Never giving any credit where credit is due, no gratitude, just take, take, take.
Oh dear, my irony meter is on fire again.
Whelp, let me give you a very brief rundown starting with the number 1... the actual number 1 and many very interesting ways to perform mathematical computations using the numeric system that early Europeans copied.
Second, the very codification of the scientific method beginning with the metamorphosis of superstitious alchemy into proper chemistry.
Okay there's significantly more but those two things alone? The world as we know it runs on that shit. Early Europeans, particularly the fair skinned Germanic tribes your ilk ridiculously refers to as Aryan when Ayran is a Sanskrit loanword (Sanskrit itself being a language originating in Hinduism) that means people of Iran, were extremely primitive in comparison to... well everybody at the time if we're going to be frank but the Arabs shared the knowledge they had. Which the primitive Europeans took gladly, you'll notice, before spreading themselves out over the world on a steady diet of bitten hands and absorbed cultures.
Didn't exactly keep to ourselves as primitives and connived our way to advancement until a number of embarassments crowned themselves the pinnacle of evolution only for the world to move on past their wildest dreams as they decayed into nothing. So pretty much everything you just said was false.
What have you done beyond claiming things as your own that neither you nor any of your forebears had a hand in? What did your idols the Nazis and their perverse retooling of history and mythology value beyond the ability to take by force? What were their plans beyond murdering the indigenous populations of entire continents and moving in with families encouraged to have as many children as physically possible and how is it different from what you shiver in the corner muttering to yourself is evil when anyone not of the right race does it? Apart from the claimed "murder" being some convoluted nonsensical abstract in the latter case that is.