
James Robson #fundie reaxxion.com

(Note: I picked out the best ones)

The Real Meanings Of 20 Buzzwords That Feminists Use


It’s difficult for normal, mentally stable adults to understand Social Justice logic. This isn’t just because most of their ideas are completely irrational and frequently contradictory, but also because they’ve adopted commonly used words into their lexicon while changing the meaning to further their agenda. The definition of these specific words are completely different when viewed through the prism of Social Justice groupthink. Compounding the confusion is the fact that these people have basically invented their own words as well.

Knowing the buzzwords that SJWs parrot helps us to better understand their twisted minds. Here are some of the (clarified) terms and their Social Justice definitions that everyone should understand.

1. Cisgender
A derogatory term applied to those who understand which gender they are and do not attempt to challenge biology with their own delusions (read: normal).

2. White Privilege
A convenient excuse explaining why white men typically outperform others without admitting that this usual occurrence is due to anything more than a mysterious, unprovable, massive conspiracy. Oddly enough, “white privilege” does not apply to Asians, who outperform white men in certain areas.


4. Trigger Warning
Due to their intellectual limitations and frailty—so frail they can be triggered by applause—SJWs created this cautionary device which can serve as a badthink advisory for those who could easily be sent into hyperventilating, hysterical fits upon reading content that challenges their desperately maintained worldview.

5. Sexist
Anyone who doesn’t agree that all women should be treated like overgrown children while being regarded as equal or superior to men in all things simultaneously.

6. Racist
A white person (typically not a member of a Social Justice contingent).


8. Equality
The unwavering belief that not only are all people perfectly equal, but that they should all achieve at the same high level. When this (impossible) goal is not accomplished naturally, the playing field is forcefully tilted to disadvantage certain groups (white men) and favor others (non-white men), making things unequal for equality.

9. Gender Equality
Stemming from the preposterous belief that the sexes are virtually identical, a fantasy environment where men and women achieve at an equal level in all positive things while negatives are dominated by (white) men exclusively. See: equality.

10. Diversity
Fewer white men.

11. Multiculturalism
Promoting all alien cultures over the hated native Western (white) culture of the first world.

12. Discrimination
A horribly reprehensible act when presumed to be committed by white men . When committed against white men, it’s called “affirmative action” and is a wonderful federal policy.

13. Ignorance
Knowing too much and speaking outside of the determined boundaries. When they refer to someone who is talking about a certain topic (such as race) as “ignorant,” what they are really saying is the person knows too much and is willing to speak truthfully and openly.

14. White Supremacy
A belief ascribed to any white person who displays any fondness for their own culture or people.


19. Rape Apology
Saying anything at all about rape that feminists have not vetted. For example, providing common sense methods for women to reduce their risk of being sexually assaulted is tantamount to blaming her for being assaulted.

Nagato #sexist #wingnut reaxxion.com

Can't help but agree; we need to march towards Ragnarok instead.

We don't need to prove our moral superiority, because we already know we have it. A rational creature has no need for validation by an emotional one.

By now all of this feels somewhat akin to white knighting for a girl that has already shown no interest in you, where you know it's a massive waste of time and money all in the name of... thinking you have a chance at getting something you've failed to get many times before?

No, we - Gamergate as a whole - need to alpha up instead. Hell might have no fury like a beta scorn, but that still leaves us as a beta, and who takes those seriously to begin with? The whole Nice Guy™️ thing isn't doing us any favors, and thusly we need to self-improve instead.

"The Rebuild Initiative" - which I consider this site to be a part of - is a step in the right direction. Our opponents might only be able to leech onto something successful, but we can create it ourselves, and that makes us mighty. Promoting sites like RXN and Nichegamer is one thing, but we need to go beyond that: it's about time get some actual game projects going and attain a proper foothold from which to the greater gaming community.

Doesn't matter whether it's self-funded by the bigger names already among us or Kickstarted, we need to finally have genuine talent flying our flag; not just bloggers and Twitter celebs, but those capable of creating successful products in our beloved medium, and use those to openly subvert and destroy our opponents' intended censor.

Now pick up that hammer and become the gods you were meant to be.

Adam Hobbes #fundie reaxxion.com

“The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow. They come to be accepted by degrees, by precedent, by implication, by erosion, by default, by dint of constant pressure on one side and constant retreat on the other—until the day when they are suddenly declared to be the country’s official ideology.”

-Ayn Rand

The public debut of “Caitlyn” Jenner represents a watershed moment for American culture. Though most have not realized it, Jenner’s coming out party constitutes a significant “trial balloon” on the part of the progressive left and the media. It is an attempt to cash in on years of carefully managed stories on transgender “discrimination,” sympathetic portrayals of transgender characters in entertainment, and the generally successful campaign of the gay rights movement and social justice activists.

The goal is simple: normalize transgenderism to such an extent that any criticism of the concept or its practitioners will not be tolerated.

They must not be allowed to succeed. Whether the silent majority of Americans realize it or not, the transgender issue represents the last best opportunity to turn the tide in the culture wars. Make no mistake: the progressives are winning. Twenty years ago a person could openly criticize homosexuality. Today, thanks to the Supreme Court, people who do not enthusiastically endorse gay marriage are branded as bigots, disqualified from high-profile business positions, and generally dismissed as ignorant hicks whose views are outside of the scope of acceptable thought.

Media outlets have already taken sides and are branding people as being “transphobic” for not accepting the idea that Bruce Jenner is now a female. It is now “bigoted” to refer to Bruce as a “he.” Even so much as joking about Jenner is verboten. The media is rallying around him, protecting him, in spite of the fact that his refusal to get sex reassignment surgery, his sexual preference for women, and his recently having killed someone in a car accident all make him a very poor candidate as the face of transgenderism.

Nevertheless, they have made him the poster boy, hoping that everyday TV watchers won’t sweat the details and that the popularity of the Kardashians will keep him relevant. The next steps include some Will and Grace style sitcom to make transgenders seem more hip and fun, adoption by the Democratic Party as the next great civil rights issue, and finally a sustained campaign of legal and private ideological bullying until transgender acceptance is the new normal.

"The Line In The Sand"

Why must we draw the line at transgenderism? I argue that legitimization of transgenderism would constitute a cultural sea change. It would be the first time the cultural fascists had succeeded in enforcing genuine doublethink. Leftist ideology regarding transgenderism not only contradicts existing progressive doctrines (feminism), but is also literally false. You are being ordered to believe in a fairy tale—the idea that a dog can transform into a cat if it just wishes for it hard enough—and this is where the danger lies.

To be clear, I do not argue that we need to persecute or hate transgenders: people have the right to choose to play dress up and freely associate with others who indulge their delusions. What we need to protect is our right to disapprove of their behavior and reject their “science.” We must dig our heels in and fight. One is reminded of Picard’s words on the Borg in First Contact:

“We’ve made too many compromises already, too many retreats. They invade our space and we fall back. They assimilate entire worlds and we fall back. Not again! The line must be drawn here! This far, no farther!”: might as well be GamerGate’s slogan.

Of course, in the film Jean-Luc eventually agrees with Lily, though this does not refute his point about the Borg. He is right when he says that repeated compromise and surrender will not work. As in any war, the longer good men wait to fight back, the more difficult it is to overcome a metastasizing and emboldened evil.

The progressives have been encouraged by traditional Americans’ reluctance to fight back due to a mixture of indifference, moral cowardice, and bemusement. They are strengthened by the tendency of mainstream society to not take them seriously, to say “Who cares about Bruce Jenner and the reality TV sideshow!”, and to think that the goodwill and tolerance extended toward progressives will be returned.

This last point is crucial when we consider the history of previous civil rights causes. Earlier progressive campaigns pertaining to issues such as women’s lib, gay rights, and miscegenation had decent libertarian justifications and did not seek to impose much on society save tolerance of alternative life choices. (Social conservatives would likely argue that there were other negative consequences.)

Transgenderism, by contrast, imposes a great deal on American society. It requires us to revisit all questions of sex segregation, everywhere from schools to sports leagues to bathrooms. And note that this is all demanded based on the softer concept, “gender,” as transgenders have all but stopped using the term “transsexual.” They understand that with current technology, sex is immutable.

Since gender is supposedly just about feelings instead of biology, transgender logic would allow any man to claim he is a woman and waltz into a women’s locker room. There is no requirement that he pass for a female, nor is there a requirement that his “feeling” be permanent.

"The Real Danger"

The biggest problem with the transgender agenda is that it erodes our right to our own minds and to our perceptions of reality. A man is not a woman merely because he believes he is one, yet the progressives would have us believe so on pain of social ostracism, loss of employment, and discrimination lawsuits. If we give progressives the right to redefine reality, then we are no better off than Winston in 1984 when he was tortured for refusing to say that 2 and 2 equal 5 (or to continue the Star Trek references, Picard when he was tortured by the Cardassians for refusing to pretend there were five lights. And isn’t it weird that “Cardassian” sounds like “Kardashian?”)

What argument could there possibly be against polygamy, pedophilia, zoophilia, or any range of (currently) unacceptable behaviors? If the legal criteria for a thing’s identity is mere belief on the part of the subject, why shouldn’t a child be allowed to have a romantic relationship with an adult if he believes himself to be an adult as well?

Children are too young to make that choice you say? Then why are there transgender children? Surely you can’t argue that a small child ought to be able to take hormones and change their gender (a decision that will have a massive impact on the rest of their lives), yet cannot consent to sex. If feelings are good enough in one case, then why not the other?

We are not only legitimizing a subculture that will invite massive legal headache and mischief upon our society, we are also establishing a criteria for said legitimacy that is so patently irrational and dangerous as to ensure an endless queue of additional subcultures will come forward seeking the same affirmation from society.

It is perhaps ironic that it is the traditionalists and conservatives that are arguing that there is more to being a woman than copying stereotypical gender norms and looking the part. To say that Bruce Jenner is a woman after a bit of surgery and makeup is degrading to the idea of womanhood. The case of Rachel Dolezal shows that black people are not especially tolerant of whites identifying as black merely because they “feel” they are. Yet there is no strong argument against transracialism if we accept transgenderism.

Given the example of Dolezal, women should be just as insulted at the pretense of someone like Bruce Jenner. Lacking the biology and differing treatment from society that comes from actually being a woman, his claim that he “has always felt like a woman” is absurd on its face. What he really feels is a compulsive desire to play dress up: to make manifest a fetishized ideal of femininity brought about by his own psychological insecurities and a “grass is always greener” presumption about life as a woman.

Transgender people suffer from a pervasive mental illness, and as a result they deserve our sympathy. There is no reason to be violent or mean toward them. Still, we should not be expected to affirm their neuroses anymore than we should affirm the beliefs of a schizophrenic who believes himself to be an alien.

The time for compromise is over. Do not apologize for “misgendering” them, do not feel bad for calling him “Bruce,” do not be afraid to make jokes about them (they say worse things about whites and Christians), and do not ever apologize for rejecting their unscientific hogwash. This noisy .001% of the population is sick and should not be allowed to dictate to the rest of us. When they tell you to move, plant yourself like a tree by the river of truth and tell them: no. You move.

Mendicant Bias (AKA Didact) #fundie reaxxion.com

The makers of AC1 went out of their way to point out that they weren’t trying to offend anyone in depicting the various faiths of the Holy Land during the time of the Crusades (they even put a big fat disclaimer screen at the start of the game).

However, not all faiths are treated equally within AC1.

The bad guys are, of course, Christians, specifically the Knights Templar, probably the most famous of the ancient militant arms of the Christian faith. In order to believe that the Templars were really all that bad, you have to know literally nothing about the history of the Crusades, which, in fairness, the average person doesn’t.

However, the anti-Christian bias in AC1 goes beyond mere slant and straight into the realm of caricature. Virtually every Templar is portrayed as deceitful, hateful, and evil, and yet, if memory serves, there isn’t a single major Islamic (or Jewish) target in the entire game.

The reason for this is very simple. When Christians are depicted in ways that are disagreeable and offensive to them, they tend to react with mild irritation; the best of them pray for the soul of the one causing the offence. At worst, they might issue a strongly worded call to boycott a particular game. And that’s it, job done.

However, when Muslims see something that they don’t like, they react by going on killing sprees and rioting in the streets. Like feminists, they simply want something to be angry about. Unlike feminists, they’re also perfectly willing to kill the objects of their anger.

It is not particularly surprising, then, to find that, like almost all mainstream movies and video games in recent years that have anything to do with the history of the Crusades, Ubisoft’s development team simply whitewashed the entire blood-soaked history of the so-called religion of “peace”, in favour of presenting Christians once again in the worst possible light.

Well, all right, fine, so AC1 was a little too PC. But surely that was made up for when Ubisoft created a believable environment to move around in with absorbing gameplay, right?

The gameplay within AC1 is not bad, not all of the time anyway, but it’s not very good either. One particularly off note, in a game chock full of them, is of course the infamous physics engine within this title.

As I’ve said in all of my previous writings here, a game absolutely has to be believable in order to be considered “good”. There is nothing remotely believable about the physics in AC1. I could go on about this at some length, but I’ll leave the Game Theorists to do the job instead:

By itself, a bad physics engine isn’t the end of the world. Some of the greatest games ever made have ridiculous in-game physics. Case in point: HALO: Combat Evolved, where giving any NPC even the lightest of knocks with a Warthog would instantly kill him. Yet those flaws were merely minor annoyances in otherwise legendary games, because playing them wasn’t an endless cycle of—

Alexander Anderson #fundie reaxxion.com

It was a cold and snowy day, when suddenly a gamer announced online that she’s a girl. We’ve seen the scene played out multiple times across different gaming communities. By revealing herself as a female, her value suddenly increase 100-fold and instantly become as rare as a legendary pokemon.

A gamer girl will be forced to navigate through dozens of hormone driven posts from little boys who have never seen the sun. All that repressed biological male desire need to be released somewhere. However, a gamer girl has unlimited power once she manage to weather the storm. She can use her newly discovered power to have the entire gaming community under her control due to the perks of being a woman in a male-dominated environment.

Gamer Girl Privilege
It’s irrelevant if a girl is a “real” or “fake” gamer because they all receive similar special treatment. Typical membership benefits include perks such as the ability to receive extra items and help from most guys within the gaming world. Whether it be the rare items or that hard quest, it doesn’t matter. All she has to do is ask. Why go through the grind and farm for items when you can get it for free from others? A gamer girl won’t always succeed asking for help and getting what she wants, but her chance of success is considerably much higher than that of a male gamer.

A gamer girl also has a benefit of not ever being called out for her mistakes in the game. Calling out a girl for making an in-game mistake or telling her that she’s bad at the game online is an equivalent to punching or hitting a girl in real life. E-white knights will be there to defend her and you will be e-excommunicated from that social circle for daring to speak the truth.

In contrast, always expect to get blamed if something went wrong within the game, because nothing is ever her fault even if it clearly is. In her mind, she’s a woman and you are a random gamer guy who is probably nerdy. She should be paid money just for playing this game with you, let alone interact with you.


It doesn’t just end there. Benefits and special treatment extend into social media where girls already have an advantage. She can start streaming on twitch.tv or open an account on Twitter and easily obtain thousands of followers of dedicated male gamers simply because she is a girl that happens to play video games. If it doesn’t work out, she can always play random video games on Youtube and become an e-celebrity.

For any social justice argument she gets into online, she can be sure that the majority of people will be on her side no matter how ridiculous or non-factual her argument is. Her opinions and feelings are prioritized above all other gamers and she must be kept happy at all time. IF SHE’S NOT HAPPY, she’ll leave us!!! And I won’t have an e-online girl to talk to anymore!!!!!!!!!11111

The Root Of Gamergate
Women get special treatment from every level in the gaming community. It doesn’t matter if they are a casual gamer, hardcore gamer, competitive gamer, game developer, etc. They are the first priority and their needs come above all else. This culture of women-first mentality is the reason why #gamergate first happened.

Zoe Quinn first took advantage of someone actually being nice enough to let her make a game despite her obvious lack of skill and imagination. Next, nobody called her out for creating Depression Quest. The game was so bad it shouldn’t be classified as a game. Next she slept with gaming journalists in order to get favorable reviews for her terrible anti-game game. We all know what happened next—the information leaked on the internet and her white knight gamers rushed to defend her action and attempted to delete all evidence regarding the topic like it never happened.

Zoe Quinn should have been condemned and then banished into the void for her actions instead of being hailed as a martyr who is fighting a holy war against misogyny and harassment. What she did is a slap to the face game developers who actually work hard to make great games and earn those favorable reviews.

Next we have Anita Sarkeesian, a girl who as recently as 2010 admitted herself that she is not a gamer. Her low-quality videos are an insult to gamers everywhere because it’s obvious that she doesn’t know what the fuck she is talking about. She continues to mislead the public by cherry-picking game mechanics and misinterpreting ideas within games in order to fit her feminist propaganda.

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