How ironic that the anniversary is still deemed worth observance considering that this "first shot" missed so wildly. This crackpot theory would never have gotten off the ground if Darwin could have seen inside the cell. It might have humbled him enough to abandon his RACIST *theory* but in the years since, you've all become much to arrogant to admit the truth.
Neverlution is totally impossible. It only works if you have a system already in place and you *want* to view that system solely through the cone of uncertainty.
Uh, I just looked out my window, and, well, that system looks good. Think something could evolve out there? I mean, all the components are there.
'Neverlution'? Oh Jesus, English Language, who did this to you? No, don't try to speak, I'll go get help. Is there a spellcheck in the house?
Racist theory? How is it racist*? You've swallowed the Ken Ham kool-aid, haven't you?
Please describe how it is impossible, and how cell biology proves it wrong? I'd love to hear it. All I ever get from people like you are insane babblings and vague warnings that its wrong, and never put out. When you do, it's the same old debunked garbage that someone else already spit out.
*: (As if their own ideas aren't racist already. I mean, this is a judge's ruling back before interracial marriages were legal in some states:
"Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix." )
And I assume , Crazed Leper, that you are a Professor of Biology, have a full staffed biology laboratory manned with real scientists (i.e. not the "graduates" from fundie diploma mills) and have made experiments that prove your assertion of the impossibility of evolution.
I also assume that you have published a peer reviewed paper about it in a well known biological scientific magazine that you can present us and in which you clearly describe the steps which let you come to the conclusion that evolution is impossible (together with statistics and repeatable experiments and their setup if there were any).
At least I hope for you that it is as I described, because else I would have to assume that you´re just a fundie with no scientific knowledge who just claims that evolution is imposible because the story of creation in his holy book is easier to understand for him than the theory of evolution.
Actually, the amazing thing is that cellular biology, which Darwin knew absolutely nothing about, has confirmed, rather than overturned, his theory.
You are right about one thing: Darwin could not have seen the inside of a cell.
You are wrong about: -your implication that the cell is somehow inconsistent with evolutionary theory
-the idea that evolution is racist.
-that arrogance plays any role in determining what scientific theories are valid or not.
-that evolution is impossible and is only a matter of interpretation.
It's not racist. The first people evolved from ape-like animals in Africa, and then some left for the Middle East, Europe, and Asia, and the Americas, and they became whiter to adapt to the lower levels of sunlight.
Not racist.
"It only works if you have a system already in place"
Yes. Starting from a single-cell organism, evolution will explain everything. It is not an astronomical theory, it doesn't explain EVERYTHING, just life, and it's similar to some economic theory about consumer goods.
LOL "Neverlution"
All observations since Darwin's time have only strengthened the TOE, that's why scientists still accept his theory, if the evidence did not support it, scientists would not accept it, that is the way science works.
Er... One of the things inside the cell is DNA which is a formative part of the science of Genetics which shows evolution to be true. And indeed provides a far more accurate timescale.
Also Darwin spoke vehemently against slavery and miscegenation laws. He wanted a society much like the west Indies with no apartheid and where black and white people lived as equals and even married. He liked brazilians as well for this reason.
Hahahaha, Funny.
It might have humbled him enough to abandon his RACIST *theory*...
Evolution is not racist.
Diffrent "races" or "kinds" refere to diffrent animal species.
Neverlution is totally impossible.
No, the bable is totally impossible.
Well, half your username seems accurate. You certainly are crazed.
As far as being leprous, I doubt it. Otherwise you'd have no fingers to type such garbage.
Didn't Darwin speculate about something smaller, deep inside, and his speculations turned out relatively accurate?
For his time, he was less racist than the ones around him.
Evolution happens whether Darwin was right or not. He merely described it, he didn't invent it.
Neverlution reminds me of the Swedish word for birch-bark horn (näverlur). Why? I don't know...
We have a system already in place, it's called "life". Life-forms adapt to a changing environment, through random mutations and natural selections (i.e. evolution).
Confusion of Social Darwinism and pseudoscientific racialism with biology, to put up a straw man of evolution. False claim that the discovery of the genetic code would disprove it. In fact, it has improved our understanding of evolution, helped to correct and generate phylogenetic trees, to understand inheritence, etc. It resulted in a new theory, the Modern Synthesis, incorporating the new knowledge. The scientific consensus is still that the discovery of evolution remains the best explanation for the diversification of life. The evidence keeps mounting.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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