoughtless and often purposely deceptive usage by both religious and political leaders. The time has come when the hidden Israel nation is being revealed to those having eyes to see and ears to hear. It is being positively identified.

Only one race answers to the Holy Bible scenario of Israel in the latter days and that is the White Race. Our people are in possession of what Israel was to possess and we are doing what Israel was to do according to God's covenants and promises which Christ came to confirm. Only our people have the Bible, believe in Jesus the Messiah, call on His Name, are called by His Name, have used His Laws for our civil government and are now the object of a worldwide attack by the enemies of Jesus Christ who are organizing all the heathen under the Red banner of antichrist World Communism.

In Genesis, God created Adam, the first man. The Holy Bible is a history book of Adam's people. The Hebrew word for man is Adam itself and actually means to show blood in the face; to be fair; rosy cheeked; to be ruddy; and to be able to blush or flush. One must admit that the other races do not fit this description and therefore, cannot descend through Adam. God declared, "Everything after its own kind". From Adam, there proceeded a chosen line who followed God after righteousness. From Adam's son Seth, to Noah the chosen line remained racially pure and faithful to God. Noah and his family were preserved during the Great Flood while God destroyed the disobedient. Noah's son, Shem, continued the chosen line and these people became known as Shemites or Semites.

Next was Eber, whose descendants became known as Hebrews. Generations later, God chose one Hebrew-Adamic man who remained faithful to God and did not live in wickedness as did the other races. This was Abraham, who received special blessings and covenants from God. Abraham passed these blessings along to his son, Isaac who passed them on to his son Jacob. Jacob's name was changed to Israel and he had twelve sons, who then founded the twelve tribes of Israel. These tribes were disobedient to God's Laws and, in 745BC, went into Assyrian captivity. From Assyria, these people migrated west and became the Caucasian European nations. The United States of America and Canada uniquely fulfil the prophesied place of the regathering of all the tribes of Israel.

The people of true Israel will recognize their identity and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ and call upon Him for Salvation and Redemption, and that they will be delivered from their enemies in the "last battle" which will destroy the wicked and will usher in the great Kingdom Age upon the earth. "He sheweth his word unto Jacob, his statutes and his judgments unto Israel. He hath not dealt so with any nation; and as for his judgments they have not known them. Praise ye the Lord." Psalms 147:19-20

Pastor Mark Downey #fundie kinsmanredeemer.com

If you recall, earlier this year, I did a series called 'Rebuttal to JVT,' and I mocked their promulgation of so called prophetic “blood moons,” the last of which was Monday morning on the 28th of September (2015). And what spectacular event fulfilled all the hoopla we've been hearing from prophecy experts for the last couple of years? Nothing, zip, zero, zilch. The Pope came to America and made a big Jesuit ass out of himself, addressing Congress for the first time ever and not once did he mention Jesus Christ! There is nothing in the prophets about the rank of Pope. Russia and China have vowed to fight ISIS, because they know Obongo is Commander in Chief of ISIS. There is nothing in the prophets allowing strangers, who are not our kin, to rule over us, unless the wrath of God is kindled and we get somebody like Barry Sotero as punishment. Maybe the Apocalypse has been canceled until the next blood moons in 2033. John Hagee, one of the most celebrated jewish stooges of the century, has milked this cash cow with his bestselling book rattling the cages of his followers, with the premise that “The coming four blood moons points to a world-shaking event that will happen between April 2014 and October 2015,” told reporters the day after the lunar lunacy, it meant, “an event of historical significance to the Jewish people is occurring or will occur.” Do you think he could be a little bit more generalized with egg on his face, in saving face? It's ironic that these prophecy teachers contend that it's the end of the world, when no such thing is taught in the Bible. Nothing in the prophets indicates the planet earth will cease to exist. Do you think he cares about God's Law for false prophets? And why are so many people fooled by fools? The blind lead the blind. The prophets were never respected because they went against the status quo. -

Pastor Mark Downey #racist kinsmanredeemer.com

The jews are charged with enticing White Christian children, and at times adults, into the synagogue or into a more secret place for sacrificial slaughter. The victim is tied down, stripped and pierced with sharp ritual knives in the identical places where the body of Christ was inflicted. As the blood is drained into cups, the jewish leaders drink the blood, calling down curses upon Christ and on all non-jewish people. Only by performing this rite, do they believe they can continue to survive and prosper within the host nation. The jews are charged with mixing this blood into their unleavened bread and using it to practice superstitious magic. The jews are charged with torturing their victims, bleeding them white, crowning them with thorns, beating and stabbing them in a complete re-enactment of the crucifixion. All jews, unless they are mentally retarded, are aware of the blood ritual and its importance to jewish culture. However, only the most influential leaders, rabbis and rich jews are allowed to participate in the ceremony. Ordinary jews are forbidden because the criminal practice is fraught with security risks for the entire jewish community (as past history has proven).

Pastor Mark Downey #racist kinsmanredeemer.com

Most uprisings against jews during the past 2000 years have developed from the discovery of this syndicated and institutionalized crime. There is a trickle-down application for those jews who do not participate in the actual crime scenario. The ritual blood is used in other ways by drying it for use in weddings, funerals, circumcisions, pregnancies and older jews believing they can become younger by ingesting it. The remainder of the blood is preserved with the greatest of care by the local rabbis and sold in small bottles as certified Christian blood. Catholic scholar, James E. Bulger, states that the drinking of blood is a black magic ritual which enables the jewish rabbis to predict the future. During the jewish Passover, a jewish father will mock the Christian communion by pouring a few drops of ritualized blood into a glass of wine and sprinkles the dinner table saying, "We beg God to send down the ten plagues upon the enemies of the Jewish religion" and after they wine and dine, he says "Thus (like the child whose blood has been mixed in the bread and wine) may all Goyim burn in hell!" Make no mistake about it, jewish ritual murder is still going on today and all levels of government do nothing, because they are up to their necks in whitewash and cover-ups. Those who know what's going on keep their mouths shut and receive their 30 pieces of silver. Why would jews stop now in this day and age when they're on a roll?

Pastor Mark Downey #racist kinsmanredeemer.com

How many Christians are aware of the appalling estimate of 100,000 children missing each year? Thousands are murdered with the blood drained from their little bodies. The jewish people are entirely capable and complicit in committing this dastardly deed. The immense weight of historical evidence conclusively points to the repetitive psyche of murder in the jewish soul for Jesus Christ and everything Christian. How many of the innocent youngsters you see on milk cartons have fallen prey to the ceremonial knives of rabbis and lie buried in secret graves or were ground up into dog food in some jewish-owned processing plant? This all may sound unthinkable and outlandishly far-fetched to the cognitive dissonant mind that has been conditioned to eagerly accept the mythos of 6 million gas-bag jews turning into ash, after 60 years of Pavlovian movies, books and TV. It would be quite another story if these medias were not owned and/or controlled by jews. You would be hearing about the greatest murder plot against humanity in the history of the world.

Pastor Mark Downey #fundie kinsmanredeemer.com

Now that I have your attention from that provocative title [Why We Hate Jews], let me say that by using the word 'hate' I do not mean to imply some sort of alleged systematic gassing and cremation of the most hideous and satanic breed of people on the face of the earth, although that may be a future consideration in light of Bible prophecy.

Pastor Mark Downey #fundie kinsmanredeemer.com

Obviously there were other races as we read about the first case of Adam's seed being polluted with Cain, a cursed murderer of his brother. Cain was purged from Eden and moved "east of Eden" (which would have been in and among the Mongolian people), to a non-Adamic land filled with non-Adamites. He then produced the first mongrel offspring named Enoch. From the time of Adam and Eve to the time of Noah, race mixing became epidemic, and God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth. This sin of race mixing is so serious that God killed the offenders. However, there was one man and his family that found grace in the eyes of the Lord, who was perfect in his generations; in other words, he was racially pure. The result of all this race mixing was corruption and violence (Genesis 6:11). The narrative establishes a paramount theme that runs throughout the Bible: race mixing is not Christian.

Pastor Mark Downey #fundie kinsmanredeemer.com

How many times must the saints tolerate family members, who are so distracted from the righteousness of truth and the calling of our divine destiny, that they rationalize the sodomite in their neighborhood or at the workplace as nice people, rather than an abomination deserving of capital punishment according to the Law of God? They say their preacher says, “Love thy neighbor.” But what kind of minister would have us loving an abomination? We must give our undivided attention to God if we are to devote our lives to the Word. In this crazy day and age, context will keep us free from the clever reasoning of distractions. Every serious student of the Bible owes themselves that much. Otherwise, anyone can take Scripture out of context and make it say anything they want and they do!

How often is the true believer made to feel guilty of racism when a relative knows a race-mixed couple who goes to their church and they love the Lord just as much as we do? I don’t think so. Their minds have been corrupted from the emerging Babylon. Race mixing is not Christian, but it is Baal worship. Their judeo minister appears as a messenger of light. But, all the smoke and mirrors that deceitful workers can muster cannot distract us from the shining light of glory.

Pastor Mark Downey #conspiracy kinsmanredeemer.com

Guess who’s coming to dinner at the White House? Mongrel hordes of jungle communists— that’s who! It’s been a long time coming baby, but now the mantra of racial equality is coming home to roost. The propaganda began in earnest several years ago with the popular hit TV series ‘24’ with Kiefer Sutherland playing a counter-terrorist swashbuckler who saved the life of President Palmer— a negro with the kind of leadership that would have made Nimrod proud. However, he was assassinated at the end of the season. If that wasn’t enough post hypnotic suggestion, the jewish producers had Palmer’s brother as the next black commander-in-chief. It’s a perfect set up for Americans to be pre-conditioned to accept the very idea of a negro president.

Pastor Mark Downey #fundie kinsmanredeemer.com


In Genesis, God created Adam, the first man. The Holy Bible is a history book of Adam's people. The Hebrew word for man is Adam itself and actually means to show blood in the face; to be fair; rosy cheeked; to be ruddy; and to be able to blush or flush. One must admit that the other races do not fit this description and therefore, cannot descend through Adam. God declared, "Everything after its own kind". From Adam, there proceeded a chosen line who followed God after righteousness. From Adam's son Seth, to Noah the chosen line remained racially pure and faithful to God. Noah and his family were preserved during the Great Flood while God destroyed the disobedient. Noah's son, Shem, continued the chosen line and these people became known as Shemites or Semites.

Kinsman Redeemer Ministries #racist kinsmanredeemer.com

False prophets say that if you don't believe Christ loves all people, you're a racist. Yet Christ said, "bring mine enemies before me and slay them" (Luke 19:27). Don't think He came to send peace on earth. He came to deliver a sword and division (Matthew 10:34, Luke 12:51). Evangelism fails if it only saves to send people to a pie in the sky heaven or barbecue pit of hell. What about saving our race and nation? At one time 'Christian' was synonymous with the White race, but it has become a racially homogenized religion with every sort of perverted denomination (a nice word for cult) imaginable. Why do we have to respect and tolerate other so called religions? The first amendment to the Constitution deals only from a Christian perspective. It will not work otherwise. The diatribe against White Supremacists is used to circumvent our birthright destiny. You'll see in Micah 3:1-3 that the racial melting pot is like a horrid cannibal's stew. The melting pot people would eliminate any and all standards that would identify the tribes of Israel. They are out to destroy all of White civilization and culture. We are reviled and despised because we have the Lord within us to execute His Laws. No other race has this assignment. The order of the New World Order is self explanatory: 'they' are ordering us to bow down to their rule, law and authority.

Kinsman Redeemer Ministries #racist kinsmanredeemer.com

[From a "Church Guidelines and What We Believe" page]

4. The good news of the gospel is that Christianity pertains exclusively to the White race and that the White race is the true Israel of scriptures and therefore God's chosen people. Today's jews are descendants of Esau and are the enemies of God.

5. We will obey the command and principle of racial separation (II Cor. 6:17). A bastard (non white) shall not enter the congregation (Deut. 23:2). Miscegenation will be cause for excommunication. Each member of the church shall be responsible for developing a racial consciousness. A multicultural/universalist philosophy shall be considered sin in the camp and will be removed.

Pastor Mark Downey #racist kinsmanredeemer.com

Throughout Scriptures we find that God's order in every realm has always been separation, selection and discrimination, while the enemies of God and the White race have always been integration, equality and tolerance. The surest way to prevent White people from achieving their manifest destiny is to prevent them from reproducing their own kind. The strategy of our enemy is to mix the races and produce what the Bible calls "bastards". The Hebrew word for bastard is "mamzer" and means a mongrel or half-breed. "A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord" Deut. 23:2. Churches are full of smiling mamzers who are told the Bible says to mix. The propaganda we struggle against today is from those who misrepresent the Word of God and falsely identify who God's people married in the Old Testament times in an effort to justify race mixing. They do not have the Spirit of God, in which our body, the temple of God, facilitates the indwelling of God. Without a spirit-filled race, there is no possibility of White people fulfilling our purpose on earth. Fornication (which is race mixing) adulterates God's plan for the Ages. God does not dwell in a racially adulterated habitation. If you remove Christianity from the world, you remove God's law prohibiting race mixing.

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