
Matt Walsh #fundie themattwalshblog.com

[Exert of a response to an angry Walmart employee who didn't take kindly to Walsh's bashing of Walmart employees on twitter.]

Thank you for your insightful reflections, Bob. You raise some interesting points, yet I can’t help but feel slightly confused by your hatred for one of the only organizations in the world that would actually pay a salary to someone like you.

I should explain that when I say “someone like you,” I mean someone with an abysmal, self-entitled attitude, who is proud of making no effort and providing subpar service to customers. You seem to think that you should only perform well if you’re paid well, but the unfortunate reality is that you will only be paid well when you perform well. This is a concept called “earning.” To “earn” literally means “to receive as return for effort.” So, if Merriam-Webster is any judge, you haven’t earned anything. You confess to your lack of effort, which means you confess to the fact that you aren’t even earning the minimal salary which you’re currently collecting. You are one of Walmart’s charity cases, and you should be thanking them, not sobbing about those villainous CEOs who “buy private jets.”

Matt Walsh #fundie themattwalshblog.com

*part of a blog post entitled "The problem with voter ID laws is that they don't make it hard enough to vote"*

But that’s not to say that I support voter ID because I’m worried about voter fraud. I mean, I am worried about voter fraud, but that isn’t the primary reason I stand in favor. I’m in favor of voter ID because it takes a small, insignificant measure of effort to obtain an ID, and I believe that voting should probably involve a small, insignificant measure of effort.

In fact, if I had my way, you’d need to produce much more than a license to vote. You’d have to pass an elementary level civics test and then identify by name, at the very least, the Secretary of State, the Vice President, and the Speaker of the House. Next you’d be quizzed on a few current events. Finally, all votes would be cast in essay form. You’d be asked for your choice, and then 6 sentences explaining why you made that choice. There would be no wrong answer, as long as you have an answer. People who cannot even articulate the reasoning behind their vote don’t deserve to vote in the first place.

I imagine these easy tests would disqualify about half of the people who show up on election day, sending our voter turnout numbers plummeting into the basement. And that, my friends, would be a wonderful day in the Republic.

Matt Walsh #fundie themattwalshblog.com

I have never in my life encountered a religion as oppressive, cold, and stiff as Progressivism. I’ve never known a faith more eager to burn heretics at the stake. Even a fundamentalist Iranian Muslim would flinch if he came face to face with a western liberal’s rigid dogmatism. I imagine that even a Saudi Arabian Islamic cleric would take one look at how American left wingers react when anyone deviates ever so slightly from their established orthodoxy, and say to himself, “man, these people REALLY need to chill.”

The Cult of Leftism has many tenets, and it demands full compliance with all of them, but nothing in its creed compares to the sanctity of their two great sacraments: child murder and sodomy. You must not question these, but tolerance alone will not be good enough. You must celebrate them, too. You must worship at their altar. You must sing hallelujah at the mention of their names. You must fight for a society where infanticide and gay sex are awarded a protected and privileged position. When a man decides to kill babies for a living, you must call him a ‘health care provider’ and a ‘healer.’ When a man decides to announce to the world that he enjoys sex with other men, you must call him a ‘hero’ and a ‘pioneer.’ You must quite literally give him awards for his courage.

Nothing less will be allowed.

I hope that all of my fellow Christians and conservatives soon catch on to this reality. It seems that many in our camp have been too afraid of confrontation and too addicted to approval and affirmation, so we sent up the white flag and surrendered the culture entirely. “Hey, you do you, it’s none of my business,” we said, and moved on to arguing over safer things, like the economy or foreign policy. We rejected political candidates who dared to venture onto the forbidden soil of ‘social issues’ and instead nominated milquetoast moderates who run around regurgitating platitudes about how we should ‘just talk about jobs.’ But the progressives have concentrated almost exclusively on winning the culture and reshaping our society in their image. While conservatives set up shop way off in the outskirts, liberals have burrowed right into the heart of America and gone to work subverting and perverting our civilization at its most foundational level.

It’s because they’ve claimed so many victories that they have earned the luxury to demand more than a cowering tolerance from their ideological opponents. Conservatives and Christians who tried to keep their hands clean by merely putting up with the slaughter of children and the destruction of the nuclear family are now faced with a dilemma. They can’t just tacitly endorse evil anymore — they are going to be required to give their enthusiastic and active approval. Silence will be viewed as dissent, and dissent is the highest crime.

*Walsh continues ranting about liberalism, but the blog is way too long to post in it's entirety*

Matt Walsh #fundie themattwalshblog.com

(part of a much longer blog post on illegal immigration)

-But what about the children?

Yes, the children. It’s always funny (in a morbid, nauseating kind of way) when progressives pull the “THINK OF THE CHILDREN” card. Apparently, in their view, it’s immoral to refuse children entry into the United States, as long as they’re attempting to enter through the southern border. However, if they wish to enter through their mother’s birth canal (a southern border of its own, you might say), we can not only refuse them, but suck their brains out of their skulls and incinerate them for fuel.

Perhaps we should think of babies as ‘birth immigrants’ and then they’d be protected from murder with the same fervor that we protect born children from being put on a bus and brought back to their families in their home countries.

Illegal immigration is another issue where those who generally advocate for the most sinister and diabolical institutions known to man all of a sudden become ‘compassionate’ and ‘empathetic.’ But this compassion and empathy is just a mask they wear to cover up the fact that, in truth, their hearts are numb to human suffering, which is why they feel nothing as millions of dead children pile up beneath their feet.

Personally, I do feel great compassion for these kids, but the law can’t be put to the side for them. Besides, maybe they’re better off elsewhere. We don’t exactly treat children with humanity and respect in this country.

I have an idea: let’s concentrate on granting human rights to our own kids before we worry about granting citizenship to kids across the globe.

Matt Walsh #fundie themattwalshblog.com

It's time for all of us to understand that we are at war, and lives are at stake.

The enemy - the self-worshipping death cult known as modern liberalism - has become increasingly vile, violent, and deceitful, and so we must become increasingly bold, fearless, and aggressive in our response.

[Walsh links to and comments on the video of Emily Letts' abortion.]

Let you think that dear Emily represents the fringe of the abortion movement, consider that many mainstream leftwing blogs have seized on this video and passionately defended it. But, if you're paying attention, you already know that this woman is not on the fringe, because there is no fringe. All abortion advocacy is extremism. It is impossible to be moderately in favor of abortion, just as it is impossible to be moderately opposed to it. Seeking a middle ground on abortion is like searching for a middle ground on slavery or genocide. It doesn't exist, and those who wish to find it will inevitably end up in favor, and those in favor of murderous atrocities are always extremely in favor of murderous atrocities. Your acceptance - however moderate - of a deep and depraved evil, will color your soul in blackness, and send you barreling into a darkness that will utterly distort your moral compass, leading you to bow at the altar of the Culture of Death, where abortion is the highest sacrament.

Your conscience is not a lunch tray, with all the different components separated into their own compartments. Your conscience is a bucket, and everything you dump into it will mingle and mix with everything else. The point is, if you pour an acceptance of child murder into your bucket, it will poison everything else, and soon even the good parts will be colored and tainted by your tacit endorsement of violence against the innocent. It changes you, and how you see the world. This will happen. There is no way around it. Anyone who celebrates or endorses abortion, but then pretends to recoil at any other form of murder, is lying. They are lying to themselves, and to you. They are liars, and I will call them that, without apology.

BW #fundie themattwalshblog.com

“Matt, I like some of the things you’ve written but your constant woman worship is nauseating. Again I hear you talk about how men should “protect and serve” their wives. F*ck that. You are everything that’s wrong with men in this country. I’ve had two women try to trap me with a baby. I told them to get an abortion (I offered to PAY for it) and they didn’t. That’s their choice. Am I going to ruin my whole life by letting them hold be hostage and forcing me to “serve” them? F*ck that. Those kids aren’t my business. I’m contributing to society in other ways. Monogamy might work for you because you’re a whipped assh*le but it doesn’t work for those of us who are actually trying to be happy in life. I like women so why would I resign myself to just one? No I’m not kidding or trolling. I’m just the guy who is willing to say what everyone knows is true. Your entire worldview is bullsh*t.”

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