Anonymous #racist

1) Without blaming white people, can you explain why 13% of the population of America responsible for 50% of the murders?

2) Why do you blame everything you do on white people?

3) Why do you pretend that America is the only country to ever have black slaves, while ignoring the fact that it's one of the first countries in the history of humanity to abolish slavery?

4) Why do you ignore that there are currently more black slaves in Africa and the Middle East than there ever were in America?

5) What amount of evidence is necessary to prove that a police officer shooting a violent black perpetrator is justified, and not resultant of racism? Are you even capable of such an admission?

6) Will you ever admit that you hate white people?

7) How do you reconcile Martin Luther King's message with your own obsession with race?

8) Do you know what "reconcile" means?

9) How can there be institutional racism against blacks if you can't name one law that is racist in intent?

10) How is Affirmative Action not racist?

11) Why do Asian-American immigrants thrive in America if it's so racist here?

12) Why is your IQ one standard deviation below that of white people?

13) Why do you claim to be superior, yet love white women so much?

14) Why do you love asses?

15) Is it because your skin is poop colored?

16) Why is the only modern form of "black" music incapable of existing without stealing (aka "sampling") other pre-existing songs?

17) Why do you believe, without any evidence, that ancient Egyptians were black? If they were, why aren't any Egyptians black now?

18) Even if Egyptians were black, how would it follow that ALL of you were descended from kings? It's an established fact that not everyone living in ancient Egypt was a king; only the kings were.

19) Why were literally all black people in the history of humanity still living in the stone ages until white people came?

20) Aside from peanut butter, can you name one thing that was invented (not patented) by a black person?

21) Why are African countries that were previously colonized currently in worse shape than they were when they were run by white people?

22) What resources were “stolen” from Africa during imperialism?

23) If America was built on slavery, why was the North, where slavery did not exist, so developed before the Civil War?

24) Can you rebut any of the questions in this list without calling them racist or playing the race card?

By Buzzfeed.



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