Peter #sexist
These verses [1 Corinthians 7] show clearly that there is an obligation to have sex, never a right to not have sex. This is where the old term, the “marriage debt” comes from. It is a debt owed by both parties to the other. And withholding of sex is defrauding the partner. This is not regarded by the Church traditionally as a small matter, or unimportant. Rather if a wife defrauds her husband by not submitting and giving him sex when he desires it, she has committed a mortal sin.
For those not familiar with the term, a mortal sin is a grave offense not only against the marriage partner, but against God Himself. And, without confessing the sin, doing penance, and agreeing that it will not happen again, the woman will lose her soul and be consigned to hell.
So, we see how serious the sex obligation is for both husband and wife. These are debts and obligations agreed to and taken upon each other by the vows of marriage. The idea of marital rape is asinine and ridiculous. It only shows how far we have gotten from a real conception of marriage.
The woman has not power over her body, but her husband. Where is the wiggle room for marital rape here? There is none whatsoever. The very development of this anti-Christian concept shows that we must remove the State from marriage and restore true marriage with its vows and obligations – otherwise there is no marriage at all, only a farce masquerading under the false name of “marriage” to deceive men into its clutches.