
AvirahdeArah #fundie #racist theyeshivaworld.com

I was asked to write about racism; here’s my two cents….or perhaps more than that.

“I can’t believe how racist you are to say that before westerners came, North and South America were savage human-sacrificing warlords”
“I don’t understand how we can have a mitzvah of lo sichayeh kol neshoma and kill taf v’noshim from the 7 nations and amalek… it’s so racist”

These are some common examples of statements made by religious jews when discussing the term “racism”.

It is “racist” to say that a given race has middos and techunos which require, for the good of everyone else and themselves, to be mastered. It is 100% racist, but it’s what Hashem decided should be the best situation for bnei canaan. My rebbe rav belsky explained that the curse of noach was really a blessing. It would be in this setting that they will achieve their potential and be stopped from doing evil. Had Eliezer not had a master, he would have never became who he was.

Anti-racists can and have for decades pretended that there are no differences between races, for fear of racial crime and the horrors of the 20th century. This tactic is a failure, because “everyone knows” that this isn’t true, no matter what country one examines. We see that some racial groups consistently fail academically, socially and morally, across every continent. Not one country where they are the majority is fully developed. The anti racists themselves will not live in or even visit such communities at night, because they know their life would be in danger. Is this equivalent to hatred? Does it mean to stifle individuals who are successful… to tell them, chas veshalom, that they are bad because of their race? Heaven forbid! They are all created in the image of Hashem just as anyone else.

Arizona #racist #fundie theyeshivaworld.com

In just thirty seconds, a group of thieves managed to get away with over $2.15 million in high-end diamond jewelry in a smash-and-grab robbery at a Bronx store.

Surveillance video shows a suspect in a white t-shirt, black cap, and wearing sunglasses, acting like a customer and being buzzed into Rocco’s Jewelry on Webster Avenue in Fordham on Friday afternoon.

But instead of entering the store, the suspect held the door open so three masked colleagues in crime could rush in. One of the suspects who was wielding a hammer then smashed through the glass cases while the others grabbed the expensive items.
“Yet more incontrovertible proof that Rav Avigdor Miller was correct to blast the Emancipation Proclamation and declare that Afreakins should’ve remained enslaved for another fifty or so years to better civilize them.”

torahtotty #racist theyeshivaworld.com

[The Rabbinical Council of America issues a statement condemning a halachic ruling against renting or selling property to Arabs in Israel.]

I object to the RCA’s continued liberal attitude towards our enemies, the Arabs. The Arabs are not our friends, even though they may pretend to be, they will turn on us as quickly as the Germans did. Let us not forget the programs of the 1920's. We should do all we can to rid the holy land of Arabs by buying their lands and offering them one way tickets to Palestine/Jordan. This liberalism will only bring more death and destruction to our people. I am by no means a Zionist, but the HALACHA IS CLEAR we cannot offer carrots to those that seek our destruction.

shazam #racist theyeshivaworld.com

(On a Jewish man marrying outside the faith and being ostracized by his peers)

Doche be’yemin umekarev b’smol.

I would categorically not attend an intermarriage, nor would I do anything whatever to recognize, encourage, or legitimize the union. For example, I would never address the couple as Mr. and Mrs.; if they came to my house I would not allow them to sleep over in one room (if they chose to go to a hotel, that’s their decision).

On the other hand, I would not shut out the Jewish partner. I would do everything I could (in a menshliche way) to bring about the dissolution of that union.

There is a story told (was it another one of Rabbi Shafran’s pieces?) along that line about a woman who intermarried. Her mother never stopped expressing her love for her daughter. The daughter frequently visited her mother’s home, and eventually, due to the maternal love which was never withheld, “divorced” her “husband” and returned to her roots.

Good Shabbos and nechamah to all.

Rabbi Avi Shafran #fundie theyeshivaworld.com

[This is a response to allegations that Noah Feldman, who attended a Jewish school, and his non-Jewish girlfriend were airbrushed out of a class reunion picture published in the school newsletter.]

There is a reason why, to Orthodox Jews (and many non-Orthodox no less), no matter how embracing they may be of the larger world, intermarriage represents a deep betrayal. It is more than a violation of halacha. It is an abandonment of the Jewish past and an undermining of the Jewish future.


If one begins with the premise that intermarriage is dangerous to the Jewish people and the Jewish mission, the intermarried cannot enjoy our acceptance. There may be quibbles about the means by which we express our rejection of their choice. But the absence of any communal expression of reproach is nothing less than an invitation to intermarriage.

To my lights, it doesn’t seem extreme in the least for a Jewish school to make clear to an intermarried alumnus that, despite his secular accomplishments, it feels no pride in him for his choice to intermarry. I wouldn’t expect an American Cancer Society gathering to smile politely at a chain smoking attendee either.

It is painful, no doubt, to be spurned by one’s community. It is painful, too, for a community to feel compelled to express its censure. Sometimes, though, in personal and communal life no less than in weightlifting, only pain can offer – in the larger, longer picture – hope of gain.

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