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re White People More Prone To Disability Than Black People?

Disability in the black community exists and we welcome it with open arms. However, It’s not exactly part of our genetic makeup. We tend to have stronger genes than white people. Half of the disabilities that you see in the West are practically non-existent in Africa. When was the last time you seen someone in Africa with Down’s Syndrome? Not to sound like a perfectionist, but if you are going contemplate having kids with a white person, it’s worth asking for a brief history of their genetic background. There’s no denying that black people are the most genetically superior beings on this planet. Why would we ruin that by trying to breed with inferior beings?

Here Are The Following Reasons Why White People Are More Prone To Disability Than Black People:

Thou Shall Not Mate With Their Brother Or Sister

Can white people really be surprised at their high rates of disability? They’re the ones that are having children with their brothers, sisters, cousins and whoever else they can get their filthy hands on. The worst thing is, white people are supportive of each others predatory behavior.

The Skeletal System (A Quick Introductory)

Black people have better bodies than white people. We are fitter, stronger and our bodies are more desirable. Hence the fact that we overly fetishized. There must be something about the heaven sent melanin that keeps disability away from our community.

How You Gon’ Win When You Ain’t Right Within?

Being conceived in the womb of a black woman is the biggest advantage/blessing that anyone can have. Obviously white people can’t relate to that statement since they’re conceived in the feeble womb of the white woman. No wonder white kids always end up coming out with some next level chronic diseases. Although the black woman is the most disrespected person on the planet, she shall soon bear the fruits of her labor.

They Call Themselves The “Superior Race” But Their Lifestyle Says Otherwise

How many white women have you seen who were smoking/drinking/taking drugs whilst they were pregnant? You’ve probably lost count right? As soon as they give birth, their child comes out craving methamphetamine and ends up looking like Zoidberg from Futurama. And white people have the cheek to cry call us “crack babies.” Lol.

Rather You Than Me

Being black is lit, but it does also have its disadvantages. Those disadvantages are mainly perpetuated by white supremacy. One thing that we always overlook as black people, is our sheer genetic dominance. It’s important to never forget that. We have the power to change the world.

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mubzonline #racist mubzonline.tumblr.com

What Is It With White People And Their Love For Hunting Animals?

White people are well known for their love of animals. Can you believe they care more about animals than they do black people? It’s crazy right? There’s just something not right about white people’s love for hunting though. It would be understandable if they hunted animals as a means of feeding themselves. Or maybe as some sort of religious sacrifice, but they’re demons, so a religious sacrifice is out of the picture. You know how everyone says that white people don’t have a culture, well they’re wrong. Killing animals as a means of pleasure is part of their culture.

The 7 Reasons Why White People Love Hunting So Much:

They’re Nothing But Pure Evil

Who in their right mind would actually think that it’s okay to go and hunt animals for fun? White people that’s who. It surely shows a certain level of wickedness. White people love to say that they’re the chosen race and that they created this that and the other. The reality of it is, they’re nothing but pure evil.

Feed Em’ To The Lions

When it comes to white people and hunting, most people will be familiar with the case of Cecil the Lion. Surprisingly, it’s not just Cecil the Lion that’s been a victim of white people’s brutal hunting fetish. There’s been numerous cases. In fact thousands. The British treat fox hunting as a means of tradition. What kind of tradition is that? First you rape, kill and colonize millions of indigenous people. Now that you can no longer do that, you choose to move on to animals.

White People Should Be Banned From Owning Guns

So when white people aren’t using guns to kill black people or shoot up schools, they are busy using them to kill innocent animals. Even if we were to ban them from using guns, they’d turn to air rifles. It seems like there’s just no stopping white people no matter what we do.

Killer Instinct

Once white people develop the love for killing animals, It turns into a desire that can’t be fulfilled. Once they can no longer kill animals what are they going to turn to next? Because we live in a society dominated by white supremacy, guess who’s going to be first on their list? Black people. It’s already happening as we speak.

Stay The Fuck Out Of Africa

White people go crazy when you tell them they need to get out of Africa. It’s not their land and they don’t belong there. Imagine how it must feel for black Africans who have to watch and witness white people kill the beautiful animals of their land. White people are out here bidding thousands of dollars just so they can have the right to kill animals in Africa and tick off their “bucket list”.

Fuck Hunting, It’s Open Season On These God Damn Crackers

Why should it be okay for white people to shoot innocent animals. What about if we decide to suddenly declare open season on them? It would likely cause up a bit of a stir right? If they continue to kill animals, especially those that are in Africa (the land that they stole of black people), we going to be left with no other choice than to declare open season on them.

Use Your White Privilege To Stop it.

So if other white people are against white people hunting animals, why don’t you guys cash in your white privilege and put a stop to animal hunting. There’s nothing beneficial that comes out of poaching and hunting animals. White people actually class hunting as a “sport”. How the fuck can you call hunting a sport?

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