Lee Duigon #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

For people whose chief mode of discourse consists of shouting and calling names, any time they encounter someone who doesn’t go along with them, libs ‘n’ progs and atheists and other specimens of the Far Left are surprisingly thin-skinned.

Like yesterday, when I referred to some of them as “servants of Satan,” there was a bit of yelling and screaming over that. Half of these people say they don’t believe in God anyhow, let alone the Devil–so what are they so riled up about?

Well, they seem to think it’s just me calling them names because they don’t agree with me.

Actually, there are a number of key moral issues in which God’s Word is clear and unambiguous–such as murder, adultery, homosexual acting-out, denial of Christ, and blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, to name a few. There is no verse in the Bible that endorses, justifies, defends, or promotes any of these behaviors. It’s not a matter of my opinion or interpretation. God has condemned these behaviors, and no two ways about it.

Being a servant of Satan involves more than just sinning. After all, we are all sinners; otherwise, we wouldn’t need a Savior. It’s like the difference between an ordinary homosexual, a sinner like the rest of us, and a flatline Protestant minister who performs same-sex parodies of marriage in his church. The latter is a servant of Satan. And in this day and age, we’ve raised up a bumper crop of them.

I don’t see why that should be hard to understand, except to those who don’t want to understand–maybe because a lot of their heroes are servants of Satan. Margaret Sanger, Richard Dawkins, Alfred Kinsey, the current occupier of the White House, Mikey Weinstein – we could spend a whole day listing them. But they are all servants of Satan, because they all preach and teach that evil is good, and good is evil; they all seek to nullify God’s laws; and they have all labored to create a world from which God’s laws are erased.

If that’s not serving Satan, what is?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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