"Okay, let's assume for a moment that such discussions were actually occurring (and I see no substantial evidence to suggest that); what makes you think that they would ever consider using gold for that purpose? I'll state this for you as plainly as I possibly can: the gold standard does not work as a basis for an economic system, particularly if its implementation would involve the uprooting of a previously existing economic system. All you need to realize this is even a cursory understanding of the history of the gold standard, how it was implemented in the past, and why it is no longer implemented."
Or you could, you know, just look it up. China and Russia do discuss a way to replace the USD as the reserve currency of the world. My prediction, based on what is happening now, is that Russia will continue to make the U.S. "leadership" look foolish, as it is, and China will continue growing until it eventually gets the U.S. military out of Asia. Remember how things have changed; 20 years ago, the Soviet Union collapsed. A few months ago it began to challenge U.S. power in Europe.
Money must be sound; In other words, fiat currency ALWAYS fails. If money is not backed by something of real value, the currency will not last. There's a reason why our money isn't worth what it was long ago.
"Irrelevant to the point at hand; regardless of your reasons for hating a particular demographic of individuals, the fact remains that you do, and whether or not you attempt to avoid this demographic or not does not change the fact that your ideology is still based upon your hatred for these people, thus making it hypocritical to criticize another ideology for supposedly being based upon hatred."
My ideology isn't based on hatred. Even if American females were good, I would still hold the same values. It isn't based on hatred. Regardless, I moved past hate when I left.
"So to summarize the above two quotes, you care about liberty insofar as it affects you and, more broadly, men. Women, however, you appear to have no concern for when it comes to this liberty you claim to support. Also, if you support classical liberalism, why in the hell would you support China? The nation is blatantly opposed to its citizens' freedoms, curtailing many of their liberties (particulaly in regards to both privacy and free expression through either speech, press, or other forms of media) while making every effort to expand the government's power."
Funny you say that. When women got "rights" (which they actually had all along; what they got was privilege) mens' liberties were curtailed severely. I'm guessing you have no problem with a man being dragged through a kangaroo court, being abused by "LEOs," having his children stolen, his home taken, being deceived and lied to, and being locked up due to an inability to pay his ex-wife. And all this is a daily occurrence in the "Land of the Free."
Also, I don't support China. I just realize it is kicking the U.S.'s ass.
"This would imply that a lowered birth-rate in either China or the United States would result in a massive drop in population. For someone who's lived in the US and apparently lives in China, I am amazed that you haven't noticed why this isn't likely to occur: namely, that both nations have extremely high populations, China in particular. We're not talking about developing micro-nations here; we're talking about two of the largest and most developed nations on the planet, one of whom is infamous for its massive overpopulation issues. Even if the widespread acceptance of feminism did lead to a decrease in birth-rate (and I contest that this is only likely to occur in instances where it is increasingly accepted by a previously substantially patriarchal nation, and even then I doubt the rate would decrease substantially), this is unlikely to have any major impact on the nations we are discussing."
America is increasingly its population due to immigration. China, I'm not sure, but it's population is so large the results would take a long time to manifest. The "natives" of the U.S. are declining, and without immigration the population would be shrinking. You liberals clamor for the multi-culti cult, but that is national suicide. One of the many reasons I left. It's never worked throughout known history. I'm not expecting it to work now. Good luck with it, though.