Russia’s not, by the way, Communist. Those who don’t understand that anymore, the media tries to portray them still as our enemy. They’re not our enemy. They should be our friend. They’re actually more free and more consistent with traditional American values than we are.
They're not Communist, but they are Plutocratic and Authoritarian....That is NOT FREEDOM! They do not represent the ideals of The Age Of Reason in which this nation was founded!
We used to call ourselves in this country even though we always argued, and we believed in freedom of religion, and freedom of thought and those things we’ve always called ourselves a Christian nation.
Freedom of Religion means FREEDOM of RELIGION! Freedom of Religion....Freedom for ALL PEOPLE OF ALL FAITHS (Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Shinto, Pagan, Indigenous American, New Age, Taoist, Discordian, Jedi, etc.) TO PRACTICE THEIR FAITH (or no faith at all)! That is Freedom of Religion!
Our leaders from the time of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson and other leaders all throughout American history called ourselves a Christian nation.They don’t call us a Christian nation anymore.
WHERE?! Show me the documents and letters that have been verified by their estates! The Founders were mostly Deists, nominal Christians, Unitarians, Agnostics and Freemasons! They based the Constitution on the Principles of The Age of Reason aka The Enlightenment. They were Enlightenment thinkers. They had more in common with Voltaire than Cromwell!
But guess what? Russia the former Communist state formally calls itself a Christian nation. It is a Christian nation in Russia today. And Putin recognizes that and preserves that.
A crappy Demiurgic Barabban type of "Christianity" for sure.....but I doubt that Putin believes any of it. He's a former KGB agent and basically want to bring back The Soviet Union (but with a religious veneer).
They also believe in the sanctity of the family. They believe in absolutely advancing the interests of their people. They were on the right side of this war in Syria. They were supporting the government of Syria against the ISIS murderers, and beheaders, and rapists, and savages of ISIS and al-Nusra, while our government literally has been supporting the jihadists.
I haven't been following the Syrian War thing closely but all three of them, Russia, Syria and DAESH, have blood on their hands! There's little Black & White in the whole mess. Also; WE have been bombing the snot out of DAESH and have been working tirelessly to counter-act the propaganda they spew. Don't forget; Osama Bin Laden was found and KILLED under Obama's watch! The West LOATHES WAHABBI TERRORISM WITH A FROTHING PASSION! Finally; Supporting Muslims and hating Islamophobia does not mean we love terrorists because UNLIKE YOU, WE KNOW THAT MOST MUSLIMS ARE GOOD PEOPLE WHO HATE TERRORISM AS MUCH AS WE DO!
So; Davy Dinka-Dinka-Doo-Doo the Bedsheet Boy....Real, Red-Blooded, Mom-And-Apple-Pie, Gosh-By-Golly, Star-Spangled, All-American Values are PROGRESSIVE VALUES!!
Look up "Freedom" in the dictionary! See what a hypocrite you are!
And why should you care for and endorse Christianity....A religion of a swarthy, Mid-Eastern Proto-Hippie Jewish Itinerant Rabbi Yogi Avatar of the Hebrew/Jewish Deity?
As much as I loathe the Wotanists for making the NeoPagan Asartu path look bad, at least their choice of religious tradition makes more sense!