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Jews steal credit for every invention humans make.

In case anyone (including myself) have forgotten, the Jews will steal anything that humans created and claim it as their own. One note of thumb must be made: If someone’s a Jew, their name will be heard of. If somone’s not Jewish, then they’ll never be heard of. That aside, here are the so-called inventors of the very items you all use today.

Thomas Edison, Inventor of the light bulb, the film industry, and many more inventions – Discredited (Reason: There’s no way a Jew like him would ever invented a thousand things today. This is clearly hyperbole from the Jews.)

Douglas Engelbart, inventor of the computer – Discredited (Reason: There’s no way in hell that a Jew like him would have an idea a how to make a code)

Robert Cailliau and Sir Tim Berners Lee, inventors of the internet – Discredited (Reason: These Jews didn’t know know the tools to make the internet before it’s first days.)

Alexander Graham Bell, inventors of the telephone – Discredited (Reason: The Jews have no common sense to know how telephones work during developing stages.before the prototype was made at the time)

Philo Farnsworth and Charles Francis Jenkins, Inventors of the television – Discredited (Reason: These Jews didn’t even know where the tools to make a television before it’s prototype was made.)

Orville and Willbur Wright, inventors of the airplane – Discredited (Reason: There’s no way the airplane was something the Jews thought up on their own.)

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